• Published 14th Mar 2022
  • 738 Views, 11 Comments

A Princess’s New Playmate: A MLP/Steven Universe Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

When a certain jester-like rubber hose Gem arrives in Equestria, the feels are real.

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Chapter 4: Defending Your Best Friend

Author's Note:

Here's a new chapter for y'all to enjoy! By the way, just to give y'all some clues about future chapters, this is taking place before the Main Six meet Starlight Glimmer and her authoritarian village. And I'm going to have the Gems' bodies produce heat based on the fact that their bodies are made of magic light that's been solidified. And light equals heat. Besides, I think it could provide good opportunities for some fluff moments in this story.

Twilight and Spinel had a rather... interesting time walking through the Whitetail Woods. Spinel would either be giggling or trying to get Twilight to play "I Spy" while they walked. Twilight tried to pay with Spinel to keep her happy, but she couldn't find anything in the forest for Spinel to try to guess that would be different. She tried to get Spinel to see if she could spot a blue jay that had rested on a fallen log by the path, but the bird flew away before Spinel could see it. Finally, it was Spinel's turn.

"I spy with my little eye something... some walking pile of sticks!", Spinel challenged. Twilight just looked confused.

"What do you mean 'walking pile of sticks'?"

Before Spinel could respond, there was a canine growling from the bushes in front of the duo. Out of the bushes came not one, but six Timberwolves! All of them were growling with fierce animal hunger. This didn't make any sense! Timberwolves were only supposed to inhabit the Everfree Forest. Not the Whitetail Woods. Twilight was terrified while Spinel just looked at them with bright eyes.

"Awww! Puppies! You wanna play with them, Twi?", Spinel asked with all the innocence of a child.

Twilight could only look at Spinel with stunned eyes. "NO! No you cannot play with them! They're Timberwolves! They want to eat us!"

Spinel suddenly looked downtrodden. She didn't mean to make her best friend mad. The dear Gem put her gloved hands behind her back and looked down at her feet. When she next spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Spinels aren't supposed to make their besties upset.", Spinel said, looking up at Twilight with the biggest puppy-dog eyes she had ever seen. Twilight's anger immediately disappeared.

"How can anyone stay mad at a creature this adorable?", Twilight thought.

Twilight quickly remembered the situation they were in and kept an eye on the pack of Timberwolves who had encircled them, by this point.

"Look, I'm not mad. But this is a dire situation we're in right now. See, these creatures want to harm us. I can try to fight them off, but they might eat us if we don't do something now.", Twilight explained to the pink Gem without taking her eyes off the Timberwolves.

Spinel's face changed from that of sadness to, surprisingly, anger. That look was very unlike the Gem, who by this point had looked so happy and gentle. In fact, they hadn't even known each other for very long and Twilight pegged Spinel for being similar to Pinkie in terms of their shared personality traits. But then again, Twi had seen Pinkie get angry before and it wasn't pretty. In fact, Spinel's angry look was even more terrifying than Pinkie's. Her brows were furrowed, her jaw clenched, her hair became frizzled, and her eyes changed colors. Instead of the cartoonish black irises Spinel was born with, they suddenly changed to a glowing bright magenta color. Next, Spinel's gloved hands started to glow a soft pink and changed into pink boxing gloves! She stepped in front of Twi and took a fighting stance.

"No one's going to hurt my best friend! NO ONE!", Spinel shouted with such ferocity that even the beasts in front of them looked scared.

But this was short-lived as one Timberwolf launched itself at Spinel. The monster clamped its jaws around her left arm. Twilight cried out in alarm, but was silenced by the fact that Spinel didn't cry out in pain. In fact, it looked like Spinel couldn't feel the bite at all. Spinel just stood there, glaring at her beastly opponent. Spinel then lifted her right arm and swung her boxing gloved fist at the attacking Timberwolf. The beast's head shattered into splinters and the rest of its body fell apart at her feet. Twilight was shocked by this display of power Spinel possessed.

The rest of the pack, seeing one of their own being taken down by this weird pink creature, decided to ignore Twilight and all attack Spinel at once. The Gem effortlessly punched one of the wolves 40 feet into a nearby tree, shattering its body. She grabbed two of the wolves in her hands and choke-slammed them into the ground. The last one opted to run after seeing its packmates get destroyed. But before it could get too far, two rubber arms wrapped around its body and pulled it back to the strange pink creature. Spinel just smiled and sadistically glared into its eyes for a good while until she used her boxing gloves to completely crush its head into the ground! The Timberwolf's head shattered into pieces. With the threat to her bestie's life eliminated, she changed back into her regular appearance.

"Don't worry, buddy! You're safe now.", Spinel said, wrapping Twilight into a snake-arm full-body hug.

Twilight was too shocked to even think to speak. She had just seen Spinel not only defend her from a pack of attacking Timberwolves, but effortlessly dispatched them with a ruthlessness she had never seen before. And that physical change! Twilight had guessed that that form was suitable for fighting off opponents. But still, the way Spinel took down that last Timberwolf was pretty frightening. The Gem looked like she could kill anything without remorse. Twilight made a note not to get on Spinel's bad side. Once Twi made herself lucid again, she willed herself to speak.

"Hey, Spinel. Thank you so much for saving me.", Twilight said. She then noticed that Spinel was shaking and could feel her shoulder getting wet.

"Is she... crying?"

She was! Spinel was actually crying!

"Well, her 'new best friend' was about to get eaten.". Twilight then heard Spinel's distressed voice.

"I'm so happy that I didn't lose you, Twi! If something happened to my best friend, I'd be all alone! I don't want to be left all alone!", Spinel said between sobs. Twilight nuzzled Spinel's cheek.

"It's okay, Spinel. I'm never going to leave you alone.", Twilight said. Spinel looked at her with teary, yet hopeful eyes.

"You promise? You're never going to leave me or abandon me?".

"I solemnly promise that I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, will never abandon my new best friend: Spinel.", Twilight promised the crying Gem.

Spinel put her head back on Twilight's shoulder and was rocking back and forth with Twilight coiled in her rubber arms. Twilight had taken this time to notice that Spinel was actually quite warm, almost enough to make her fall asleep. But before she could, she had to get out of Spinel's embrace.

"Hey, Spinel, we should really get going if you want to meet my other friends.", Twilight suggested.

Spinel just shook her head. "A little bit longer?", Spinel asked. Twilight just smiled and sighed.

"Okay, we can stay like this for a little while longer."

And with that, Twilight succumbed to Spinel's body heat and finally fell asleep.