• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,182 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 6, Tak and Skoodge, The Hideous New Kids

Tak and Skoodge, The Hideous New Kids

Canterlot Highschool

As Twilight finally arrived at the school, breathing heavily after having to run all the way there, proving quite tiresome for her. Of course, it could just be because she is extremely un-athletic, unlike her friend Rainbow Dash, but still. Twilight saw her friends waiting for her at the front of the school, as she happily waved to them, as they waved back, with Applejack then gesturing to her left, as Twilight then eyed the motorcycle of Zim.

She then remembered how she saw a second person riding with Zim, and it appeared her friends saw this too, as she walked over to them, while Fluttershy had GIR sitting on top of her head. While Twilight did not doubt that Zim was an alien and that his dog might be a robot, she didn't really see GIR as dangerous, especially if it was rolling around on Fluttershy's head as she giggled.

"Your head smells like a puppy!"

Even if GIR was somewhat un-settling and more chaotic than anything they had ever seen, he wasn't necessarily threatening or menacing, and frankly, he was kinda funny, as some of the other girls, even including Rainbow dash slightly giggled, with Pinkie pie letting out a full blown laugh.

Once the laughing ceased, Twilight turned her attention to a relatively new sight. A massive red technologically advanced jet, just like the one she had seen flying overhead on her way to school, parked right in the school parking lot like it was nothing, as she turned to her friends, who gave her the same knowing look, figuring something was up. After everyone decided to head inside, as Fluttershy was busy taking GIR to the pet kennel, GIR spoke to her.

"I once conquered the earth and became it's sole tyrant ruler!"

"Oh, really? That's uhhhh... Great!"

"I got a medal as proof!" Sure enough, GIR handed Fluttershy a medal with the words 'King GIR, Ruler Of Earth' engraved on it. Fluttershy was confused, terrified, and intrigued all at the same time, as she simply handed it back to GIR, who proceeded to eat it.

Meanwhile, a couple minutes later, in Math Class, as everyone was seated, Mrs. Cherilee walked in, but everyone was surprised to see principal Celestia walk in behind, as she waved to the class as everyone waved back, except Zim, who simply nodded, earning the suspicious gaze of the rainbooms and Dib, who diverted his hostile stare right at them, until Principal Celestia spoke.

"Greetings class, today, I would like to announce the arrival of two more students!" She then gestured to the door, as the first to walk in instantly earned the suspicion of the rainbooms and Dib, as this new kid looked like the one that was riding with Zim, his face no longer obscured by a helmet. He was slightly taller than Zim, had the same green skin, lack of ears and a nose, and even the same eye color. He even had the exact same hair style! The new kid slowly waved to the class.

"Uhhhhh, hi, my name is Skoodge... I'm uhhhh... Zim's brother." Skoodge turned to Zim with an awkward smile, who gave a supportive thumbs up, supporting the cover, and technically it was true, as all Irkens were related in some way due to them all being cloned from genetic data. The Rainbooms instantly knew this kid was likely the same as Zim, but something felt different about him...

He didn't have as much bravado or talked as weird as Zim, and he seemed a bit more friendly, as they all put on smiles and slowly waved, except for Dib, who simply glared at the new visitor, but didn't say anything, because throwing around the a word around Celestia was not a good idea, as she was far less tolerant of his behavior than the faculty at his previous school. Skoodge slowly walked over to an empty desk conveniently right next to Zim, as he sat down and made himself comfortable, raising his hand to Zim, who promptly high fived him.

The Rainbooms were already suspicious about Skoodge, considering his similar features to Zim, but they went ahead and turned their attention to the other new student entering the room, which surprisingly, appeared a lot more human, with long purple hair, steel toed and buckled boots, short dark blue hair in a bob cut, very pale skin, black eyeliner, dark purple eye shadow, black leggings, and a pair of silver stud earrings, an appearance which Dib and Zim instantly recognized, as they both spoke at the same time.

"Tak..." And as they said this, Tak slowly turned to the class, as she instantly recognized Zim and Dib, narrowing her eyes into a glare, as they glared back, while Twilight suspiciously eyed her.

"That must be the Tak girl..." Tak ceased her glare as she turned to the rest of the class.

"Hey everyone, my names Tak, and I guess I'll be attending school here, since my dad thought I needed better education." Cue Tak slowly walking to take a seat conveniently right next to Zim, as Skoodge looked at her, suddenly remembering Tak from that time she sabotaged the SIR unit testing competition, even trying to sabotage his own SIR unit, as he promptly glared at her, while Tak just flashed him a coy smirk.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy heard a light bumping on the window to see a black cat with red eyes glaring at her, as she slowly waved and it hissed at her, before promptly vanishing, moving so fast she didn't even see it. It put Fluttershy on edge, and she came to the conclusion it must be Tak's cat. Just then, Snips and Snails looked at Skoodge, slightly chuckling.

"We got some strange new kids, eh Snails?"

"Yep, you could say they're hideous!" Just as Sunset was about to reprimand them, Tak simply looked right at them, as she spoke in a venomous tone, her eyes glimmering with purple light as both Snips and Snails were left in a trance.

"Not a very nice thing to say, boys... Hows about you apologize? And maybe... Shove a pencil up your nose." Snips and Snails slowly turned to Skoodge, speaking in a monotone voice at the same time.

"Sorry for insulting you Skoodge..." They then proceeded to both grab pencils and shove them up their noses before sitting down, as Twilight quickly deduced that Tak had some sort of mind control, a thing her friends had dealt with during the battle of the bands with the dazzilings, adding proof to the fact Tak was also an Irken. Skoodge was quite confused why Tak would stand up for him, thinking it was likely a trick, and Zim and Dib recognized this trick as well, as it was Tak's signature way of gaining trust. As Tak sat down, and class progressed, the tension in the air was palpable enough to be cut like butter.

Eventually, when they reached the end of the day and everyone was walking out of the school, it was then the Rainbooms witnessed Tak entering the same jet they saw that morning, as it slowly ignited it's jet engines, blasting off into the sky and disappearing into the clouds, while Skoodge and Zim got onto their bike and rode away, and Dib and Gaz got into their dads car.

"Alright, see you girls tommorow!" Sunset said, waving by to her friends as she began the long walk home.

Zim's Base.

The hatch in the sidewalk quickly opened, as the motorcycle dipped down into the long lowly illuminated tunnel, as it came to a stop in the garage, as it's cloak de-activated and the two Irken's dismounted, as Zim proceeded to kick the bike, then gripping his foot in anger and pain.

"YOWCH! Foolish Tak! Her presence here will no doubt jeopardize my plan! And it appears that those girls and the Dib human and his foolish teenage companions are well aware that you are also Irken, so you must exercise caution, Skoodge, because trust me, even I, the mighty Zim, know when to lay low." As the two Invaders walked to the elevator and slowly ascended upwards, Skoodge nodded.

"Yeah, I get it Zim, though I still don't understand why you chose these mediocre disguises, plus, these eyes are scratchy! Also, how come your robot is so dumb?" He said rubbing the fake eye lenses, as Zim chuckled.

"You'll get used to it. Besides... A good Invader needs to be able to go to a world and immediately blend in with the local species... A good Invader needs to quietly overtake the world, and prepare it for the Irken empire’s arrival.... A good Invader needs to trust your robot with all top secret information, in the case you fail at any point... A good Invader needs to be disciplined, and stop at nothing to take over the planet..."

"But, to be a great invader, you must be able to do this while handicapped..."

"To be a great invader, you need to complete your mission while wearing a disguise that barely hides the fact you’re an alien. To be a great Invader, you need to put plans in motion to take over the world, without the government even sparing you a glance. To be a great Invader, you need to know the strengths of your robot, even if it is defective. To be a great Invader, you need to know when to use the local species to their most usefulness. So tell me Skoodge..."

"What kind of Invader are you?" Skoodge was left speechless, and remained so for the entire elevator trip.

As they arrived in the living room through a hole in the floor, they saw GIR sitting on the couch right next to Fluttershy- Wait, Zim did a double take as he realized Fluttershy was inside his house, inside his glorious base! Fluttershy turned to them and waved, fortunately not seeing them emerge from the floor hatch.

"Oh, hi Zim! I just wanted to bring GIR back home for you." Zim narrowed his eyes, calming down a bit, before Fluttershy continued to speak.

"Your house looks pretty nice! Though, your ceiling looks weird..." She said pointing up to the mess of machinery, metal tubes and pipes covering the ceiling, with red and purple blinking lights. Zim's Irken heart regulator inside his PAK shrank, remembering how he had not properly disguised the ceiling. Luckily, Fluttershy did not seem too suspicious, so he decided to simply try and use a made up explanation.

"Uhhhhhhh... It's the houses electrics and plumbing, yes, totally normal human electrical and plumbing engineering." Fluttershy gave him a weird look before shrugging and standing up, before patting GIR on the head and walking to the door, as she waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, Zim!" As she closed the door behind her, both Skoodge and Zim let out long breaths of relief, both feeling distraught from that VERY close call. What would have happened if they had removed their disguises? They would have been given away! And they couldn't just capture her and erase her brain, her friends would get suspicious. Regardless, seeing she was gone, Zim and Skoodge removed their eye lenses and fake hair, revealing their red irken eyes and antenna while their PAK's ditched their backpack disguises, as Skoodge spoke up.

"I saw what you mean by those energy readings, those girls are off the charts!"

"Indeed, Skoodge, indeed... Let us hope Tak has not taken notice, otherwise our plan will be in even more jeopardy..." Skoodge nodded, as the two decided to go down to the strategy level, to plan their next move.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Tak was examining the history of Canterlot, going through several logs and files, closely learning and observing the data, and comparing it to the strange readings she was finding. Eventually, she found the source. Those teenage girls... And it was likely Zim knew of this too, considering he had been here first, so Tak smiled a big wide evil smirk as she laid back in her chair.

"Checkmate, Zim."

Author's Note:

If your wondering when the heck GIR conquered planet earth, it happened as a sub plot to a scrapped episode called 'The Trial'. Also Skoodge knows Tak from "Top of the line", an episode where every invaders SIR units were put to test, and she sabotaged everyone's units except Mimi, Zim's, Skoodge's, and Tenn's, a random invader.

Also, credit to the story 'To be an Invader' for the epic zim quotes.