• Member Since 14th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Lotus Moon

VA/Dramatic Reader, YouTuber, & Writer | Connect with me here



It's finally strawberry season.

They're big and juicy and just ripe for anything.

Especially...a fruit bat.

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

would a sequal where anon gets the bat stuck in fly paper after she tries to steal his fruit again

Oh that is a interesting and funny idea

Do you want bat ponies? This is how you get bat ponies.

bat ponies and fruit bats

Why is it every bat pony story I read involves fruit, or Harry Potter Thestrals...

Probably cuz I love the vo concepts so much but this is really getting out of hand...

(Adds to bookshelf and gives a thumbs up)

Cuz they're cuuuuute

the art makes this hilarious.

Okay, that was cute. :heart:

awwwwwww too cute thank u 4 the story

You know I kinda want to see this be expanded upon like a full story based around the human and bat pony

This is the most demented pony I've ever seen.

The pony who eats my strawberries gets the shotgun.

At least they weren't mangoes, Anon...you don't want to know what happens when bat ponies eat mangoes...

...you don't want to know...

Oh....she'll be next~

Maybe I'll do a story where Anon has to deal with both of them

It could have been worse...

found this The sound of went slurping and munching [ wet ] ????

The difference between me and a fruit bat is that I don't stop sucking if you slap me.


Oh, wait, this wasn't a naughty fic. Umm... Let's go with "That was a strobbery!"

*opens windows and puts out bowls of fresh fruit* M-maybe. (I can hear the cover art..it goes EEeeeEEEEEEEEEeEEEE!)

Now there's an old reference.

lol...and I'd love to read it!

At least it wasn't mangoes.

Try strategically placing some veggies around your house, works like a charm.

What a fruity fruitbatpony! I am also surprised that she didn't pick up a crowbar before leaving out the window! :pinkiecrazy:

Thats all I am a giant web of references and random computer things.

I'm pretty sure that's a cucumber in that picture. It's either a cucumber or a pepper. Both are fruits. I know they're culinarily considered vegetables, but botanically they're fruit.

No, no, no. Fly paper wouldn't work. The bat pony would just whizz on by. Fly paper is called fly paper because it traps flies. We need bat pony paper.

If it wasn't obvious, this is a joke. I saw the comment about trapping the bat pony with fly paper, and immediately thought of Earthbound/Mother 2 and how the zombie outbreak was solved when a kid inventor invented 'zombie paper' with fly paper as the inspiration. From there, it pretty much wrote itself.

It’s not the batpony’s fault, she wanted the fruit and she ate the fruit. He shouldn’t have left it where she could get it.

When in the company of a bat pony, do not leave fruit unattended on a table/counter-top.

The mare proceeded to lick her hooves and mouth clean before walking to the window. She then looked to Anon and said "It's your fault for leaving it out." Then she left the same way she came.

"It's your fault for leaving it out."
Wait, leaving it out, while it is inside his home.. no respect for property here?

Hey...YOU! You stole my idea! I want the batponies to come to MY house! I'M leaving out MANGOES!

CLEARLY...there's a bias towards batponies here...

...just sayin'...

...but still so CUTE!!

Save some Baps for the rest of us

Of course there is, because batponies are objectively cute and adorable and we should all love them and give them our fruit.


Oh! That FACE!! How could ANYONE say no to that face?!

I'm dyin' over here!

I have some canned pineapple I would be happy to share with a cute bat pony. :twilightsmile:

From fruit chips to jams to dehydrated snacks, ponies liked how Anon introduced them new ways to eat fruit.

Because goodness knows the Apples didn't know anything about jam. :ajbemused:

I feel this would've fit better in the Fluff category. There's not much genuinely amusing about it, and you give away the punchline in the title of the story. Plus, given that the human isn't behaving like greentext incarnate, I see no reason why you couldn't have given him an actual name. Still, thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

When Anon suddenly appeared, ponies were terrified of the strange bipedal creature. But after half a year, his existence became as normal as seeing a neighbor every day.

that does fit ponies being selectively very afraid of different species and also just kinda chilling with one-offs like Iron Will hanging around

Anon loved strawberries as much as anyone else.

aww, wonder if he's met Strawberry Sunrise

The fourth batch was laid in a bed of honey to be pickled.

ooh, that one sounds really cool! i would love to try it IRL

No, he took plenty of time off and socialized often.

i mean i would too if i got to socialize with ponies instead of humans

Anon made his way up there and looked around from his bedroom to the bathroom to the extra storage room he has.

dang, this guy really likes his preserved fruit!

He noticed the mare's eyes looked a bit derpy and crazed as she chewed on a strawberry currently in her hooves.

oh no, she has the madness!

The mare proceeded to lick her hooves and mouth clean before walking to the window. She then looked to Anon and said "It's your fault for leaving it out." Then she left the same way she came.

all of the lyrics of "Bats!" are just fast-forwarding themselves in my head

Oh, give me a break, you're bein' too kind
These creatures have a one-track mind
The orchard is not their restaurant
But do they ever think what others may want?
No! They don't! And that is just a fact
These bats, they simply don't know how to act

and you know, the song does have a point when it comes to this bat in particular. very rude, she is!

a cute little story, thank you for it!

Did you just say you always suck?

You'll get it when you're older. :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh: Touché. Damn, now I'm nostalgic about the times when banter was a normal thing online.
Most would just blow me off for being nu- rude. Glad you didn't bite. :raritywink:
Eh, couldn't come up with anything better.

A sassier Anon would have said its her fault for breaking and entering. Many pejoratives would also be added to the retort in question.

guess I'll stick to narrating stories instead of writing them

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