• Member Since 13th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Comments ( 206 )

I can't link it from here on the account of site rules, but I can say you'll find it on Derpibooru. It will be image 1657203, artist is KnifeH, who I believe isn't doing nsfw anymore.

Oh boy, and the madness continues. Honestly with how Spike was portrayed in the prior story, I haven’t really forgiven him for some of the things he did. Just hope I can feel differently reading through this.

Oh boy, a new story from one of my favorite authors. Anon why you so sweet to us?


I got the joke about halfway through...but it was still hilarious!

Jedi scum, I was trained in your lightsaber arts by Count Dooku

Damn, looks like you got me hooked again. Hopefully this maintains the more lighthearted air I’m seeing, I like the more casual stuff as opposed to the big drama its predecessor held (which was juicy, but harrowing).

Not sure how to really describe it, but I just love the way you write character interactions. The casualness and brazen banter of some is just really cool to see. Let’s see where this train goes :pinkiecrazy:

okay my critique here.
The Good
To be honest this is a great story, personally and while I am a huge fan for dragons and all that, the way its done here it is beautiful and unique to the point where I could never come up with some of the concepts shown here. It is a tough view on their lives and I love it for the astetic as well as the different take on them.
Occellus is a little out of character but I love it as well. Its one of those (its the quiet ones) type deal and I actually wish there was more of her.

The balance
From a standpoint, Spike is a great character and the potryal here of him is pretty nice. Different, a unique approach and nothing to crazy like other fics where he is just a sex crazed dragon and thats it. There is a good telling of how, why and whats going to happen to him. It is not that bad of a dipiction of him and I enjoyed it.

That bad.
The human part of this series(Have not read the first series) really bothers me and that is why its so hard to give a like or even a fav to this story. The human element kills it to the point where I am more thrown off when some random part of it is entered.
The technology I feel is a bit... really out of place but at the same time it would make sense if Equestria could harness said technology for themselves. If they invented themselves or say that they took inspirations or even had brought it over from the other side, that would work but thats it.
OCs are fine and all, and Mary Sues can be a bit draining(if not done right) or just boring. I normally just ignore fics with humans in them and not even bother to comment on them. its hard enough trying to find an Equestria Girls fic where I am actually interested in it.
Humans tend to ruin things(In my view but there are probaly some great fics out there) with them and this in and out with them throws me off.

So, you are a great writer, I wont discredit you in that regard. I actually finished this through to this chapter and found some great dialogue(the texting actually made me smile) and the humour was grand! Spike and Ocellus is a new shipping that I enjoy and the BFF with Benefits is awesome. All the other secondary characters are great and I do enjoy the creative zebracorn, so that makes it great.

All in all, I don't think I will follow the story but I will give it a like for what was established here and will see what other stories you will write in the future.

To Obliterate.

To literally strike the nominative symbol from recorded history.


Still great story telling. Keep it up.

Question; shouldn't anyone that follows Umbra automatically be in jail? Like, with everything he represents, anyone that idolizes him or defends his actions should get deleted from the planet. Does Twilight have a system like that?

Happy to see you back in action! This latest chapter is really intriguing. I’m glad the museum helps emphasize the horrors of what happened, while also bringing attention to the victims and survivors so that they may never be forgotten, while also forgetting the monster behind it all. A rather powerful message at the end there.

Looking forward to what 2023 brings for you, man! :heart:

Well... this took longer than expected. :pinkiecrazy:

Mardi Gras is over now. Guess I can get back to writing. :twilightblush:

How many chapters are in this story?

That was funny... I know they have a sister/motherly relationship. But I still can't help but think Spike and Twilight are a good match most of the time. And that was just too funny. I know this was at best a one off thing... But a guy can dream right lol.

Goddamnit, why couldn’t ember just say she was interested? Why couldn’t she just say she marked him? Goddamnit this is why I don’t trust females. This is why transparency is the best policy.

As a matter of fact, why did she do it in his sleep? In his fucking SLEEP! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!

She coulda just told him she was interested, told him she marked him. Why the actual FUCK didn’t she? Why did she mark him and FIDNT FUCKING TELL HIM?! For FUCKS SAKE if you are interested in someone JUST FUCKING TELL THEM!

Fuck this shit this is why people have trust issues

It feels good to be back on a schedule. :twilightsmile:

Glad you're back this shit has me cracking up

The worldbuilding is going crazy. Good shit.

What I want to know is how they know It is “perfect in every way“ :rainbowwild:

I’m loving the vibe Spike has with the young six. Nice to see him making friends outside the old gang.

This is the human world interactions I was always hoping to see. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Twi is going to be so mad

Oh this is going to be good!

I wonder how many times they'll show up like this. :pinkiecrazy:

Sometimes, separation is better for the mind. Utilize it to give yourself the peace you need.:twilightsmile:

This starlight knows what she wants. Dang.

Wish we could’ve gotten to see it :trixieshiftright:

Awesome to see the It's Complicated universe continue! Though I just discovered this story by chance - might be good to post a chapter to It's Complicated indicating that there is a sequel available.

Someone definitely dislike bombed this, and I haven't even read it yet, what a grade A douche.

I always thought posting chapters for the sake of announcements, pictures, etc was against ToS. So I made it a blog post instead.

Comment posted by Arstole deleted Apr 20th, 2023

I've been a busy bee these days. :raritycry:

I sure hope this is a return to our weekly scheduled programming.:pinkiecrazy:

The thing is, Gabby has no idea that Spike is with someone else yet. So what better way to rub in that you've been replaced than showing off that you now have two other partners, I'm leery about this...

I can feel it coming in the air tonight! :moustache:

I notice she has a habit of injecting herself on occasion, that I still remember from my time in the Dragon Lands. "Yeah, that would break the immersion a bit. And I can imagine how guilty he felt about it."

Felt* or something like that :p

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