• Published 27th Apr 2022
  • 1,314 Views, 15 Comments

Hexagons Are The Bestagons - Stalin with Da Spoon

Twilight sparkle and her friends had the audacity to doubt that the hexagon is that good of a shape, so CGP Grey teleports into Equestria to prove them wrong.

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A Call To Duty

It was a peaceful day in Princess Twilight's Castle of Friendship, as she and her friends were busy organizing some books, Spike being busy using a broom to sweep out from underneath Rainbow Dash, who was fluttering in the air as she was currently flipping through a book, until a weird shape caught her eye, as she turned to Twilight. "Hey Twilight, whats this?" She said turning the book and holding it in her hands, displaying the picture of a hexagon.

Twilight inspected it for a couple milliseconds before answering happily and firmly. "A hexagon I believe, one of the most strange and boring shapes imaginable."

Suddenly, across the multiverse, through the many timelines, in the one right next to the horizons universe, we zoom in on the island nation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and as zoom in closer, we eye the home of one CGP Grey, master of all types of knowledge, and the founder of Hexology, a religion dedicated to understanding and recognizing the superiority of hexagons, as they are, the bestagon. Well, it was less of a religion, more like a simple way to label the art of understanding a hexagon's supremacy. Anyways, Grey was currently working on his next video, but then, he felt something.... He could swear he heard somebody...

Insult the hexagon.

The very thought of someone insulting the hexagon made his blood boil, the hair on his skin standing up. As multiversal grandmaster of all things hexagon, he sensed when the great shape was insulted. However, surely it was just a one time thing, maybe it was just a joke.

But then, as we return to the Castle of Friendship, he feels he is wrong when another outcry against the hexagon is heard.

"Indeed darling, such a strange shape, it holds no elegance of beauty, just rigid and cold, emotionless." Those words were starting to make Grey's blood run red hot, as he gritted his teeth as he slowly built up rage within himself. He simply just continued sitting down, trying to work at his computer, slowly typing away at the script, before reaching for his coffee, and taking a sip.

"Ah reckon the hexagon does alot less than any other shape. Can barely roll, ain't too sturdy, just generally worthless."


As Grey spat out his coffee all over his computer monitor, he quickly reached for his emergency coffee spill napkins and cleaned off his screen. Then, he simply just decided to tune it out. After all, he had to look at the negative comments on his hexagon video, he could handle this. A few harsh words to the hexagon wouldn't mean nothing too much to him anyways.

"I heard that bee's use it, but I still don't understand why..."

The soft and timid nature of the speaker's voice, as well as the more calm and subdued opinion quickly helped to settle Grey's anger, as he could very easily understand their confusion on the subject of bee's utilizing hexagon patterns. After all, it would take a better understanding of the nature of bee society, anatomy, and behavior, as well as grid patterns and shape plains in order to fully grasp the concept. Plus, it was likely that these heretics who speak against the hexagon were mere children, and had yet to be enlightened by their parents. However, he still felt a slight urge... An urge to educate them. But Grey continued to repress it, until...

"Twilight, I think the shape looks pretty cool."

"Spike, you must have a very skewed understanding of what is 'cool'."

Well, that does it.

With a quick grunt of pure annoyance and frustration, Grey stood up from his desk, slowly walking over to a bookshelf, before pulling on a book, as a switch activated, the door moved to the right to reveal a hexagon shaped door, opening as Grey stepped inside a hexagon shaped grey and white elevator, as the door closed and he descended into his fortress of hexagonitude. Yeah, it was a dumb name, so he just referred to it as the fortress of the hexagon.

As the elevator reached the bottom floor, the door opened to reveal a large white and grey hexagon shaped room, with a large hexagon shaped table in the center, a massive grey and white hologram of a hexagon hovering in the center of it, the symbol of his channel at its center, slowly rotating as six hexagon chairs could be seen surrounding the table, meant for his fellow hexagon defenders, even if he was the only one. At the other end of the room, was a hexagon shaped computer, with three large screens, with a hexagon shaped chair in front of it, as Grey quickly strode over and sat down in the chair, quickly pulling himself up to the surprisingly regular shaped keyboard, although the keys were all hexagons, as he began typing away at it, those horrid words ringing through his mind.

Grey quickly deciphered the culprits responsible for the slandering of the hexagon, narrowing it down to the My Little Pony universe, specifically Season 6, Timeline 45XB, Dimension 24. While this would be his first time entering the my little pony part of the multiverse, it wouldn't be his first inter-dimensional excursion, as that was when he had to put sonic the hedgehog in his place for dissing the hexagon. Now having located his target dimension, he quickly narrowed down his search, scanning for the one who insulted the shape in the first place. Grey then zoomed in on Twilight Sparkle, quickly marking her location and saved a set of coordinates as he typed them into the computer. Grey knew exactly who Twilight and her friends were, having watched the show, dropping little hints to such in some of his videos.

Grey then stood up and turned around, walking over to the eastern wall of the room and pressing a button. The wall slowly opened up to reveal several pieces of advanced equipment, including a power suit with a hexagon on it, with a built in hexagon holo shield, a hexagon shaped combat drone and a hexagon shaped blaster rifle to its side. However, seeing as it was My Little Pony he was entering, Grey did not concern himself with armament, although he did press the hexagon on the chest of the power armor, shrinking it down into a tiny grey and white hexagon badge with the symbol of his channel on it, as he placed it on his chest, before soon locating the tool he needed as he picked out what appeared to be a hexagon shaped remote, with a hexagon shaped button, as he proceeded to press it, and vanish in a burst of light.