• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,170 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

Musical City

From on the streets of Canterlot City, a certain Party Wagon and Shellraiser was driving down the street and soon stopped near the school. The doors opened, revealed to be none other than the Turtles, Dazzlings, along with April, Casey, Keno, Karai and Shinigami.

"Ah, good ol’ CHS." Mikey smiled. "It's been a while since we've been here."

"Yeah, ever since the whole portal situations." said Raph.

"Still, why didn't you and Adagio call us to help too?" Sonata asked.

"Sorry Sonata. Someone had to watch over New York with the Mutanimals." Karai informed.

"True, but we should've been more involved. We feel a bit rusty." Aria pointed out.

"That's why we asked Karai if it would be alright if you girls would come along." Casey added.

"Yeah, we never hung out with each other more often." April agreed.

"Still, are you guys sure that they're at CHS?" Keno asked.

"That's right, Twilight said that every Saturday, they go to school to do extra projects and band practice." Donnie informed.

"How do you know that, D?" Shinigami asked.

"Through Twilight's itinerary. We went it over like ten times." Donnie answered, causing everyone to look at him in confusion. "What? Keeping schedules is important!!"

"Let's see if they're busy." Leo declared as all of them started heading towards the school.

"Guys?" A voice noticed as everyone looked and saw a surprised and confused Apple Bloom.

"Oh, hey Apple Bloom. Long time no see." April smiled.

"It sure has." Apple Bloom replied as she walked over.

"Been keeping up with your training?" Karai checked.

"Eyup, we make sure to stay in shape." Apple Bloom smiled.

"Hey, where's Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?" Shinigami asked.

"Sweetie Belle got hurt by a scooter and now her leg's in a cast, and Scootaloo's grounded." Apple Bloom informed.

"Really? Why?" Leo asked in surprise.

"She was the one who drove her scooter into Sweetie Belle." The young Apple responded, surprising the others.

"You know what, I kinda expected that." Casey admitted.

"You seen your sister and her friends anywhere?" Raph asked.

"They're at the music room." Apple Bloom answered before she suddenly had a concerned look on her face. "But uh..."

"What?" Leo checked in concern.

"They've been down in the dumps lately." Apple Bloom informed, surprising them.

"Really? That's a first." Adagio noted.

"Y'all might wanna go over and see how they're doing. Maybe y'all can help." Apple Bloom advised.

"We will. Thanks Apple Bloom." Leo said in gratitude.

"Anytime, ah'll tell Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle that y'all said hi." Apple Bloom responded as she walked away while the others walked in the school. But a familiar group of five soon showed up at the school as they started heading in as well.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms were in the music room, somehow doing nothing before Octavia and Vinyl showed up.

"Oh, hello girls." Octavia greeted as she and Vinyl walked in, but both of them were somehow in the same state as the girls were. And Vinyl, for the first time, wasn't wearing her headphones on her ears as Octavia asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, we're bored." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"But weren't you girls going to practice?" Octavia remembered.

"We were, darling." Rarity sighed.

"But the reason for that is..." Sunset was about to explain before she was cut off. "Hey guys!!"

Everyone turned and saw it was their friends from New York. Even though they were bored, the Rainbooms were glad to see them, causing them to stand up and hugged or fist bump their fellow ninjas.

"Good to see you guys." Twilight smiled.

"Good to see you girls, too." Leo smiled back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Spike asked.

"We wanted to visit you guys and see how you were doing." Raph answered.

"So what's been going on with you girls, lately?" Shinigami wondered.

"At the moment, nothing." Applejack answered with a sigh.

"Huh?" The group said in confusion.

"We were going to practice our songs. But it's just...well..." Rarity trailed off, unsure what to say.

"We lost our sprinkle pop." Pinkie finished as she randomly tossed a sprinkle, but it did a faint explosion.

"We played the same songs over and over and. Well..." Twilight tried to say.

"All of them are so out of date and stale lately." Sunset finished.

"Even I can't come up with inspiration for them." Fluttershy sadly sighed.

"Even my awesome songs don't cut it anymore." Rainbow added.

"Oh, so you girls too?" Octavia noticed as everyone looked at her and Vinyl. "I wanted to come up with something new as well, but I'm afraid everything I played sound so too standard. Even Vinyl lost her gumption when it comes to her music." Octavia informed, with Vinyl nodding in agreement.

"Oh come on! And just when we were about to ask for some help!" A voice groaned in annoyance as everyone turned and were surprised to see the Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat, AKA, the Shadowbolts. Keno smiled as he walked over to Indigo and kissed her, with her kissing him back.

"Oh, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, girls. What are all of you doing here?" Rarity asked.

"Well we didn't come here to join the moping club where everyone mopes about everything." Sugarcoat bluntly answered.

"We actually came over because after watching the Rainbooms' last show," Lemon Zest explained.

"We wanted to form a band too." Sour Sweet sweetly said, which surprised everyone.

"Really? You girls wanna be a band, too?" Casey asked in surprise

"That's right." Indigo confirmed after she was done kissing Keno. "Only problem is, we don't know where to start. Like what instruments are we going to play, what genre are we going to play, who's going to write songs, so on and so forth."

"Plus we wanted to call ourselves the Shadowbolts, but Lemon suggested we take something else." Sunny Flare said.

"Yeah, cause that name's for our school, only." Lemon Zest pointed out as everyone else however was just as surprised.

"Whoa... From the sound of things, you girls seem to be having writer's block." Casey noticed.

"Not to mention inspiration." Keno added.

"And we wish we could help you guys out. But none of us know how to play in front of a crowd." Donnie sadly informed.

"Plus we don't have any experience when it comes to band performances." Leo pointed out.

"Well that's a bummer." Pinkie Pie pouted

"Sorry, girls. I really wish we could help." Leo apologized.

"You know, I wish that we could go to a place where you girls could be inspired by the power of music." Mikey said as crossed his arms, while looking in the air before he and everyone felt a draft. "Hey, do you guys feel a draft?"

However, within a split second, it clicked to Mikey, Karai, Pinkie, Rarity, Sonata and Adagio. "Uh-Oh!!" exclaimed the pair at the same time, whilst within a split second, a portal opened in the middle of their classroom.

"What in tarnation!!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Oh no!" Sonata dreaded.

"Here we go again!" Pinkie yelped.

"Oh, sewer apples." Mikey groaned before he, Pinkie, Sonata, Karai, Rarity and Adagio were the first to get sucked in.

"Mikey/Girls!!" The others yelled before...

"Uh, why is the portal sucking us in too?!!" Donnie realized in panic before soon enough, the rest of the Turtles, Rainbooms, Dazzlings, along with the Shadowbolts, Octavia, Vinyl, Shinigami, April, Casey and Keno to be sucked in as well. Once all of them were through, the portal closed, leaving no evidence that they could've gone anywhere.

In another world, a portal opened at a nighttime city before the group fell out, comically ending up in a huge pile. Everyone groaned from the fall, with Spike being on top.

"Glad it wasn't me." Spike grinned.

"Major wipeout." Mikey muttered as he was able to get out of it. He rolled his arms as he walked to the edge, but moment he did, he widened his eyes in shock. "Whoa."

"Mikey!!" Raph growled as he walked over to him the moment he got freed. "You had to say something didn't you?! When I..." Raph was about to blame his little brother before Mikey grabbed his head and turned to what he was seeing, causing Raph to widen his eyes in shock and couldn't believe what he saw.

"What's wrong, guys?" Leo asked as he and everyone walked over, but the moment they did, all of them were amazed.

All of them saw a big city right before them, and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Whoa, this place is amazing." Twilight awed.

"It's beautiful." Sunset added.

"But what is this place?" Casey pointed out.

"Welcome to Vinyl City." Pinkie read out as everyone saw what they were seeing and saw her staring at a large billboard that says that.

"Vinyl City? Never heard of that place before." Sonata said in confusion.

"None of us do." Karai agreed.

"Hey, what do you know Vinyl, you've got a city named after you." Keno joked, which caused Vinyl Scratch to look at him with a flexed eyebrow.

"You guys think the portal brought us here for a reason?" April wondered.

"Could be possible. I mean the portal first brought Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata to Crash's world, as well as you, me and Rarity to Sly Cooper's world." Adagio noted.

"So what's this place's story?" Indigo Zap asked.

"We can stand here like lost souls or could ask someone for any information about this city instead of looking like fools." Sugarcoat bluntly pointed out.

"Good idea. Maybe we can find a cafe and hack into the database to see where we are." Donnie suggested.

"You seriously think that'll work?" Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"Why not? We did it when we visited Batman's world." Rarity remembered

"She does have a point." Fluttershy admitted.

"Come on guys." Leo urged as he and everyone else entered Vinyl City.

"Well, Ah’m parched. Should we find a cafe?" Applejack asked.

"I'm up for it. I wonder what good eats they got." Mikey smiled before as of later, the group was in the cafe while Donnie was looking at his computer, and everyone else had their food and drinks. "You know what I find surprising?"

"What? That this place doesn't serve pizza?" Raph rhetorically asked.

"That, and nobody seems to freak out that we're walking turtles in a store, or that you girls look different, and that Spike can talk and is allowed in here." Mikey answered as everyone slowly looked around, and were also surprised by this.

"You know, in a way, Mikey has a point. And the fact that the guy gave me a meat flavored smoothie." Spike agreed as he slurped up a smoothie while some of the other's faces went green at that.

"I don't even wanna know how they made it, or got it." Twilight said.

"Whoa... This is incredible. Their computers are amazing." Donnie awed with starry eyes.

"Focus, Donnie." Applejack sternly pointed out.

"Right, right. According to this, Vinyl City was founded over fifty years ago, and get this; this entire city's power... is run by music." Donnie informed

"Music?!" Everyone else gasped in shock as they looked.

"Uh-huh. According to this, the founders had found out that whenever they create any kind of music, it can power any technology in the world. Because of it, whenever a musician plays any kind of music, the more energy they create. And because of it, that kind of power became the first clean energy, no pollution, no lack of resources, anything." Donnie explained.

"Whoa, so you mean if we were able to make a rock, hip hop and any kind of music, we'd end up creating a new energy source?!" Pinkie smiled.

"Exactly!!" Donnie answered.

"This is amazing. If we somehow made technology like that in our world, we can solve a lot of problems." Twilight said in amaze before Mikey suddenly blinked.

"Uh, I don't know. Would it be a good idea? I mean we all know what happened last time when someone tried to create a new energy source and then stole it." Mikey pointed out.

"What are you talking about Mikey?" Keno asked.

"The Black Hole Generator?" Mikey reminded as everyone blinked at that, and remembered what happened when Fugitoid built something like that, the Kraang took it and used it as a weapon against the Triceratons.

"Oh dear, we almost forgot about that." Fluttershy noticed.

"Now that I think about it, Mikey's right. If we somehow brought that to our world, who knows what they could've done with it." Sunset admitted.

"Yeah, like a random big dragon who would reverse the song and create an apocalypse out of it." Pinkie noted as everyone stared at Pinkie with flexed eyebrows.

"What are you talking about, Pinkie?" Octavia asked as Pinkie simply shrugged.

"So what else does it say?" Adagio added.

"Well, according to this, after they created energy and Vinyl City, they created a solid government to watch over the city, as well as different artists to help power certain districts. Hence NSR, the company, was founded. There were other musicians that helped power the city, and during that time, a band called the Goolings ran Vinyl City." Donnie informed.

"Hmmm." Mikey pondered for some reason before he typed on the computer and brought up the Goolings.

"Mikey, what are you...?" Donnie was about to ask in protest when Mikey hit the play button before everyone heard one of the Goolings' tracks, and they were amazed by how they sounded.

"Whoa... Awesome." Rainbow Dash awed in surprise

"Whoa, those guys know how to rock." Raph noted.

"Well, you won't hear anymore. According to this, after they took over, they shortly broke up and went their separate ways. Now NSR runs the city, with a woman named Tatiana as NSR's CEO." Donnie explained.

"Whoa, look at this. According to this, NSR is holding an audition for any musicians to help them further empower Vinyl City." Lemon Zest noticed.

"Further power? Why would they do that?" Sour Sweet asked in confusion before Sonata pointed at one of the articles.

"Hey look, this says the city is facing some power struggles. Probably a decline in artists and musicians that want to help empower the city." Sonata noticed

"And from what the news is, they're having an audition. We should totally check it out. See what they can do. Maybe we can even ask if we can provide too." Rainbow Dash added.

"You got over your writer's block yet?" Raph asked rhetorically, causing the girls to suddenly blush at this. "That's what I thought."

"It wouldn't hurt to check it out." Leo admitted as everyone headed out to spectate the auditions.