• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago

Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!


A dragon comes across something so alluring that everything else in his life loses value.

[This story is part of the 1000 words contest.]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

The crystal is literally tantalizing:

Tantalus tried to feed 1 of his sons to the Gods. As punishment, he was eternally thirsty and hungry with water and food perpetually just out of reach.

11248824 You know what? I'm going to change the title.
Dangling -> Tantalizing

And... he didn't grow in spite of this overwhelming need?

This feels like a public service announcement Ember cooked up to warn young dragons about losing sight of friendship when confronted with something more tangible. There's a stiff artificiality to everything that keeps me from reaching full immersion. Still, thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

11267866 Greed alone is not enough. Perhaps if he got the crystal, he'd grow.

This feels like a public service announcement Ember cooked up to warn young dragons about losing sight of friendship when confronted with something more tangible.

A cautionary tale, indeed.

There's a stiff artificiality to everything

It's a reflection of my soul.

Under the ceiling hung a big juicy crystal. It probably had some kind of history, but it didn’t matter. All he knew was that he wanted it, badly.

well, that never ends well! if i were him, i would simply be aware of the common narrative trope of gluttony being punished in some ironic way

“Drake! Come out to play. The lava is hotter than usual. We can wrestle in it all day long. I even brought us a rock to throw at each other.”

haha, that definitely sounds like how dragons act in the canon! dragons rock

A relentless crash to the dusty floor followed. He found himself sore and bumped, but it didn’t stop him from trying again. And again. And again. He attempted to knock it off with his tail and claws, but couldn’t reach. Only his serpent tongue was long enough to touch it, yet not firm enough to bring it down.

nice, getting Aesop's fables vibes from this

As long as the crystal would exist, he would never be free. And the crystal wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Drake was trapped.

and oof! this definitely feels like a metaphor for addiction, the way the rest of Drake's life crumbles away until his entire world is just him and his crystal. it doesn't seem like a good place to be in at all!

it feels very much like a cautionary tale dragons tell their young, with just how everydragon Drake is as the story's protagonist, about the dangers of craving particular gems to the exclusion of all else. and that is pretty neat!

11297981 Thank you for this. You already had so much work on your hooves with the contest, and with this, you're going the extra mile. I really appreciate you taking the time for this.

More than you know, actually. You see, I have a peeve about some contests. A writer puts a lot of work. She presents her story, and then... nothing happens. Nothing at all. Somepony else wins and gets some recognition but every other story is entirely ignored. The authors don't know what they did wrong. They don't even know if their story was even read. It feels exactly the same as if you spent days writing a story and then just threw it into the fire. The result is exactly the same.

Personally, I'd even be content with being on a list of all stories or having my story added to the 'Read' library shelf. That alone would be a hundred times better than nothing.

For that reason, when I was judging a contest, I made sure to write at least a sentence for each of the entries.

And now I see that you did the same for my story. So, again, thank you for doing this extra step.

As for this story, I haven't told this to anypony before, but what I was describing actually wasn't an addiction. It was the greed in the trading markets. The riches are theoretically attainable with a click of a button. Yet, at the same time, you could spend your whole life chasing the trades and you'd only get punished for it.

i am glad you appreciate it, that is why i do it! and that is an interesting detail, that this was not intended to describe addiction, but rather day trading. i can definitely see that now!


DayTrading is an efficient way to get poor fast. One should get an IndexFund and wait a decade or 2. Haste makes waste and all good things come to those who wait.

11316206 Or you could invest in a tantalizing crystal and just watch it retain its value.

On a serious note, you're right. Investing is good. Trading is bad.


11354236 I'm glad you found the story to be normal. May I strive to achieve that as well someday.

do you consider it bad or do you want to raise your writing skill so that story becomes normal against the background of other stories?

11354344 If the backdrop of other stories is considered normal and I need to improve my writing to get there then I seem to have a long way to go still.

As far as readability is concerned, this might not be the best I have to offer. However, this is the closest story to my heart. Not that that means much.

it depends on what to compare it with. Against the background of your stories that I liked, then the norm

didn't get it. Yes, it doesn't mean much

11354407 Some stories I write will underperform. Some will be meh. And some, I hope, shall overperform the average.

I don't get all the downvotes for this story. I'd like to see them try to write a complete, and competent, story with only a thousand words. I sure couldn't do it! I'm upvoting because I think it's a great story given the limitations, and I just really like it. But now I'm gonna be me and do what I always do...

So, the story states that there is nothing in his cave that Drake can use to reach the crystal, but this is simply not true! The wall collapsed to reveal this room, so there should be plenty of debris lying around for him to either throw to knock it loose, or move into a pile under the crystal to get that needed boost to reach it. Drake just sucks at problem solving. Sorry, I pull things apart...it's what I do.

Whenever I find an author I'm unfamiliar with, I always check a short story of theirs to see if their writing is any good. Since I liked this, I'll definitely be checking out more of your work eventually. I'll be around again! Until then, happy reading/writing!

11674665 The story doesn't have as straightforward plot as the stories on this site usually are. Instead, it tries to be philosophical. It's about an unfulfilled wish that is just close enough that you can't abandon it. Yet too far away to ever be achieved.

So, the story states that there is nothing in his cave that Drake can use to reach the crystal, but this is simply not true! The wall collapsed to reveal this room, so there should be plenty of debris

He's under a volcano. Rocks are merged into big pieces. When the wall collapsed, there was just one piece that was too big to move.

Also, Drake isn't the brightest of dragons.

I pull things apart...it's what I do.

I like you already.

Since I liked this, I'll definitely be checking out more of your work eventually.

Looking forward to it.

See, I thought it was very straightforward. I recognized the plot of the unfulfilled wish (or goal was what was actually in my head) before I was finished.

As for the rock: he can just break it apart with his big, dumb dragon bone head!:twilightsmile:

11674683 His head is, indeed, dense enough to break rocks, yet too dense to think of it.

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