• Published 8th Mar 2022
  • 393 Views, 8 Comments

Legends of Equestria: The Last Goodbye - JimmyHook19

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The Journey Begins Once More

Upon the great and mighty defeat of the Pony of Shadows, our heroes were rather burnt out, and needed time to rest before resuming their long journey to their destination. It had been a long and terrible battle, but now it was over, and they could proceed on their way and get some new discoveries in along the way. It was a cold and dark morning when they awoke once more at Maxwell Air Force Base. The sky was still dark with smoke from the battles of previous days, and the air still smelled of explosions and aviation fuel, not to mention the noise of machinery either demolishing buildings or stabilizing damaged structures. Now that Project 722 had been succesfully stopped, and most of its soldiers wiped out to a man, the army knew now that it was time to focus on rebuilding the damage inflicted on Montgomery, to ensure that such a catastrophe could not repeat itself.

Anyway, that morning, Mistmane stuck her head out of her cabin to see the noise and pandemonium raging onwards, and shook her head sadly. "Truly does everybody lose in war," she remarked, seeing the vast piles of body bags piled up on the ground for identification. The US Army had suffered truly horrific casualties in the battle, and it was clear that there were going to be many widows today.

She trotted over to the edge of the compound to still see the smoke rising from the shattered city. There was something of a perfect irony to that, she thought. The landscape being so permanently changed and altered by the carnage that had been inflicted on the land, wounds riven in the soil that would take a long time to heal.

Later, she suddenly spotted Flash emerging as well, followed shortly after by Somnambula. Both of them had large bags under their eyes, indicating a lack of sleep, as well as similarly large ones filled with things they needed for their journey.

"So, where is it we're going?" Flash asked, yawning as he did so. "I hear it's somewhere far from here."

"Further north, by way of many other roads," Mistmane explained, checking her map. Doing this was now so much easier with her magic restored to full power. "We won't be able to do it all in one day owing to the distance and the slow speed at which we travel."

Rockhoof then appeared. "Why not just teleport there and save ourselves the bother?" he asked. "Both you and Starswirl are pretty talented spell casters, are you not?"

Suddenly, Starswirl himself appeared. "Yes, we can teleport, but not that far. Who do you think I am? Laurelore the Firsticorn?"

The entire team was now assembled, and they decided they would start by going to the place where it had all ended those short few days ago. It was a pretty big mess of churned up mud and fallen rivers now, but they bowed, paid their respects, and were shortly on their way.

Having left the park behind them, the crew then proceeded across more of those curious metal rails, and down a street, before suddenly turning off to the right at an intersection. They had certainly gotten very used to how these roads worked, and it was all made a lot easier by the fact that there was no traffic at all. True, they had to walk around craters and exploded vehicle wrecks, but that was manageable indeed.

They weaved down another street, and took what looked like some sort of strange bend.

"I thought these road engineers hated curves and only built stuff in straight lines," Flash mused. "Rather like Cloudsdale, really."

They wandered down another zigzag road, crossing over some traffic lanes to access the next portion of their route, wandered past some buildings, and down through Maxwell proper, bidding the airbase and the military goodbye as they did so. Before long, the terrain had turned to trees and familiar Alabama swamps which made them all feel very hot. Except Meadowbrook, of course, who felt right at home.

They wandered over a bridge (which, of course, got lots of subscribers... I mean, people wanting to cross it), and wandered up a long road before passing a rather dumpy looking place and taking a bridge over a busy road. Some more wandering along long roads took place, before they took a pair of right turns in a town and suddenly found themselves in what looked like a scrapyard.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Rockhoof asked. "This place looks like a bit of a dump."

Mistmane looked puzzled. "Hmmm, maybe my GPS was off. Whatever this place is, they have refreshments, so we might as well refuel whilst we're here.

After about half an hour's stop in the air conditioning, the crew set off on their way once more, turning right and left and through another set of buildings. Before long, they went over another road, and looped into another town.

"Birmingham?" Somnambula asked in confusion. "Where do they come up with all these silly place names?"

"Named after a town in a mythical place called England," Meadowbrook explained. "Ah Imagine they find our place names silly!"

"I think we're still in the right country," Starswirl sighed.

Before long, there was a notice to a science facility, so they took a left, and then a right, and went into a building.

Once they were done in the building, they went back the way they came, and went into a large air conditioned building full of all the conveniences that a traveler could need.

"I could do with a dip," Flash said, stretching his muscles. "It's hot out there!"

Suddenly, a box full of sauces appeared in front of him.

"Not that type of dip, Mistmane."

"We just have to complete checking in first, and then we can do those sorts of things," Mistmane calmly replied. "Until then, please try to stay calm."

And so a long day of travel came to an end.

Author's Note:

And so begins the Epilogue story to of the Legends of Equestria Saga......