• Published 1st Jun 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: IDW Comic Story - JesusG0987

What IF: The IDW story of the G5 MLP as Sunset, Sunny and their friends continue their adventure.

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Issue 6:

Issue 6:

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny is looking at something as she begins to have a breakdown while sweating.

“The nights and days blend together in an endless vortex that I now think signals the end of time itself.” Sunny said as she began to tear up. “I can’t take it anymore!” She cried out as she flopped her head to the table, can’t take much more of this as Sunset rubs Sunny’s back to calm her down a bit.

As it turns out, the Mane 6 are looking at a computer monitor that has multiple cameras that showed the many rooms of the Canterlot Castle in Canterlot that the Mane 6 set up when they head back to Canterlot, thanks to Sunset’s memory of the castle of all it’s rooms and hallways and setting up a camera up in the caverns they were in, they got the whole castle wired so that they can find Discord. But most of them, mostly Pipp, Hitch, Sunset and obviously Sunny, are tired out from looking at the screens for so long.

“Calm down!” Zipp called out, not tired one bit, neither was Izzy as well, as she pointed to the monitor. “Since we can’t figure out where Discord’s going, the only way to find him is to go back to where he’s already been.” She pointed out that if they retrace Discord’s steps on where he was already, they might have a way to find him, and Canterlot is the only place they last saw him as Zipp took a close eye at the screen. “We need to make sure we keep an eye on every inch of the castle. So if you need to blink, make sure it’s a fast one.” She said to Sunny, who is too tired from all the watch as she groans from Zipp’s suggestions.

Izzy smiled while watching the screen as she crossed her eyes. “Ooh, if you cross your eyes, the colors miiix together.” She said as she tilted her head with a smile, keeping her eyes’ crossed together.

Sunset then spoke. “Zipp. Discord is the lord of chaos, he can do anything to reality, how do we know if he does something to the cameras?” She pointed out, seeing how Zipp is so determined to find Discord, even though they need to find him and get the Pegasus Crystal back to keep magic alive, even they have their limits.

“Which is why we need to keep close eyes on the monitors, Sunset. Not one bit.” Zipp said, still watching the monitor so she might see a slight change so they can find a lead where Discord is.

“I’m more surprised that we connected the cameras all over the castle in Canterlot.” Sunset pointed out in surprise that modern technology can connect to the old Canterlot Castle. “And you guys are lucky I led you around the place to put the cameras on every corner of the castle, even in the caverns Discord is in.” She added that she led them around the castle to put the cameras in place to make sure every inch of the castle was being watched.

“And we thank you for that, Sunset.” Zipp said, still hasn't took her eyes away from the monitor one bit.

“But still, Zipp, we’ve been at this for so long, we haven’t caught our eyes a break one bit, and Sunny is already at her limit here.” Sunset pointed out, while still rubbing Sunny’s back to calm her down.

Sunny turned her head to where Pipp. I don’t think my eyes even move anymore.” She dramatically said with her eyes closed, too tired to even move her eyelids.

Pipp lifted one of Sunny’s eyelids, which shows her tired eye. “You know, you have a real flair for the dramatic, Sunny.” She said to Sunny.

“That’s a lot coming from you, Miss-My-Livestream-Is-My-Life Princess.” Sunset pointed out while giving Pipp a look that she calls Sunny drama queen when she’s a drama queen herself when she complains on not doing any live streams for her Pippsqueaks and her populatority online.

Pipp realizes that Sunset is right. “Okay, good point, Sunset.” She said sheepishly as she turned to Zipp, who was still looking at the screen while Izzy still got her eyes crossed. “But Zipp, you’re about to be outshined because I have a new song to perform.” She said with a smirk to her sister.

“Can it wait?” Zipp asked her sister while still watching the screens. “We’ve really gotta concentrate over here.” She pointed out the mission they have.

Pipp kept smirking as she placed her hooves on her sister to get her attention. “I think listening might help direct your focus.” She said,

Zipp nudges her sister off her as she keeps her focus on the monitor. “Turning away from these screens for even a second could mean missing a vital clue.” She retorted, saying that if she kept her eyes off the screens for even a second, she might miss something that might help them find Discord since anything could happen from his chaos magic.

“But perhaps my song is just in tune with your search.” Pipp tried again as she kept smirking, but Zipp kept her focus on the screens. Pipp then gave a bored expression as her sister won’t budge as she got behind Zipp and yelled at her. “How obvious do I have to be for you to realize I’ve discovered something in the footage?!” She called out, which made Zipp finally flinch from her little sister’s outburst.

“You found something?” The rest of the Mane 6 all asked in unison as they turned and looked at Pipp in surprises at what she said, while Izzy eyes are still crossed from watching the screens with her eyes like that for so long while Sunny lifted one of her eyelids’ to look at Pipp in surprise.

Pipp huffed after her outburst as she turned away from their looks with a bored expression. “Embarrassingly obvious is the answer.” She said how they didn’t realize what she was saying.

“Like we know what you say, Pipp. All you kept saying from time to time is your livestreams and your Pippsqueaks have the time.” Sunset answered while giving Pipp a look, not their fault they couldn’t tell from what Pipp is saying as she usually on her phone 24/7.

“Good point.” Pipp said to Sunset, finding that fair as she grabbed a remote as she pointed to one of the camera’s screens. “Take a closer look at Discord’s cave. Five minutes ago, this was actual footage of the cave, but now…” She then fast forward to the live channel of the cave, which is a poor description then what it was five minutes ago.

“Is that a drawing?” Sunny asked her friends, seeing that the cave they are seeing now is a drawing.

“It sure is!” Izzy answered as she placed a hoof on her chin. “And it looks like the photorealist artistic crayon stylings of one Reginald Fursome.” She added, knowing the description of the drawings from a certain creature Discord have.

“Something, or rather someone, aka Discord, must’ve put him in the caverns to grab some things and use a drawing in front of the camera in his old cave to throw us off track.” Sunset suggested, since Discord always has crazy ideas to stay hidden and do something crazy.

“If he’s using a drawing to cover the camera lens, he must be there right now.” Hitch said, stating that Reginald must be there now if he is covering the camera’s sight.

“Then we have no time to lose. We must catch Reginald before he escapes.” Sunset said in determination, going to catch Reginald if he knows where Discord is before he gets ahead of them if they are ever going to get the Pegasus Crystal back.

Sunny then turned as she pointed her hoof straight with a determined smile and expression. “Time to head back to Canterlot!” Sunny announced, going back to where they first met Discord as her friends smiled back at Sunny.

Pipp however, wasn’t as determined as the others were. “And ruin another impeccable hooficure…” She complained while looking at her hoof with a down expression. Zipp then gave her little sister a look at what she just said, knowing that now’s not the time to complain about her hooficure. Pipp saw her big sister’s look as she gave a sheepish smile. “...For a noble cause, of course.” She said sheepishly with a little sweat, now knowing that now isn’t the time since they have a crystal to rectrive and the lord of chaos to catch.

“Good save, Pipp. Now let's go before he gets away.” Sunset called out as the Mane 6 raced out the door to find Reginald as they raced back to where Canterlot is.

Sometime later, the Mane 6 made it back to Canterlot as they are now inside Canterlot Castle. In the throne room, the Mane 6 went to one of the spots the trap doors are as Hitch pried one of them open, breaking the door apart to open it up as they formed a line to climb down the slide they fell to when they first met Discord.

Zipp, Hitch, Sunny and Sunset made it to the opening as they held onto the side of the walls around them to stay in the tunnel as they saw Reginald packing some things in a suitcase as the critter was struggling to put a giant hat in it.

“Anypony else think that hat is too big for Reginald?” Sunny asked her friends in confusion.

“He’s packing for Discord.” Zipp answered for Sunny, seeing that the critter is packing Discord things now that the cavern he was in was discovered by the Mane 6 when he first invited them in, this will be the first place they will look. Knowing he can’t go back to get his stuff, worried that the Mane 6 will be waiting for him, he sent Reginald to grab his things. “If we follow Reginald, I bet he’ll lead us straight to Discord and the crystal.” She added, planning to follow Reginald to where Discord is hiding with the Pegasus Crystal.

“Great plan, Zipp. Then we will get the jump on him, grab the Pegasus Crystal, get out and stabilize the magic.” Sunset said, saying the rest of the plan.

Then Reginald then heard something, which made the four ponies flinched as they realizes he heard them as they went back into the tunnel, not wanting Reginald to know they are there as the critter looked at the entrance the four ponies were hiding as he sent a glare at it, thinking that he thought he heard something as he climb up the tunnel with the suitcase in tow on his tail.

Reginald then pokes his head out of the trapdoor as he looks around in the throne room, seeing that no one is around. Seeing that the close is clear, Reginald gets out of the trapdoor as he drags the suitcase as he makes his way out of the throne room.

What he didn’t know is that the Mane 6 are above him as Sunny, in her alicorn form, and Sunset are holding their friends with all their strength as the others hold on in a straight line, Pipp and Zipp are also holding on as well.

“What a time for our magic to glitch out!” Zipp cried out quietly as she held onto her sister, stating that the magic is glitching out again, which means Pipp and Zipp can’t fly to hide themselves in the air.

“Ouch!” Pipp cried out quietly from the tug her sister is giving her while holding her hooves so they can’t fall. “Can you loosen your grip? You're giving me blisters on top of blisters down there.” She whisperly complained that Zipp is holding her hoof too tight.

“Can you two argue another time? We need to stay quiet until Reginald doesn’t notice us.” Sunset pointed out as her friends are so heavy, she’s beginning to sweat as Sunny was on top of her, helping her with the weight as Reginald went out the door of the throne room.

Sunny then saw that her magic is now beginning to glitch out as well. “That’s never a good sign.” She said in worried as her alicorn form disappeared as she fell on top of Sunset, which made Sunset and the others drop to the floor as they fell with a thud.

The Mane 6 got up while feeling dazed from the fall they had as some dust cleared out from impact, though more painful for Zipp and Pipp as the two sisters landed on each other from the fall.

“Ugh.” Pipp groans while feeling dazed as her sister is on top of her.

“That’s loose enough?” Zipp rhetorically said to her sister in a daze look from the fall as well.

Sunset got back up and cracked her back a bit as she turned to Sunny. “Sunny, your alicorn magic is glitching now too.” She said in worried.

“Yeah. I think the more magic is glitching out, the stronger it gets.” Sunny said in a worried tone as she looked at herself. “Now my magic is starting to glitch out as well.” She said, seeing how much stronger the glitching is becoming now that her Alicorn magic is now glitching.

“Meaning that we’re running out of time. If your alicorn magic is glitching out now, it means that we need to hurry.” Sunset said, seeing that they are at a time limit if Sunny’s magic is now glitching.

Hitch got up as he rubbed his head as he turned to the others. “There will be time to count bruises and worry about the glitches getting stronger later. Right now, we’ve got a possum to follow.” He reminded the others of the mission they were in as they ran out the door of Canterlot Castle.

Hours later, the Mane 6 are still following Reginald as they stay hidden behind the trees with a river next to them as kept walking as he plays a kazoo to pass the time.

“Okay. We’re clear. Let’s go.” Zipp said to the others as they quietly followed Reginald.

Pipp has been live streaming the whole thing on her phone as she aims it at Reginald. “If you’re just tuning in now, Pippsqueaks, we’re in the middle of a life-or-no-magic stealth mission as we follow Reginald Fursome towards Discord’s hideout.” She said to her followers.

Izzy then waved to Pipp as she called out with a smile. “Pipp, Pipp, Hi! Do you mind if I interrupt with a quick question?” She asked.

“I do. But It’s too late now.” Pipp said with a rolled eye, too late for the interrupted part since Izzy just did it.

Izzy then got next to Pipp as she spoke. “I just think maybe we shouldn’t be live streaming this secret stealth mission.” She said, feeling uneasy that Pipp is live streaming their stealth mission.

“I kinda agree with Izzy on this one, Pipp. What if Discord finds out?” Sunset said in concern, worrying that Discord must be watching the live stream.

“Oh, it’s not like Reginald’s going to see it. He doesn’t follow me on socials. And Discord doesn't even know today’s technology like my phone.” Pipp pointed out to both Sunset and Izzy, saying that Reginald and Discord don’t even have phones or follow the media. “Their loss.” She added.

“I meant that we shouldn’t be filming Reginald without his permission.” Izzy pointed, feeling uneasy of recording Reginald without the critter’s permission.

“You know, Izzy’s right.” Zipp said, seeing the point. “This following thing is a total bore. I think it’s time we let Reginald know we’re here.” She said, feeling that following Reginald is boring after a while.

“You want to confront him?” Sunny asked the two ponies, wanting to know what they were saying.

“I think it would be better if we approached Reginald as a friend.” Izzy tries to reason as she shakes her hooves to reason with her friends. “Hitch could use his magic to talk to him, and I could give him a flower crown.” She said, making a plan. “Then we’d be best friends forever, and he’d tell us where Discord is because best friends tell each other all their secrets.” She finished, saying that if they get Reginald on their side, he would help them find Discord faster.

Sunset saw what Izzy was trying to say, remembering their talk back at the caves where the Canterlot entrance is, she had a feeling that Izzy was still hurting that her friends were leaving her behind as she gave the unicorn a sympathetic look.

“Reginald is 100 percent loyal to Discord.” Hitch called out, seeing the flaw in Izzy’s plan. “There’s no way he’d give us his location.” He added.

Zipp then smirked as she flared her wings up while pointing at where Reginald was. “So we agree. Confrontation is the only way to get Reginald to talk. Sunny, Sunset, Pipp and I can fly down from those trees over there and take Reginald by surprise.” She said, liking this plan to confront Reginald.

Izzy however, does not like that plan one bit. “You can’t do that to my new best friend! You’ll scare him!” Izzy cried out in sadness and a little mad at their plans.

Apparently, Reginald heard Izzy’s outburst as he turned and looked in shock as he saw the Mane 6 behind him. He then panicked and ran off at high speed, leaving Zipp, Sunny and Sunset looking on in shock at this while Hitch gave Izzy a glare at blowing their cover.

“Too late for that.” Pipp said to Izzy with a natural look while holding her phone while Izzy gave a sigh as she hung her head in guilt.

“That critter sure moves fast.” Sunset commented as she and Sunny were looking around to see where Reginald went.

“Did anypony see which direction he was headed?” Sunny asked her friends if they saw which direction Reginald went.

“No, but Pipp was live streaming the whole thing.” Hitch pointed to Pipp, who is tapping on her phone to post 'Hashtag Oopsies’ on her media.

“I wasn’t filming Reginald. I was filming Izzy.” Pipp answered, which earned angry glares from her friends, sin Izzy, for not live streaming for something important, meaning that they have no way to track Reginald.

“Pipp! Seriously!?” Sunset scolded, seeing that Pipp wasn’t filming where Reginald went.

“There’s only one rule in live streaming, and it’s that no matter what, you always follow the drama.” Pipp defended herself. “And that was Izzy. Did you see how mad she was?” She asked her friends how mad Izzy was earlier.

“Not the point, Pipp!” Sunset shouted as she glared at Pipp, who flinched at that. “Because of your careless media rules, we have lost Reginald’s trail that would lead us to Discord!” She said with a facehoof, saying that if they lost the trail, they can’t find Discord to get the Pegasus Crystal back.

Pipp gave a sheepish smile at Sunset and the others as she chuckled a bit. “Uh. Oops.” She said sheepishly, seeing that they are not in a mood for media rules.

“I wasn’t mad. Or I didn’t mean to be…” Izzy said, didn’t realize she saw that mad as Pipp came next to her with a smile.

“You were golden.” Pipp said with a smile. “It was a perfect applewood melodrama. I mean, look at this.” She said as she brought her phone next to her and Izzy.

The phone played the video part where Izzy was screaming. “Y---... G---... S---...!” Video Izzy yelled out but the words were not complete when some other noise in the video was so loud that Izzy’s yelling couldn't be heard.

“I can’t hear anything Izzy is saying.” Hitch answered as he looked at the video with his hoof on his chin.

Pipp looked at her phone in shock that they can’t hear Izzy on the video. “What in Zephyr Heights is going on?” She asked in shock, wanting to know why they can’t hear the video.

Zipp grew annoyed as she pointed to the lake next to them. “It’s that stream over there. It’s so loud that it’s the only thing the mic was able to pick up.” She pointed out, while Sunset rolled her eyes while Sunny groaned a bit, seeing that they are getting off track when they have a mission.

Pipp panic then starts to grow as she begins to shake in panic. “Oh no, no, no, nooooo…” She said as she searched through her phone as she realized something. “It’s not just Izzy’s voice. Everything I’ve filmed for the last two hours has been drowned out by the stream!” She cried out, saying that her entire film she recorded was sounded out by the stream as she came to the edge of the stream and glared at it. “So rude!” She yelled out angrily at the stream for ruining her film.

Zipp however, sees this as a good thing. “Actually, it’s great news.” She said with a smile.

“Huh?” Izzy asked, wanting to know what Zipp is saying.

“Yeah. Can you fill us in, Zipp?” Sunset asked.

Zipp then grabbed Pipp’s phone, which pointed the camera at her irritated face, as Zipp spoke. “If your phone was picking up the stream for the past two hours, it must mean Reginald’s been following it this whole time.” She pointed out, saying that Reginald’s been following the stream the whole time, meaning that they have a lead.

“Hey, you’re right. The stream was there the whole time while we were following Reginald, so we must be on the right track.” Sunset said with a smile, seeing Zipp’s idea true.

Sunset then smiled as she spoke next. “If we want to find Reginald and Discord, all we need to do is continue following the stream. You’re a genius, Zipp.” She said to Zipp with a smile.

“Let’s head out, team!” Hitch called out with a determined smile as he pointed at the direction the stream was going.

Zipp then places a hoof on Pipp’s back, with her sitter still irritated, as Zipp smirked. “Cheer up. I’m sure some of what you filmed was still fun to watch.” She said to her sister.

“It was completely incomprehensible.” Pipp said with a dry tone. “I might as well have live streamed Mom discussing the health benefits of dragon fire tea.” She added with a dry tone.

Zipp let go of her sister as she gave her an annoying look. “Now that was rude.” She said to her sister.

Pipp turned to her sister with a glare. “You’re right. Let me call and apologize. Oh wait she won’t be able to hear me over that stupid stream!” She sarcastically complained.

“Enough!” Sunset called out as the two sisters flinched at that. “Now is not the time to argue over your films, Pipp. We got a mission and Discord to find, and we won’t find him if you just complain about your film! So let’s get going!” She called out.

Which made the rest of the Mane 6 move out, with Sunset, Sunny and Izzy behind as Izzy was walking slower than the others, which is so unlike her, which didn’t go unnoticed to Sunny and Sunset.

“Are you feeling okay, Izzy?” Sunset asked the unicorn.

Izzy turned to them as they speaked. “You know, I’ve always said a moment together is one you’re more likely to remember.” She said, reminding them of what they said about staying together.

“I was trying to give you some space.” Sunny reasoned to Izzy.

“It’s my breath, isn’t it?” Izzy asked as she smelled her own breath from her hoof. “I know sugar doesn’t make the best toothpaste, but it tastes so much better!” She pointed out.

“It’s not that.” Sunny said, assuring her that it’s not Izzy’s breath.

“But by the way, sugar isn’t suitable when brushing teeth, Izzy.” Sunset pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

“Anyway, you’ve been distant ever since our run-in with Discord.” Sunny said, saying how much distant Izzy is after their first encounter with Discord. “I know he mentioned you felt left behind in Canterlot when we split up.” She added to what happened before they met Discord.

“And I know I was there to keep you company, but you still seem distant, Izzy.” Sunset added, seeing how down Izzy is lately.

“I hope you know flying off without you wasn’t personal.” Sunny apologized to Izzy, who lowered her head a bit. “If you could fly, we obviously would have invited you, too.” She added.

“Oh yeah…” Izzy said, still a little sad. “Abso-lutel-lutely…” She finished.

Sunset saw that expression and knows that Izzy is still mad that she was left behind in most activities. Even if she stayed with Izzy, the unicorn is still sad. Before she could speak to Izzy, Hitch called out to them from behind the trees.

“I think we’ve made it!” Hitch called out to the others with a smile as the girls followed the sheriff and gasped at what they were seeing.

The Mane 6 are seeing Fluttershy’s old cottage home she used to live in with her animal friends as she lived close to the Everfree Forest, and it seems to be in perfect condition as well, aside from the overgrown plantations that overgrew without somepony keeping them in check.

The girls then gasped in amazement at what they saw, with Sunset gasping more in shock and amazement at this. “Oh my Celestia…” Sunset said in shock, having only seen Fluttershy’s old home from her journal of the pictures Twilight sent her to see her friends' homes if she ever wanted to visit them someday, and seeing Fluttershy’s old home brought shock to her the most.

“Whao! What is this place?” Pipp asked in amazement at seeing Fluttershy’s old cottage as she recorded the whole thing on her phone.

Sunny became most excited at seeing the cottage as she spoke. “It looks like the animal sanctuary Discord told us about. The one built with Fluttershy to care for the creatures of the Everfree Forest!” She said in excitement of seeing the Element of Kindness home right in front of her. First Canterlot now Fluttershy’s home, what will she see next?

“This was Fluttershy’s cottage before it became a full fledged animal sanctuary!” Sunset said as the Mane 6 walked close to Fluttershy’s old home, having heard this from Twilight in the past. “Her home is usually close to Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. Ponyville must be close by if Fluttershy’s home is here!” She said in excitement, thinking that if Fluttershy’s old cottage home is here, Ponyville must be close by.

“Slow down, Sunset.” Sunny chuckled at Sunset. “We have a mission, remember? Maybe when we have time, we’ll find Ponyville.” She assured her mentor/sister-figure, excited herself in wanting to see Ponyville as well, but they are on a mission.

Sunset calmed down a bit. “You’re right. Mission comes first, and then explore.” She said to Sunny, keeping her priorities straight.

“Are you sure this is the place?” Izzy asked the others, getting back on topic. “It looks pretty empty for a sanctuary.” She pointed out, seeing that Fluttershy’s cottage is abandoned.

“Reginald must have given Discord and the other creatures the heads-up we were coming.” Hitch suggested, seeing that Reginald must’ve beat them here.

Zipp groans at this. “Nothing can ever be easy, can it?” She rhetorically asked the others, seeing that they are not having much luck.

Hitch then turned an eye and saw a familiar squirrel, who was angry, imagining fire around him while holding a couple of acorns, glaring at them as Hitch had an idea. “Maybe not, but I’ll take a lucky break when it comes along.” He said with a smirk as he turned to the squirrel with a cheery smile. “Hi, you might remember us from Discord’s little tea party. I don’t want to brag, but we were his VIP guests of the day. And maybe the last ten years…” He lied the last part, while the squirrel calmed down while still fuming at him. “...Anyways, we’re looking for our friend Discord. Do you know where he is?” He asked the squirrel.

Zipp raised an eyebrow at Hitch from that act as the others watched. “He won’t be teaching a class on the Art of Subtlety anytime soon.” She sarcastically said, seeing Hitch’s play a little weird.

“I agree with you there, Zipp.” Sunset said with a bored expression, seeing this as well.

“Quaa, kuk-kuk!” The squirrel squeaked at Hitch.

“Oh no!” Hitch cried out, understanding what the squirrel was saying. “That’s horrible news!” He cried in shock.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Sunny asked in worried as the girls gave worried looks, worried to know what Hitch knows.

“Come on, Hitch! Spill the beans!” Sunset cried out in worry.

Pipp places her hooves over her mouth as she begins to panic while sweating nervously. “Has Discord found a way to destroy the crystal and turn us back into miserable, meaningless, magicless ponies?” She asked nervously, thinking that they might be too late to stop Discord.

Hitch turned to them as he answered them. “Oh, I don’t know about any of that. But this little guy says his friend hid all his acorns from him, and he’s been searching for them for the past two hours.” He translated what the squirrel just said, which earned annoyance from Sunny, Sunset and Pipp if that’s what Hitch was worried about.

Izzy got down to the ground as she gave the squirrel a sympathetic expression. “That doesn’t sound like a very nice friend. You must be so hungry.” She said to the squirrel, so is tearing up with a down expression, telling her that he is. Izzy got up as she focused her magic on her horn. “Let’s hope this works.” She said, hoping that her magic is working now as she put so much strain to concentrate as she uses her magic to bring out a lot of acorns from the trees as they fall to the ground.

The squirrel squealed in happiness with sparkles in his eyes as he got his acorns back, before he could catch the one closest that was falling to him, Izzy caught it with her hoof as she gave a smirk to the squirrel, who was looking at her in confusion.

“Not so fast!” Izzy called out with a smirk to the squirrel. “While normally I’d let you take these for free, we’re in a time crunch to find Discord, so I’m going to need some information first.” She explained to the squirrel, going to use the acorns as a bargaining chip to get some information on where Discord is.

Sometime later, the squirrel agreed with Izzy’s deal as he leads them into Fluttershy’s old home, while the outside seems okay, the inside is a complete mess as some dust, cobwebs and some old furniture are all scattered around on the floor.

“Wow. It looked a lot better from the outside and from the pictures Twilight showed me.” Sunset commented as she looked around Fluttershy’s old home. “So this is what generations without Fluttershy looked like in her old home. Gotta admit, she sure knows how to keep clean.” She said, admiring how Fluttershy stays neat and tidy when she’s around, pony or human. “If Fluttershy’s home is this bad compared to how Canterlot is now, I’m afraid to see what Ponyville or Twilight’s Castle look like now after generations of being abandoned.” She said, having second thoughts of what Ponyville and Twilight’s Castle is now since she saw how rundown Canterlot and Fluttershy’s house is now.

“You said it, Sunset.” Sunny said, having the same feeling as well after seeing Canterlot and now Flutershy’s cottage.

“Ku-Kuka-Qua!” The squirrel squeaked at the group as he led the way.

“He says Discord’s been using this place for research.” Hitch translated to the group.

“Figures.” Sunset sighs from that. “Even generations later, Discord still can’t seem to leave what’s left of Fluttershy behind. I know how he feels.” She muttered, understanding how Discord feels, she would do the same if she was in his paws, or talons or something, if she experienced what he has.

“He must have cleared it out when he found out we were coming.” Sunny said while looking around.

The squirrel then starts tapping on a trapdoor on the floor. “Qui-Ah.” The squirrel squeaked at them again.

“Sounds like Discord made one last trip down here before he took off.” Hitch guessed.

“Oh great, another musty underground lair.” Pipp groans, really doesn't like messy places.

“Can’t say he isn’t consistent.” Zipp added with a raised eyebrow, not sure if Discord does this often.

“Must be a habit while being underground for generations.” Sunset said, guessing that the generations Discord lived underground while in the caverns beneath Canterlot, must be old habits die hard.

The Mane 6 opened the trapped door as Izzy looked closer to it.

Pipp gave her sister a mischievous smirk.“Go on, Zipp. Crawling into the pits of despair is one of your favorite pastimes.” She joked at her sister.

Zipp raised an eyebrow at Pipp from that. “You sure gave me a run for my money at the thought of ruining your hooficure.” She sarcastically said to her sister that she is doing this as payback for running her hooficures during something like this.

“It’s okay. I’ll go first!” Izzy volunteered as she went down the stairwell as she saw that it was a basement, a messy basement at that. Izzy keeps walking as she begins to get scared. “Remember to breathe, Izzy. Nothing can scare you if you’re prepared…” She cut off when she saw something growing at the other side of the basement. “Ah, there’s something moving. Intruder, INTRUDER!” She called out as she lit up her horn in a panic and shot at what she saw.

The rest of the Mane 6 came down to the basement after hearing Izzy, but then stopped once they and Izzy realized that it was just a crystal that is glowing bright that is lighting the basement.

“Think it was just your reflection.” Zipp said to Izzy sheepishly, while said Unicorn is looking at the crystal in awed.

“Also, if anypony’s the intruder here, it’s us.” Hitch pointed out the obvious.

“Hitch. Judging by this cottage, whether it was used as a hideout for Discord or not, I doubt anypony has been here for generations.” Sunset rolled her eyes at Hitch, keep thinking about laws when now's not the time.

Hitch then chuckled sheepishly at Sunset when she said that. “Good point.” He said, seeing the point.

“This is the prettiest crystal I’ve ever seen!” Pipp said in awed while looking at the crystal closely while next to Izzy. “And I once saw a crystal whose name was Pretty.” She added. And then, the crystal then made Izzy’s reflection frizzed out, which startled the unicorn as she backed away a bit. “I think your magic broke the crystal, Izzy!” She called out while looking at the crystal.

Sunset however sees something forming in the crystal. “I don’t think Izzy broke it, Pipp. It looks like it’s forming something.” She said as she saw something taking form in the crystal.

And then, once the crystal finished forming something, it has formed somepony Sunset knows way too well. “Hello, is this thing working?” It was Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness and one of Twilight Sparkle’s best friends, while older than Sunset remembered from the pictures, talking through the crystals.

Sunset was shocked to see Fluttershy from the crystal while Sunny then got so excited, she jumped right in front of the crystal while Pipp and Izzy moved aside from the overly excited Earth Pony. “That’s Fluttershy. Is she speaking to us…?” She asked, excited to see the Element of Kindness before her eyes in the crystals while wondering if Fluttershy really is talking.

“I don’t think Fluttershy’s really speaking to us, Sunny.” Sunset said, seeing that Fluttershy isn’t really talking to us.

“I think it’s a memory.” Izzy said as she placed a hoof over her chin. “My Mom used to tell me this Bridlewood legend about crystals being able to hold messages from the past, Ones that you could only see if you used magic.” She explained, remembering that legend that her mother told her about these ancient crystals.

“Looks like your magic unlocked it.” Hitch pointed out, seeing that Izzy’s startled magic unlocked the crystal.

“Quiet, everypony! Listen.” Sunset called out as the Mane 6 stayed quiet as they listened to Fluttershy’s message as Pipp brought out her phone to record it.

Discord… Listen closely, because this is something you need to hear…” Fluttershy started, stating that this message was meant for Discord, if he has ever seen it.


Long ago, back when everything was great for Twilight and her friends, Fluttershy was trotting happily through her home as she hummed a song to herself.

But then, she saw a sign that said ‘Danger! Construction, Do not enter!’ which made Fluttershy shocked at this. “Discord!” Fluttershy called out, having a guess on who did this as she turned and saw Discord, riding a Bulldozer while wearing a construction hat as he tore through some dirt and trees.

Discord saw Fluttershy as he took off his hat and waved at her happily. “Top to the morning to you, Fluttershy! Don’t you just love the expression? It’s so hopeful, like everything bad that’s happened before is just a distant memory.” He said, reminding her of what happened when ponies were fighting each other and how magic was going wild before Twilight and the others created the Unity Crystals to help bring balance when they stored all of Equestrian’s magic in it.

Fluttershy was not happy because she knew what Discord was trying to do. “A little construction is not going to stop me from talking to Water Lilly.” She said, but before she could get any further, Discord summoned more warning and stop signs in front of Fluttershy, which startled her from the sudden appearance.

“If I can just talk to her, I know I can convince her that being a Pegasu doesn’t change who I am or what I can teach her.” Fluttershy tried to reason with Discord as the Lord of Chaos appeared right in front of her.

“That would involve her listening to reason.” Discord said, while giving an unconvincing expression. “She wasn’t prepared to do that the other day.” He reminded Fluttershy of what happened when they tried to reason with Water Lily.

‘My parents say there’s nothing for me to learn from a lowly Pegasus who can’t even levitate an apple.’ The words of Water Lily still echoed through Discord and Fluttershy’s minds as that really hurt them that day.

“We did everything to help Water Lily and all the other ponies.” Discord pointed out. “And then they just abandoned us because our magic is a little different than theirs?” He added, saying that this is the thanks they get for helping ponies because they find each other magics different from one another.

Fluttershy then spoke again. “I know it’s hurtful, but what’s important to remember is that our magic separates us…” She tried to get Discord to understand but was cut off.

“It can destroy us.” Discord finished as he gave an angry look while flames formed around him, thinking that magic is the source of the problem as he poofed away.

Fluttershy then gave a sad expression as she sat on her haunches as she lowered her head. “I was going to say it can also bring us together…” She finished, seeing that Discord is too hurt to even listen.

Sometime later, Fluttershy then brought out a crystal with Angel next to her as she tapped the crystal a bit.

“Hello, is this thing on?” Fluttershy asked herself, wanting to make sure the crystal was working as she spoke closely to it. “Discord… Listen closely, because this is something you need to hear…” She started as she then gave an irritated look. “And stop rolling your eyes at me like that! I know you are because I know you better than anypony else.” She called out, knowing Discord well enough if he does that, just to be sure if he does as Fluttershy gave a sympathetic look at the crystal as she continued. “Which is why I can tell how hard it’s been for you to let go of the pain caused by these magical divides. I’m creating this message for you in the hopes that every time you feel overwhelmed, you can listen and remind yourself why anger is not the answer.” She said to the crystals, a little something to remind Discord if he ever forgot the lessons he learned.

End of Flashback.

Our magic does make us different…” Fluttershy continued her message as the Mane 6 listened to what she just recorded while Pipp was still recording the message. “...And that’s something we should embrace…” She said to the message.

What the Mane 6 didn’t know is that while listening to Fluttershy’s message, the squirrel is sneakily grabbing a ‘Daring Do’ book as he then ran up back upstairs while the Mane 6 are still watching the message.

Lead with your heart, Discord. It will always show you the way.” Fluttershy finished the message while the Mane 6 are having some mixed thoughts about this whole thing.

Izzy gave a sad look after watching the message. “Poor Discord.” She said, feeling sorry for Discord for what he is going through.

“Poor Discord?” Zipp asked incredibly to Izzy from what she just said. “He’s trying to get rid of all magic!” She pointed out, reminding Izzy what he is trying to do.

“But Discord is hurting, Zipp.” Sunset called out while giving a look to Zipp, who flinched a bit from that. “He’s been through so much that he still has been hurting after what has happened from what he told us about that magic divide thing. While I do see what Discord is doing wrong, I still feel sorry for him. He’s been alone while hurting himself of something that still hurts his feelings to this day.” She added, now fully understanding why Discord is doing this and why he still sees magic as the problem. “And I know that feeling of losing something, or rather someone, way too well.” She said, reminding them of how Sunset felt the same way when she returned to Equestria to find out so much has changed and everypony she knew was gone.

Zipp sighs as she gets the point. “Okay. I guess you’re right, Sunset. I guess I do feel a little bad for Discord, but I still don’t like what he is doing.” She said, still not fond of Discord’s actions right now.

“I understand, Zipp.” Sunset said with a nod in understanding.

“And we still have no clue where he is.” Hitch pointed out, still having no lead on where Discord is now.

“Back to square one.” Pipp sighs at this. “It’s really starting to feel like home these days.” She added.

“We must not give up. As we are getting closer than we thought.” Sunset pointed out, seeing how far they are if they are at Fluttershy’s cottage.

Sunny then gets a determined look as she raises her hoof in the air. “Sunset’s right. We made it all the way here, and we’ll figure out where Discord is too.” She said, agreeing with Sunset. “From this point on, nothing slips past us.” She added.

When the Mane 6 don’t realize that something did slip past them without any of them knowing.

Sometime later, in a place not too far away, Discord, while wearing his travel hat with Reginald next him, gave the squirrel a clap with a smile once it gave him the book.

“Thank Canterlot!” Discord thanked ‘Canterlot’ with a smile as the squirrel smiled at Discord before giving him the book as he gave a glare at Reginald, who was scared at Discord’s look. “It’s one thing to lead our rivals straight to our sanctuary, but then to leave a vital key to our plan behind?” He rhetorically asked Reignald as he held up the Daring Do book, which is titled ‘Daring Do and the Curse of the Basaltic Caves’. “If they'd found this book, we’d be failures, castaways, garbage left to rot in a world with magic for the rest of eternity. But with it, we can finally--” He was about to finish but was interrupted.

‘Canterlot’ jumped onto Discord’s left arm as he squeaked at him. “Squee-eee-eaa-sque!” He squeaked.

“No, not destroy everypony in Equestria.” Discord said to ‘Canterlot’ with an annoying expression, having learned from Fluttershy how to speak from animals during his time with him, as he will not do something that will destroy lives, that’s not him. “Have you been paying any attention to our plan?” He asked ‘Canterlot’ as he then gave a serious expression as he looked on straight as he continued where he left off. “With this book, we can finally create peace by ridding Equestria of magic once and for all. Now let’s get moving. We have a crystal to destroy.” He said seriously to animal friends, thinking he is doing the right thing to bring peace to Equestria by ridding the magic as they set off to their next plan.

End of Issue 6.