• Published 22nd Apr 2022
  • 1,665 Views, 17 Comments

The Ring : Seven Neighs - Full Bloom

Fluttershy accidentally summons a demonic spirit and is surprised to find she's just a lonely Otaku.

  • ...

Ooo, A Manga!

A pale pony abandoned on the darkest night in Equestria.

A downpour would drown the earth, wind a wicked howl that could echo for miles on end. Her translucent blue eyes clear enough to burn into your soul, mane that of the blackest night.

Her love stomped through the oak door of her cottage. The stallion was covered in inky darkness, as the icy wind blew sharply behind him. He had fallen out of love with her over the many moons since they met. Another mare with a violet mane had caught his attention, it was at her request he would commit a monstrous crime that night.

With hard apple cider on his breath, death would follow him.

"Is that you love?" She would ask in a hushed whisper.


"Is something wrong?" She questioned in the living room as the warmth from the fireplace cradled her tiny frame.


"Let me see your eyes." The mare pleaded as she lifted.


"Please." She caressed his cheek with a loving hoof.


"It's her isn't it?" She barely held back tears as her heart shattered.


"She sent you." The mare sobbed as his hooves clenched her slender neck tight.


"I…love…you." She gasped in terror unable to break his grasp, her delicate body became limp as darkness overtook her sight.


On the seventh Neigh, She was gone from this world. The body slumped over into his cold embrace, he would drag her through the filthy mud of the storm outside. The well they once dug together to nourish her garden, now her tomb.

With one swift motion, he plunged her down to the abyss, towards the emptiness of Tartarus where no soul could ever know.

Yet her legacy would live on. Stealing the lives of others, much like hers had been stolen on that fateful night…

"They say if seven Neighs are spoken on a dark stormy night, she would rise from her well and drag all in her path to the abyss." Rainbow Dash giggled maliciously under her breath as thunder boomed outside, a blue flash of lightning illuminating the small cottage.

"Eeeeek!" Fluttershy squealed in utter fear as she shot under a stack of pillows on her sofa.

"Boring! " Spike tossed a claw of sparkling gems into his mouth, chewing loudly.

"As if! I frightened Fluttershy!" Rainbow pointed her turquoise hoof towards a shivering pink tail underneath the throw pillows.

Spike arched a brow unenthusiastically. "A loud burp could scare Fluttershy. " He narrowed his gaze to the mare who snorted loudly.

"I think I'll make us some tea," Fluttershy whispered under her breath daintily.

"You're just jealous I'm a master storyteller! " Rainbow blew a loud raspberry to the dragon as they were stranded here to wait out the thunderstorm.

Fluttershy gently slid off the couch to make her way into the cottage kitchen."Ooo, a lovesick girl comes to drag you away! So scary!!" Spike continued his argument sarcastically as the teapot began to boil.

"She's more than lovesick! She's EVIL!!" Rainbow tried her best to sound spooky but only earned a laugh from the tiny drake.

"Whatever, neigh, neigh, neigh!" Spike lifted a tail to fart loudly.

"Um, could we not tempt fate in my home? " Fluttershy felt a shiver run down her spine as the neighs were evoked.

"That's only three! Scared little dragon? " Rainbow pressed her tiny muzzle against his snout mockingly.

"I am, actually I'm quite terrified. " Fluttershy lifted her hoof as she spoke in barely a whisper.

"Neigh, neigh, neigh! " Spike booped the mare on the muzzle as she scrunched it with a flustered gaze.

"Only six little one!" Rainbow screamed in his face.

"You want the seventh!?" Spike growled under his breath as smoke exited his nostrils.

"Please I can't handle demonic rituals. " Fluttershy squeaked.

"I don't want it, I need it! " Rainbow popped her lips.

"YOU WANT IT!?" Spike lifted to his feet atop the couch.

"I NEED IT!" Rainbow countered as she flew above the dragon and fluttered in the air angrily.

"Here it…oh it stopped storming!" Spike smirked as he gazed out the window and jumped down to the floor.

"Awesome, I can still make Wonderbolt practice! " Rainbow giggled as she flew to the window near the front door and swung it open.

"I need to deliver a potion to Zecora." Spike snugly fastened a beige backpack to his shoulders.

"We'll have tea later!" Rainbow apologetically smiled at Fluttershy who nodded in understanding, before flying off into the growing blue horizon.

Spike smiled in a chipper mood as the young drake hugged the mare."We should get together for spooky stories more often eh?" He flashed a little mischievous grin as he headed out into the world.

"Neigh." Fluttershy giggled with a tiny wave at the front door, as turquoise eyes suddenly widened in utter terror as an icy chill claimed her.

A strong gust of wind blew from behind throughout the darkened room of her cottage. The splintered wooden door slammed shut with an otherworldly echo, the mare only able to squeak out in fright.

"Um, if we're being fair Spike said six of those neighs." Fluttershy swallowed a growing lump in her throat as a high-pitched hiss exploded from her kitchen.

Fluttershy screamed as she flew haphazardly into the dimly lit room, every candle across the cottage had mysteriously gone out. "It's a demonic mare, of course, she wouldn't play fair." She whimpered quickly, removing the teapot from the open flame of the stove.

"Seven neeeeighs." A feminine voice whispered from the abyss.

"Eeek!" Fluttershy twirled around in a blur of pink as she looked directly at a kitten poster on the wall.

Yet something malicious had appeared in the poster holding a large basket full of kittens. A pale withered mare with saddened blue eyes, her mane soaked in the muddy water of an abandoned well.

Fluttershy screamed, flipping the picture to another in fright. The new photo of Celestia enjoying a slice of wedding cake, set atop the cake covered in frosting was the same sickly mare.

"I didn't summon you!" Fluttershy toppled over as she froze in fear on her side.

"Seven neeeeighs!" The mare gargled in a waterlogged voice.

The pale visage crawled forward out of the cake, annoyed. Her bones popped in and out of position as she drug herself out of the photo, inky black sludge pouring out over the floor with a foul stench of decay.

"Help me…" Fluttershy screamed out in a faint whisper as the color faded from her coat.

"Seven neeeeighs!" The haunting mare croaked out as filthy water dribbled out the sides of her rotted muzzle, each step brought her closer to her prey.

Within seconds she towered over the doomed pony ready to drag her off into the void between worlds. Her mucky hoof pressed firmly atop a new manga of One Buck Mare before all went eerily silent.

"Oh, is this the newest issue?" The ghostly mare plopped onto her flank with a thud, delicately scooping up the graphic novel as she skimmed through it.

"Eeeeep." Fluttershy squeaked paralyzed in fear on her backside, unable to budge an inch.

"Noice." The mare giggled in delight, happy to meet another Otaku.

Even if she wasn't the most talkative.