• Published 27th Apr 2022
  • 511 Views, 7 Comments

The Immortal Apple - Partycannon_

Apple Bloom looks back through her rotting mind to remember her past.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Where Old Memories Wonder

Where Old Memories Wonder

Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could but constantly tripped on small vines and other foliage, each time she got up and continued to run. It was a cursed night in the Everfree Forest, Apple Bloom now understood why, she was dodging the glowing red eyes best she could until she became surrounded. Apple Bloom unsure what else to do, yelled for help, her crying screams didn't stop these 'things' from approaching her, she thought it odd that her heart wasn't racing but she was too scared to care.

The 'things' got extremely close and one of them laid their hoof on Apple Bloom's back and she then felt immense pain as her fur rotted away and was replaced with charred black skin. A spell was cast and the 'things' that surrounded her disappeared however she was still in immense pain as she curled on the ground, she tried to force her eyes open but the pain was too much.

"TWILIGHT! Cast the spell for her to stay. She doesn't have long I must say."

Another spell was cast and her vision became pitch white. She heard as a collection of sand dropping to the floor. Soon her pain vanished but the white vision became an annoyance.

Apple Bloom awoke with the sun in her eyes, she sat up as she cursed herself for not shutting the blinds the night before. After calming down she looked down to her flank to see a shield with a apple in the middle, she frowned as she began to undo the sowing. After she took off the expertly crafted cutie mark she took it over to her private bathroom and began to clean it, after she finished, she used her sowing tools again to put it back on her flank.

Knocking came from the door in the guest room she was staying in. "One second" escaped her mouth as she finished up the last of the patching. "Come in, it should be unlocked."

The door opened and Twilight trotted inside with a rolled up paper. "Good morning Apple Bloom, did you sleep well?" Twilight gave off a small smile.

"Ah had a normal night, how about you?" Apple Bloom looked to Twilight.

"I slept well, you know after my friends.. Passing I didn't sleep well for a very long time, that is until I traveled to the cave of memories," Twilight unrolled the paper she floated next to her revealing a map to a cave.

"Hmm interesting, but this wouldn't count as my wish would it?" Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow.

"Wha- no, I- I wouldn't count that as a wish, pff," Twilight's eyes darted around the room as she made gestures with her hoof.


"Listen Apple Bloom, I do have the ability to, well, you know. However I want you to explore this cave before you make that decision, that is all I ask." Twilight said in a frown.

"Ah... Ah understand.." Apple Bloom said kicking her hoof.

"Thank you," Twilight smiled.

Apple Bloom took out the map once again and lined them up with her surroundings, she was on a path carved on the outside of a mountain and when she looked out she saw forests, fields, lakes, and towns. Everything seemed correct so she continued onward. After following the narrow path she found herself at a small opening in which the only path forward was a dark cave with two stone owls guarding the entrance.

Apple Bloom turned on her head lantern as she ventured into the cave, Apple Bloom was calm as she continued forward, she thought that the cave would be cold however she couldn't confirm that because of her nature. She trotted along and finally reached a decently sized opening with two paths leading forward. Before she picked a path she heard a large creature land behind her and she slowly turned to it.

"Apple Bloom, I will be you're guide through this cave," the creature spoke in the voice of a honest mare.

The large creature had the head of Winona, the tail of Big Mac, and the body of a pony, half is the color white and the other is of the color orange.

Apple Bloom staggered back. "Wha- What are you?"

"I am the guide of this cave, my appearance changes on who looks upon me," the Guide spoke but Winona's head did not move.

"Um, alrighty then. So, um, which way do we go?" Apple Bloom looked unsure.

"The cave is a circle and we will find ourselves back here by the end, the question falls to you. Would you like to journey through you're bad memories or good memories first?" the Guide asked.

"Alright which way is the bad ones." Apple Bloom looked to the two ways forward.

"It is left, but are you sure. You have seen you're own share of bad things, why would you want to revisit them so eagerly?" Winona's head tilted.

Apple Bloom started trotting down the left path. "It ain't because I want to see it again, its just a rule. Ya always pick bad news first!"

"I see.." the Guide moved unnaturally behind Apple Bloom as it followed.

Apple Bloom continued trotting down the path but didn't notice anything so far, she didn't hear hoof steps from the guide but she did hear a odd breathing pattern from behind her. She looked closer at the walls and noticed that there were little crystals poking out, she took a long look at one which showed her herself stitching her cutie mark back on her flank before Twilight entered the room from yesterday.

"Ah thought ya said these were bad memories?" Apple Bloom looked closer in the small crystal.

"The small crystals hold memories that don't bring joy or sadness, they hold neutral memories," the Guide answered. "Just up ahead is where the bad memories are held, are you prepared?" the Guide leaned in extremely close to Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom took a few hoof steps back. "Yeah.."

"Then lead the way," the Guide motioned onward.

Apple Bloom stared at the unmoving Guide unsure but she didn't feel any ill intentions towards her so she continued forward. Apple Bloom trotted onward past the small bend and saw a hallway with large crystals making up some of the walls as they showed memories. She trotted over to the first memory, it was Apple Bloom sitting alone at her table in school for lunch as she heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon make fun of her.

"I should mention that these memories are in no order other then the separation of good from bad... It appears you were picked on," the Guide looked to the crystal.

"Yeah, it was before I met my two best friends," Apple Bloom trotted forward.

The Guide watched it for a little longer and then followed Apple Bloom to the next one. This crystal showed Apple Bloom sitting at a table as her friends road a roller coaster.

"This was one of the first times I realized something..." Apple Bloom frowned.

"What? That you are too small to ride on big rides?" the Guide asked.

Apple Bloom trotted away annoyed, the Guide followed behind and they both stopped at another crystal. It showed Apple Bloom as she watched her two friends slowly rise while a white glow surrounds them, then they dropped to the ground in a daze, their flanks were no longer empty.

"Ah felt happy for them, really Ah did. But more then anything Ah wished Ah could have shared this moment with both of them. Ah felt after this moment that things were different between us, Ah never asked them if they felt the same... But Ah think the real reason why Ah felt this way was because.." tears formed in Apple Bloom's eyes as she trotted over to the next crystal.

The crystal showed a crowd of ponies, they all wore black clothing as a old stallion gave a speech to the room of crying faces. Stood in-between the crowd and the stallion were two coffins, above each coffin was a picture, ones that Apple Bloom recognized.

"Time is frozen for me, and time wont stop and let me catch up, its always movin' forward," Apple Bloom had streams of tears running down her face. "As much as Ah knew it was going to happen... It didn't help..."

"We are almost done with the bad memories, let us continue," the Guide suggested.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure if anyone will relate to this feeling.. Actually, I think that some of the MLP community now feels this way. The feeling that, time moved forward and has forgotten us. My friends are getting degrees in college, my friends are becoming more devoted in what they love, while I.. Didn't. My friends have all become smarter then me and now they are better at games then me, something that I felt that was the one way I stood out, is well, gone.

You know, I felt that the world turned without me, that I didn't matter to anyone. One day I could be gone and no one would even care or even notice.

Then I decided to rewatch My Little Pony. I then came to a conclusion.. I wanted to make stories.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter... and well.. sorry for my, uh.. ramblings..