• Published 1st May 2022
  • 1,003 Views, 27 Comments

All The Time In The World - Clockwork2003

Exactly ninety days have passed since Sunny Starscout did the impossible and reunited ponykind. Once her lighthouse is rebuilt, she finds an old book in Bridlewood, and discovers that a pony has been watching all along.

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Chapter 1: Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads!

The sun began to rise over Mareitime Bay, as it does every day. The weather was clear, pristine, and somewhat therapeutic. There were a few scattered meringue-colored clouds in the sky, but other than that, the weather was perfect. The sunlight peeked its way through a newly reconstructed lighthouse, alight with a magical crystal. This crystal was formed by Sunny Starscout, an Earth Pony who managed to befriend four other ponies from all pony races. They recalibrated the magical leylines around Equestria, and some rudimentary magic began to flow once more. Today looks to be very promising, like any other day!

Sunny Starscout calls this lighthouse home, and her drapes were drawn, letting the sunlight inside her bedroom. The gentle rays tickle her face, and the Earth Pony mare instinctively wakes up. Over the past ninety days, Sunny’s mane began to change in color, from a light purple to a more rainbow color. Finally waking up, Sunny groans, and slowly makes her way out of her bed. “Ugh…what time is it?” She asks herself, looking at the clock next to her bed. The clock reads 8:00 AM.

“Eh, 8:00 AM isn’t that bad. I’ve woken up much earlier before. Besides, I have a chess game with Alphabittle today!” Sunny exclaims, finally making her way out of bed. Taking the time to wash her muzzle, braid her mane, and whip up a warm bowl of porridge, Sunny can’t help but think about the life-changing adventure she had just three months prior. Her entire modus operandi finally manifests, albeit at a very small level.

In the three months since the magical crystal was reconstructed, contact between each of the pony races has been sparse. Sunny and her friends still frequent each other’s homes, but for the most part, ponies are still sticking to themselves. Nevertheless, any progress in regard to full Friendship recalibration was something to celebrate! Some other ponies have also been willing to interact with her, such as Alphabittle. Alphabittle might have been a bit snarky when he first met Sunny, but as one of the older unicorns she knows, he proves to be a vital source of information on unicorn culture. Not to mention that he is very good at board games, something they both enjoy!

“I have to be at his gaming parlor in Bridlewood at 10:15, I think I can get there on time. If only my…whatever the hay that was…kicked in, and I could fly there.” Sunny says, quite annoyed. She is referring to her brief moment of deification as an alicorn, upon reconstructing the ancient crystal. It baffled Sunny that while her unicorn and pegasi friends were able to keep their magic, her own magic dissipated after a few brief moments. Maybe she can learn more? Sunny finally finishes her porridge and quickly washes her dishes. Putting on her rollerblades, she remembers to look at the portrait of her father before departing. “A new day, dad. Ninety-one days since magic came back…sort of.” She says, putting a hoof on the picture with love and care. Sunny opens the door and quickly remembers to lock it. “On my way to Bridlewood!” She hums, rolling along the paved roads of Maretime Bay.

Ever since her brief moment of deification, Sunny has wondered more and more about Ancient Equestria. What made it so special and worthy of her father’s study? Obviously, Friendship can work in any era, as she just proved three months ago, but what made it optimal? These questions would sadly have to be put on hold, as a friendly, purple unicorn waves at Sunny.

“Hi Sunny!” The unicorn says with glee. Sunny waves, but continues to roll along en route to Bridlewood.

“Izzy, I told you last night, I have a game of chess with Alphabittle at 10:15. Bridlewood is a long trot if you can’t fly, and I want to be punctual.” Sunny explains, trying to be patient with her new friend. Izzy giggles, and gallops along next to her Earth pony friend.

“No problem, Sunny! I actually came to let you know that my horn is doing funny things! I thought you might know a thing or two about it?” Izzy says. Sunny stops in her tracks, and looks at the unicorn carefully.

“What do you mean, weird, funny things?” Sunny inquires, as Izzy’s horn lights up. When finished charging, the horn sends a small burst of pure magical energy at a tiny pebble on the ground. The pebble transfigures into a small bunny rabbit, which begins to hop along the Maretime Bay cobblestone path.

Sunny chuckles and Izzy is in shock and awe. “I didn’t know I could do that?!” Izzy exclaims, while Sunny can’t help but be amused by all this. “Well, my late father had plenty of archives on unicorn magic, and transfiguration was something unicorns could do. I am sure it’s normal!” Sunny tries to reassure herself and Izzy that all is well.

“Everypony else is busy today, Sunny, so you are stuck with me!” Izzy says in a high-pitched, sing-song voice. The orange mare doesn’t mind. She could use the company, anyway. Unicorns are still not used to seeing non-unicorns, and having Izzy nearby could prove to be useful, if not a good deterrent from attack. “While we make our way back to Alphabittle, do you mind telling me more about Bridlewood? I still have to take scrupulous notes on unicorn culture!” Sunny pestered further. “What else is there to know?! I told you everything!” Izzy says rhetorically. Obviously, this is going to be a long trot to Bridlewood.

The two ponies discuss many things on their trek to Alphabittle’s gaming parlor, ranging from epicurean differences, colloquialisms, and nuances about their respective cultures. It proved to be quite an educative experience for both of them! Sunny greatly appreciated the fact regarding how unicorns can hold their breaths underwater for five minutes! This was even before the magic returned!

“Wait, you’re telling me unicorns can hold their breaths for FIVE MINUTES? How do you ponies not pass out, or worse!” Sunny exclaims, astonished by this uncanny biological feat. Izzy giggles, and explains herself. “I don’t know, Sunny, it’s just how we roll! My dad was able to hold his breath for seven minutes, but almost everyunicorn I know can hold theirs for at least five. What about you, Sunny? Any weird Earth pony tricks?”

Where could Sunny begin?! There were so many interesting things Earth ponies can do, ranging from technological advancements to agriculture, and even pop culture! Taking a minute to think of a good example, Sunny finally comes up with something certain to pique the unicorn’s interest. “Well…before Canterlogic got into unicorn and pegasi deterrence technology, they were primarily an R&D lab for genetics! Sprout’s mom figured out how to modify the genetic code of certain crops, to allow for more food production! It saved Maretime Bay during a bad famine when my father was a colt.”

Izzy thought about what her friend had just told her, before nonchalantly replying: “At least he didn’t go hungry. You fixed the problem!” She cheers. After another good half an hour of walking, the duo finally make their way to Alphabittle’s gaming parlor. It looks just the same as when Sunny last visited the place three months ago. If Izzy was in charge, the entire place would be decked top to bottom with vibrant colors! Sunny had played chess a few times before, but Alphabittle agreed to play fairly this time, in order to teach her how to play. She wonders if Izzy knows how to play chess, too?

“Do you know how to play chess, Izzy?” Sunny asks while taking off her rollerblades at the front door. There was a sign that said “No rollerblades allowed inside”, after all! Izzy shakes her head. “Nope! I was always more of an arts and crafts pony. Chess and all those super smart things were never one of my strong suits. You seem smart, though, so I am sure you’ll do just fine!” Izzy chuckles, finally entering the parlor, waiting for Sunny to enter behind her. Sunny finally comes inside with Izzy, but Alphabittle isn’t there.

Izzy is confused. Alpabittle, as snarky and annoying as he can be, was never late for anything! Punctuality was something that he and most unicorns pride themselves on! She looks around the place and wonders where he can be. “Sunny, any idea where Mr. Alphabittle went?” Izzy asks, confused and concerned for her friend.

“Beats me, Izzy. I’ve met the stallion once. No idea where he could be. I just hope that he’s okay!” Sunny replies, trying to maintain a cheery demeanor. Even while the magic returned, there was still some animosity between ponies, and there have been a few recorded cases of hate crimes. Thankfully, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer has been working around the clock to ensure safety for all ponies in Maretime Bay. As for Bridlewood…well that’s not his jurisdiction!

Izzy hears a door creak, and she cocks her head to the right, trying to see and hear where the noise came from. The door opens, and Alphabittle came out in a cold sweat. He looked distraught, and he is hyperventilating! “Izzy, thank the mayo you’re here! I just saw a winged unicorn!”

A winged unicorn? The phrase immediately made Sunny Starscout think. Nevertheless, Alphabittle lets out a hoof and shakes with Sunny. “I’m sorry for being late. I had that weird winged unicorn sighting on the way here. I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Wait, weren’t you a winged unicorn for five minutes three months ago?”

Sunny nods at Alphabittle’s question, but she’s got one for him, too! “Wait…were the pony’s wings and horn silhouettes or were they actually there?” Alphabittle takes a minute to think about the question, and then replies with “they were real, and not outlines like yours.” If they weren’t outlines, that could only mean that one of the Princesses of Ancient Equestria returned for a visit! Sunny’s eyes widen, and she jumps up and down with joy! Izzy, not knowing why her friend is excited, jumps up and down with her!

“This is amazing, a Princess came to visit! What has it been, five thousand years since we last saw one, and-.”

“Well, I didn’t say I definitely saw a Princess, but that I thought I did. I could just be seeing things. Ever since you rebuilt that crystal, my horn’s doing all sorts of weird stuff. As much as I like having new friends, this whole magic thing is a pain in the hoof!” Alphabittle exclaims. Izzy nods in agreement. “I know, right! I made a pebble turn into a bunny today by mistake! That never happened before we reunified the three pony races, er…at least the five of us friends? Wait, wait, go back to the winged unicorn thing for a minute!” Izzy says, wondering what the hubbub is all about.

Alphabittle did not have to repeat himself, because the very winged unicorn entered the parlor! She looked incredibly regal and had a mane that flowed with the cosmos itself. Her navy blue coat looks perfect, and her blueish hazel eyes reflected sunlight. She looks at the three ponies, before clearing her throat, and pointing a hoof at Alphabittle.

“You. I saw you for a moment. Why did you run away?” She asks as Alphabittle begins to panic. “I don’t know who you are, or what you are, or-.”

The winged unicorn shushes, trying to soothe the stallion down. She takes a look at the other two ponies, before spotting Sunny. She trots over to her and looks at her very carefully. “You have his eyes…” She whispers, trying to remain composed. Could her son have living descendants?

“Uh, no, she has her own eyes, missy, and I don’t know who you are!” Izzy jokes. The Princess is not amused and looks at Sunny for a moment.

“Please tell me that you are the only sane pony here, er, what’s your name?” She asks, looking at Sunny very carefully. There was something about her that calmed the mare.

“Well, I’d tell you my name, but I don’t know who you are!” Sunny says, before realizing that this might be one of the “alicorns” of legend. She quickly remembers all the different deities her father taught her about and crosses them off her list. “You’re not Twilight, you are blue. Celestia is white. Cadence is pink, Flurry is pink, and-.”

Luna chuckles and smiles at Sunny. “I take it ponies have forgotten their history over the past five millenia. I’ve seen worse, child. My name is Princess Luna. Former Princess of Equestria, and part-time goddess of the night. The moon kind of works on its own now, but I pitch in every now and then. Now, I told you who I am, so could you be so kind to tell me who you are?”

“My name’s Sunny Starscout. Nice to meet you!”

Luna gasps. Her mind is quickly brought back to that fateful night in Sire’s Hollow where her son let loose one key detail about the future by mistake. Izzy and Sunny were trying to ask Luna some questions, but she was too busy thinking about her long-dead son.

“You, you said your name is Sunny Starscout, correct?” Luna asks, wanting to make sure she’s not hallucinating. Sunny nods, and Izzy pipes in “And my name is Izzy Moonbow!” Luna takes a minute to process this revelation, before casting a spell. “She has his eyes, I must be certain before I divulge too much!”

Sunny is enveloped in Luna’s magic and is gently lifted into the air.

Luna quickly looks through Sunny's genetic history and skims through five thousand years of pony heritage. Farther and farther into the past, she gazes, until she finds the stallion she was looking for. Quickly putting Sunny down, Luna begins to cry.

“Sunny, dear…my…I don’t know how many aeons, but you’re a distant, very distant grandfilly.”

Sunny is confused. This mysterious winged unicorn that calls herself Luna is now an ancestor? What else does she need to know? Is she also going insane from the magical recalibration! “I…I don’t know, miss Luna! This whole thing doesn’t make any sense!”

Luna looks at Sunny very carefully and continues. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, child. It’s not your fault. Now, my magic told me that a very important book calls this place it's home. It has an hourglass with falling sand on the cover.”

Alphabittle chuckles, and pipes in. “No way in hay I am giving that thing to you! I got it at a flea auction, and it’s five millennia old! There’s no way I am EVER going to give that up for some-.”

Luna grimaces and looks at Alphabittle very carefully. “Get the book, and I will reward you handsomely.” She snarls, before magicking a pouch of pure golden bits. Alphabittle grabs the bag and immediately goes to fetch the book. Sunny and Izzy are left confused, and Luna chuckles.

“Wait, why do you want a book, and why did you show up NOW, when you’ve been gone for five thousand years, and why are there no “alicorns” anymore?” Sunny asks a rapid-fire series of questions before Luna sighs and calms down.
“The book belonged to my son, and I think you are the pony who is meant to have it. It is encrypted with highly advanced magic, long-lasting after the leylines collapsed. It will help you rebuild Equestria to its former glory.” Luna slowly explains. Sunny is astounded. Since when did Princess Luna ever have a son? Well, it must be true, or else Sunny couldn’t possibly be a descendant of Luna!

“Wait, you have a foal?” Sunny asks. Luna quickly interrupts her descendant. “I had a son, child. He was a mortal unicorn pony who lived for one hundred and twenty years. My niece was much luckier in siring Flurry Heart…” Luna says, quite upset. She didn’t have much time to reflect on the past, because Alphabittle came back to the parlor holding a massive navy blue tome in his hooves. It has the very logo Luna described, that of an hourglass with falling sand.

“Pay up!” Alphabittle says eagerly. Luna sighs, and telekinetically sends the bit pouch over to Alphabittle, who trades the golden currency for the book. Princess Luna looks at the tome and smiles. “You netter be right, time nut.” She whispers. Luna sits down on her hind legs, and invites Sunny and Izzy to do the same. She paws off the tome to Sunny, who carefully looks at the cover.

“Is this thing even in Ponish, Miss Luna?” Sunny asks. Luna chuckles and smiles at her descendant. “My son was a very smart stallion. He could see the future. I am sure that he made sure to write this journal in your current dialect.” Luna explains. It was now the moment of reckoning. Sunny Starscout put her front hoof on the cover of the book, and it immediately began to glow orange.

Not only did the book begin to glow orange, but Sunny Starscout did, as well, briefly spotting her ethereal horn and wings! An outline of a padlock begins to fade away, and the book floats down on the ground, revealing all its contents to Sunny, and Sunny alone. Izzy and Alphabittle saw nothing but blank pages!

“What kind of a trick is this? I don’t see any words in here, and I just gave up my most valuable artifact for a bunch of scraps!” Alphabittle cries, feeling cheated. Luna clucks her tongue at him with contempt. “You made a wise choice, unicorn. The tome is heavily encrypted for security purposes. My son made sure that only the right pony could access his sacred writings!”

Sunny can’t help but nerd out a bit by all of this. Her father would probably be going ballistic if he was alive to see any of this. His daughter deifying, and now a super ancient artifact only she can open and read?! Luna looks at Sunny with gentle eyes and smiles: “Go ahead, read the first page. Even I didn’t get a glimpse at all of my son’s writings, only bits and pieces!” Not wanting to waste any time, Sunny turns the first page, and sees something truly magical. She begins to read to Luna, Izzy and Alphabittle:

“Sunny, my long distant heir,

You are probably confused right now, on this 13th Day of May, 5102 After Twilight, at around 10:24 A.M.-
Izzy is freaking out. She had just checked her watch, and the time read 10:24 A.M. “Okay, this is really creepy. How does the author know what time it is?!” Luna smiles, enjoying witnessing her late son’s temporal antics again. It gave her much joy and happiness to see him live on through words.

“I told you, Izzy, my son was gifted in the temporal arts.” Luna says, urging Sunny to keep reading. Sunny chuckles, and continues. “Sorry about that, I got interrupted. Now, where was I?”

“Sunny, my long distant heir,

You are probably confused right now, on this 13th Day of May, 5102 After Twilight, at around 10:24 A.M. I don’t blame you! This is a lot to take in. Before I get into the nitty gritty, I owe you an introduction. My name is Clockwork Relativity. By the time you’re reading this, I’ll have been dead for over five thousand years. Regardless, I have seen things that nopony has ever seen before, and will never get the opportunity to see.

Enclosed in this tome is all the information you will need to restore magic to Equestria after five millennia of absence. This information is probably not what you are used to. It is enclosed as the story of my life. I promise everything will make sense in due time.

Now, you and your friend(s) will be given a golden opportunity. How would you like to travel through time? This tome is an accurate-to-the-second simulation of Ancient Equestria. Every pony, item, and memory ever conceived during my era exists here, and they are yours to explore! I only had one hundred and twenty years in Equestria to leave my mark, but you and your friends can make yours now!

I’ll be very kind for your first excursion, and take you and Izzy to bear witness to my foalhood. There won’t be anything serious, I promise you that. There are, however, a few ground rules.

1) While you will be technically traveling through time, this tome is a simulation. Any alterations that you will make in this book will not affect the outside world around you. You may be able to talk to me, but it won’t be ME.

2) This encryption is top-notch. Nopony other than you, Sunny, will be able to access or manipulate these words. You can bring one friend with you on each trip, and be sure to alternate every time! Everypony deserves a little time travel!

3) The Butterfly Effect. While this tome is a simulation of Equestria, later on in your journey you might actually need to travel back and forth through time in the main continuity. Practice noninterference in the simulation, because it could very well save your life!

I might not have been able to experience the Magic of Friendship to the same extent as Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six, but I can assure you that my knowledge is worthwhile.

Be back in time,


As soon as Sunny had finished reading that section, the book began to glow once more. Sunny and Izzy also begin to radiate magic, and are slowly but surely sucked painlessly into the simulated version of Equestria. Once the book closes, Luna smiles, clearly content with herself.

“If I know my son, which, I do, he probably took them to see his formative years on the moon, before I returned to Equestria,” Luna explains to Alphabittle.

“The moon?! You lived on the moon!” Alphabittle exclaims, totally stunned.

“Equestria has much to learn, and I am sure that my son will teach the best that he can from beyond the grave.”

Only time will tell whether this first blast to the past for Sunny and Izzy will go well. Perhaps they can learn something valuable, too?