• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 3,922 Views, 18 Comments

A Royal Canterlot Meeting - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place during Season 2.) Princess Luna officially meets her niece, Princess Cadence. The two alicorns have never met before, though. And for Luna that is a bit of a problem.

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A Lovely Night (For A First Encounter)

For Princess Luna, it was a night just like every other night since her return from her banishment. The moon was raised in perfect timing, its light combining with the stars in the night sky to illuminate the streets of Canterlot below. A few ponies could be seen trotting about, but most had turned in for the night and were either in the process of going to sleep or had done so already.

The younger of the two royal sisters sighed to herself. One of the downsides to presiding over the night was that there was seldom anypony to talk to. Even her elder sister was usually sound asleep by now. Only the occasional guard would break the silence and even then they would only stay for a minute or two at best. Once certain that everything was just fine, the guard would leave and Luna would be all alone again.

Tonight, however, would be different. The princess of the night knew that things had changed in the thousand years or so that she had been gone, new technologies, new ways of life and even new holidays had all sprung up in her absence. Her trip to Ponyville had made that perfectly clear. Yet even she was not expecting what was about to happen.

Suddenly, Princess Luna heard the door to her chambers be opened. And she spun around in time to spot her elder sister, Princess Celestia. Was it just Luna's imagination, or did her big sister have a bigger smile than usual tonight (even bigger than the one she'd worn upon first reuniting with Luna during that fateful Summer Sun Celebration)?

"Sorry to disturb you, Luna." Princess Celestia apologized.

Luna immediately replied. "You needn't apologize, sister. I am always honored to be in your presence, and I always have time for you. The dream realm can wait. After all, you aren't usually up at this time of night," With concern in her voice she questioned. "Is there something wrong? Is it another threat like Discord?"

The sun princess shook her head to dispel any such suggestion. "No, Luna. It's not a threat or anything like that."

"Then, why is it you've come to see me tonight?" The moon princess questioned. This wasn't a dream, she knew how to tell dreams apart from reality. But was it possible that she wasn't talking to the real Princess Celestia? Had her sister perhaps unknowingly been replaced by an impostor?

Celestia just smiled. "There is somepony you have yet to meet that I believe you should. She is a princess, just like us."

"Impossible!" Luna exclaimed in disbelief! "We are the only princesses left. Unless," She gasped in horror as an awful struck her! "You hired somepony to replace me during my thousand years of absence!"

The elder alicorn again shook her head. "Luna, why would I have done that? You know how much it pained me to banish you in the first place. Replacing you is something I would never have been able to bring myself to do," She cleared her throat. "Perhaps it's better if I simply introduced you to this pony and allowed her to explain things. She has been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time," She turned to the doorway and called out. "You may come in now. I can't think of a better introduction than that."

"If you say so, Aunt Celestia." A female sounding voice familiar to Celestia but unfamiliar to Luna replied.

The princess of the night could hardly believe her ears. "'Aunt Celestia'?" Surely, that other pony had misspoken. How could Celestia be an aunt?

As Princess Luna silently pondered this information and what it meant, she was surprised to see a pony roughly the same size as her enter the room. And even more surprising was the fact that this pony had both the wings of a pegasus (albeit much smaller than those of either Luna or Celestia) and the horn of a unicorn. That meant that this pony was an alicorn! But that was impossible, there were only two alicorns in existence!

"Princess Luna," Princess Celestia spoke up and gestured a hoof. "Meet Princess Cadence. Princess Cadence, meet Princess Luna."

"Princess Cadence" had a lovely pink coat that stood in stark contrast to Luna's dark blue coat and Celestia's majestic white coat. She had a long, curly mane and tail that did not flow yet were styled into locks of violet purple, rose pink and pale gold. Golden horseshoes adorned her hooves. Her eyes were light purple in color and seemed vibrant and full of life. Yet most surprising of all was the mare's cutie mark: It depicted some kind of heart made out of crystal surrounded on either side by gold laces. Atop her forehead rested a yellow tiara with a purple diamond inside it.

Luna found herself at a loss for words as she stared at this newcomer. Who was this mare if she was not Luna's replacement?

"Cadence" broke the silence as she seemed to be unaware of the way Luna was looking at her. She just smiled and extended a hoof in friendly greeting. "So you're my Aunt Luna? I'm glad we finally get to meet each other, I've only had Aunt Celestia's stories about you up to this point."

Princess Luna continued to eye the apparent alicorn with suspicion, skepticism and concern. "I suppose you are 'Princess Cadence'?" Was all she could bring herself to say.

The pink coated alicorn nodded in confirmation. "Yes, although my real name is actually Princess Mi'Amore Cadenza. I prefer Cadence, it's far less difficult to pronounce and far less fancy. I'm the princess of love, in case you're wondering."

"That's why your cutie mark is a heart, isn't it?" The moon princess questioned.

Cadence looked briefly to her flank before responding. "I guess so. Aunt Celestia says it represents something far more important, but she won't tell me what it is. She keeps saying I'll 'know in time'. For now, I guess it represents not only love but also my responsibility to help spread and maintain it."

The princess of the night was still puzzled by Cadence's appearance. And now she knew why as she asked the question that had been lingering at the back of her mind since learning of this alicorn's existence. "How is it that you are an alicorn like my sister and I? And how can we both be your aunts when we have no living siblings?"

The princess of love's happy mood seemed to fade as she nervously and somewhat hesitantly looked back to Princess Celestia, almost appearing to shrink from Princess Luna's gaze in the process. "Aunt Celestia can probably explain it better than I can. I still can't believe it myself sometimes."

"Cadence tells me that she was born a pegasus," Celestia explained to the best of her ability. "She was taken in by two earth ponies who never had a child. They raised her as if she were their own. Yet one day, they fell victim to a spell from an evil sorceress. Though she was but a pegasus, Cadence found a way to reverse the spell's effects and in the process became an alicorn. That is when I first met her, and took her under my wing."

"That's also around the time I got my cutie mark," Princess Cadence spoke up in a somber tone. "But even though I reversed the spell, I couldn't save my parents. They were already lost forever. But Princess Celestia took me in and adopted me as her niece. I've been living here in Canterlot ever since."

Luna processed the information slowly, unsure of what to say or do. At last, however, she managed to speak up. "I... understand," And in a sincere and sympathetic tone she apologized. "I'm sorry about your parents. Celestia and I lost our own parents when we were younger, but we had each other."

The youngest of the three alicorns just replied. "It's okay, I've learned to live with it. Life in Canterlot took some adjusting to, but it's been pretty good for the most part."

"I've taught Cadence everything I know about her powers and her responsibility," Celestia informed Luna. "And I think you will be most happy to hear that she has made a name for herself as the finest foalsitter in the land."

Cadence's cheeks began to flush red as she stumbled back. "R-really, it's nothing. Foals just seem to really like me for some reason, and taking care of them just comes naturally to me. I... did want to meet you sooner, you know... when you were the size of a filly. But Aunt Celestia wouldn't let me, she felt it best if we met after you returned to normal."

Luna only replied. "Taking care of young ones is a fine calling in life. You obviously got that from me."

The princess of love smiled while her blush slowly faded. "Yeah, I heard about your ability to visit ponies' dreams and help them with their nightmares. That's something even I can't really do, I can only really comfort my charges after the fact and try to help them go back to sleep."

Princess Celestia then let out a yawn. "Well, now that you two have gotten to know each other, I think I'll call it a night. Feel free to continue hanging out without me, though," She was quick to warn. "But don't stay up too late, Cadence. You're still young and you need your sleep."

"You don't have to treat me like I'm a little kid, Aunt Celestia!" Cadence somewhat whined. "I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"Sorry, I guess old habits die hard. I've always felt a strong attachment to others when they are young," Celestia apologized in reply. "Still, you should eventually try to go to bed. Luna has her own responsibilities that she needs to tend to. And there'll be plenty of time to get to know her better over the next few days." She then departed, leaving the two other alicorns alone in the room.

Almost as soon as Princess Celestia had left, Princess Luna trotted up to Princess Cadence and asked her fellow princess. "Tell me, are you by any chance familiar with the constellations?"

"A little bit. I used to watch the stars whenever I couldn't sleep as a filly." Princess Cadence acknowledged.

Princess Luna smiled, taking her newly discovered niece by the hoof. "Well, what would you say to a little bit of stargazing with your Aunt Luna? I really haven't had anypony I can share such beauty with for a long time. It can get pretty lonely being the only pony up at night."

The younger alicorn giggled a bit as her blush returned. "Yeah, I know what that's like. It took me several nights before I got used to having a bed all to myself in this castle. I even sometimes still get lost in it because it's so big."

"It definitely is bigger than the castle my sister and I used to live in," The night princess explained as she led Cadence out onto a nearby balcony. "Did Celestia ever tell you about it? About our past?"

Cadence reluctantly and hesitantly nodded. "Sometimes, largely whenever I couldn't sleep and kept gazing up at the moon. I remember asking her why there was a mare's face on its surface," Then she asked in return. "What was it like to be imprisoned there? Was it like being in a really deep sleep or something?"

Luna frowned and hung her head. "No. I wish that were so but it wasn't. It was more like having an out of body experience, even though I was still somewhat in control. Nightmare Moon was the one in charge, and slowly but surely I listened to her," She recalled the memories she had long tried to suppress. "I was certain that my sister would never forgive me for having turned against her, having struck at her. I let myself be convinced that she would never believe I allowed myself to be led astray."

"You only wanted ponies to appreciate your night. You just went about it in the wrong way was all." The princess of love replied while she peered through a telescope on the balcony's edge.

"It didn't have to involve attacking my sister or trying to starve my subjects," The alicorn with a dark blue coat protested in shame. "As jealous as I might have been that my sister was getting all the praise, I never should've allowed it to progress to the point where banishing me was the only alternative to destroying me," Slowly, her frown started to morph into a smile. "I am grateful that my reputation has begun to improve, though. I've even learned to embrace my past rather than run from it."

Cadence turned away from the telescope. "Oh yeah, Nightmare Night. I remember a lot of colts and fillies in my care always looking forward to that time of year," A goofy grin spread across her face as she recalled. "Twilight always went dressed as the same thing every year: Starswirl the Bearded. The only pony she ever seemed to idolize more was Celestia."

"You are familiar with Twilight Sparkle?" Princess Luna inquired of her niece.

Princess Cadence happily smiled. "I do know that she was the pony I loved to foalsit the most. I've heard only a few stories about her since she moved to Ponyville, but they're all positive: She even apparently defeated Discord, with the help of her friends of course. She's certainly come a long way from a filly who didn't even understand friendship."

"She most certainly has," Luna nodded in agreement. "It is her and her friends that I owe the biggest debt of thanks to, because they were the ones who freed me from my darker self. And it was Twilight who helped me learn how to adapt to the world I have returned to. If not for her, I'd probably still be speaking in old ponish and using the royal we."

The alicorn with a pink coat commented in agreement. "I can only imagine how hard it would be for anypony to understand you if you kept talking like that. Twilight truly is a talented pony."

"Indeed she is," Luna agreed. "Even my sister seems to believe that Twilight is the best student she's ever mentored. She seems to think quite highly of her."

"She has talent, that's for sure," Cadence chimed in as she then looked out towards the horizon. "But then again, it seems like talent runs in her family. Her father is an astronomer and her mom is so full of energy," She dreamily sighed. "And there's her brother too."

The night princess quickly deduced what the sigh meant. "Is he your special somepony, Cadence? I must admit, I did not know Twilight had a brother."

"W-well, she does. His name is Shining Armor," Princess Cadence confessed as she tried to keep her blush from returning with a vengeance. "He actually happens to be captain of the royal guard. And... yes, he is my special somepony."

"Why does it sound like you're ashamed of admitting that?" Princess Luna questioned with renewed concern. "You're the princess of love, you should not hide your emotions or your feelings."

The candy colored alicorn just replied. "Well, he's... not like me. He's just a unicorn, whereas I am an alicorn."

The princess of the night was quick to shoot down the concern. "You needn't worry. Just because you're an alicorn doesn't mean you do not age. Even Celestia and I age, though we age more slowly given our connections to the sun and the moon. Besides, you should be more concerned with living. Enjoy and cherish what time you will have with the pony you love."

Cadence wiped a lone tear from her eyes in response. "Never imagined I'd be getting a lesson in love. Especially from you of all ponies, Aunt Luna."

"Though I may not have had a special somepony like you do now, I have learnt a thing or two about love," The night princess explained. "Growing up, I saw how much my father and mother loved each other every day. How they loved not only each other but also my sister and I. And it was that love that led them to lay down their lives for us, to leave the kingdom to us even though we did not feel we were ready. Plus," She admitted with a blush. "There have been more than a few stallions in my time that have sought my hoof in courtship, though I've always politely declined their offers."

Princess Cadence smiled anew. "I can imagine it's not easy to find love when you're one of the rulers of the land. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I have the freedom to live my life as I see fit," Then she put a hoof to her chin as she suddenly remembered something. "Actually, while we're on the subject of love and courtship, I think you should be the first to know: Shining Armor and I are going to get married. Right here in Canterlot in fact."

Luna smiled back. "My sincerest congratulations, Cadence," But then she pondered. "But why tell me this now?"

"Well, I was hoping you might consider being best mare at the wedding. Or at least maybe one of the bridesmaids," The princess of love told her aunt. "It would mean a lot to me to have you onboard. Aunt Celestia is already going to officiate the whole thing, once I tell her about it anyway. It only seems fair that you should have a part in the wedding as well."

The princess of the night thought and pondered the offer in silence for a moment. But then she told her niece. "As much as I might be flattered at the idea of serving in your wedding, I'm afraid I must decline. We've only just gotten to know each other over the course of this single night. I do not know you as well as my sister does. Heck, I don't believe I've ever met this 'Shining Armor' you speak of, although I would assume he is a fine stallion."

Cadence dreamily sighed. "Yes, very fine. Maybe the finest in the entire world of Equestria. I could introduce you to him if you'd like."

"Perhaps some other time," Princess Luna proposed. "Right now, I believe I should prepare to take up my nightly duties. I cannot leave the dream realm unattended even for a single night. It is my responsibility and my burden alone to bear. Plus," She added with a smirk. "I believe it's time you went to bed."

"Oh come on!" Princess Cadence whined in a mostly playful tone and puffed out her cheeks! "First Celestia and now you? Am I always going to be treated like I'm a toddler?"

Luna snickered. "Well, considering how young you are compared to my sister and I, you might as well be a toddler. A pretty mature toddler, but a toddler nonetheless. But you should take pride in the fact that you are young, that you have your whole life still ahead of you. Someday, when you get older and must inevitably take on more responsibilities, you'll find yourself longing for the carefree days of your youth. To say nothing of the possibility that you and Shining Armor might one day have foals."

The princess of love's face turned beet red in response as she sheepishly stammered. "I-it's a little early to be thinking about things like that, Aunt Luna. I mean, I wouldn't mind being a mother someday but..." She trailed off, unable to bring herself to finish that sentence as she instead lit up her horn. In a flash of light blue magic, the candy colored alicorn disappeared.

The princess of the night just grinned while thinking to herself. "I could get used to the prospect of being an aunt. At least it means I'll no longer be the youngest alicorn in existence."

Author's Note:

I can't be the only one who wonders what it was like the first time Princess Luna and Princess Cadence met, can I? I know there's been a few fanfics here and there on the subject, but it remains an untapped market if you ask me.

Cadence's backstory is borrowed from the chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, seeing as that appears to be the closest thing Cadence has to an official backstory in-universe.

Comments ( 18 )

More wonder on how Flurry Heart's first spending time with her Grand aunts?
Wonder how Luna reunite with her pet possum Tiberius?

11170287 Ooh, that Flurry Heart idea is something I hadn't thought of until now. Might have to do a stand alone sequel exploring that idea.

"That's also around the time I got my cutie mark," Princess Cadence spoke up in a somber tone. "But even though I reversed the spell, I couldn't save my parents. They were already lost forever. But Princess Celestia took me in and adopted me as her niece. I've been living here in Canterlot ever since."

Hold it. I don't remember Cadance's parents being lost forever being in the story 🤔. Guess it was never really said what happened to them. But still.

11170298 Well, why exactly would Celestia adopt Cadence if her parents were still around. And Cadence never said that Celestia talked with them first.

Really good job on this short story depicting your spin on Cadance and Luna's first meeting. Definitely liked Luna's reactions to Cadance's shared bits of backstory and personal life, including Cadance asking Luna to be part of her upcoming wedding party.

Anyway, the exchange and characterizations were certainly well done.

It's a nice story, if a bit unremarkable. I do have one complaint though: the character voices are too similar. You're writing them all with the same manner of speech and have them making similar word choices, when they should really each speak differently. You do briefly try to have Luna speak of herself in the plural, but then you drop it and she talks like everypony else. And all three characters are written with a peculiar dislike of contractions and preference for short words, almost as if they're being written by or for a grade schooler.

Consider this paragraph for example:

"Cadence tells me that she was born a pegasus," Celestia explained to the best of her ability. "She was taken in by two earth ponies who never had a child. They raised her as if she were their own. Yet one day, they fell victim to a spell from an evil sorceress. Though she was but a pegasus, Cadence found a way to reverse the spell's effects and in the process became an alicorn. That is when I first met her, and took her under my wing."

In the spoken dialogue, there are 79 words and 99 syllables.

* 4 words with 3 syllables: alicorn, pegasus(2), sorceress

* 11 words with 2 syllables: Cadence(2), taken, ponies, never, victim, evil, reverse, effects, process, under

* 64 words with only one syllable

This is a thousands of years old immortal, but you have her speaking 80% in single syllable words, as if she were a second-grade child. It's not a bad story. But the dialogue would really benefit from better characterization.

Good take on Luna meeting Cadance for the first time! Can't wait to see a sequel where Flurry Heart spends time with her grandaunts!

Tonight, however, would be different. The princess of the night knew that things had changed in the thousand years or so that she had been gone, new technologies, new ways of life and even new holidays had all sprung up in her absence. Her trip to Ponyville had made that perfectly clear. Yet even she was not expecting what was about to happen.

I'm assuming this is during season 2 because she went back to Ponyville again during the Nightmare Night episode which it was awesome to see her again

The princess of the night could hardly believe her ears. "'Aunt Celestia'?" Surely, that other pony had misspoken. How could Celestia be an aunt?

Yeah the family timeline of Princess Celestia and Luna is a a little vague which I kind of wish we want to know about their history of their family

"That's also around the time I got my cutie mark," Princess Cadence spoke up in a somber tone. "But even though I reversed the spell, I couldn't save my parents. They were already lost forever. But Princess Celestia took me in and adopted me as her niece. I've been living here in Canterlot ever since."

Dang that's actually kind of sad to think about it like what really happened to Cadence's parents

The princess of the night was quick to shoot down the concern. "You needn't worry. Just because you're an alicorn doesn't mean you do not age. Even Celestia and I age, though we age more slowly given our connections to the sun and the moon. Besides, you should be more concerned with living. Enjoy and cherish what time you will have with the pony you love."

That's always a theory about alicorns I heard they don't live forever they just have like long years to live than other ponies

This is actually pretty nice to see Princess Luna are adapting to the world of Equestria after she returned from banishment and not only that she got to chance to know Cadence as well and I do like the interaction with each other and she has a pretty sad backstory I have to admit but this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

11171241 It is during Season 2, though there is no exact timeline for it. It could be at any point between "Luna Eclipsed" and "A Canterlot Wedding".

Got it just want to make sure

These two never did interact much in the show, did they?

Alright, good chapter.

(From the comics) Princess Platinum was turned to crystal and broken into pieces across the planet by Sombra. What if Cadence is just the amount of pieces of crystal that has been reunited with each other to form a pony?

Such as, two crystal shards wouldn't yield anything, but a dozen, and poof, you've got a tiny pink alicorn. A couple dozen more crystal shards equals a taller grown-up Cadence.

I think there was a fan comic where when Celestia introduced Cadance to Luna, Cadance decided to play a little joke and said, "Come on, mom. You don't have to pretend I'm your niece with Auntie Luna."

I know there's been a story or 2 where Cadance tried to prank Celestia and Luna by pretending to be Celestia's daughter and Celestia flips the tables around on Cadance by dragging some old, half-broken down stallion out and claiming he was Cadance's father.

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