• Member Since 15th May, 2018
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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


Every year, the most obsessed birders of Ponyville gather to perform an informal census of all the birds in town. It begins before dawn, lasts a grueling eight hours, and involves very little speaking and absolutely no photography.

It, of course, has devolved into the most cutthroat competition this side of the Dragon Lands.

For the 1000 words contest (group / info). Category: humo(u)r

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

This was a seriously fun fic and one that I couldn't stop smiling during my entire reading of it. Finding out who can find the rarest bird during a census, and more than that, having Twilight be the one to take it way too seriously and drag it from the realm of a fun community activity to a harsh competition is hilarious. Now, some might say this fic is a bit 'talking-heads-y' but I disagree for two reasons. One, it allows a greater focus on the characters which itself presents more opportunities for humor. And two, piggybacking off the first point, you need to be able to condense as much as you can within 1000 words, and anything expository or descriptive that isn't necessary is passed onto dialogue to fulfill, and it does so marvelously! This was a blast to read!

Thank you!! That is 100% exactly what I was going for :) this 1k challenge really has me trimming the fat (my beautiful prose!! :fluttershbad:), but I'm so happy to hear it's working!

Please stop terrorizing the wildlife, Twilight" is a line I never thought I'd read! Great story!

omg what if we bird watched together... 💕❤ and we were both girl ponies... 😳😳💕❤

This reminds me of an old joke: how do you tell if someone's a biology major or not?
They'll run towards you if you say "Spider!"

This story's a healthy dose of giggles. :pinkiehappy:

I was half-expecting a Mordecai joke at some point.

Lol. This does seem like Twilight, though Cheerilee was a bit of a surprise. :rainbowlaugh:

Fluttershy gasped softly. “No! No, no, no , Twilight! I won’t help you cheat at the bird count!”

Not a competition eh? Census eh? Gotta admit it to Twilight, I BET Flutters is in cahoots with that nasty Cheerilee and her perfect bird watching binoculars.
Very nice short fic, managed to get good characters and some fun moments! Congrats!

As they listened, the once-clear whistle of the elusive Pine Grosbeak devolved into the raspy cawing of a—

“You’re joking.”

Mockingbird,” Twilight muttered with a deep revulsion.

As if summoned, the mockingbird flitted out onto a branch and continued cawing

I am innocent!

But seriously, this was a fun story. Nice vigorous character interactions for humor.

Howdy, hi!

This was a super fun fic. Short sweet, and doesn't overstay its welcome. Love Fluttershy's exasperation in this, and Twilight's absolute manic competitive spirit. Just good silly fun.

Thanks for the read!

If Twilight has a weakness, it's self-confidence. If she has two weaknesses, it's self-confidence and academic competitions. She knows she's the smartest pony in the room, but if other ponies think otherwise...

Yeah, this feels painfully believable on her part. Using Cheerilee as her rival is an interesting approach. It certainly works, and I do appreciate the novelty. All told, delightful bit of Bookhorse at her bookhorsiest. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Fluttershy grit her teeth and pinned her ears against her head. "That wasn't very nice."

A stinging indictment of pure evil, very possibly the end of a friendship.

Twilight, however, was well past preserving friendships.

aww, love how fun this hyperbole is!

"Identification by call is allowed!" Twilight insisted, raising one didactic hoof. "Check the rules if you don't believe me!"

hehe, this is so "A Trivial Pursuit" Twilight, i love it!

"I know the rules, Twilight. I wrote them."


perfection, augh, love this

Twilight's face tightened in a visible grimace.

"I'm pretty sure that's a chick—"

"I know it's a chickadee!" Twilight dropped her binoculars and allowed them to fall against her chest. "C'mon. Let’s head to the bog."

ahaha, ah, there's something so great about this comedic timing

Fluttershy sighed, but trotted behind her at an even pace. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but this isn't a good color on you, Twilight," she said softly.

auauagh Fluttershy is so spot-on timid here, i love it

Her Cheerilee voice was woefully off-base, though perhaps that was the point.

oh i can imagine just how terrible her Cheerilee voice is, but by Celestia now i really, really want to hear it!

"And she just went on and on about all her expeditions and her encyclopedic knowledge of calls and her ludicrously gigantic binoculars…"

oh no, binocular envy!


"Twilight, that's a—"

"An Eastern Phoebe!"

okay, i was about to say that this is a great gag about how birds must be named after their calls in this Equestria, but apparently this is a real bird? what???

After only a moment, Twilight ran screaming in the opposite direction, pursued by a pair of Phoebes dead-set on tearing her mane out one hair at a time.

ahaha oh no, poor Twilight!

“Tsk.” Cheerilee shook her head. “Twilight, don’t tell me you’ve resorted to using Fluttershy’s special talent to help you find more exotic birds. That’s so disappointing!”

Don’t use your teacher voice on me,” Twilight shot back, twice as biting. “I know that trick!”

this is just so perfect! augh, that must hit Twilight extra hard having been the teacher's pet all her life. i love this so much!

Cheerilee only smirked. “I spotted an Eastern Screech this morning,” she said, striking her binoculars lovingly and… almost creepily.


Mockingbird,” Twilight muttered with a deep revulsion.

oh no, not revulsion!

As if summoned, the mockingbird flitted out onto a branch and continued cawing.

Not a care in the world.

“Well,” Cheerilee said. “I certainly feel mocked.”

Twilight turned away, ears pinned to her head. “That makes two of us.”

aww, poor mares

Cheerilee turned. She gasped softly, and the bird flew off.

“I saw it first,” Twilight spluttered.

augh, i love how the story ended on this moment! that perfect balance between character growth while still being competitive

oh wow, i can't express how much i loved this! the Twilight/Cheerilee dynamic is yet another rare pair that you make work magnificently, building up an entirely new dimension to their relationship that is both very fun and illustrative of both characters in just so few words. and augh, i adore this pitch-perfect depiction of Twilight taking yet another thing that is supposed to be fun and getting way too competitive with it. not to mention just how great Fluttershy was in this as well. augh, i loved this so much! thank you so much for it!

Hello! Have a review. Entertaining reading, and the way you wrote Fluttershy in particular appealed to me. Cheerilee could do with calming down a bit, though. :P Upvoted!

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