• Member Since 6th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago


Spanish is my first language, and I have no real experience with English grammar. So I hope you understand and forgive my mistakes in translating my stories.


This story is a sequel to Friendship Among Games

The months have passed since the Anon-a-Miss incident, and with the summer arrival, Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Crystal Prep are ready for a new adventure.
Camp Everfree awaits them.


This story has been edited by my good friend 'Arthor2017'

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 39 )

You are welcome, my friend. :twilightsmile:

Ah, now we enter this universe's take of Equestria Girls IV: Legend of Everfree. I'm intrigued to see what happens.

It's going to be so interesting and so fun to see the Shadow Bolts in Legend of Everfree, and this sequel was worth the wait.

Lightning doesn’t seem satisfied. “Meh. I was expecting something really scary.”

“Hi guys!”

Gloriosa screams and suddenly appears behind Lightning Dust, giving her a small heart attack.

And that, ladies and gentlements, is how do you scare one Lightning Dust.

I’ll never forget Until Dawn & the Wendigos From that game, if I remember anything about them, then Sunshine et and all her friends along with the camp are in big big trouble.

Твайлайт и Тимбер? ФУ! Никогда не любил Тимбер, он раздражает и мешает. Насколько я могу судить, в прошлых фанфиках серии у Твайлайт была влюблённость в Сансет, верно? Почему бы не показать это и здесь? Их пара определённо интереснее, чем Твайлайт и Тимбер

Привет, с помощью переводчика, чтобы ответить, извините, если что-то неправильно. Не волнуйся, друг, уверяю тебя, Тимбер ничего не добьется с нашим милым ботаником.

Да, ты всё верно перевёл.
Счастлив, что Тимбер останется с пустыми руками! Было бы ещё супер, если бы кто-то из девчонок хорошенько ударил бы его по лицу!
Но как насчёт вопроса о влюблённости Твайлайт в Сансет? Кстати, мне нравится в ваших фанфиках, что многие персонажи испытывают влечение к Сансет, что не удивительно, ведь она крутая!

Things are getting bad at Camp Everfree, but not everything should be awful. At least Spike talked!

“Fine, but you better behave or next time I’ll give you the Indigo Suplex.” Indigo lets go of Neon and keeps looking at Open Skies.

I would very much like to see that, also that cave is definitely holding more secrets than answers

After everything Twilight and Sunny went through, it was sad to see both of them cross the line and say things too personal to each other... I hope they realize that they had as friends is more important than Timber and his motives as well as that comment about Sunset.

On a lighter note I can't be the only one that thought that this scene:

Sunset looks at her hand and sees it redden slightly. “I-I’m sorry! It’s just… you’re hot…”

“My, thank you Sunset.” Sunny says a little embarrassed. “And I still haven’t put on makeup yet.”

Is a reference this:

Ого, прошёл уже месяц, а новых глав нет... Печально

Great story. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

I'm waiting for a new chapter, I wonder when the next one will be released

Dude we need the next chapter please, hope you didn’t abandon this job!

Когда вышла последняя глава... Лет сто назад...

I'm back! and this story too!

Я вернулся! и эта история тоже!

Когда девушки сказали, что они больше не дружат с Сансет Шиммер, то я ожидал более бурной реакции от Сансет, учитывая её прошлый опыт в подобном. Думал, у неё начнётся паническая атака, что она опять одна, от неё снова отказываются и так далее.
То, что Сансет пережила после предательства друзей в Кантерлот Хай это серьёзная психологическая травма и после подобной ситуации стоило ожидать бурной реакции.
Но, как бы то ни было, я безумно счастлив, что вы вернулись к работе, автор

Remember kids: never piss off Sunset Shimmer. Much less when she’s not in a good mood.

Also, I'm glad the Shadowbolts finally managed to dominate their magic and use them to fight. Get them, girls!

Suri Polomare and Coco Pommel embrace each other, trembling with cold and fear due the three Windigos surrounding them. The feet of both begin to freeze.

“Coco, I know I’ve always treated you badly… but I want you to know you’ve been my best friend ever…” Suri confesses, about to cry.

“I used your clarinet to unclog my toilet.” Answers Coco in the same state.

Suri’s fear turns to surprise. “You WHAT?!”

Coco just smiles nervously.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: AH! GOOD OL' CLASSIC SPONGEBOB! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

She can hear several footsteps heading towards her position. Turning around, Sunset sees Twilight and Sonata running where she is, both smiling and the scientist waving a piece of paper in her hand.

“Sunset!” The girl with glasses calls. “We already figured it out. The one who caused this was-¡”

“I know, it was Winter White Third.” Sunset Shimmer interrupts.

Both Twilight and Sonata fall silent, their smiles fading. The scientist looks at the paper that she has in her hand, ‘Royal Pin’ is what is written on it.

Twilight puts on a rather nervous smile. “Umm…Yeah, sure! That is precisely what we were going to say…”

The scientist crumples the paper, gently steps on Sonata Dusk’s foot and the Siren -by reflex- opens her mouth like a trash can. The bespectacled girl places the crumpled paper in the blue Siren’s mouth and, removing her foot, closes it. Sonata ends up swallowing the paper, then licks her lips.

Reference to the Simpsons?

You should add wallflower

Sunset no puede decir nada, solo frunce el ceño con gran preocupación.

Ufff no puedo esperar a otro capítulo la verdad me llene de alegría cuando ví que actualizaron la historia 10/10

Awesome chapter. Loved the fight and everything.

“Grrr… I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling girls!”


“Oh, right… and that stupid dog too!”

And there's the obligatory Scooby-Doo reference. Can't go wrong with the classics there.

Just got caught up. Great story. Looking forward to reading more from you. :twilightsmile:

Just finished reading this chapter and love it and can’t wait for the next chapter

Oh dear.... Gloriosa does NOT have this in the bag and a certain botanist just joined Crystal Prep.

Something tells me that Sunset and her pals are gonna go through a most painful test of their friendship. As for Camp Everfree: will her old friends survive?

Your are welcome, buddy! :twilightsmile:

Bye bye, Winter. Have fun staying in Juvenile Hall (Because of what he did, there's no doubt that's where he's going) and/or the mental institute if you mention the Windigos.

Ok a good ending.
Now it remains to be seen if there will be a Sunset Among Shadows IV.

I second that, I hope ya make a part 4 where sunset fully reconciles with the Rainbooms

So Sunset has magic ultra instinct.

“Actually it was Mr. White.” The emerald-haired woman answers. “When he found out his son hired a gang to raid the camp, he immediately promised to pay for all the reconstruction.”

"Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!"

Holy hell, I cannot believe that it took me this long to continue reading the story and just how brutal the girls were breaking up their friendship with Sunset.

I don’t know what’s funnier, Sunset, having no memory of Winter and actually saying “hi how are you doing” to him or the fact, Twilight thought it was somebody else, and actually fed the piece of paper into Sonata? Either way I was laughing my ass off. :rainbowlaugh:

That was so epic to see Sonata transform into her original form to save Sunset!

That was quite the epic battle for the ages for The girls went through and I love that Scooby Doo reference at the end.

What a ending & quite the cliffhanger with Wallflower arriving. I'm happy to finally finish this & hope to see what happens next if or when, we get the next installment.

P.S. I laughed so hard at the girls punishing Timber as they were leaving. :rainbowlaugh:

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