• Published 6th May 2022
  • 914 Views, 2 Comments

Legacy - TheFVguy

Before Fluttershy meets with her friends, she and her husband have a talk about the future.

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At the edge of the diverse town of Ponyville, a cottage stood out immensely for its bizarre nature. One mare commented that she saw a group of tiny whales swimming in invisible water around the building. Another spoke of the house growing chicken legs and went off to the night, only to be in the exact spot the following day. A filly said that a friendly crocodile taught her how to tie drapery knots when her friends dared her to visit.

Every creature has seen something astonishingly odd from that house. But over time, they have grown to accept it, for the cottage door served as the glue that connected the land of Equestria to the nonsense realm of Chaosville.

And its residents were the unusual married couple of Fluttershy, the element of kindness, and Discord, the “former” Lord of Chaos.

In the living room, with Escher-esque furniture but all uniquely decorated by Mother Nature, a draconequus struggled to insert a large suitcase into a tiny backpack.

It was the big day for him, his first O&O convention. Discord was excited and bought the tickets months earlier. Thankfully he won’t be alone, for many O&O fans he met during the Manehatten Art Convention will be accompanying him on the train. He wished Spike and Big Mac would be there, but they were too busy with work and family. As disappointed as that felt, he promised to get them con-exclusive figures. And if he can’t get any, he’ll go with his plan B, which is to make something up magically and lie about its authenticity.

Discord has changed a lot these past few years, but his trickery never left. Fortunately, he has found good uses for it; if only he knew his plan B was precisely what his two best friends expected from him.

“Alright, that should do it,” Discord said, the backpack acting almost like a ticking time bomb. A blue jay soon began flying around the bag and looked for an entrance, but Discord stopped them. “I’m sorry, Tulip, I would love to take you. But the convention doesn’t allow pets, less with ones having dragon breath.” Tulip soon burped a tiny ember of flame.

The door that led to the kitchen swung open, and a middle-aged mare with an apron fluttered her way in. “You packed already? But the train won’t leave till 10,” she said, stuffing her face with ice cream.

Fluttershy, the element of kindness, was preparing special meals for the residents of her sanctuary while helping herself with treats lying around in the kitchen. Despite the destruction of the elements, she’s still referred to by many with that title. And will do so for many years to come.

Tulip flew away to the nearest nest that rested upon the vines hanging from the ceiling. “You’re right, my dear. 10 AM! It’s 9:30!” He pointed at the grandfather clock, carved to resemble a rabbit.

Fluttershy dropped her bowl before she could eat another scoop and began to panic, “Sweet Celestia! I haven’t finished everyone’s meal, the Friendship Council is in 30 minutes, and I’m not ready yet!”

“Ah, Fluttershy?”

“Should I ask Dr. Fauna? No wait, she’s helping a dragon with their baby sling tail” Fluttershy's eyes formed into plates, “Babies! It’s Hazel’s birthday tomorrow, and I didn’t plan anything!”


“How could I forget the day Angel’s first child was born. Oh dear, I’m an awful friend!” she cried.

“Fluttershy, we both know that’s not true,” Discord sighed, but his wife didn’t listen.

“Ugh, why did Twilight schedule the meeting just before my little nephew’s birthday? Couldn’t she have picked a better date?!” Fluttershy shouted, “Oh, it’s my fault anyway. II shouldn’t blame her like that.”

“Fluttershy! It’s ok,” He said, placing his paw on her shoulder. “I still have some magic left to finish all your chores.”

After a swift snap, several portals manifested themselves into reality, leading to many unique animal habitats. A lot had changed when they married, as the sanctuary expanded its land to an outerversal scale. From the mundane to the bizarre, many creatures flock and crawl around many corners of Ponyville and Chaosville. Fluttershy ensured that gravity was regulated around the fields where the animals stayed and had enough resources for each species.

Observing through each portal carefully like a mother bear’s gaze, she saw many bunnies roughhousing playfully on the fields, with Angel watching them, old age taking a toll on him, his whiskers resembling more of an unbrushed mustache. She sees penguins swimming joyfully on the other portals, alligators relaxing in their pools, and monkeys swinging on vines with their cries spreading through the air.

With a snap, clanking and gurgling could be heard from the kitchen, and soon every creature was given the necessary meals for the day, all excited for today’s feast.

After seeing every single habitat, she smiled in contentment. “Normally, I prefer to do the chores myself, but I'll let this one slide since we’re so short on time.”

The portals disappeared. Yet, upon seeing her messy apron and hair, Fluttershy’s anxiety continued to waver. Having known this mare all his life, Discord reached behind his head, taking out a brush and her favorite hair tie that resembled poison jokes.

Fluttershy’s hair was done entirely in a looped ponytail performed at a speed that would outmatch light. “Thank you, Discord,” she says after being given a mirror, “I look-”

“Amazing, beautiful, adorable, and the only one deserving to be the Lord of Chaos’ wife?”

She chuckled as she embraced him, “And the luckiest mare in the world.” Her hoof soon touched the cold surface hidden around his furry neck, making her break the hug.

“What’s wrong?” Discord asked.

“You know I don’t like that thing around you,” Fluttershy said sadly. “Have you considered talking to Twilight about it? Maybe she can finally break it, and you’ve proved yourself many times!”

Scratching the back of his neck, the very thought of confronting the Princess about such a request was a bit nerve-wracking. After the defeat of the Legion of Doom, Discord took the blame for the entire ordeal. Celestia and Luna thought enough was enough and demanded that Discord remove all his chaos magic. Thankfully, Fluttershy intervened, revealing that without any chaos, Discord would perish.

Despite this revolution, the Princesses persisted that he couldn’t get away with what he did scot-free, so Twilight came up with an idea. In a private conversation between the two, she explained that Discord would begin wearing a collar composed of the same materials used for the anti-magic rings for unicorns. Discord hated the idea, believing it was no different than not using his magic. Still, Twilight affirmed to him that with every year, his magic slowly becomes more potent until reaching a date where she will remove it if he proves himself. He was still uncomfortable about this punishment, but he eventually agreed.

He never told Twilight, but that talk they had felt like the first time she saw him not as an annoyance but as a friend in need.

And so, for the past few years, his magic was reduced to that of filly level. Fluttershy taught him how regular ponies actively do things. From doing the laundry, cooking food, and constantly walking to reach certain destinations. It was stressful and incredibly frustrating, and he felt more like a dog in training than a citizen. But despite the struggles, he became accustomed to the process after the first months and even gained a newfound respect for ponies. Dealing with these responsibilities and the boredom that comes with them, yet still thriving in creativity, fascinates him.

As the years continued, he saved Equestria many times from other threats, from turning a lava giant into permanent stone to moving the whole planet to avoid a meteorite. He even temporarily became a royal guard, watching over the Legion of Doom statue. He quitted after the first week, explaining there’s nothing to worry about their escape for another millennium.

Even if he grew used to the mundane life, he still wished Twilight would remove the collar. “What’s the point in asking, dear? In 5 years, it’ll be dust. Besides, my magic is practically back to where it is. Not fully, but much higher than half!” He assured his wife, backpack in hand.

Fluttershy sighed, “I know. But I think you’ve proven yourself enough! You shouldn’t be wearing that thing anymore!”

Discord, wearing a warm smile, hugged his wife, “Yeah, having to wear this thing is terrible, but I had to learn that my actions have consequences somehow. I was stupid, immature, and made choices that I should’ve seen would backstab me. The fact you guys are still willing to help me is amazing, but it took some time for others to trust me.”

The Lord of Chaos spaced out and bitterly remembered his former self, “But I don’t blame any of you. What was I thinking with that whole fiasco with those three? I didn’t want to hurt anyone; I only wanted Twilight’s day to be heroic and special! I felt it would lead to chaos but not the kind I expected!”

He broke away from the embrace and vented further his frustration. Fluttershy simply stood, fluttered where she was, and listened to her husband, “Even today, I screw up and ruin things. You wouldn’t believe the amount ponies still mad at me! And maybe rightfully so, for being a stupid piece of garbage!” He paused for a second and, with somber eyes, looked at his wife, who hated seeing her husband insult himself. “Sometimes I think I still wear this thing because I’m afraid I’ll make worse mistakes without it.”

Without hesitation, she hurried to hug her husband once more. “Please stop saying those things, Discord! Who cares about what those ponies think! They don’t know you, the real you. I know you and our friends do. We’ve seen you change into a good draconequus I always knew you were capable of. We’ve all forgiven.” Fluttershy cringed, remembering an event that still troubled her today, “It’s true it took some time, but after we discovered your origins and seeing you almost die at the hands of-”

“Fluttershy!” Discord exclaimed, calming his wife down, who was breathing like she ran a marathon. “Thank you for the emotional speech, but I don’t want you to stress yourself or the baby!”

After some deep breaths from his wife, he sighed in relief, “You’re right. That’s in the past and what matters is the now. I mean, look at me!” His body began breaking down into chunks, contoured into puzzle pieces. “I used to be a mess, no direction, and felt unloved by everypony” his wife picked up and conjoined the elements that formed his face, and his body followed suit, “and then you came into my life and helped me improve. Sure there were obstacles—a LOT of them. But with you, I knew I could manage to pull through. You are everything that I hoped for, Fluttershy. And whatever scary stuff the future brings, I want you to be there with me.”

Fluttershy wiped a tear from her eye. #ho knew despite knowing him for years, his words continued to make her cry. “I love you,” she said as the two embraced.

“I know.”

“Say it,” Fluttershy assertively teased.

“I love you too.”

They wished they could stay like this forever, but the clock summoned its cuckoo, which had an hourglass for a head, and reminded them that the meeting was close to commencing.

“Best for you not to be late, and the boys are probably waiting for me down at the station!” Discord said.

Fluttershy pouted, “I wish you were there with us. You always tell the best stories when we’re all together.”

“Sorry, dear, but nerd duties call” with a snap of his fingers, he resembled the stereotypical geek, glasses with suspenders and all, giving his wife a well-needed chuckle before quickly changing back.

“I’ll see you later, dear,” He said after giving Fluttershy a peck on the lips. He was about to snap his fingers before Fluttershy stopped him, “Aren't you forgetting to say goodbye to someone else?”

Discord knew who she was referring to as he crouched down and faced her belly, “Alright, little guy, I’m gonna be heading out for some important business matters, so you take care of your mommy, alright? Don’t worry, your daddy Discord will be back tonight or earlier if there’s a musical number. You know your dad loves you, and knowing myself, I might drown the hospital with my tears once I see you in this world. You got all that? Good, I’ll see you later, my little abomination. Love you.” He kissed her belly.

“Discord, I don’t like that nickname you give them,” Fluttery said disapprovingly.

“Aw, come one, you know I’m joking around, my dear. I know our baby will be beautiful anyway since it’s from the both of us,” Discord said, making his wife giggle. A portal appeared after a usual snap that led to Canterlot Castle, the rest of their friends waiting for them.

Fluttershy jumped through and into the shining glimmer of the throne room. Discord handed her a lunch he created from his magic and sent a little wave toward the others.

He teleported away upon the portal's closure, leaving no creature other than the animals to dwell through the paradoxical cottage.

But soon, that cottage will be beaming with life once more that night, and so will it be for a few months. And for many centuries to come.

Over 1000 years later.

On the dirt road, beneath the forever grey sky of Equestria, was a pastel red mare with a diverse bouquet, whose mane could be described as an elegant perfumed mullet. She arrived at the large tree that served as that strange but historical landmark at the edge of town. No pony truly wanted to live there because a pony couldn't handle such a chaotic show of a home. But upon hearing news a draconequus would be moving into town, Pony City’s mayor made no hesitation in giving their new neighbor that old woodland cottage.

After knocking on its door, she was met by a purple draconequus; spirals served as pupils, a pony's head, wings of a bee, puffy yellow hair, and horns resembled those of a moose, which proved to make it difficult to pass through the door. To describe the features of her species is always proven to be frustrating to any creature.

“S-sorry about that. It’s hard having to manage these ugly horns,” She stammered, leaning against the door frame. “How can I help you?”

The mare handed her the flowers, “I just wanted to welcome you to our city. It’s tremendously exciting having a draconequus to move into Pony City of all places. And don’t apologize; you look fantastic.” The draconequus cheeks burned a bright pink, “I’m Mayor Spray, and if you have any concerns, just ask away. My office is a big building with the new salon next to it! So, what’s the name of our new resident.”

The draconequus was taken aback by the extrovert energy, “My name is Be-bop Thawnk Kazoo! B-but just call me Kazoo!” She chuckled nervously, “ A-and thank you for the flowers, Mayor. You really didn’t have to. I hope I didn’t interrupt any important business.”

Mayor Spray snorted an unusual laugh that Kazoo found strangely cute. “Sweetie, meeting new creatures moving in is part of the business, and I love conversing with any creature, which explains why my cutie mark is a speech bubble.” She leaned forward to Kazoo’s ear, “You wouldn’t believe how my mother reacted when she saw it for the first time. She was afraid my destiny was writing comic books.”

Both of them laughed. “But enough about me, what brought you here to Pony City,” the mayor said, wiping a tear from the laughter.

“Well, back in Chaosville, I wasn’t a fan of the environment. Every day the village encourages you to get out more, be nice to everyone, and constantly socialize. No time for myself.” Kazoo realized something, “Oh gosh, where are my manners! Please, come in!”

She and the mayor walked into their home, filled with boxes inside. While this cottage is more than a thousand years old, it almost looks recently built. Kazoo reached for her pocket and took out a crumbled paper ball, which, after a kiss, transformed into the perfect vase for her bouquet.

“So, you wanted time for yourself. But didn’t you have any friends? I can’t imagine wanting to be lonely the whole time,” asked Mayor Spray.

“I had friends! I don’t talk to them much anymore,” Her eyes drifted away sadly from Spray’s gaze, "But I’m not planning on isolating myself. I just wanted to be somewhere new, not grow old and stay there my whole life. I wanted a more cozy kind of chaos. I didn’t believe such a place could exist until I discovered this cottage existed.”

As she pulled the handle to an old drawer, she found a collection of old teacups and took one out, “At first, I thought the town would say no since this is a historical building for ponies and draconequui alike. We wouldn’t all be here today if it wasn’t for the first residents of this house.” She started counting painted butterflies on it with her thumb, “I know this is a stupid thought, but a part of me is now feeling pressure staying here. I mean, the Fluttershy and Discord lived here! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for those two legends. No creature lived here in ages, and now there’s me. I wonder if I can continue their legacy somehow.”

A spark of pink sprinkled across her face. “I-I mean, since I’m staying here, I think it’s only right I do something. I hope I’m not bragging or bothering you with my weird tangents. Gosh, I sound like my mom,” she said, whispering the last sentence.

Mayor Spray taps Kazoo to get her attention, looking at her shining cyan eyes resembling stars, “You’re fine, Kazoo. And if you do wanna continue the legacy of this cottage, just live the life you want, warts and all. Throw some parties, decorate the place, do what you want, girl!”

She playfully hits Kazoo’s shoulder, making her laugh, “And there’s nothing stupid about expressing what’s on your mind! Besides, you already got the mayor as your friend.” She places her hood on the draconequus’ shoulder, “You may want time for yourself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make new friends here. ”

Kazoo replied with a warm smile because most draconequui said similar words to her: There is no chaos you can bind. But it’s always best to be kind.

“Yeah,” she said, “I guess with friends by your side, the future’s always something to look forward to.”

Author's Note:

I have so many stories that I only uploaded on the Fluttercord week Discord server, and I cannot wait to finally upload them here.
My studies are over! I HAVE SO MUCH FREE TIME!

Comments ( 2 )

this is soo nice.A good story
I might even cry:fluttercry:

Awww, thos story is very sweet! I'm always a sucker for stories about Fluttershy and Discord being domestic. You have a kmack for describing the chaos going on in their shared home.

I also loved the idea of Discord willingly wearing that collar. It doesn't make him any less chaotic, but it's a good way to show that he really does want to make up for what he does.

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