• Published 26th Jun 2022
  • 686 Views, 36 Comments

Diary of *illegibly smudged* - Thought Prism

Found in what remained of Ponyville XXXX years after the Event.

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Page 139

*illegibly smudged*

Lucky seemed especially insistent I leave the house this morning, even though we were intending to spend the day inside as a family trying to relax. *illegibly smudged* was a bit sad, but I promised I'd make it up to her later. As she watched over *illegibly smudged* at home, I followed Lucky, gleaming bright to my eyes. As it turned out, it was for the best that it wasn't a family stroll, as Lucky took me all the way into the heart of the Everfree Forest. No monsters approached us; if anything, the wood was eerily quiet as we passed, the forces within perhaps sensing a greater power. Arriving at the Castle of the Two Sisters, the looming structure still only partially restored, Lucky led me through the ancient passageways straight to the library. All of the books had been moved, but there was a secret door which led to a room with a great pit, its fathomless depths stirring the strange echoes in the back of my skull to a fever pitch. From within it, Lucky fetched a book, a circle of spikes bordering a sigil on its stone cover. Eventually intuiting their purpose, I pricked the frog of my hoof on one and let my lifeblood seep into the cracks. When I did, the book's contents changed. What was once a spell in simple Equish became... something else. Deciphering its meaning will take time, and such is my task. Lucky buzzes to me so.

*illegibly smudged*

While *illegibly smudged* was rightfully upset that I was gone all day yesterday, and I did what I could to soothe her worries, I could not stop myself from returning to the Book whenever I could find a spare moment. The longer I stare at the twisting runes and interlocking lines which should not be straight but are, the more I understand. It is a map, and an instruction manual, and a key, all that and more! Yet the Book is but a lost fraction of a fraction of what it will bring. Each page is an oozing string, the universe is a fabric, and I am the needle, willed by limbs seen and unseen.