• Published 17th Jan 2023
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Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

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Chapter 6: Not Worthy (E)

It was late in the evening, class was done for the day. The Pillars and the Mane 6 were outside in front of the school with the students. They were doing one of their many lessons on the elements of harmony to try and help the students fully hone into the elements.

"When you fully hone into your element, you will be able to call upon it, whenever you want. When you do, your body will be filled with magic, allowing you to pull off the most incredible feats in accordance with the element you possess." Somnambula Explained carefully. "For Rockhoof, it is strength, Mistmane is beauty, Starswirl is sorcery, and so forth. With your professors, they have continued that with Applejack representing honesty, Rarity with generosity, and Twilight With magic."

The students listened closely as Somnambula lectured. They stood side by side as somnabula sat in front of them in a meditation position

"I believe a demonstration will best for you, Rockhoof, if you could?" Asked Somnambula. They look behind Somnambula to see Rockhoof next to a giant boulder. He slowly and surely is able to lower himself down and rolls the massive boulder on his back. He seems to struggle a bit as he starts to do push ups. Sweat starts to pour from his body as he reaches 50 push ups. "Now watch as he now calls upon his element." Said Somnabula. The students watch as Rockhoof soon begins to glow, his pained expression soon turns into a smirk as he speeds up on his push ups. He easily gets to 100 push ups, then 150, and finally 200. He then rolls the boulder towards his shoulders and then uses his front hooves to lift up the boulder. Rockhoof stands on his hind legs as he then lifts the boulder high above his head. He stands there for a moment before throwing the boulder 30 feet away, like the boulder weighed nothing.

"Whooooooaaaaaa..." All the students say at once.

The Pillars and the Mane Six approach the students and then break up into six groups. Each Pillar, Mane, and Student grouping up with the same element. Flash Sentry and Rainbow Dash with Smolder. Fluttershy and Mage Meadowbrook with Sandbar and so forth. Each group were trying their best to lecture their student on how to fully connect and hone in to their element. Obviously however, many were running into their own problems. None had the most problems however than with the Magic group. Twilight and Starswirl were trying their best to teach Ocellus, but she was having the most difficulties.

"Alright Ocellus, as the holder of the Element of Magic and Sorcery, you should be able to excel in magic once you call upon your element." Twilight Explained while Starswirl remained silent. "Being a Changeling, you have access to the basics of unicorn magic, like levitation and teleportation. but that pales in comparison to your changeling magic of shapeshifting."

"Ok, I understand that." Ocellus nods in response.

"When you call upon your element, you should be able to unlock your full potential, using any at all magic spells without restrictions. You would have access to all unicorn magic, and your shapeshifting magic will be unmatched." Twilight smiles at her. "Are you ready to try?"

"Yes Ma'am." Said Ocellus enthusiastically. About an hour passes and no progress has been made by anyone. Every technique, strategy, and procedure has ended with failure. None of the students were able to hone into their element. No one was taking it as hard as Ocellus though. Being the Element of Magic, she felt as if it was her responsibility to get it right immediately.

"Easy Ocellus, you don't want to hurt yourself." Twilight places her hoof on Ocellus's shoulder.

"But... I need to get this right." Ocellus was panting as she had been straining herself.

"Take it easy. Another way to try and communicate to your element may require meditation. Deep thought upon magic itself could open up your inner magic. These things take time. None of us were able to do this on the first try." Said Twilight.

"But... This is important! More important than anything! With the Pony of Shadows out and about, I need to be ready before he strikes!" Ocellus protested. Twilight looks at Starswirl who has remained silent this entire time. She is practically asking for his input, any advice would help. Starswirl rolls his eyes before stepping forward.

"I think I know the reason for Ocellus's inability to hone with her element." Starswirl finally spoke up.

"And what might it be?" Asked Twilight. Starswirl looks at them both coldly.

"She is not worthy." Said Starswirl sternly. Twilight's eyes widen as Ocellus feels a tightness in her chest. The other elements nearby also hear him and they all grow silent to look at them.

"St-Starswirl!" Twilight was completely taken back by what Starswirl just said.

"Oh hush Twilight, I know you feel the same. Out of the three of us, who stands out?" Starswirl narrows his eyes at Twilight as he taps her chest with his hoof. "We are the element of Sorcery and Magic! My deck is full of spellcasters, your deck is full of spellcasters. What of her's? Not a single spellcaster resides in her deck, her duel spirit is a simple bug! How can one call themselves the Element of Magic and Sorcery and not use a spellcaster deck!? Now your own pupil, Starlight Glimmer, would be the perfect holder as her deck has spellcasters like us."

Ocellus could feel a pit in her gut, one of her mentors doesn't think she deserves to be an element holder. Twilight looks at Starswirl appalled by what he just said.

"Hey! Beardy! You can't treat Ocellus like that!" Smolder yelled from her group, standing up for her friend. Starswirl fires a glare at her upon hearing the ridiculous nickname, a very angry glare that seemed to pierce right through Smolder. Even to a dragon, Starswirl was intimidating, but smolder stands her ground. "You are not the one who determines who is and who isn't worthy of the elements! The elements chose us for a reason, so you will just have to deal with it!"

"Yeah Smolder! What she said!" Gallus joined in. Starswirl looks over at Ocellus who has remained silent and staring at the ground. Starswirl then looks back at the students.

"Fine, It's obvious she is worth a lot to you. But she needs to earn her worth to me." Said Starswirl as he levitates Ocellus’s and his own duel disk with magic. He slides his own duel disk onto his forehoof as he levitates Ocellus’s in front of her. She looks at it and then at Starswirl. "Duel me child, prove me wrong."

Everyone was taken back by Starswirl's challenge, though the Pillars were still new to the card format of the game, they had proven to be expert players. Someone challenging Ocellus to a duel of Starswirl's skill would be a one sided duel.

"Starswirl, you can't be serious." Twilight glares at Starswirl, finally putting her hoof down to him.

"I am beyond serious." Starswirl was unmoved by her protest.

"You can't, she is only a sophomore. She is no way close to your lev-" Twilight began to argue but was then cut off.

"Alright... I'll duel you." Said Ocellus looking back up with a face that lacked any emotion. She grabbed her duel disk out of the air and put it on. Twilight was a bit shocked by Ocellus's actions. She wanted to step in, but doing so would only prove Starswirl right. She and the others back off to give them the space for them to duel. They both face each other and activate their duel disks.


[Starswirl vs. Ocellus]

"I shall start, draw!" Said Starswirl, using his magic to hold and draw his cards. "I summon Rapid-Fire Magician to the field. {1600atk. 1200def. Lv4.} This card has the effect of dealing 400 points of damage to you for each normal spell I activate. Which I have one right here, I activate Dark Magic Curtain! I pay half my life points to special summon Dark Magician from my deck!" A black and purple curtain being held by a skeleton manifests on the field. The skeleton pulls back the curtain to reveal the Dark Magician, Staring coldly at Ocellus. {2500atk. 2100def. Lv7}. The Rapid-Fire Magician aims his staff at Ocellus and fires a magical blast at her. She flinches as she loses life points, But Starswirl remains stoic as he loses his. "With that, I end my turn."

"My turn, I now draw." Said Ocellus. "Since I control no monsters, I can special summon Primitive Butterfly from my hoof, In defense mode. {1200atk. 900def. Lv5.} Now I normal summon Gokipon! {800atk. 800def. Lv2.} I will end by placing one card face down."

[Starswirl 2000/ Ocellus 3600]

[Starswirl 4 cards/ Ocellus 3 cards]

"Ocellus no. Are you really trying to bait him into a trap card? He isn't going to fall for that." Said Gallus as he stood next to his friends as they watched.

"I'm not falling for that young lady." Said Starswirl as he drew. "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face down card!" As Ocellus's face down card is destroyed, she looks up at Starswirl with a worried look. "Mystical Space Typhoon is a quick play spell, so you are spared from Rapid-Fire Magician's effect, but he is the one you should worry about the least. As he is the one attacking your butterfly!" Rapid-Fire Magician aims his staff at the Butterfly and destroys it. "Now Dark Magician, destroy her Gokipon!" Dark Magician raises his hand towards the monster, causing change into negative colors and then shatter. Ocellus shields herself from the pieces of her destroyed monster. "I now end my turn. Pick a different strategy child, I will not fall for a simple trap card."

[Starswirl 2000/ Ocellus 1900]

[Starswirl 4 cards]

"You may not fall for a trap card, that's why the trap card was a distraction!" Ocellus stood tall and with a smirk. This causes Starswirl to raise an eyebrow at her. "I wanted you to think I was setting a trap for you, so you would focus your material in stopping it, and guaranteeing that you would attack me, because now I get to activate Gokipon's effect! I now add one insect monster from my deck to my hoof with 1500 attack or less. I add Pinch Hopper to my hoof and now for my normal draw. Alright! Ok, first I summon Pinch Hopper to the field. {1000atk. 1200def. Lv4.} Now I activate the spell card Eradicating Aerosol! This destroys all insects on the field, which means I destroy my own Pinch Hopper!"

"Why in Equestria would you purposely destroy your own monster? Your aerosol doesn't effect me at all." Starswirl narrows his eyes, thinking Ocellus had been waisting his time.

"So that I may activate its effect!" exclaimed Ocellus. "When Pinch Hopper is sent from the field to the graveyard I can special summon any insect monster from my hoof. I choose my favorite, Insect Princess! {1900atk. 1200def. Lv6.}" Insect Princess elegantly lands on the field and then takes a fighting stance.

"Cool, both Ocellus and Starswirl have their ace monsters out." Sandbar smiles, this duel was getting exciting already.

"Yeah, but the Dark Magician has higher attack points." Silverstream was a tad nervous for Ocellus..

"Friend Ocellus knows what she is doing. Yona has faith in her." Yona was smirking, she was confident in ocellus's skills.

"I will now have my insect Princess attack your Rapid Magician!" Ocellus commanded as Insect Princess glides towards the Magician and kicks him hard on the side of the head, destroying him. Starswirl barely flinches as he loses the life points. "Now I set 2 cards and end my turn."

"I draw." Said Starswirl. "I summon Blast Magician to the field. {1400atk. 1700def. Lv4.} He is not staying for long however, as I activate Magical Dimension. Since I control a spell caster, I can tribute my Blast Magician to summon a spellcaster from my hoof, I summon the Dark Magician Girl! {2000atk. 1700def. Lv5.}" Dark Magician Girl is summoned to the field and winks at Ocellus. She crosses her arms and stands back to back with the Dark Magician who also crosses his arms. "The effect of Magical Dimension doesn't end there. Now I can target one monster on the field, and destroy it, Say bye to your Insect Princess!"

"Wait! No!" Yelled Ocellus. It was futile though as Insect Princess began to groan before being destroyed.

"Now Dark Magician, attack Ocellus directly!" Commanded Starswirl. Dark Magician aims his staff at Ocellus and fires a magic beam at her.

"I activate my trap card! Butterspy Protection!" Ocellus grits her teeth as her trap activates in the nick of time. "I change your Dark Magician into defense position, and all damage I receive for the rest of this turn is halved!"

"You have earned yourself another turn, but this next one will be your last, cherish it. Dark Magician Girl, attack her!" Said Starswirl. As Dark Magician went into defense mode, Dark Magician Girl aims her staff at Ocellus and fires a beam of magic at her. Ocellus lets out a cry as she stumbles. "I will end my turn, your move child."

[Starswirl 2000/ Ocellus 900]

[Starswirl 2 cards/ Ocellus 0 cards]

"I'm... not out! I draw!" Ocellus felt lethargic, but she refused to back down. "I activate Pot of greed to draw two cards. Sweet! First I activate the spell Monster Reborn! to bring back Insect Princess!" Insect Princess is re-summoned to the field in her fighting stance. "Now I activate my face down, DNA Surgery! This is a continuous trap that allows me to change the type of every monster on the field for as long as this card stays on the field, I declare insects." Immediately, the Dark Magician and the Dark Magician girl begin to grow insect-like appendages. Dark Magician grows dragonfly wings while Dark magician Girl grows butterfly wings. "Now with the last card in my hoof, I equip Insect Princess with Laser Cannon Armor! This gives her 300 extra attack points, making her 2200! She will attack your Dark Magician!" While in defense mode, the Dark Magician's 2100 will not be able to withstand the attack. Insect princess delivers a hard kick and destroys him. All of Ocellus's friends began to cheer.

"Alright Ocellus! You destroyed his ace! Serves you right for talking smack about Insect Princess Beardy!" Smolder points at Starswirl, smiling wide enough to show her teeth.

"With that, Insect Princess's effect activates! She gains 500 attack points permanently by destroying insect monsters! Making her 2700! Even with Dark Magician Girl's effect, she cant beat my princess!" Said Ocellus with a smile. "I end my turn."

[Ocellus 0 cards]

"You destroyed the Dark Magician. Not many can say that while facing me, I draw." Said Starswirl. He had a faint smile on his face as he drew. "I set a card, and then end my turn."

"I mustn't underestimate you, I draw." Said Ocellus. She had hoped Starswirl would have done more on his turn, but it didn't matter to her. "Insect Princess, attack Dark Magician Girl!"

"If you want to Destroy my Dark Magician Girl, you have to find her first, I activate my trap card, Magical Hats!" A giant hat falls onto the Dark Magician girl and two more hats appear. The hats spin around before falling into place on the field.

"Choose wisely child, pick the right hat, and you will destroy my monster. The other two hats hold spell cards chosen by me that will be destroyed. make your decision carefully." Ocellus observes the hats, it takes her a minute before choosing.

"Insect Princess, destroy the middle hat!" Said Ocellus. Insect Princess kicks the hat hard, a card pops out of the hat . The card was the spell card Dedication Through Light and Darkness.

"And that is a miss." Chuckled Starswirl.

"No!... heh, but there is a one up from this. While in the hat, your card was treated as a monster, meaning it's technically an insect, giving my princess another 500 attack points, now she is 3200!" Said Ocellus. "I end my turn."

[Starswirl 2 cards/ Ocellus 1 card]

"I draw." Said Starswirl. "Magical Hats now disolves, revealing Dark Magician Girl to the field. I activate the spell Graceful Charity. I draw three cards, but I must discard 2. I set one card, then I activate the spell Card of Demise! This allows me to draw two more cards for a total of three... Perfect. I must wait before a turn as Card of Demise will prevent all damage to you this turn. For now I will end." Said Starswirl.

"I draw!" said Ocellus. "I summon Inzektor Dragonfly! {1000atk. 1700def. Lv3.} With a Dark Magician in your graveyard, Your Dark Magician Girl has 2300 attack, far too low to stop my Princess! Insect Princess, Destroy his Dark Magician Girl, Then Dragonfly, go for a direct attack!" Insect Princess Dashes towards Dark Magician Girl and kicks her hard in the gut Destroying her. The Dragonfly aims his laser at Starswirl and shoots him. Starswirl closes his eyes tight and grunts, getting down to his last few life points. "Oh yeah! Now insect Princess is at 3700! I end my turn by placing one card face down!"

[Starswirl 100/ Ocellus 900]

[Starswirl 3 card, Ocellus 0 card]

"MMmm... I draw." Starswirl clenches his eyes tight, feeling the full effect of that attack. "I reveal to you the Monster card, Magicians' Souls. From my hoof I activate its effect, by sending itself and a level 6 or higher spellcaster monster from my deck to the grave, I special summon Dark Magician from the graveyard! By discarding this card and by sending the Dark Magician of Chaos from my deck to the grave, I summon back my Dark Magician!" Dark Magician appears back on the field, and then glares at Insect Princess.

"You may have brought him back, but he is no match for my Princess. She is too strong." Ocellus still looked very confident as she looks at Dark magician.

"You're right, which is why I won't be attacking her." Said Starswirl.

"huh?" Said Ocellus confused.

"And don't think your trap card will save you either. Even if I attack your dragonfly, you have a trap ready for me. But with the remaining cards in my hoof, I will put an end to this duel right here and now!" Starswirl narrows his eyes at Ocellus. "First I activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician Girl!" Once again Dark Magician girl lands next to her master. "Now I will activate Dark Magic Attack! This can only be activated if Dark Magician is on the field. All your spells and traps are destroyed!" The set card and DNA surgery are destroyed. The insect wings then fall off the monster's backs. "Now I activate the last card in my hoof, the spell Dark Burning Attack! This can only be activated when Dark Magician Girl is on the field. All your face up monsters are destroyed!" With a wave of her staff, Dark Magician Girl destroys all monsters on Ocellus's side of the field. Ocellus was left with nothing. No cards in her hoof, and absolutely no cards on her field. Everyone watching grew silent as they were about to watch starswirl deal the final blow. Ocellus never said a word, she just watched with a sad expression on her face.

"Now I activate my face down, my most devastating card yet! Magicians Unite!" Yelled Starswirl. The Two Magicians touch their staves together and look at Ocellus. "I can only activate this card if I have 2 face up attack position spellcasters on the field, I target one of them, I target the Dark Magician, and his attack rises to 3000!" Dark Magician Girl funnels her magic into her master who begins to glow in a dark aura. "Now Dark Magician, attack her Directly and finish this duel!" The Dark Magician lets out a battle cry as he forces all his power into one attack. Aiming his staff at Ocellus and sending a high powered beam of Dark Magic at her. Ocellus lets out a pained cry as the beam zaps away her remaining life points.

[Starswirl vs. Ocellus: Winner Starswirl]

Ocellus falls to all four of her knees and hangs her head. Immediately all her friends and Twilight quickly make their way to her. She was sobbing softly as her friends surrounds her.

"Ocellus, please don't be upset, you did your best." Said Smolder resting her claw on her back.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of Cell, you almost had him." Gallus spoke softly trying to console her.

"That was one of your best duels, Ocellus. You dueled your heart out." Twilight was also trying to comfort her.

"...but I didn't win... I didn't... I didn't..." Stuttered Ocellus on the verge of tears.

"You didn't what?" Said Starswirl as he approached the changeling. She and her friends look up at him, some scowling. To their surprise however, he had a softer expression on his face.

"...I didn't beat you... I wanted to prove you wrong... but you beat me." Said Ocellus as tears streamed down her cheeks and she started to hang her head again. "I'm... I'm not worthy..."

"My child, I never said you had to beat me." Starswirl said, causing Ocellus to look back up at him. "All I said was Duel me and prove me wrong. And my child, you more than exceeded my expectations."

"...Wh-what?" Asked Ocellus, feeling confused now.

Starswirl kneels down to the troubled Changeling and wipes a tear away from her eyes. "You are a very talented duelist. You pushed my own skills to the limit, that could have been anyponys game. You duel with passion, and pride, both of these traits are what fuel the fire of all great duelists. And you my child are not just some great duelist, you are an Element Bearer. You are among the elite duelists! But that doesn't mean things will come easy. You must be pushed to your limit before you can overcome anything. Being an Element Bearer will be far from the easiest thing, I want you to be ready for that. I didn't say those words to belittle you, I wanted to light a spark within you. To drive you to win no matter what, and you absolutely did not disappoint. It's a shame you were not able to hone into your element during this duel. I was really hoping for that. But for now, your first challenge is done, and I am very proud of you." Starswirl Said to Ocellus, giving her a reassuring smile. Ocellus, began to smile through her tears.

"...Thank you starswirl. I had fun in that duel." Ocellus lowers her head to him.

"As did I. I think we should call it a day today. The sun is beginning to set." Said Starswirl. Everypony present agrees in unison. Starswirl and Ocellus stand to their hooves and almost everyone turns towards the school to head inside. Starswirl and Twilight were the only ones not to head in right away.

"I appreciate what you were trying to do for my student. But next time, please try not to traumatize her." Twilight said sarcastically.

"If I don't harden her spirit, she will end up far worse than just traumatized." Starswirl ominously warned. "This is a dangerous job Twilight. You of all ponies should know that best." Twilight looks at him, she lets out a sad sigh before nodding in agreement.

End of Chapter 6