• Published 25th Apr 2022
  • 2,681 Views, 161 Comments

Smol Packages - 23 KM To Nerdiness

Are you satisfied with your cuddles? ❤

  • ...

Nightmare Moon's Sleepy Slushies! 😴🧉

"I really need some sleeping pills." Kat rubbed tiredly at her eyes as they drifted from her essay towards the little digits on the bottom right of the screen:

1:32 AM

Finals were hitting back at her decision to spend the semester drinking, partying, and coasting through till the last week. Chemistry, contract law, theater, it all was swimming in her mind. Exhausted beyond belief, if only she didn't depend on scholarships, she would call it quits and go to sleep right now.

Maybe though, a ten minute break wouldn't hurt. Besides, she deserved a small treat for her hard work. She pulled out her phone to start looking for anything open, good, and cheap.

"Closed. Closed. Closed. You're a college town, ACT like it." Kat scowled as she scrolled through the different restaurants, her options grew more and more limited.

Of course she had to choose a town that worked on old people schedule. Thoughts of wondering if she should transfer next year to where her high school buddies had gone flooded her mind—

"Wait, that's new." Kat spotted an ad for a place called Knockout's Shakes and Slushs. "Opened 24/7? I could deal with that, but man, those poor souls.

The drinks even looked pretty good. Boba, milkshakes, teas and more. That's when she spied something intriguing.

"Knockout's Knock Out," Kat read. "Guaranteed to knock you out. How creative, those words. Only available midnight till three...sure, why not?" Limited items usually were the best on the menu.

Order button hit, and credit card info entered, she went back to typing her essay as she waited.

Twenty minutes go by when she got a text message mentioning her delivery was ready outside the dorms. She didn't even bother to put on slippers thanks to the warm spring weather, and the fact that they recently redid the carpet, she went outside with her wallet to tip generously as an apology for her late night order. Just because she could didn't mean she should, after all.

"Hey fam, sorry for the late night or—"

Her delivery person was...more of a delivery pony.

Dressed in the cutest lil' blue armor was a black furred, tiny pony. A unicorn, no, a pegasus. No, a pegacorn? Alicorn!

An alicorn, with a mane and tail that flowed like the stars of the night, and blue draconic eyes. The most noticable part of her, though, was her grumpy expression, but not at all tired.

Kat dawwed. "Oh, you're ADORABLE."

The alicorn pouted even more, and angrily pointed at her name tag, Kat leaned in to look closely.

"Queen Nightmare Moon? Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty." Kat bowed, but had the tiniest smirk on her face. "A Queen, huh? Anyway, thank you so much for getting here, let me just tip ya—"

Nightmare Moon frowned again and shook her head, heading towards the dorms with her drink tray precariously hanging in her teeth.

"Woah, wait up, Queen, no animals allowed. Trust me, my RA is a stickler. He already got me for noise, don't need another violation on my record." Kat hurried up towards the door to stop Nightmare, but that's when the queen gave her such big, wide eyes.

"Urgh...fine, alright, but we need to be sneaky and careful." Kat opened the door and hurried to her room, Moon right on her heels. As soon as they were in, Moon trotted towards Kat's dorm room and entered, setting the tray down on the bed, climbing on to get nice and comfy, turning a few times like a cat before loafing. Kat joined her, smiling wide.

"Alright, so as for that tip—"

Nightmare shook her head and pushed the money back into Kat's hand with a pout.

"Oh you're soft...so you want... pats? And cuddles?"

The pony nodded, and Kat complied. Scratching Nightmare's ears, her hand following the pony's head as she gave Kat a slushy that matched her mane color. On it was a warning saying to wait for your delivery pony's finishing touch.

Nightmare's horn lit up, an elixir poofing into existence. Kat giggled at the sound effect, before looking at Nightmare.

"Lemme guess, a knockout tonic? Will it help me sleep? Trust me, I've tried everything."

Nightmare nodded, a little smile on her fanged lips as she poofed a note into Kat's hands.

🥤💤 Drinks for those that love the night a bit too much!

Cuddles appreciated! 🤗

Nightmare poured it into the slushy and swirled it. As soon as it was ready, she closed it up and pressed it into Kat's hand, before jumping into her lap to look at the essay.

"Aww, thanks Nightmare. You're sweet." Kat patted her as she finished the paragraph, and finally began to sip the slushy. Best thing she had ever had, honestly.

Of course, Nightmare was even better. Reminding her of a grumpy cat, but purring and nuzzling into each pat and snuggle. Kat didn't realize how much her mental health needed this, but now she couldn't imagine anything else. Kat always was a bit of a night owl, and it seemed that Nightmare liked this fact due to working the Midnight Hour service, but even owls needed sleep.

She was almost finished with the slushy, and looked at Nightmare. "So, Queen of the Night, I'm guessing. You're precious, ya know? This is exactly what I needed."

Nightmare nodded, and suddenly pressed her hoof against Kat's nose with a cute boop. "Heh, lil rascal! Boop!" Kat returned the favor.

What followed was a swift boop war unlike any the world had ever seen, and finally a tickle one. That's when Kat gave a little yawn.

"Okay, maybe this thing will actually work. You know your stuff." Kat giggled sleepily as she pushed away the trash towards her bin. Nightmare finally smiled widely, and purred louder as she also helped Kat get comfortable. Fluffy pillows, the lights turned off, and soon Kat was drifting to much needed sleep with the fluffy pony snuggled in her arms.

Author's Note:

Written by and starring: ponybird21 💖

Edited by: yours truly 🤓