• Published 28th Feb 2022
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Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike reunited with Mystery Inc once more as they travel to WWE City to help the superstars stop a menacing ghost bear that threatens their biggest event ever: Wrestlemania

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Ready to Rumble

High among the mountains of Equestria, a dark eeriness cast a shadow over the landscape and over what was once ‘Our Town’. The town which Starlight Glimmer once started so many years before, only now it had changed drastically since. Walls of spikes surrounded the entire area, watchtowers with machine guns scoured the landscape, and brainwashed cultists roamed the grounds of this prison like compound.

Ever since they were brought upon this world long ago, Joseph Seed and his cult have since converted this town into their ‘New Eden’. The Dark One offered them the town as a new have so they may continue their unholy quest and that it may serve as their new base of operation. Currently, the entire Dark Order gathered in the old town hall that had since become the new Church of Eden’s Gate.

Spearheading this meeting were the Dark One and the Benefactor.

“Those wretched abominations for ponies have been a thorn on the Dark Order’s side for far too long,” The Benefactor said.

“It is high time for darkness to envelop and subject them to the plains of damnation,” The Dark One added.

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis stood before their leaders alongside their newest members: The Dazzlings, Demittria, and Darth Andromedis They all listened to their leaders’ words intently, trying to determine the next plan of attack.

“What exactly is our next plan?” Cozy Glow asked. “It seems like every single time we think we’re getting some sort of advantage over them, they always find a way to weasel their way to victory.”

“What are you complaining about shrimp?” Aria scoffed. “It’s not like you’ve made a major contribution. All you’ve done is take over a town of animated fish and help a clumsy green creature steal a holiday. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t even think you’re a real villain.”

“Oh, and you three were any better?” Tirek chuckled. “If I recall correctly, Twilight Sparkle and her friends from the human dimension stripped you of all your power… by singing.”

“We managed to traverse through alternate universes and discovered the power of the dark side to get stronger!” Adagio shot back. “Who are you to criticize Tirek? What have you contributed to this mission? So far, all you’ve done is sit back while the rest of us handle the heavy work!”

Tirek grew increasingly angry the more he heard this teenager Siren speak to the point where he walked straight up to her and got right in the Siren’s face.

“You are unwise to disrespect me!” He growled. “I may not hit a girl, but I have no problem beating the scales off a smart-mouth Siren!”

“Now you wanna throw down you big red sissy?” Adagio taunted. “Go ahead, let’s get it on! You don’t have the—”

Tirek reeled back and hurled a huge punch, which Adagio expertly dodged and tackled him to the ground. They proceeded to scrape across the ground before Aria decided to interfere.

“Get your hands off my sister you mutant gremlin!” She yelled.

“Step back fish!” Chrysalis hissed, pulling Aria back. “Let them have it out!”

“Nobody… calls me… A FISH!” Aria screamed.

She punched Chrysalis square in the jaw and the moment the Changeling recovered, she hissed as she leapt onto Aria and sunk her fangs into her back. Sonata hated seeing her sisters in such conflict; naturally, she tried to be the voice of reason.

“Come on guys, we’re supposed to be working together!” Sonata encouraged. “Don’t you know there’s no ‘I’ in team?”

“Shut up you walking blueberry!” Cozy Glow mocked. “You sound more and more like a pony by the day. You really are just a stupid Siren!”

Hearing that made a switch flip on Sonata’s head. She was so tired of being called stupid, as if hearing that from her sisters was rough enough. She turned toward Cozy Glow, her eyes glowed red and her fangs began to show.

“I… AM… NOT… STUPID!!!” She screeched.

Sonata tackled Cozy gown and soon before the eyes of their leaders every member of the Legion of Doom and the Dazzlings fought like animals. Darth Andromedis and Demettira merely stood off to the side watching all the chaos, waiting to see who breaks first.


A gunshot made everyone freeze in place as Joseph Seed and his family, along with their brainwashed cultists, entered the church. Joseph held a revolver in his right hand, the gun pointed to the ceiling with smoke emerging from the end. He, along with the others, stepped forward till they stood alongside the Benefactor and the Dark One.

“Brothers… sisters… now’s not the time for rash acts of violence and destruction,” Joseph preached. “God has joined us together so we may bring an end to the wicked ways of those meddlesome ponies once and for all. We must lay aside our envy and hate and…”

The Dark One held a single hand in front of Joseph and the cult leader bowed in respect, along with the cult itself. They still believed the Dark One to be the divine hand of God, if not God himself, after he came to them in their need. The Dark One turned toward the Legion and the Dazzlings, who one by one picked themselves off the ground. Though they couldn’t see it, they could feel a wicked smile forming under the mask.

“I believe you all need to channel your aggress with a little brute force,” The Dark One observed. “Fortunately, there is ‘another’ artifact we require in another world which will allow you the perfect opportunity to do so. Surely the Elements of Harmony will follow you and when that happens you will get your chance to brutalize them.”

The Legion and the Dazzlings all looked back and forth at each over as the prospect went through their heads. It had indeed been a while since they’ve taken matters into their own claws/hooves/hands with a little violence. Not to mention the prospect of pounding those pitiful ponies made the idea very… tantalizing.

Altogether, they smiled wickedly and turned back toward the Dark One.

“Name the place and we’re there,” Adagio chuckled darkly.


The sun shined brightly as another beautiful day in Ponyville took place. The denizens of this quiet little town came together to embrace the season of summer. All across town, ponies enjoyed all forms of summer activities: Swimming, camping, and even fishing. To say the least, the entire town was enjoying the sun and fun of this summer day.

In town square, Spike and Gabby sat outdoors at the little restaurant as they stared lovingly toward each other. After their previous adventure, Spike decided he was going to start taking risks he had never taken before just like Erik and Barnum had. So one day he decided to ask Gabby out on a date, to which she emphatically agreed to. Now it was almost one year later, and they were very much in love.

Spike and Gabby huh?

I know right? Don’t they make such a cute couple?

Out of all the possible shipping for Spike in this universe, Gabby was always my favorite.

What about Rarity?

Well, she’s kind of—you know… taken… plus it was hardly really going anywhere.



Spike and Gabby sat at an outdoor table enjoying the sunshine, as they held each other’s claws.

“Whoever thought we’d find ourselves where we are now?” Spike smiled. “You and me ‘officially’ a couple.”

“I know, right?” Gabby giggled. “I mean all those times we hung out in the past, I always thought maybe there could be more between us. I just never knew you felt the same way.”

“To be honest, I always thought of us as more,” Spike confessed. “I just never really acted in those feelings because… well, I didn’t want to complicate things between us. But since our last adventure, seeing Barnum almost lose everything for not realizing what was already in front of him, I knew I didn’t want to make that same mistake.”

Gabby blushed over his kind words and they both leaned for a kiss. The moment, however, was ruined when a certain little colt popped out between them, and they both ended up kissing his cheeks.

“Thank you!” Lil’ Cheese squeaked cutely.

Both Gabby and Spike reeled back in shock as Lil’ Cheese bounced off the table just as Pinkie Pie walked up with a smile on her face and her son ran up to nuzzle her.

“God job my little cheesy-wheezy!” Pinkie said, nuzzling back. “You’re getting better at popping up by the day. Soon enough you’ll be sticking your head out of golf holes and saying, ‘Hole in on!’.”

Lil’ Cheese giggled over his mother’s compliment, as Pinkie turned and saw Spike looking at her with grimace.

“Oops, sorry to interrupt you guys,” She apologized. “I was teaching Lil’ Cheese about appearing randomly, and he just slipped away from me. But he’s getting better and better by the day. I couldn’t be more proud.”

“Yeah that’s great and all Pinkie,” Spike replied irritated. “But we were in the middle of something.”

“Oh… right,” Pinkie nodded knowingly. “Don’t mind us, you won’t even know we’re here.”

Pinkie and Lil’ Cheese backed away and turned around to offer a bit more privacy. Spike and Gabby faced each other once more and leaned for a kiss, only to be interrupted again by the sounds of a crying baby. Gabby and Spike shot their gaze toward Erik and Rarity, who walked by while pushing a baby carriage. Rarity turned over and noticed them under the gaze of her sunglasses.

“Hello Spike and Gabby!” Rarity waved.

“Hi Rarity!” Gabby waved back. “Lovely weather today, isn’t it?”

“It would’ve been lovelier if I could sneak one kiss…” Spike grumbled.

“Oh yes indeed darling!” Rarity nodded. “The weather is simply superb. Begging your pardon for the interruption, we’re just taking my Gemstone for a walk. You know how fussy she gets being cooped up inside all day.”

Spike and Gabby both got up from their seats and approached Rarity and Erik’s side for a quick peek in the carrier. Inside, all bundled up in a pink blanket, was a tiny little unicorn foal blissfully snoozing away. She was the spitting image of Rarity, even with the same marshmallow coat. However, her mane was a more light violet color with a grey blue streak which matched her eyes she got from her father.

This is her ‘future’ image, just picture her as a foal for now…

“Aww… isn’t she the cutest little thing?!” Gabby squealed.

“She really is Rarity,” Spike nodded. “Congratulations to you both.”

“Thank you my friend,” Erik thanked him. “To think some pony such as me could make something so pure… with what I’ve done in the past…”

“Darling please, stop saying such talk,” Rarity pleaded to her husband. “We’ve discussed this multiple times. You’ve long since put that man aside and redeemed yourself a hundred times over upon arriving here. You are a husband and father now; you deserve your happiness.”

Erik turned toward his wife, then toward his daughter as a smile crept onto his face. He then looked up toward Rarity’s gaze.

“Thank you mon ange…”

They both leaned forward and shared a quick kiss.

“Oh blech!”

The sound of another voice drew their attention to the side as Applejack and Rainbow walked up.

“If I wanted to see a bunch of lovey-dovey, mushy kissing stuff, I’d have stayed back at the farm with Big Mac and Sugar Belle,” Rainbow remarked.

“Ah hush up now sugar cube,” Applejack scolded. “Ya know they ain’t had much time tah spend together since Big Sugar was born.”

“I know… but can’t they at least keep that somewhere private?” Rainbow asked. “The kid’s almost a year old. How could they have not had time together?”

“Raisin’ a child takes up a lot of time,” Applejack responded.

“Yeah, and we’ve been the kid’s babysitter since he was born and took care of him at night so they could sleep.”

“Ah come on now, ya know ya love bein’ Auntie Rainbow!”

Rainbow smirked a bit, as she tilted her head to the side.

“Heh heh… yeah, I do,” She chuckled.


Everyone turned toward the panicked yelling of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, the alicorn and Pegasus racing toward them rather quickly. They skid to a halt just short of the others, to which Pinkie Pie held up the #10 sign and Lil’ Cheese held up an 8.

“Dang Twi, what’s the big rush?” Rainbow asked.

“You all have to come with me right away!” Twilight said urgently. “The Legion of Doom and the Dazzlings are at Discord’s Theatre!”

“What?!” Rarity asked, in shock. “However did they manage to break in?”

“I don’t know! But Discord and Storm are trying to hold them off. We have to go now!”

Twilight and Fluttershy both turned around and ran back towards the theatre with Rainbow and Applejack following right after them.

“Take Gemstone home and stay there until everything is clear,” Rarity told Erik.

“Be careful my love,” Erik replied.

“I always do.”

They both kissed quickly as Rarity ran off and Erik took the baby carriage away.

“Run on home to daddy, cupcake,” Pinkie told her son.

“Okay mommy!” Lil’ Cheese nodded. “Slap ‘em around with Boneless!”

Pinkie giggled as she hugged her son, who raced off back towards Sugar Cube corner and Pinkie ran off after her friends. Spike then turned to Gabby.

“Well… date’s over,” Spike sighed. “Sorry Gabby, but I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Gabby assured him. “Just go and do what you do best, tiger.”

She then quickly pecked him on the lips much to his surprise before taking off into the sky to someplace safe. Spike gingerly touched his lips, where he had been kissed, and gave a goofy smile before quickly refocusing. As he chased after his friends, only one thing was on his mind:

Those villains were going to pay for ruining what would’ve been the perfect date.


At Discord’s theatre, chaos ran amuck. Somehow, someway, the Dazzlings and the three core members of the Legion of Doom had entered the theatre spreading havoc within their wake. Only two individuals stood in their way at this time: Storm Shield and the owner of the theatre himself, Discord. A fierce battle took place as Storm faced the Dazzlings head on, while Discord took on two of the trio, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis.

The Sirens themselves were mostly on the offense while Storm, being the gentle colt, preferred the more ‘defensive’ approach. For every fist they throw, mostly Adagio and/or Aria (Both even), Storm merely swipes them away with a brush of his hoof. Adagio goes for a front kick, but Stom takes that momentum to push Adagio into the air knocking her flat on her back. Aria tries to swing a fist toward Storm from behind, only for Storm to catch and hurl the siren over her shoulder and on top of Adagio. He turns just as Sonata tries to tackle the prince only for him to twirl her around and toss her into one of the chairs, the young siren landing softly against the cushions.

“What’s the matter boy?” Adagio replied, shoving Aria off. “Too macho to hit a woman?”

“I would… but psychos who try to wreck my friend’s theatre are not really my type,” Storm replied.

“Oh, a wise guy! Take that!”

Adagio throws a fist toward Storm, who merely catches it with a hoof treating Adagio’s attack like she’s part of a sparring practice. After a series of blows, she reels for a heavy punch only for Storm to lean back and push her head over heels landing roughly against the floor. Storm just flips himself back on his hooves and barely block a vicious kick from Aria. Again Storm Shield assumes the defense, blocking wave upon wave of attacks Aria can dish out. With Storm distracted, Sonata recovers and pulls off the chairs with great strength aiming toward Storm. Getting the right aim, Sonata prepared to swing the chair behind Storm’s back…


Storm, sensing the incoming attack, flaps high in the air and the chair struck Aria square in the face knocking her unconscious. Sonata gasps as she stares at the unconscious Aria as Storm lands nimbly beside her. They gaze awkwardly toward one another when a groan made them turn around. Adagio is just on the verge of recovering as she slowly picked herself up. Sonata turns toward Storm, hurls the chair into his hooves, and fell back against the floor. And the moment Adagio fully recovered, she sees her unconscious cohorts then toward Storm who had the chair in his clutches.

“Oh, she is just not going to understand this…” Storm told himself.

“Why you bully!!!” Adagio growled.

With one punch, Adagio struck Storm with a fierce uppercut sending him flying over the chairs and straight into the projector booth. Adagio massaged her right hand as she helped Aria back to her feet, while Sonata quick reels up behind Adagio.

“Boy, we sure showed that jerk what us girls are made up!” Sonata smiled.

“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to shift my focus on someone else to beat up…” Aria muttered.


The Sirens quickly turned back as Lord Tirek suddenly slid towards the trio, all four of his legs turned to soap. Before the girls could move, they were struck by the rear side of the tall centaur as he slipped straight toward the nearby wall.


The force of the crash reeled Tirek forward, as a Discord clone stood over the centaur while chewing some popcorn.

“Yeah… I’m going to have to give you a five for the landing,” Discord replied, holding up a sign.

As for the Sirens, the three girls groaned as they stuck against the damaged wall for a few seconds… slowly peeling off and falling face first onto the floor.

“I… am never… going to unsee that…” Adagio shivered.

A Discord clone in a maid outfit appeared and stood over the girls, while turning toward the damaged wall.

“Yeah… I do not get paid to fix walls,” Discord replied.

Instead Discord took out a can of air freshener and sprayed over the girls in a sheer form of mockery.

In the meantime, Chrysalis wasn’t faring too well on her own. More than a dozen Discord clones had the Changeling Queen completely surrounded and mocked her every step of the way. The Changeling got so frustrated that she tried using her magic to zap out all the clones. But even when one clone disappeared, not a single one of them were even the ‘real’ Discord. And for all of Chrysalis’ efforts, she caused more damage to the theatre than anything else.

“Um, could you ‘not’ like put holes in this theatre!” A clone spoke, valley-girl style. “I like just got this place fixed, I mean really!”

“Shut up!” Chrysalis growled, shooting a bolt.

Even as a clone was blown up, a bright light flashed right into Chrysalis’ eyes blinding her. And all at once a Discord clone appeared, holding a flashlight, and dressed like a security guard.

“Ma’am, if you can’t settle down, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the theatre,” The clone spoke gruffly.

Chrysalis merely swiped a clone aside like a rag doll as she looked around. Suddenly, she spotted Discord leaning casually by the wall taunting her with a rose in one hand. Enraged, Chrysalis charged toward what she assumed to be the real Discord with her horn aimed to pierce her adversary.


Chrysalis’ head crashed through a wall, as swarms of tiny Discords flew around her face laughing mockingly toward the frustrated Changeling. Suddenly, what appeared to be bits of snow started dropping on her face. But when she looked it she realized it wasn’t snow… instead it was a Discord, dressed like an Italian chef, shredding a block of parmesan cheese over her.

Mama mia… cheesy orzo… monte bella… and it’s-a yours… so!!!” Discord sang.

It was then that Chrysalis only just realized something was off. As if getting a shower of cheese all over her face wasn’t enough, she noticed that her mane had been transformed into… spaghetti noodles. To say Chrysalis was horrified was an understatement.

“DISCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!!!!” Chrysalis screamed.

Meanwhile, back in the theater, another Discord stood by watching the display and he was laughing his head off… ‘almost’.

“What an R.K. Maroon!” Discord snickered. “What a nincompoop—”


Lord Tirek had just recovered behind Discord’s back and without a moment’s hesitation whammed him to the ground and knocked Discord unconscious. With the ‘real’ Discord taken out, all the clones immediately vanished. With Discord taken care of, Tirek proceeded to pull Chrysalis out of the wall and she immediately just broke free of her grip while scrubbing the shredding off her mane.

“You’re welcome!” Tirek muttered.

And while all of this chaos was taking place, a certain tiny Pegasus managed to sneak her way into the projector room (While Storm Shield was still unconscious) and proceeded to start up the machine to access the portal along the screen. It was during which moment our heroes, the Mane Six and Spike, burst in only to realize they were too late. As the crystal portal opened up, and all the villains regrouped to enter, they faced our heroes with wicked grins on their faces.

“So long suckers!!!” Cozy Glow called out.

Before our heroes could act, the portal closed the moment the villains stepped inside. Now with the villains gone, the Equestrians raced down to help Discord while Twilight rushed into the booth to find Storm Shield.

“Oh goodness Discord, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“Better than they’re going to be when I get my claws on them again!” Discord replied, getting up. “Next time I’ll turn their cheese wheels and have the rats eat them before they can say ‘Willard’!”

“Oh please don’t do anything rash!” Fluttershy pleaded. “Remember you aren’t like that anymore.”

Discord looked down toward Fluttershy, noting her look of worry toward him. A sigh escaped his lips before he nodded his head.

“Fine… but they’re still going to get it somehow,” He grumbled. “No one breaks into my theater and wrecks it… again. I mean yeah, there was that one time, but I still don’t know who burned it down! Seriously, we need better security!”

Making it into the projector booth, Twilight helped Storm back to his hooves while the latter shook the cobwebs off his head.

“You all right, Storm?” Twilight asked.

“Boy… I haven’t been mobbed by this many girls since magic school…” Storm muttered.

Seeing Storm was ‘slightly’ okay, Twilight Sparkle approached the machine. From there, she could see the coordinates that were punched in still sitting on display. She looked out from the opening toward her friends.

“We have to go in after them!” Twilight said determined.

“Are you sure about that Twi?” Rainbow asked. “I mean dealing with these guys one-on-one is one thing, but now they’re teaming up!”

“It’ll be dangerous, but we must go after them and stop whatever it is they have planned.”

“Shouldn’t we at least inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this?” Spike asked.

“There’s no time right now!” Twilight shook her head. “Every minute we waste is another moment they could be spreading untold chaos.

“And that’s my job!” Discord agreed.

Twilight quickly turned back toward the machine and flipped the switch once more. The crystal portal soon opened again, much to Discord’s glee.

“Finally… my chance to go on an adventure!” Discord said excitedly.

“Maybe it would be better if you stayed here,” Fluttershy told him. “Someone has to inform the princesses and keep every pony safe while we’re gone.”

“WHAT?! B-B-But—why can’t I…”

And Fluttershy proceeded to put on the biggest puppy-dog face that she could. Discord tried to turn away; however, he found himself sucked back by her adorable cuteness.

“Ooh… you win!” Discord groaned, reluctantly. “But I better get an adventure soon and it better be a doozy!”

It was then Storm approached the group, with Twilight following along.

“At least let me come along with you,” Storm offered.

“Oh come on!” Discord yelled. “You’ve already been in three movies straight and now you get another one?! Its favoritism with these stories, I’m telling you!”

“Don’t worry Discord!” Pinkie assured. “The writers have something big planned for you in the future. You just have to be patient a little while longer.”

Discord grumbled to himself, before leaving the theatre to contact everyone. Everyone just faced the two with confusion before getting back on track.

“Storm, you’ve barely recovered from that fight,” Twilight pointed out worriedly. “Maybe you should…”

“With all due respect Twilight, I’ve traversed more of these worlds before any pony else,” Storm replied. “I’ve personally seen ‘everything’ the Multiverse has to offer and you’ll need all the help you can get.”

“Ya know he does have a point Twi,” Applejack agreed.

Twilight scrunched her face a moment, pondering over it until she finally nodded with a smile.

“Alright Storm, you’re in!” She said.

“And if those coordinates are correct, I have a rough idea where they’re going,” Storm spoke. “C’mon every pony!”

Storm gathered every pony around the Crystal portal, the rest of the group wondering where exactly there’d be heading this time. Twilight felt some pony reach out and grab her hoof. She turned toward a smile Storm Shield. Twilight smiled back as she gripped his hoof in hers before every pony stepped forward and into the portal.