• Published 10th Apr 2022
  • 319 Views, 3 Comments

Life as a tortious - Count_Pony001

Rainbow Dash and Tank switch bodies, what do they do?

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

* I got the idea in my head when I was going to pray with my family
* This idea was also inspired by the Episode "She talks to Angel" were Fluttershy and Angel the Bunny switch bodies.

It was a dim, sunny evening, Rainbow Dash is flying to her house in Cloudsdale. She made it to her house and opened the door with her hooves.
Her pet Tortious, Tank saw her and smiled slowly, Rainbow Dash said, "Good Evening, Tank!" she continued, "It was a tiring day today."

She then marched to the kitchen and made herself a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. she gave Tank some carrots and gave him a hoof bump. She then flew to her bed and closed her eyes... she is asleep.

She was dreaming about that time the ShadowBolt tried to convince Rainbow Dash into joining the ShadowBolts when she was fixing a bridge so her friends can cross. Rainbow Dash was twisting and turning. She was now dreaming about a giant pie that is chasing her because she hates pie, she was screaming, sweating, and twisting and turning.

Then in her dream, Daring Do came to save her, then the two got married and had many fillies.

She then felt a bit funny, she doesn't feel like her old self, she the wakes up and looks at her surroundings and see that she is in Tank's body, and she is in Tank's pet bed.

Then, Tank woke up and saw he was in Rainbow Dash's body, tank was shocked that she was in Rainbow Dash's body, he put his forehead in shock. Rainbow Dash said, "AHHH! What happen to me, I'm tank and I am stuck in my owner's body!"

he then blinked; Rainbow Dash walked up to Tank; she saw that Tank was in her body, Tank said, "Why am I in your body, how did this happen!?"

Rainbow Dash blinked slowly. Tank said, "This is scary, don't worry Rainbow Dash, I will find a cure." Rainbow Dash was shocked she switch bodies with Tank. She thought to herself, "How did I end up in Tank's body, is this some type of prank, Pinkie Pie? I hope Zekora will make a cure for this."
Tank pet Rainbow Dash in the head and walked out. Tank (In rainbow Dash's body) went around Ponyville looking for something to do. Tank said, "I will go find Zakora so I can get the cure and return everything to normal." Then, Pinkie Pie was passing Pie and said, "Oh hey, dashie! How are you?"
Tank said, "Oh hey, wait who are you?"

Pinkie gasped and said, "It's me Dashie, remember?"

Rainbow Dash said "Right..."

Pinkie Pie said, "You ate anything?" Tank put his hooves on Pinkie's shoulders and said, "No, can I have some pie?"
Pinkie Pie said, "But... Dashie... you hate pie!"
Tank said, "That was a long time ago."

Pinkie stared at Rainbow Dash (Well tank since tank and Dash switch bodies) she mumbled "Okie Dookie Loki!"

she grabbed Rainbow Dash with her hooves and dragged her to Sugarcube corner, she said "Be right back!"

she ran to the kitchen and made a strawberry pie with whipped cream and strawberry filling; she placed the pie in front of 'rainbow Dash'
she said, "Enjoy, Dashie!" then she hopped to the kitchen.