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Hungry Like The Wolf


If the ponies thought that Sonic couldn’t get any crazier with his antics, this was the cherry on top of all cakes so far.

Cause before any of them could object against his decision, he dashed on over to the closest Timberwolf. And with a swift left kick, he managed to snap off a decent size chunk of wood from its body.

The wolf growled out its pain, while the group of ponies were jaw dropped. Sonic managed to catch the chunk of wood with no issue, as he held it front of the wolf.

It could only stare at the hedgehog with hatred, glaring even harder but that didn’t faze Sonic in the slightest. “Oh, sorry about that. It’s just you puppies aren’t all that scary, if I can do that.”

Sonic then threw the wood over the wolves, before then peeling out around them toward the direction of where he and his friends first arrived.

“Come on ’Crusty Mutts’, I thought you were great at chasing your prey!” Sonic called back to the wolves aggravating them more.

The wolf that Sonic had attacked stood still for a second, as its body regenerated the part that had been broken. Once it was done being fixed, all three wolves charged after the pest they had just met wanting to end its life.

As they got further into the distance the group were left stunned, confused, annoyed, worried and lastly angry… for some of them.

Pipp who had been the most silent had vein appear on her forehead, as she yelled to the sky. “WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT?!?!”

Ponyville: Center

Sonic had been running for a little bit, and knew he got the attention of the wolves as he could hear the sound of their stomps coming from behind him. They sounded angry, ready to chomp down him the second they got the chance, but Sonic was making sure that wouldn’t happen cause as much as he was having fun, he knew that he shouldn’t do something so stupid that he gets injured.

But right now he slowed himself down to give these wolves a delusion that they could catch him, his plan was simple just tire out the three predators and return back to his friends.

However they seemed to not be giving up anytime soon, as Sonic turned his head to face behind him and saw they were in a full sprint. And they were not getting tired, making Sonic go into deep thought. ‘Okay, no way I’m going to be able to tire them out yet. I’m gonna need an alternative, but what could work?’

As if the world knew what he was thinking, he turned to face in front once more, noticing the forest that stood tall. “How come I never noticed it before? Oh well it should work!”

He then ran onto the path that lead into the deep trees, as the wolves followed after him still not willing to give up.

Upon entering into the forest, Sonic took note of how different it was from any of the places he explored in this world. It was way denser, and way more populated with bugs and creatures, all sorts of things Sonic had never seen before.

Then he began jumping from tree to tree as another batch of creatures, which Sonic had known about in his world the Manticores began swiping for him.

But Sonic had no issue dodging, he even delivered a nice kick to one of them knocking it out. Continuing forward he looked behind once more, to see that the wolves were no longer behind him he must’ve lost them.

Without further hesitation he began trekking back towards the town, to hopefully meet back up with the others and figure out the castle.

So he began accelerating, going a lot faster than before. The wind that he carried, blew the many leaves and vines away as he continued to pass by other creatures.

He even passed a giant serpent that’s was in the river, and he even passed by parasprites who all slammed into the trees.

Sonic however didn’t notice a certain creature he passed by, no not a creature but a pony who hid in the shadows the wind blew into their face as their blue horn was revealed from the sunlight.


Sonic managed to escape back outside of the forest, turning to face it just in case the wolves were still chasing him. But thankfully there weren’t any present, to which he sighed smiling glad that they wouldn’t be an issue.

Without another thought he began making his way back to the castle, passing by an apple farm that stood near the forest. He even passed by a cottage, that was left alone at the edge of town but he didn’t pay them any mind.

His destination was getting closer, as he was ready to welcome himself back to the group. He arrived and came to stop, to where he walked forward with his eyes closed smirking. “Timber!”

He got no response from any of them as he opened his eyes, only to go wide eyed from the fact they were no longer present. “What? Where did they go? They wouldn’t leave, something like this behind right?”

He then realised what happened slapping himself in the face, both mentally and physically as he groaned loudly. “Why did they follow me?” He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter, I’ve gotta go after them.”

Without any further hesitation he turned back around, zipping away back towards the entrance of the forest with a serious look on his face. ‘Please be okay guys, I don’t want you getting hurt because of your worries about me.’

Without anything else to focus on he ran through the entrance, hoping to find them soon.


The group of friends minus one Hedgehog had followed after Sonic, all worried for his safety but that didn’t mean it came without… complaints.

“Does he want to get killed?” Sunny seethed.

Zipp just shook her head. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Hitch groaned. “If this was back in Maretime Bay, he would’ve broken all of the laws.”

Izzy meanwhile seemed fine. “I don’t know guys, he seemed to have it under control.”

Her words though triggered the other pegasus, who had been silent to finally start speaking. “Under control Izzy? What he did was so stupid and reckless, he does these things that are best questionable and at worst frustrating! He doesn’t consider all options, and instead jumps right into it! And the worst part is that he thinks it’s fun and okay, when it’s not and he doesn’t even consider how I feel about it!” Pipp finished breathing heavily.

The others only stared at the pop star with wide eyes, but Zipp on the other hoof narrowed her eyes on her younger sister. “I get we’re all concerned for him. But why are you so upset about it. You’re acting like he means so much you’re attached to him. Why is that sis?”

Pipp’s posture went from low to straight, as she turned slowly to face her sister with the tiniest tiny of red on her cheeks. “Wh-What d-do you m-mean Zipp?”

Zipp could only give her a look that sent Pipp the message, but she still tried to deny it. “Seriously Zipp, what are you talking about.”

Sunny walked forward placing her hoof onto Pipp’s shoulder. “Pipp, you’ve been acting a little weird around Sonic. We’ve all noticed but we didn’t say anything, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.”

Pipp would’ve probably kept her mouth shut if it wasn’t from the fact, that the look Zipp continued to give her intensified, Pipp sighed heavily looking down at the ground, before facing her sister and the others once more. “Okay fine. I’ll tell you.”

Sadly though she wouldn’t get to finish, as the Timberwolves from before found them slowly walking up to their prey.

The group were beyond terrified, even Pipp yelped since she was facing away from them. Yet even though fear ran through their bodies, Sunny with her quick thinking uses her alicorn horn to blind the three predators.

The wolves yelp in pain as the light had made it hard to see, without anymore thought Sunny just yelled to the others. “Go! Go! Go!”

They ran as fast as they could trying to make sure, there was enough distance between them and the wolves.

After running for what felt like ages when in reality it was only twenty seconds, they all dove behind some thick bushes that would surely throw the wolves off of them for the moment.

The silence that reigned over all of them, sent chills down all their spines as the low growls came closer, seeming to come up to the bush they were hiding behind.

But slowly the growls got quieter until absolutely, nothing was heard from anywhere around them. The sighs of relief came from them all, glad they could get out of that mess.

Their brief moment of relief was cut short as footsteps approached from behind them, the bushes moved as twigs snapped making a loud crunch noise.

The group huddled together just in case for safety, and as they close their eyes for whatever came out they then heard someone familiar. “Man this place is huge, couldn’t find you guys till you screamed.”

They all opened their eyes to see Sonic, standing there smiling at them. Izzy and Pipp immediately rush over and hug him, causing a chuckle to emit from his mouth as he hugged them back. “Sorry about the scare.” He apologised.

Breaking away from the hug the happy mood didn’t last, as when he turned to face the others he saw Sunny looking at him with absolute annoyance.

Sonic could only groan knowing what was coming from her mouth. “Sunny.”

Sunny however started speaking. “Sonic, why do you do this? It’s very stressful when you constantly-!”

Her mouth was closed by the hedgehog as she muffled trying to speak her point, but Sonic shushed her as he quietly whispered to her. “They’re coming back.”

She was confused until the sound of howling in the distance caught her attention, Sonic took his hand off her mouth as she slowly breathed.

Sonic crouched down into a runner’s position. “Round two pals? Alright, bring it on.”

However Sunny jumped in front of him still whispering. “Sonic, no you’re not going after them again. You can’t beat them. If you want to beat them, we all have to work together to do so. Which means making a plan instead of jumping into the fray.” Sunny explained.

Sonic slid a palm down his face muttering himself. “I was holding back.”

He shook his head refocused on Sunny. “Fine, you’re right. But we need a plan now then, cause we’re running out of time. So what do you have in mind?”

Sunny looked at all of them and smirked knowing what to do.

Forest: A little bit later

The Timberwolves arrived at where the scent had rolled them, it was a relatively decent amount of space. Then their attentions was turned towards three individuals, who were taunting them.

Sonic, Zipp and Izzy were performing the stunt of throwing stones at them. This provoked the wolves enough to chase after them, the three then split up as all three wolves chase one each.

Izzy spins around jumping over a bush, the wolf gets close until Hitch appears through bush stomping his hoof down causing vines to grow capturing the wolf that chased Izzy.

Sonic took note of it as he ran. ‘One down.’

Zipp then appears on the opposite side of where Hitch is, and Sunny comes out using her horn to grab the second Timberwolf and place it with the other one trapped in the vines.

Though she fell to her knees afterwards, from carrying such a creature. But thankfully it was caught.

Sonic saw this as well taking note of it as well. ‘Two down, time to wrap this up!’

The ponies then hear the fast footsteps of Sonic and the low roars of the Timberwolf approaching, Sonic running at just the right speed smirks as he jumps into the air, to which the Timberwolf did the same but it realised something as everything came to a crawl.

Sonic had jumped higher than him and, he was headed for the other wolves. The wolf looked up at Sonic one last time, as the hedgehog saluted and winked mockingly at the predator.

And then everything came back to reality, as the last Timberwolf crashed into the other two destroying them. As all the pieces landed, Pipp then pulled a rope which raised a net from the ground, trapping all the wood pieces that would put them back together.
(End Song)

After making sure the net would hold, silence followed afterwards as the group stared at each other, breathing from what they’d just experienced.

Then small smiles crossed each of their faces, as they turned into big smiles. The group cheered at their victory, well Sonic simply pumped a fist into the air.

Sunny smiled at the others. “I can’t believe that worked!”

Izzy spoke up next. “Yeah! Glad you told us about that detail Sunny, with how they can combine and get bigger.”

Hitch frowned a little from that. “That would’ve been a huge mess to deal with.”

Sonic then noticed something about the net. “Uh, guys. The pieces of those wolves are gone.” He pointed out.

The group all quickly turned to see he was right, all the pieces of wood that was the wolves had disappeared into thin air.

Sonic then felt his quills vibrate again, he reached in pulling out the instructions again. This time there was one final bit of writing. “You’ve completed the test, come back to the castle to continue forward.

They all stared at each other blankly before Pipp once again, with her eye twitching this time screamed to the sky once more. “WHAT-?!”


The group returned from the forest after Pipp had finally calmed down, but to be honest she was in the right to scream about it.

And thankfully no other creatures, had come after them along the way. They had finally reached the bottom of the stairs once more, this time however Sonic quickly searched their surroundings before returning back to them.

“Alright, hopefully this time no freaky creatures appear.” This was met with nods from the others.

Their focus was then shifted as the doors to the castle, slowly opened making a creak so audible you could hear it from the other side of town.

Once they were fully opened a silhouette was seen standing in the dark, but they slowly moved forward the sounds of hoofsteps approached, with a subtle metallic clank alongside them.

The group could only go wide eyed and gasp softly as the figure was revealed to them, to be none other than the Lavender Alicorn herself staring at them with a small smile.

Sunny could only say one name. “Twilight Sparkle.”

The Alicorn spread her wings out, as the rays of sunlight shined down on her. Making the majestic feeling grow, the others awe could only last for so long as the ancient pony finally spoke her first words.

“Welcome my little ponies.” She greeted calmly.

Author's Note:

A huge shoutout goes to BronySonicFan who gave me the idea of how This chapter goes down, I highly recommend checking out his stories as they are a lot of fun to read.

I hope the battle didn’t feel too rushed, as I’m gonna say it writing good long battles is hard.

Anyway I hope ya’ll fun with this chapter see you all next time.