• Published 29th May 2022
  • 5,020 Views, 390 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode IV "Friendship Games" - Maximus_Reborn

The Friendship Games are set to begin, and figments from Peter's past resurface in the form of Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle and Abacus Cinch. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her meaning and place in the world. Let the games begin!

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Epilogue: "Endless Possibilities"

Epilogue “Endless Possibilities”

“Folks, I am an honest man. I have only my word to give, and I trust all of my fine viewers to spread it to the masses,” Jameson muttered, inhaling deeply before slamming his open palms onto his desk. “Spider-Man continues to be the biggest menace in this city! Yesterday, I bore witness to a monster terrorizing all of the children at the Friendship Games, and you want to know what that webbed freak was doing? Standing idly by while a young girl took it upon herself to solve the issue! Her name is Sunset Shimmer, a student of Canterlot High.”

Pausing, the man cleared his throat and eased back into his chair. “Now, do not misunderstand my meaning. I do not condone vigilantism, and I am fair. But there’s a difference between Sunset and Spider-Man. Sunset doesn’t hide behind a mask, and she did what was absolutely necessary.” Jameson removed his cigar from his mouth, pointing it at the camera. “Spider-Man is a hotshot, sticking his head out only for the glory, and he always goes back into hiding until it benefits him!” He paused, glancing to the side. “What? I’m contradicting myself? If I wanted your opinion, Jared, I’d pay you for it! Now, shut up and keep the camera steady!”

Shooting up from his chair, Jameson stood upright and walked to the side. However, the camera didn’t follow. “Jared! What are you doing?! We’re live! Come on! What am I paying you for?!” Suddenly, the view shifted sharply, crashing to the floor before hastily straightening back onto Jameson. The man eyed the camera with a scowl. “Well, as long as I’m breathing, I’ll never let Spider-Man have the glory, and I’ll be the voice that calls it like it is! He’s destructive and out to silence me! Need proof? Here it is!”

Afterward, Jameson slapped a photo onto the camera’s screen of a car with its door missing, and he fumed, taking in bated breaths through gritted teeth. “Witnesses caught Spider-Man vandalizing my car right before the annual Friendship Games between Crystal Prep and Canterlot High! Instead of holding himself accountable, that creep fled the scene of the crime like the criminal that he is!” Tossing the picture to the side, Jameson continued to pace across the room with the camera barely managing to follow his movements. “I was only there to support my niece, but I was attacked for speaking only the truth! Where is the justice in that?!”

Soon, a small pair of pink hands took hold of Jameson’s, prompting the older man to glance towards the source. “Be careful, Uncle Jameson. Remember your blood pressure,” a voice sweetly declared off screen. Inhaling deeply before sighing, he took a seat while the camera panned to the side until Diamond Tiara was at the center. Once in full focus, the girl raised a finger and waved it. “I don’t understand why some of you think Spider-Man is doing any good. He destroyed my uncle’s billboard, ruined the Battle of the Bands, picked a fight with that meathead Juggernaut at my school, and made the Friendship Games all about him!”

Her composure steadily slipped, evident by the pen in her trembling grasp squeaking in protest as it struggled not to snap. However, the girl straightened her poofy hair before smirking. “Not to worry. I have a funny feeling that Spider-Man will be disappointing some of you very soon.” Clearing her throat, Diamond Tiara’s demeanor perked before she smiled widely. “Uncle Jameson and I will continue to deliver Just the Facts! More of you are seeing the truth as we officially have over five thousand followers on our social media! Donate to our Paypal to help Uncle Jameson pay for the damages to his car! This is Just the Facts!”

Peter lowered his head, groaning while closing his phone as he sat alone on a bench. The sun rose through the clouds, clearing the cloudy skies. The aftermath of the Friendship Games was still evident as both students from Crystal Prep and Canterlot High filled the courtyard. However, the air had eased, allowing everyone to mingle on much friendlier terms.

Yet, Peter’s face twisted with disgust as his gaze fell on the golden medals draped around everyone’s neck. “This is so lame,” he groaned before a student walked by with a box in hand, tossing a golden medal in his lap. The gesture seemed to have only angered Peter further, evident by his twitching brow. He gripped the small trinket in hand, glaring at its shiny surface. “Why did I get one?! I didn’t even compete!”

“Tell me about it. This entire fiasco is a farce,” a voice declared from the side, freeing Peter from his self-induced trance. Blueblood took a seat next to his friend, frowning as he removed the medal’s strap from around his own neck. “There should either be a clear cut winner and loser. A draw would have made more sense as well. This mindset that everyone wins is patronizing.”

Bemused, Peter shook his head and glared at nothing in particular. “We had home-field advantage, and we were responsible for any on-field hazards. Crystal Prep won by default the second those monster plants showed up, but I keep getting shut down everytime I bring it up.” The young man rolled his eyes and huffed, exasperated. “Everyone is so desperate for a win here that they can’t see this is a far worse result. Sure, they didn’t lose, but they didn’t win either.”

Blueblood arched a brow, smirking. “You know, for someone who doesn’t care about sports, you’re strangely passionate about this.” Waving his hand dismissively upon receiving a glare from his colleague, the blonde simply inhaled deeply before sighing. “Don’t worry. I’m in full agreement. If anything, your stance makes me respect you even more than usual.”

“I second that,” another voice interjected, prompting both boys to glance towards the source. Flash Thompson walked up to the pair with his medal in hand, alternating his gaze between them and the trinket. Peter readied himself to stand from his seat apprehensively, but Flash simply raised his hands defensively, displaying his peaceful intentions. “Easy, Parker. I just overheard you talking. Are you telling me that you hate that we won?”

Peter nodded without a hint of hesitation. “It’s more about how we won. Hard to brag about a victory when it's just handed to you on a silver platter. There’s at least a benefit to losing: you learn from your mistakes. Trust me. I do that well.”

Blueblood blinked at his friend, pursing his lips. “How can you be both inspiring and self-deprecating at the same time?”

Shrugging, the young man glanced at the dumpster a few yards away and half-heartedly pointed a thumb in its direction. “It’s a talent,” Peter mumbled, flicking the medal from his grasp. The item glided briefly before landing perfectly in the trash. Afterward, Peter returned his attention to the jock. “If you want to beat me up over it, toss me in the dumpster, or whatever, then get it over with. It won’t change my mind, Flash.”

Yet, Flash simply shook his head. “No way. This is the one time we can agree on something.” He turned, mirroring Peter’s previous action and tossing the medal into the open dumpster. Just before anyone could respond, Flash turned to depart. “You’re still a total lame-o, Parker, but I can respect you for having the pride of a man. Smell you later.” Waving his hand, the blonde left the pair and chuckled before a girl with poofy orange hair took hold of his arm. “Let’s get out of here, Adagio.”

Peter blinked, narrowing his gaze on the girl as she shot him a passing violet glare, but he dismissed the thought once they had left the vicinity. “Eugene and I having a moment. Guess that just completes this weird set of days.”

A pair of shrieks echoed throughout the vicinity as a mob of girls from both Crystal Prep and Canterlot High rushed towards the bench. Blueblood calmly stood from his seat, whispering, “That’s my cue. We’ll keep in touch.”

As he brushed a hand through his silky blonde hair, the young man extended a closed hand to Peter. The two boys quietly shared a fistbump before Blueblood straightened his collar. The girls swarmed the taller boy, shoving Peter out of proximity. Yet, Blueblood paid them no mind and simply walked away, with the mob following.

Pulling himself back to his feet, Peter closed his eyes and huffed. A hand steadily reached out from behind, ready to fall over his shoulder. Yet, Peter snapped back out of reach, twitching involuntarily. His eyes widened, falling onto the source, but his nerves quickly dissipated upon recognizing the flow of short blonde hair and blue gaze. The man chuckled before dropping his leather jacket onto the nearest bench, revealing his muscular frame as his black shirt hugged his frame tightly.

“Easy, Bro! I think you need to invest in some decaf,” the man grinned, eyeing Peter with an arched brow. “You put on some weight since I last saw you! Now, you’re not a total twig!”

Peter’s eyes widened as he could only smile. “No way! Is that you, Eddie?!” The pair embraced, albeit briefly before the blonde pulled the smaller boy into a firm yet friendly headlock. They soon parted, with Peter holding out his hands. “Dude! What brings you here?!”

Eddie smirked, retrieving a small camera from his pocket. “I’m a freelance photographer. I was in town for the Friendship Games to take some pics of the event for a client. You go to school here?”

Nodding, Peter’s expression grew blank. “Yeah. I just transferred here a couple of weeks ago.”

“Small world. I was wondering where you might have gone after what happened to Empire State,” Eddie stated, oblivious as beads of sweat trailed down the side of Peter’s face. Afterward, as if a realization came into mind, the blonde’s complexion paled. “Aw, crap. Things got so crazy that I forgot to take some pictures. I sure hope my client doesn’t flip out about it.”

“Photography, huh? I couldn’t imagine working in that field,” Peter declared, smirking, “Who‘s your client?”

“You listen to a podcast called Just the Facts?” Eddie questioned, pausing to fiddle with his camera. Peter forced the lump in his throat down with a hard swallow, sheepishly shaking his head. Oblivious, Eddie pecked away at the screen and scrolled through a pair of files with a finger. “Jonah Jameson pays me to take pics for his podcast, and on the side, he’s willing to pay extra if I can get him some pictures of Spider-Man.”

Placing a hand over his mouth, Peter forcefully cleared his throat. “Any luck with that? I heard he showed up at the event.”

Groaning, Eddie covered his face with his free hand and grumbled. “No! I totally blanked when I saw him and Captain America working together. I could have gotten a sweet bonus!” He paused, cupping his hand in the palm of his hand before glancing skyward. “Although, it was weird. I was far away. Cap was dressed funny and had a different shield.”

“It was probably for the best. Some dude was probably cosplaying, and I bet your client wouldn’t have been happy if you took pictures of a faker,” Peter lamely explained, waving a finger dismissively. Eddie seemed to have accepted the explanation, nodding. Smiling, Peter walked up and placed a hand over his friend’s broad shoulder. “Tell your boss that you lost your camera to the wind monster thing. There are plenty of witnesses to back your story, me included.”

Eddie grinned, his eyes softening. “Thanks, Little Bro. You’re a lifesaver.” His eyes widened at a realization as he caught a glance of the time at the corner of his camera. “I need to get in touch with the old guy. We’ll have to catch up.” Placing a hand over his shoulder, Eddie pulled Peter close until the sides of their heads graced each other. Holding out his camera, the blonde smiled at the lens while the smaller of the pair gestured a peace sign with his fingers. Satisfied with the photo, Eddie slid the camera into his pocket. “We’ll have to catch up!”

“Well, I work with a man named Doctor Otto Octavious, and Aunt May works at F.E.A.S.T. If you can’t find me here, try those spots,” Peter declared, earning a content nod from the blonde.

Both young men gestured a wave before they parted afterward. Peter’s smile remained intact as he turned. However, he slowed to a halt while furrowing his brow at a familiar sensation coursing through his cranium as something sped towards him with the speed of a bullet. He instantly raised his hand without shifting his gaze, capturing a tiny pebble with his finger and thumb mere inches from the back of his head. Glancing to the side, Peter caught sight of a silhouette on the roof of a tall building across the street. Yet, he simply grinned before venturing towards the source.

After a brief duration, Peter climbed onto the roof and flipped to the top. “You know, there are easier ways to get my attention,” he stated, sharing a glance with his counterpart.

Older Peter, with a burger in hand, smirked. “I’m just keeping you on your toes, kid.” Trailing off, the man chomped down on the treat before a pleased groan escaped from his mouth. “Oh, god. I haven’t had one of these in years. I forgot how great meat tastes,” he cooed mid-chew, finishing the burger after a set of bites.

Tilting his head to the side, Peter furrowed his brow. “No meat in years? What are you? A vegan?”

“Something like that,” Older Peter responded, brushing the crumbs from his hands before crossing his arms. “I take it everything is well?”

Slow to respond, Younger Peter hesitantly nodded. “As well as it can get, I guess. Everyone’s just moved on, like all of reality didn’t almost end last night. I swear, everyone in this region just lives in their own little bubble.” Blinking, his eyes widened at a realization. “Speaking of which, what are you still doing here? I figured you would have vanished back home by now. Don’t tell me that you’re stuck here?”

Waving a hand dismissively, Older Peter smiled at his younger counterpart’s genuinely concerned tone. “I appreciate that, but I’m okay. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any notable lasting damage. As far as I can tell, most if not all of the portals have been closed. I just wanted to say goodbye and thanks.”

“I get the goodbye, but why thank me?” Peter questioned, scratching the side of his cheek with a finger.

Sobering, Older Peter walked to the edge of the roof. His warm gaze fell on the violet-skinned girl sitting at the front step of the school. “Back in my world, Twilight and I were really close friends, but when I moved away to start my career as a knight, I hardly checked on her. I was so stuck in my own head that I didn’t see the signs that she started studying dark magic. If I had just paid a little more attention, I probably could have stopped Twilight from losing her way.” Placing a hand over his younger self’s shoulder, Older Peter nodded. “You and your friends brought her back from the brink. That gives me hope that maybe I can find a way to do the same for my Twilight.”

“Define friends. Anyway, that was all Sunset. I didn’t do a thing. Besides, Twilight hates me here,” Younger Peter dryly claimed, rolling his eyes to the side.

Narrowing his gaze, Older Peter smirked. “So you think. You’ll understand her feelings when you’re older. Just take my advice. No matter where you go, remember your roots. The neighborhood will always need Spider-Man.”

Arching a brow, Peter dumbly stared at the older man. “My roots? Okay. That sounds a little cryptic.”

“And I know how much you like riddles,” Older Peter chuckled, brushing a hand over his beard while his younger self exhaled.

Younger Peter’s bemused glare slowly dissolved while that of bewilderment surfaced. “That still doesn’t answer how you’re supposed to get home. All of the portals are closed.”

Reaching into his back pocket, Older Peter retrieved a small book before taking it with a pen in hand. “I’ve got a ride,” he coolly declared, writing a passage onto one of its blank pages.

Suddenly, a bright blue aura enveloped the book before it levitated from his grasp. Its cover glowed until energies spiraled into existence a few feet away, spreading until a portal materialized into existence. Both men watched a silhouette form within of what resembled an equine. However, after a surge of electricity channeled across the energies, it shifted into a bipedal creature. Soon, a woman with fair skin stepped through the portal wearing an eloquent blue dress and golden jewelry. Once through, she stopped before Older Peter, standing a couple inches taller than the man. Younger Peter’s mouth fell agape as a pair of angelic wings stretched out from her back before snapping back into place.

“Are you hurt?” the woman questioned, her voice firm yet soft. Her resemblance was uncanny, matching that of the Vice-Principal with the exception of their skin tone. She took hold of one of Older Peter’s hands with both of her own, caressing it gently. “I was worried when Aelous was returned, and you didn’t follow.”

“There were complications,” Older Peter chuckled, sharing a glance with the woman while using his free hand to point a thumb at his younger counterpart, “but we figured it out, Luna. All’s clear here.”

Relinquishing her hold, Luna eyed the younger man with a narrowed gaze as she bent her knees slightly to match his height. “I see,” she muttered, staring for what seemed like an eternity before turning back to face Older Peter, “You’ve aged gracefully.”

Slack-jawed, Younger Peter stared on in disbelief. “Dude. You’re married to my Vice-Principal!” Shaking the cobwebs from his head, a flurry of thoughts raced into his head. “You said that she’s a princess, right? What’s with the wings? If she’s over two-thousand years old, then how old are you?”

A dark glint flickered in Luna’s eyes as she glared at Older Peter from the side, thunder beginning to rumble through the sky. “Why does he know my age?”

Older Peter nervously grinned. “It was just banter. Besides, your age is well documented in history books.”

“What? Ancient history?” Younger Peter whispered, wincing as lightning crackled through the sky.

Clearing his throat, Older Peter simply nodded and hastily waved his hands defensively as the crowd below clamored about the building storm. “On that note, we’re leaving.” The princess managed to smirk at the spectacle before stepping into the vortex, prompting the skies to clear, and Older Peter paused, sharing a final glance with the young man. “I can also tell you’re going through some changes. I’ve been there. It’s scary as hell, but it’s all the more reason you’ll need to lean on the support of your friends.” Gesturing a thumbs up, Older Peter finally nodded and smiled. “See you around, kid.”

Peter watched as his older counterpart’s image faded into a blur, all before the portal vanished from sight in a burst of light. Slow to respond, the young man scratched the back of his head. “This is still weird. How do I explain that to Aria and Aunt May? Also, was it just me, or did she look like a pony back in that portal for a second there? I’m sure I was just seeing things, but…” he whispered, retrieving his own phone from his pocket as he trailed off in thought. Just as he scrolled through the screen, his brow furrowed at the image of an envelope at the corner. Peter tapped the icon before his eyes scrolled through the text contained within. “A message from Doc? He says it’s important that we meet later. Guess I’d better see what he wants.”

Abacus sat alone in her office, sinking into her chair. All of her possessions had been removed from the room with the exception of one document. The words of the FBI agent circled through her head nonstop, and the woman removed her glasses from her face. Everything she had built, the very foundation of her once-irrefutable reputation, had long been tarnished.

A set of knocks were heard at her door, prompting the woman to hastily straighten her posture. Once she slid her glasses back on, Cinch took hold of her document. “I am leaving, I assure you.”

The door eased open and revealed a dark silhouette of a man. “It’s been some time, Abacus.” He walked in, closing the door behind him. “You’ve really made a name for yourself.”

“Skip the pleasantries, Norman,” Cinch coldly stated, glancing to the side, “I know you are well-informed at Oscorp. Surely, you’ve just come to gloat at my utter failure and humiliation.”

The man remained in the darkest side of the room with his gaze fixated on the window. “Oh, please. I am beyond petty squabbles. I’ve come with a proposition.” Norman brushed a hand over his chin. “You have a brilliant mind, Abacus. You were a brilliant aspect to Oscorp before your departure as our lead inspector and talent scout. I’d love to have you back. We can rebuild your reputation and then some.”

Cinch’s eyes widened at the comment as she placed a hand over her chest. She glanced at the side before gazing at the man. “That’s tempting. What do you ask of me?”

“I want to know everything you know about the phenomenons happening at those Friendship Games. We can weaponize the properties here at Oscorp,” Norman declared, edging forth out of the shadows until his face was revealed, “and I want you to help me learn more about Spider-Man.”

Standing underneath the destroyed equine statue, Sunset leaned against the stone with a smile while holding her diary in hand. Fluttershy approached with her bunny in her arms. “Still no word from Princess Twilight?”

Sunset quietly opened her diary, shaking her head upon gazing at the blank pages. “Not yet, but I think I figured out how magic works in our world.” Her smile broadened as the others gathered around her position, each brandishing a golden medal from the games. She tightened her hold on the book, as if hugging it, and the redhead caressed her hand over the sun emblem on its cover, sighing. “We pony up when we show the truest form of ourselves. I was so busy waiting on someone else to give me the answers that I gave up on trying to find them myself. Like Applejack said, I can’t always wait for Princess Twilight to answer all of my problems, when she has enough going on in Equestria.”

Applejack smiled, placing a hand over Sunset’s shoulder. “You sound like you’ve figured everything out with yourself, too.”

Shaking her head, Sunset chuckled. “Not quite everything, but I think I can finally start living my life anew, since I have nothing else to hide.”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms and scoffed. “Don’t tell me this means you’re confident enough to date that dweeb now.”

“Not yet, but I’m more open to the idea,” Sunset grinned, feeling the temperature in her face rise. Sobering, the girl cleared her thoughts and nodded. “I’m sure there’ll be more magical problems for us to solve, but we can’t always rely on Princess Twilight to solve our problems. She won’t always be around.”

Twilight steadily approached with a sheepish smile, holding Spike close to her chest. “Maybe I can be?”

Principal Celestia approached the group with the meek girl. “It seems we have a new Wondercolt joining our program at Canterlot High.” She paused, placing a hand over her shoulder. “Doctor Octavious gave a glowing endorsement and practically begged for us to consider. We couldn’t say no.”

“I’m not sure how much help I can be, but I’d love to try,” Twilight calmly declared, glancing to the side. “If you give me a chance, I promise to try my best. I’ll help you all try to understand magic, and maybe we can even learn more about how Spider-Man is tied to it all.”

Everyone shared a glance with each other, smiling as Sunset pulled Twilight into a warm embrace. The others followed, keeping her at the center of their joined hug. However, the sentiment did not last, as a trail of energy spun into existence mere inches away. The girls paused, blinking as a portal materialized into existence, and a man with a large cape and goatee stomped out with a glare, alternating his gaze about.

“Okay. What the hell is happening here?” he growled, eyeing the group before settling his gaze on the broken equine statue.

Pinkie Pie nodded feverishly, smiling from ear-to-ear. “Yowie-Wowie! It’s Doctor Strange!”

Rainbow Dash alternated her gaze between the man and her friend, as if the gears in her mind slowly churned before speeding to a realization. “Doctor Strange? Like, the Avenger, Doctor Strange?!”

Placing a hand over his mouth, Stephen cleared his throat and dryly huffed. “While I have teamed up with the Avengers, I am not an official member of their team. Lord knows I deal with enough **** as it is.”

All of the girls inhaled sharply at the expletive uttered, each staring at the man with their mouths agape. Celestia furrowed her brow and frowned. “Language! These are school grounds.”

The world slowed to halt as Stephen simply blinked, holding a bemused glare at the absurdity of the situation. Yet, he inhaled deeply before releasing a harsh scoff as he sharply raised a finger. “Ma’am. I am not in the mood. I have had a long day keeping the ruler of the Dark Dimension from invading this realm because someone here started fusing multiple realities together and opened a portal between here and there! I was literally stuck in a five-minute loop where I was maimed, butchered, and slaughtered in countless ways for weeks until we finally struck a deal!” The sorcerer’s usual stoic demeanor evaporated to pure irritation, evident by his constricted pupils and throbbing brow. “Now, where’s the genius who thought that was a good idea?!”

Instinctively, everyone in the group shifted their gazes inwardly towards Twilight (albeit briefly), before they quickly glanced to the side to avoid the man’s line of sight. Soon, the violet-skinned girl sheepishly stepped forward. “Um… hi.”

“So, it was you? Okay,” Stephen grumbled, exhaling as he crossed his arms over his chest. “So, how did you manage that? I would love to know now.”

Twilight bit down her lip, fidgeting with her skirt at the same time. “I created a spectrometer to track electromagnetic signatures, but I didn’t know it was tracking magic. It also absorbed the energies whenever they were at their most prolific. I wanted to understand what it meant, so I kept going until…”

“It grew out of control and manifested because you tried to use it. Of course,” Stephen blankly muttered, earning a nod from the small girl. Slow to respond, Strange glanced to the side and rubbed a finger over his pulsating temple, as if contemplating the girl’s words. Sadly, his calm demeanor crumbled under the weight of the nonsensical, all while he threw his hands up in disgust. “Oh! Well, that makes it better. Are you kidding me?! You nearly destroyed multiple realities because you were curious and wanted to understand?!”

Rainbow Dash rushed forward, sharply pointing a finger mere inches from the man’s chest. “Hey! Back off! Her ex-Principal forced her to open it to try to win the Friendship Games!” She shrugged afterward. “Besides, Twilight apologized already! So, it’s no big deal!”

Unfortunately, Dash’s interjection seemed to push the sorcerer even further down the path of anger, apparent by his trembling lower lip and the vein thumping over his forehead. “No big deal? Kid, you have no idea. Your friend here didn’t just nearly destroy this reality. She threatened the very fabric of the multiverse! And to make matters worse, all of this happened over some stupid high school competition?!” Pausing, Doctor Strange shook his head and forced a laugh. “But it’s okay! She apologized, so it undoes all the damage!”

Wincing, Twilight’s eyes began to swell as tears formed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.”

Inhaling deeply, Strange let out a low sigh as he shook his head grimly. “Kid, it may have been an accident, but you have to understand the consequences of your curiosity. You’ve opened portals to multiple worlds and gave them a doorway to this region. We have no idea who or what may have slipped through the cracks. Dormammu nearly invaded, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” He paused, crossing his arms before shifting his line of sight to the broken equine statue. “That danger remains as long as that portal remains open! It is high time that I finally seal it shut!”

Sunset’s eyes widened at the comment before she rushed to the side, placing herself between the man and the statue. “Wait a minute! You can’t do that! We have a friend that we keep in touch with! If you close it, we’ll never see her again!”

“Oh? So, nothing else is going to come through the portal, right?” Stephen questioned sarcastically, holding his hand to the side.

Just as Sunset readied to respond, the mirror within the statue emitted a bright light. Suddenly, a violet-skinned individual stumbled forth while bearing an uncanny resemblance to Twilight, panting heavily as she brushed the wrinkles from her blue shirt and long purple skirt. “I’m so sorry that I’m late! None of my letters were getting through! There’s a dimensional merge and realities are shifting!” she rambled, waving her hands nervously. Soon a relieved sigh escaped from her mouth. “But I think everything’s settled back into place, so maybe things will get back to normal around…”

Both Twilights stared at each other with their mouths agape, with one nervously straightening her glasses before sheepishly waving. “Um… hi?”

Strange eyed the doppleganger with a twitching brow, alternating his gaze between both girls. “I knew it. This is on me. I deserve this for putting it off for too long.”

Twilight blinked upon finally noticing the man, her eyes widened. “Doctor Strange? What do you mean?”

Slow to respond, Stephen arched a brow. “You know of me?”

“We met years ago in a different dimension. You are a friend of my husband. Rather, a variant of you,” Twilight stated, placing a hand over her chest. “I’m a little familiar with the multiverse theory. My husband is… well-traveled.”

Rarity leaned over, brushing a hand through her long hair. “I think he was here earlier, darling. He was fighting a monster alongside the other version of him.” Her face burned, evident by the pink flush staining her cheeks. “He brandished a shield like a knight in shining armor, was quite toned, and darling, that blue complimented his physique.”

Pinke arched her brow. “Hey! What was so different about them?”

“One was a boy. The other was a man, especially with that well-groomed beard,” Rarity cooed, cupping her cheeks into her hands. “He moved like a knight, never faltering! He didn’t even wear a mask! Not nearly as creepy as… the other one and his bug-like eyes.”

Fluttershy stammered, petting the bunny in her arms. “Um, they were far away, but it looked like they were talking to each other. Almost like they knew each other.”

Twilight blinked repeatedly for what seemed like an eternity, each detail only adding to her confusion. “A beard? A shield? Bulky?” The girl shook her head, huffing. “That doesn’t sound like my husband at all. Plus, I hate it when he doesn’t shave. Must have been another variant.”

Another?! Well, let’s just throw a party at this rate!” the sorcerer groaned while crossing his arms. Forcing his objective thoughts to the side, Stephen soon glanced in the direction of Sunset. “At any rate, I was aware of the dimensional traveling from the start. When your friend here jumped into this reality, I saw that she was more or less stuck here. I could have intervened then, but when I saw how harmless she was, especially when all she did was terrorize a high-school over a title, I left it alone.”

Sunset furrowed her brow. “You knew from the start? Why didn’t you do anything?”

“As Sorcerer Supreme, I make it my business to know about any and all magical anomalies in the world,” Stephen bluntly declared, arching a brow while shaking his head dismissively. “To be fair, you were just an amped up, overcompensating teenager wanting a crown. Out of everything on my plate, you were an inconvenience at most. Same with those siren girls.”

The man paused before pressing his hands together, causing a circle of energy to slowly spin into existence from the ground. The incantation floated, all while letters began to glow within the surrounding sphere. Stephen twirled his finger, causing each symbol to glow one after the other. “Fortunately, everything sorted out on its own without me having to interfere, but now, I can’t procrastinate any further. That portal is proving to be nothing but absolute trouble. I will return you all home, and maybe, balance will be restored for a little while longer.”

“Wait! My husband is Spider-Man!” Twilight exclaimed, edging closer to the sorcerer.

Sci-Twi leaned over, her gaze vanishing behind her large glasses as Spike fell out of her grasp. “What?” Her face twisted as her brow twitched uncontrollably. “What?!”

Strange froze in his tracks, ceasing the incantation momentarily. “Spider-Man?” He glanced to the side, pursing his lip. “You’ve clearly been in this dimension before. Is he the same person?”

Twilight nodded. “He is. He always speaks highly of you.” Placing her hands together, Twilight lowered her head respectfully. “Please! I understand why you are frustrated, but this world is important to me! I’ve made friends here, and Sunset Shimmer has finally found a place she can call home! We promise to not abuse the portal! So, please don’t seal it shut!”

Grumbling incoherently, Stephen furrowed his brow as the girl poked her lip out in a pout. The man could only release a harsh exhale before dropping his hands, causing the magical energies around him to dissipate. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Fine! I’m getting too old for this,” he groaned, rubbing his hand over his temple. Eventually, he straightened his posture. “All right. I’ll leave the portal open on the ground, so that only you and Sunset Shimmer can access it. I’ll even make exceptions for the two visitors that just left.”

Fluttering her large eyes playfully, Twilight’s smile widened. “Can you also make exceptions for my husband and daughter? Oh, my son might want to come, too. And–”

Nope! I’m done!” Strange exclaimed, lashing his glowing hand out. Energies spiraled into Twilight’s and Sunset’s chest, gleaming upon seeping under their clothes. The sorcerer turned and waved his hand, causing a portal to spin into existence. However, just before he entered, a dark expression formed on his face. “Be warned. A handful of you can access this portal, but multiversal travel isn’t a game, and the strands of this reality are brittle. Everytime you open this portal, there is a chance a ripple will occur and allow something from a different plane to enter. There are realities that hold nightmares you could only dream of.”

Before anyone could hope to question the man further, Strange entered the portal as it faded from sight. An awkward silence filled the area as everyone considered the man’s words. Yet, Sci-Twilight sat on the ground with her knees pulled to her chest, rocking in place as a dark cloud hovered over her head. Twilight blinked at her counterpart’s reaction, chuckling nervously.

“You actually married that loose cannon? I can’t believe it,” Sci-Twilight groaned, whimpering.

Twilight managed a smile. “Don’t overthink it. He’s really sweet when you get to know him.” She lowered to a kneeling stance, placing a hand over her counterpart’s shoulder. “Trust me. If you give him a chance, it might lead to something beautiful. Or not. I understand every reality is different.”

Rainbow Dash burst into hearty guffaws, clutching her arms over her sides. “Good! If Twilight is hanging with us, we’ll make sure she doesn’t end up with a weirdo like that Spider-Guy!”

Twilight blankly stared at her friend, exhaling. “I see you still haven’t given him a chance.”

Applejack placed a hand over her hip as a concerned gaze formed on her face. “We have to be careful though. What if Doctor Strange was right? What if some bad things made it through the portals?”

Shrugging, Rainbow Dash chuckled. “No sweat! We’ll just kick their butt and send them back to wherever they came from.”

Sunset confidently nodded, clutching at her diary. “Absolutely! No matter what happens, we’ll face it together!”

Peter peeked his head into the lab, alternating his gaze about until he spotted Octavious perched over the central desk. “Hey, Doc! I got your message!” he stated, closing the door behind him. The older man barely lifted his head from the microscope, nodding lightly. He paced in place, alternating his attention between several documents. Peter chuckled, scratching his head. “Have you been locked up in here the whole time? Did you see or hear what happened at the Friendship Games?”

“I was briefed by Celestia,” Otto declared, mumbling inwardly before sharing a glance with his cohort. “A shame that I missed the spectacle. It seems Twilight’s spectrometer yielded uncanny results. I just hate that lives were put in danger.” Sobering, the older man managed a smile after placing the documents down onto the desk. “Thank you for helping her, my boy. Twilight’s gift can benefit all of mankind. I believe now that she is free from Abby’s influence, she can truly use her intellect for good.”

Peter reached out, placing a hand over the man’s shoulder. “I hope so. I’m more worried about you. I know you and Principal Cinch were close.”

Slow to respond, Otto nodded and barely managed a smile. “Thank you. I’m fine. I can’t always lament about what could have been. The best thing I can do is to give the pillars of the future a steady foundation.”

“Even if she hates me?” Peter haplessly stated, shrugging.

Octavious hummed. “Son. If a woman pours that much emotion towards you, it is far more complicated than simple hate. With age comes wisdom.”

The young man blinked, scratching the side of his cheek with a finger as he sank into his lamenting thoughts. “What could have been, right?” Blinking, Peter arched a brow while his gaze shifted skyward. “I wonder…”

His thoughts grew fuzzy, spinning before taking shape. Sunset’s words echoed throughout his mind, of a world where he and Twilight were actually married. A couple materialized into existence before a young baby with short, messy brown hair took shape in a woman’s arms, a patch of purple at the center. They sat at a table in a living room, smiling as light from the outside shone through the curtain’s opening and filled the room with warmth. While her skin tone was ebony, her signature long violet hair with a pink streak at the center was unmistakably that of Twilight Sparkle’s.

The image of the other individual at the table cleared, revealing an aged version of Peter himself. Unlike his other variant, this one was clean-shaven and youthful. A small girl stumbled into the room with a book, her hazel irises as bright as the sun. Her hair was braided, brandishing a flower at the end, and she smiled widely, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Twilight. Both Twilight and Peter grinned as the girl held out the open book, allowing the infant to touch its pages.

The image of the family dissolved in a blur as Peter shook his head, freeing himself of his self-induced trance. Pausing, his gaze lowered while brushing a hand over his chin. “If we just met under different circumstances, could it have worked out?”

“An interesting hypothesis, but I believe deep down, you know the answer,” Otto warmly affirmed, retrieving a small file.

Peter considered the man’s words, evident by his softened expression, but reality came crashing back into his mind, leaving him shudder involuntarily. “Maybe. It doesn’t make it any less weird though.” As if a realization came to mind, Peter held out a hand questionably. “What was it that you wanted to see me about, Doc. You made it seem like it was a big deal.”

Meanwhile, Otto’s light disposition dissolved as his eyes faded behind his dark shades. “Ah, yes. My apologies. I digress. I fear we may have a serious situation on our hands. Are your senses still overloading? Have you had any further episodes?”

Slow to respond, Peter held out his hand as it trembled. “It’s getting worse, Doc. I’m hearing things several yards away. My vision’s like a microscope, and everything is zoomed in.” He leaned over the desk, using his forearm to wipe the sweat from his face. “It’s everything. All of my senses were already cranked up. Now, it’s like I’m flaring up.”

Pursing his lips, Otto crossed his arms. “I’ve run your blood samples over a dozen times, and your molecules are breaking down. A change of structure is occurring in your genes.” The older man removed his shades, somberly gazing at his colleague. “My boy… You are mutating.”

“It is nice to have valid competition: it pushes you to do better.”- Gianni Versace

The End

Comments ( 51 )

Well that’s one way to balance out portal usage. Strange has enough headaches, and it sounds like we might be getting some foes crossing over if that warning is any indication. Wonder what villains will show up through that, maybe a way to get a symbiote or Starlight?

And me thinks Peter’s gonna have quite a Neogenic Nightmare in the next story.

Is it an acknowledgement that everytime Rainbow or Rarity say something i get mad high time?

Oh great, Peter's going full Man-Spider... So I guess we're getting Lizard at some point?

So I do hope Sci-Twi and Peter become good friends and she doesn’t become a Gwen. Now how will this all go next? The next movie was the summer camp.

Oh crap... Mutating? There is only one thing that comes to mind when you combine Spider-Man with the word mutating, and i have Spider-Man: The Animated Series to thank for that: Man-Spider.

If people weren't against both Peter and Spider-Man before, i don't know how things will be when THIS happens.

And the Friendship Games comes to a close where apparently EVERYONE is a winner and gets a medal, even Peter gets one even though he didn't actually participate and doesn't really deserve it. What a load of bullcrap. Though on the bright side, Peter has found some common ground with Flash when they actually agree on something for once, not that it changes much between them. Peter reunites with his childhood friend, Eddie Brock, who was working in town as a freelance photographer for JJ to cover the games, promising to catch up with each other some other time. And Spider-Knight was finally able to get back home thanks to his Luna picking him up, just after he leaves his younger variant with some cryptic advice about relying on his friends to support him and that Spider-Man will be needed more that he thinks.

And giving his older variant closure for what happened to his Twilight by saving this one from the same fate and knowing that one other version of himself is with his own Twilight leaves Peter to wonder what could have been if things between him and Sci-Twi had turned out differently. While he can never know for certain now given how Sci-Twi hates him. or so he thinks. The best he can do now is try to understand her feelings more, work out their differences and maybe make a fresh new start as friends.

Sunset is feeling more confident about her place in this world and that she can handle whatever magic disturbances that might come next with her friends by her side without having to rely on Princess Twilight all the time. And they will have Sci-Twi with them now that she has officially transferred to Canterlot High after her Midnight drama. And that drama had caught the attention of Doctor Strange now that he was done bargaining with Dormammu in an endless time-loop, and boy was he absolutely livid and totally done with this crazy town's shenanigans.

Though at Sunset's request and thanks to the timely intervention from Princess Twilight, sharing her history with her Spider-Man and the other Doctor Strange they know with this one, Strange won't be closing the statue portal but instead conjures an enchantment that will only allow Sunset and Princess Twilight to use the portal at all times when necessary, but warns them not to play around with the portal or tamper with the Multiverse since apparently continued use of it runs the risk of breaking the Multiversal boundaries between their reality and others which could cause an incursion or attract who knows what that could potentially abuse the use of the portal and endanger their reality. I'm guessing this will be addressed further in future and we'll be getting a potential Spider-Verse storyline at some point.

As for Cinch, though her reputation is now tarnished which she so deserves, she has been approached by her old benefactor, Norman Osborn, to come back and work for OsCorp in exchange for whatever she knows about the magic incidents and their source as well as Spider-Man and his involvement with them. This can't be a good sign. If OsCorp now has their attention on Canterlot High's magical disturbances, then Sunset, Twilight and the Rainbooms could potentially become targets, especially if they use their magic out in the open. I have no doubt that Cinch will accept Osborn's offer so she can have revenge.

Afterward, Jameson slapped a photo onto the camera’s screen of a car with its door missing, and he fumed, taking in bated breaths through gritted teeth. “Witnesses caught Spider-Man vandalizing my car right before the annual Friendship Games between Crystal Prep and Canterlot High! Instead of holding himself accountable, that creep fled the scene of the crime like the criminal that he is!” Tossing the picture to the side, Jameson continued to pace across the room with the camera barely managing to follow his movements. “I was only there to support my niece, but I was attacked for speaking only the truth! Where is the justice in that?!”

First off, that was just an accident, JJ. Spidey had no idea that car belonged to you nor did he mean to damage it. Secondly, JJ and Damond's constant fact twisting never ceases to irritate me, especially now whatever horrid scheme Diamond is up to. I do hope their subscriber counts plummet when people start to grow a brain and see through their bull****.

You know what Spidey really needs? Another podcast show that actually shows support for him (something like the Danika Podcast from "Spider-Man: Miles Morales") as a polar opposite to the more critical "Just the Facts" to show that not everyone believes he's a menace. I could totally see that run by DJ-Pon-3/Vinyl Scratch.

Placing a hand over his mouth, Stephen cleared his throat and dryly huffed. “While I have teamed up with the Avengers, I am not an official member of their team. Lord knows I deal with enough **** as it is.”

All of the girls inhaled sharply at the expletive uttered, each staring at the man with their mouths agape. Celestia furrowed her brow and frowned. “Language! These are school grounds.”

Doctor Strange:

Meanwhile, Otto’s light disposition dissolved as his eyes faded behind his dark shades. “Ah, yes. My apologies. I digress. I fear we may have a serious situation on our hands. Are your senses still overloading? Have you had any further episodes?”

Slow to respond, Peter held out his hand as it trembled. “It’s getting worse, Doc. I’m hearing things several yards away. My vision’s like a microscope, and everything is zoomed in.” He leaned over the desk, using his forearm to wipe the sweat from his face. “It’s everything. All of my senses were already cranked up. Now, it’s like I’m flaring up.”

Pursing his lips, Otto crossed his arms. “I’ve run your blood samples over a dozen times, and your molecules are breaking down. A change of structure is occurring in your genes.” The older man removed his shades, somberly gazing at his colleague. “My boy… You are mutating.”

:applejackconfused: Uh oh... So it is not an awakening, but instead a mutation. That means...:pinkiegasp:
Looks like the Six Arms Saga will be an upcoming story coming next in future, which also means a certain morbin' vampire will also be involved.

Well this has been a good read. While I do have a different opinion on how the Midnight Sparkle fight could've turned out, it did not obstruct all the positives of this story as a whole. The character developments, world building and hints of what may come next with old and new familiar faces we might see. It really shows how much you've improved since then.

Keep up the good work, Max! Hope to see whatever comes next. :scootangel:

“As Sorcerer Supreme, I make it my business to know about any and all magical anomalies in the world,” Stephen bluntly declared, arching a brow while shaking his head dismissively. “To be fair, you were just an amped up, overcompensating teenager wanting a crown. Out of everything on my plate, you were an inconvenience at most. Same with those siren girls.”

Oof. Going to need a senzu for that one. And could the Man-Spider be making an appearance?

Quite the cliff hanger you’ve left us on you cheeky bugger. Anyways this was enjoyable as the other books before it and I hope to see more!

Is it odd I side more with Strange on all this? I mean, he has a point.

I see Venom and/or the Man-Spider in the near future. Neither will be good.

Not a bad ending. Hopefully this means that we'll be seeing Man-Spider with Morbius and Blade for Halloween (the idea of Mutagenic Nightmare by edCOM02.) And hopefully the girls finally give Peter (and Spidey) a chance.

Is he getting stronger?

Well as long as Peter doesn’t try to mess with the mutation through science, he won’t grow extra arms

Wait, what if Something happens in spring break when everyone is stranded on the island?

Imagine if Venom faced man spider?

This was nutz!!! I reeeeeaaaaaaallly hope Otto doesn't change. I really grown fond of the PS4 Otto and I want him to be himself and not a villain. But I won't speak badly if he does. Also love the other Peter coming to help. It's amazing. Glad Strange left the portal alone. It needs to stay. Loved how Flash had a nice moment even if it was brief. Really wish Blueblood transferred as well. Peter needs more dude friends in his life. Glad to see Eddie is in the picture..hope he doesn't grow to hate Peter and turn into Venom..unless this Eddie will become a good Venom..We shall see.

Do you think Nick Fury has secretly parental affection for Peter like in ultimate comics?

No freaking way! The mutation saga is next!? Man-Spider? Morbius, maybe? This will be interesting and hopefully quite dark...

Rainbow Dash burst into hearty guffaws, clutching her arms over her sides. “Good! If Twilight is hanging with us, we’ll make sure she doesn’t end up with a weirdo like that Spider-Guy!”

omg can someone just... punch or something... sick of her crap...

It would be interesting if Peter's illegitimate son appeared in the next story, Rarity will go crazy when she meets him especially because her own sister took advantage of Peter

Well the story is fully over. Peter tries to be reasonable but no one seems to care about his opinion regarding how the Friendship Games ended, aside from Blueblood, Flash and Eddie Brock.

Also Flash with Adagio, wonder how that's gonna self destruct? :moustache:

Spider-Knight seems to really regret what happened to Twilight, makes sense. He feels like he failed her, he wasn't the best friend that he could have been. At least he's happy that she's safe in another timeline. Also him enjoying those burgers, something about that reminds me of Superman. Spider-Knight is all about The American Way.

Never mentioned this before, but the beard is a great touch, reminds me of another fan of S&M.

Funny how that Doctor Strange joke last chapter had a point, the multiverse is in danger, or was. At least the other Twilight can still come through. Perhaps Mayday too but Strange isn't having this, though I'd love to see how she reacts to a lot of this stuff. Still, everyone reacting to his censored profanity. Violence is cool but not bad words.

Twilight also convincing her doppelgänger to give Spider-Man a chance, and being cool if they don't get together. Good on Twilight, she may be the best pairing for Peter, but that doesn't mean the other girls there can't be good pairings (Sunset, Fluttershy, Trixie, etc).

A cameo from Norman, always interesting.

Seems like the next arc is coming...and it might be a bit disturbing but I'll give it a chance. Might be some good stuff in that arc.

it's not odd, it makes sense

hope he doesn't turn into man spider, he better just grow to be like spider knight

Yeah. Next episode will be a bit different. I'm going for more of a horror vibe.

If he turns into a man spider

Can we see Silk as a substitute Spider?

Or at a later point?

Oh maybe after you finish all the Equestria Girls arcs

You could try the Spider man ps4 adventure for an 8 year gap?

Just realized, every episode is similar time slot to a Viewtiful Joe Game and the chapters split is like a break time

It’s funny almost all the girls are like Spider Man girls

Sunset as MJ

Twilight as Gwen from amazing films(it’s be funny if shining armor was a lizard)

Trixie as stuck up like Liz Allen

Muffins like the Apartment girl from the raimi trilogy

Fluttershy as Chat/Sophia(flutter bat would make a good morbius drone)

Eris like Felicia

Aria cold as Sable or Silk

Uh...that's concerning. It's not my favorite genre. :twilightblush: Ironic considering I like Resident Evil and Dead Space. Still, hit or miss for me. But I don't wish to discourage you if that's what you feel is best.

Good god that would be scary

Even as the writer of this tale, I have grown to ADORE Otto has a father figure and mentor to not just Pete but Twilight also. I look at aspects of the second movie, the ps4 game, and No Way Home, and we see all of the positive aspects of a non-corrupted Otto. All the more tragic it will be should he lose his way.


Me: (writing a fan letter to Spider-Man)

To Spidey, If you get this, you must have trouble wearing that suit so for my advice

1 buy Baby Powder for your suit to prevent full body atheists foot

You don’t want to end up all red and rashy right?

Also if your itchy and sweating, you could buy apply Corn starch for the inner lining to prevent distracting itches during battle

Hope you get this

You latest fan… a simple Foreigner

Oh yeah no doubt. This would hurt Twilight but crush Peter. It crushed me when I had to fight Otto in the game. But in the end it would make a story more entertaining.

Hi Max

Here’s a map of the Original Ultimate Spider-Man to help with ideas

Honestly, I just wanna beat Rainbow Dash into a bloody pulp right now. Why can’t she understand that Spider-Man is a hero?

At this point I skip over the ‘Just The Facts’ section of these stories. I couldn’t stand it in the shows and I can’t do it here either. I hope in the next story the mane six start liking Peter or at least they and him start making SOME semblance of progress towards it. It was funny at first, now its just disappointing.

Now onto the next story where I can hopefully eat my words.

It's a running gag in the comics. Apparently Peter KNOWS when people pronounce Spider-Man with and without the hyphen.

Even then, it's PETER, not FLUTTERSHY, who knows how it is "pronounced"... Here, it's Fluttershy, the LEAST fourth-wall breaking character. Pinkie, Discord, Deadpool, Peter, Joker. Those are the characters that suppose to know things outside reality.

I think you are overanalyzing it. It's the EQG verse, which is VERY loose in terms of reality. Plus, Fluttershy is a fan of Spider-Man. It's played up as a fan correcting someone on something small. It's no different than Flash Thompson doing the same since he's a fanboy.

Being a fan of Deadpool doesn't make YOU the fourthwall breaker. I don't get hung up on every detail, which you said as OVERanalyzing. I'm saying that some characters has never had some traits. Remind me, please, has Flash Tompson ever did anything fourthwall breaking? Not sure though, was he ALWAYS a fan of SPider-Man, through comics and cartoons? Still, if what you say is true - more fans of people, in universe, should have simular abilities as the people they are fans of.

Sigh. Well, over-analyzing is probably the wrong term. Peter doesn't break the fourth wall, yet him bringing up the hyphen in his name has been a normal thing for YEARS now. This was just meant to be a simple joke, and I think you got bent out of shape about it. It's not a breaking of the fourth wall joke. It's just a joke about a silly joke that characters can hear when a HYPHEN is missing. That's it. *shrug*




It's not even that. It's a simple mistake people tend to make when it comes to spelling Spider-Man's name. Google 'spiderman' and you'll see what I mean. That's all this is.

And YES. Since the 60s, Flash Thompson has always been a fan of Spidey. Not everything is about breaking the fourth wall. That's why I suggested you were overanalyzing. These are just fans being nitpicky about a HYPHEN. Kinda like you being nitpicky about the humor. Yet, humor is suggestive, and you're inclined to believe what you want. I'm just pointing out the history of Spider-Man and his hyphens. It's not a fourth-wall thing. It's just a common mistake he's constantly correcting.


I get "bent out of shape" because you made Fluttershy notice the hyphen. This is the problem. Not the little joke. Spider-Man notices the hyphen. All I have seen was Spider-Man HIMSELF talk about it. Never another character. Should I repeate it several more times? The very FIRST comment that started it all, I quoted FLUTTERSHY, who said the thing about hyphen, not Spider-Man/Peter. THIS is the problem.

Okay. You probably missed the pics of Mary Jane and Captain America noting the same thing. Spidey complains about it so much that other characters notice it and bring it up. Fluttershy is simply doing what Cap and MJ did because of how much Spidey complains about it. Again. I believe you are overanalyzing it, personally. Fluttershy, in this story, is a fan and probably the only person who listens to Spider-Man with an open mind. So it makes sense that she's empathetic towards his nitpickiness over the hyphen in his name. Simple as that. It's a small detail, but it's important to HIM. So, Fluttershy is mainly being nice about it and politely correcting anyone who gets it wrong.

If THAT's a prob still, eh, I don't know what to tell you.


You mean the one they were TOLD about?
Mary Jane's "You and that hyphen" is a responce to Peter's(?) "there clearly wasn't a hyphen".
Captain said: "With a hyphen. SO I'VE HEARD"

They were INFORMED by someone. Either Peter himself, or someone else, who heard Peter going on about this hyphen. Check your own screenshots, if you want to argue.

Again, Pete aka Spidey complains about it to ANYONE who will listen. In case you missed it, he even tells Fluttershy this when they talk in a earlier chapter! So yes! She was literally INFORMED about this by Spidey himself! In the Prologue of this story, actually!

“Wait!” the girl exclaimed, stepping forward while squeaking happily. Spider-Man fidgeted in place before slowly surrendering the dog to her and placing it down, allowing the girl to reapply the collar. Her opened mouth formed into a smile as she eventually accepted the item. Spider-Man heeded her call, pausing, and the dogs in her grasp surrounded him, each taking a moment to sniff his legs. All of the canines’ tails wagged happily as the costumed man lowered to a knee, petting each to the best of his ability. The girl smiled widely as the tiniest dog of the pack jumped onto its hind legs eagerly, leaning onto Spider-Man’s leg amidst the windstorm of affection from the hounds. “Are you the real Spiderman?”

“I am,” Peter declared, standing back upright before raising a finger. “I can tell you said it without the hyphen. Easy mistake. It’s Spider Hyphen Man.” His masked eyes widened as a realization came to mind. “Aren’t you scared of me?”

There's the receipt. :facehoof: Now can we please drop this? :pinkiesmile: Regardless, I appreciate your support of the series.

This was a fantastic story, absolutely loved it, although I have to agree with most people, that peters treatment has been extremely harsh, I get your reasoning with the main six having a tribe-like mentality but I feel like you're trying to make Peter the one that's mainly at fault here when all he does is keep his head low and retort to any witty or snarky comment they give him, I don't think he really deserves that and I get the "he gets a lot of losses so the wins come as a lot bigger" but with how you keep beating him down, this is more like the line of thinking that zeb wells are having with his run on spider-man with the number of losses he always experiences and the almost nonexistent wins he gets, It's honestly not justified with how everyone treats him, at least that's how I feel

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