• Published 26th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony: Repairing Burnt Bridges - Captain_Cosmos

Sparkler heads back to her remote hometown of KiliHima Village. Much to her utter dismay.

  • ...

Episode 7: Connection Re-established

Brad stood in front of a mirror, straightening a bow tie around his neck. “Ok Brad. You got this. You’re going to go in, you’re going to explain your side of the story to Sparkler. Then the rest is up to her.” He told himself. He stared at his reflection for a few seconds before sighing. “Oh who am I kidding? No matter what my explanation was, even I wouldn’t forgive me.” He said.

“Hey. Don’t say that.” His fiancé Nova said, coming up beside him wearing a dress. “I think she’ll forgive you. I mean you have witnesses right?” She asked Brad.

“Nova. That incident emotionally scarred her for life, of that I am almost certain. I’m happy but shocked she decided to give it another shot with that royal mare. Now would you forgive a pony that caused you so much emotional stress that you nearly drove yourself to suicide?” Brad asked.

“If they were honest I could eventually forgive them.” Nova responded.

“That’s the thing though, there was overwhelming evidence that I WASN’T honest with her. The only thing I have going for me is my date plan. The one I had intended to carry out.” Brad said. “And I highly doubt that’s enough for a pony who went through what Sparkler did.”

“You have another thing going for you. Witnesses.” Nova said. “Didn’t you say a pair of foreign exchange students and Mark knew the truth?”

“Mark only knew after the fact. As for Candy and Hanzal. I’m still not sure that’ll be enough.” Brad responded.

“Well, you won’t know unless you try. Like I said, you don’t have anything to lose by being honest with her.” Nova said. “And you are one of the most honest ponies I have ever met.”

“You really think I can do this?” Brad asked.

“I do.” Nova said. “You are going to Defy Gravity tonight Bradford. And that little spark of friendship that exists between you and Sparkler will finally catch fire.”

“You’re being shockingly chill for a mare whose fiancé is about to go tell another mare that the date he wanted to take her on wasn’t supposed to be a prank.” Brad commented.

“The mare in question swings towards other mares, is taken, and I know that you know what would happen if you cheated on me.” Nova responded. Kissing Brad on the cheek.

“Yeah. I do.” Brad said.

“So. You ready?” Nova asked.

“As I’ll ever be.” Brad responded. “I just hope I can get through the night without punching anypony in anger.”

“Eh, if they’re a bully they certainly deserve it at this point.” Nova responded. “Now come on.”

“Aww! Why can’t we come with you?” Crystal asked her mothers.

“Yeah! I was gonna record your performance on my camcorder.” Lightning said.

Sparkler sighed. Apparently their kids believed they would be going to the Reunion as well. “Sorry kids, but there’s going to be Adult things going on there and we’d rather you not see it.”

“Plus we don’t want to expose you to any toxicity.” Twilight added.

“Aww.” All the kids said.

“But hey. Amber’s gonna bring Lucky over and you all can play games with Grandma and Grandpa.” Thundercracker said. “That should be more fun than whatever’s going on at some old school.”

“Yay!” All nine kids said.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Aurora opened it and saw Amber and Lucky. “Hello everypony.” Amber said.

“Hiya guys!” Lucky exclaimed as she ran in to start playing with the Medley kids.

Amber smiled towards Aurora. “Thank you so much for watching Lucky. Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?“ She asked.

“Eh, we’ve already got nine kids, one more won’t hurt.” Aurora responded. “Plus it’ll keep the Medley kids busy.” She added.

“Well if you’re sure. I just don’t want to overload you.”

“Oh no it’s fine.” Thundercracker said. “We don’t mind being a daycare for the night.” He chuckled.

“I really do appreciate it.” Amber said.

“Squawk! So, everypony ready to go? Squawk!” Flappy asked as he and Mina flew in from another room.

“Yep.” Twilight responded.

After a few quick goodbyes, Sparkler, Twilight, Flappy, Mina, and Amber left the house and joined up with the rest of their group.

“Mark is going to meet us at the Reunion?” Candy asked Amber.

“Uh huh. He’s on the clock so he’s bringing in additional officers from the KPD to bolster security.” Amber explained.

“Bolster security?” Sparkler asked.

“Yeah. The school is not going to put up with any hostilities towards you this time Sparkler. So according to Mark, the added security is to make sure no pony gets away if they assault you.” Amber explained. “Also, we have a princess attending so that’s another reason.”

“I’m gonna choose to think the only reason is to protect Sparkler.” Twilight told her. “I do not want special treatment under normal circumstances.”

“Right.” Flash said. “But for real though, Twilight, I’d keep a low profile. I’m not sure those who bullied Sparkler have the brains to leave you alone even if you have a crown on.”

“Oh don’t worry Flash. I can handle myself.” Twilight said.

Meanwhile, at the KPD, Mark was filling out some final paperwork before heading out to the Reunion. That’s when he heard the voice of his soon-to-be-former boss, Chief Hard Case. “Hansworth, shouldn’t you be heading out?” He asked.

“Just finishing up some final paperwork Chief.” Mark responded. “Including my transfer papers.”

“Yeah. Good luck in Ponyville. Mr. Thundercracker’s been telling me some of the wacky things his daughter’s been through since moving there.” Hard Case commented.

“Did he tell you about Sparkler’s nine kids?” Mark asked.

“He did. I’m still having trouble believing it.” Hard Case responded. “I can still remember that night and subsequent day in detail. The building manager screaming his head off that some punks trashed his building, that meeting with the school and Thundercracker and Aurora after Sparkler had been reported missing, and of course the ponyhunt. Faust I’ve never seen a kid so traumatized before. Thank Faust she looks to be doing better now.”

“I remember hearing the shouting match from the principal’s office, I’m pretty sure everypony in the building heard it.” Mark said with a shiver. He remembered the day after the incident in High School. Sparkler had all but vanished. No sign of her, it was determined that she ran away from home on her way to school. As one could imagine, that raised a LOT of red flags and Sparkler’s parents were raging mad, and panicking, and everypony that was in the building knew it. The entire KPD had been mobilized to find Sparkler, who ended up being found at the end of the day.

Mark shook his head clear of that memory and nodded. “Yeah let’s try to avoid another one of those incidents tonight.” He said.

“Let’s.” Hard Case agreed.

Principal Lampshade stood by the doors to the school gym, greeting former students there for the Reunion. Eventually, she gazed upon a sight she had been looking forward to all day. Sparkler walked through the door with her group. “Sparkler. Welcome back!” She exclaimed excitedly. “It’s so good to see you!”

Sparkler smiled as the group approached. “Hello Principal Lampshade. It’s good to see you too.” She said.

Lampshade nodded and glanced around, seeing more students. “Hanzal, Candy, Mark, welcome back, and Amber, welcome.” She said.

“Hey principal Lampshade.” Hanzal, Amber, and Candy said.

“Everything’s in place to de-escalate any situation.” Mark said.

“Great. Thanks Mark.” Lampshade responded. “With any luck no food will be thrown. Even if there’s no food here.” She declared.

“Yeah.“ Sparkler responded.

Lampshade nodded. “So, who do you guys have with you?” She asked.

“This is Twilight, my marefriend, and these are my bandmates. Flash Sentry, Autumn Apple, and Feathers.” She introduced them.

“Together we’re The Harmonic Medleys.” Feathers said.

Lampshade smiled. “Oh, you’re the band Ms. Nook got? Perfect. Ponies are still coming in, but once the stragglers arrive we’ll introduce you and you can begin the performance.” She said.

“Sounds good.” Sparkler responded. “Though I have something to do before the show. Remember Bradford?” She asked.

“You mean that colt from that incident?” Lampshade asked. “Yeah I remember him. Why?”

“If he shows up, could you get word to me please? There’s something I’d like to talk to him about.” Sparkler said.

Lampshade seemed to understand what was happening, because she nodded. “Sure. Yeah I’ll get word to you.” She said.

“Thanks.” Sparkler responded.

Lampshade nodded. “Until then, try to enjoy yourselves in there. Oh, and Twilight, welcome.“ She added.

“Thanks. You mind us having a chat a little later?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight don’t press the issue.” Sparkler cut her off before Lampshade could say anything. Sparkler KNEW what Twilight was gonna talk to Lampshade about. “They did everything they plausibly could. There’s no sense opening up old wounds.”

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight relented. Everypony got a good chuckle out of that as they walked into the gym.

Lampshade watched them go, and then peered into the Gym. “I swear to Faust if any food gets thrown, they’re all banned from the school.” She let out a huff. For the thirteen years that Sparkler was in school, she had received so many misconduct reports that she actually had to get five additional filing cabinets just to hold them all. And the vast majority of those misconduct reports listed Sparkler as the victim. A major drawback of operating a school in a small town and all the students gang up on a pony, suspension or expulsion is equal to shutting the school down. She hated that fact. Under normal circumstances she would’ve absolutely expelled the bullies for continuing to harass a fellow student for no reason, but there were too many of them for it to be a viable option. And considering the scope of the situation, she didn’t believe the others would’ve gotten the message. My hooves may have been tied then, but not tonight. Tonight was different, they were no longer her students, they were adults, subject to assault charges should they choose to bring back an old hobby of theirs.

Right then, Lampshade saw the next ponies come in. It was Bradford. “Bradford. Welcome back.” She said.

“Hi Ms. Lampshade. It’s been a while.” Brad responded.

“You’ve been well?” Lampshade asked.

“Yeah. You could say that.” Brad cleared his throat. “Uh, this is Potion Nova, my Fiancé.” He introduced Nova.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Nova said cheerfully.

“Nice to meet you too.” Lampshade said.

Brad nodded, before glancing at the door. “Hey, Principal Lampshade, did Sparkler show up?” He asked.

“She did. It sounds like you two have some things to hash out.” Lampshade said.

“Yeah. You could put it that way.” Brad responded.

Lampshade nodded and Brad and Nova entered the gym. As soon as they were inside, Lampshade lit her horn and horn pulsed Sparkler, letting her know that Brad was there.

Inside the gym, Sparkler and her group had found a table and were just standing around talking when she felt a horn pulse. Her face became pale as she processed what it meant. “Brad’s here.” She said. She glanced around and sure enough, Brad had just entered the gym.

Everypony around her glanced and saw Brad. Amber nodded. “Should I go get Mark and tell him to tell Brad to meet you in private?” Amber asked.

On one hoof, Sparkler wasn’t looking forward to it, but the sooner she did it the sooner it would be over. “Yeah. Let’s get this over with.” She said.

Amber nodded and scurried off to find Mark, who was on duty. Sparkler meanwhile lit her horn and turned invisible. “Wish me luck.” She said as she walked out of the gym, deciding not to let Brad see her at the moment.

She walked down the halls of her old school, heading for one place that she always felt safe in, even with other kids around. She came up to a door and pushed it open. Fortunately it was unlocked. Thank you Mr. Rhythm. She thought as she walked into Mr. Rhythm’s classroom, the chosen place to have her talk with Brad.

Sparkler couldn’t place it. But whenever she was in here, in this room, surrounded by the instruments, she felt like she was truly safe, and welcome at school. And she felt like she could truly do anything, in here, she felt confident, and free. This was partly why she chose this room to talk to Brad, because she could really use the confidence boost right now.

She looked out the window and saw Flappy and Mina sitting on the window sill. She smiled as she opened the window with no problem. “Remember to stay on the sill.” She told them.

“Squawk! Brad tries ANYTHING and we’ll deal with breaking the rules later. Squawk!” Flappy responded, Mina nodding in agreement.

Right then, the door to the room opened again, and Sparkler saw Bradford, the stallion who led her to a fake date, walk in.

For a moment, nopony said anything, Brad was nervous as all heck. Mark had told him it was time, and he walked to the music room all confident, and now all that went out the window when he entered the room. For Faust’s sake! Say something!

“Hey there Sparkler.” Brad said, finally breaking the silence.

“Bradford.” Sparkler responded, acknowledging his presence.

“How’re you doing? Things must be going well for you from what I’ve seen.” Brad said.

“Yeah. They are. I saw you brought a mare with you.” Sparkler said.

“Fiancé.” Brad responded. “Potion Nova and I’ll be married next month.”

“Good for you.” Sparkler said.

Brad nodded, and decided to get to the point. “So, uh, should I just start explaining or was there something you wanted to say beforehoof?” He asked.

“Squawk! Start talking pal. Squawk!” Flappy said.

Sparkler spoke up before Brad could talk. “Bradford, I didn’t realize it back then but you never partook in the harassment like everypony else beyond laughing. You always seemed to keep your distance.” She said.

“That’s right. I saw no reason for it.” Brad responded.

“And then you asked me out, and then the whole circus fiasco of a date happened.” Sparkler continued.

“And it nearly drove you to suicide. Yeah I was there the following day when your parents screamed their heads off.” Brad said.

“So, what in the hay happened? You keep your distance, then ask me out, and then take me on a bogus date. Explain to me what your thought process was there.” Sparkler said. “Explain to me why you would do all that if you allegedly had a crush on me?” Sparkler kinda demanded.

Brad’s breath hitched in his throat, Sparkler knew about his crush. After a second, he sighed, and began to tell his version of the story.

“For years, I sat by and watched as my THEN-friends put you down. Every day I saw you get pelted with eggs. And I would always kick myself for never doing anything to help you.” Brad said.

“Squawk! So the coward story basically. Squawk!” Flappy chimed in with an eye roll.

“Yeah.” Brad responded. “Anyway, one day, after hearing Defying Gravity over the radio, I had decided enough was enough. By that time I had a crush on you so that’s what made me want to ask you out.”

“You had to have known I was in no way straight.” Sparkler commented.

“I did know that. But…come on Sparkler, you can’t blame me. Any sane pony with two functioning braincells should be able to see how beautiful and awesome you are.” Brad said. “Anyway, I knew I had a steep uphill battle to win you over so I just resigned to the next best goal of us becoming friends.” He said.

“At least you’re smart enough to realize that.” Sparkler remarked under her breath.

“Yeah. But here’s where you can openly call me an idiot. The part that made the entire thing into a prank. I told my former friends about the date.” He said.

“Squawk! Gee. I was wondering how those idiots found out about the date. OF COURSE you told them! Squawk!” Flappy said the first part sarcastically.

“I told them because I was glad you agreed to the date that I did what any colt would do after scoring a date.” Brad said. “And after that night, I’ve regretted it every single day.”

“Regretted it?” Sparkler asked.

“Yes. Because it was THEM who gave me the name of the fake restaurant that I took you to, from what I was able to piece together, they rented a public space for the night, converted it into a restaurant, and then waited for me to take you there.”

“So you’re saying that they essentially set you up to take the blame.” Sparkler said. “Is that what you’re trying to get at?”

“Yes.” Brad said. “But here’s the thing, all of it IS my fault. Because if I hadn’t blabbed to your bullies then it never would’ve happened.” He said, looking down in shame. “You have every right to be mad at me Sparkler. Because I deserve it. But, Now you know what exactly happened.” He said.

Sparkler listened attentively, listening to Brad’s side as she agreed to do. And her mind was spinning. According to Brad, her bullies used him to lure her into a fake date to prank her. And while she wanted to call crap on that story…A part of her actually wanted to believe him, to believe that he really did want to be her friend, and wanted to take her out on a date as a way of reaching out…And she couldn’t detect any deceit from Brad so far tonight.

While Brad and Sparkler had their talk, multiple ponies were outside the door. Twilight, the Harmonic Medleys, Amber, Candy, Hanzal, and Mark were all standing around the door, as well as Potion Nova, who they let stay after Mark vouched that she was a friend. Twilight eyed through the window and kept a close eye on Brad. “Are you sure about Brad Mark?” She asked.

“100%. A police officer isn’t supposed to lie, and I take that very seriously.” Mark responded. “Now whether SPARKLER believes Brad or not is up to her.”

“What did Brad do anyway? Like for real. I know he led her to a fake date but…” Feathers trailed off.

“What happened was Brad got played by his former friends.” Candy said.

“They used him to prank Sparkler.” Hanzal added.

Twilight shook her head. She was appalled to find that that didn’t surprise her in the least that they would do that.

Back in the music room, there was silence. After a moment, Sparkler spoke up. “What was your original plan?” She asked Brad.

“What?” Brad asked.

“Say, for the sake of argument, that I believe a word of what you’ve told me. If it wasn’t supposed to be a prank, then how was the date supposed to go?” Sparkler asked. Deciding that she might as well see what the original plan was, if there was one.

Brad let out a small smile. “First up would have been dinner. Which wouldn’t have ended up on you.” He said. “After that, I had thought we would go for a nice walk in the park where we could talk. And then…sing you a song I wrote myself.” Brad said.

“Squawk! A song? Squawk! Flappy asked.

“Yeah. I wrote a song for you. I knew how much you like music.” Brad said.

Sparkler was admittedly taken aback by this revelation. He went to the trouble of writing me a song? She thought. The part of her that wanted to believe Brad started to take some precedence over the part that wanted to call crap on his story. She figured if it was a prank that nopony would go to that trouble…her mind clicked with an idea. An idea that would let her see just how truthful Brad was being.

“Do you remember the song?” Sparkler asked.

Brad smiled at that. He could tell where this was going as he glanced around for a guitar. One suddenly flew up to him, having been summoned by Sparkler. “Down to the last note.” Brad responded as he took the guitar, getting the message of what Sparkler wanted him to do.

“Squawk! This should be good. Squawk!” Flappy commented sarcastically, he was still in doubt that Brad was telling the truth.

Brad nodded, and began strumming his guitar. He knew that this was the chance to prove his honesty.

Sparkler watched and listened to Brad singing, and she didn’t even need to listen to the second verse. By the end of the first chorus, there was no longer any doubt in her mind. Brad really was telling the truth, he was just as much a victim as she was of her bully’s antics. Flappy needed a little more convincing as the song went on but ultimately he came around.

Finally, the song ended, and Brad set down the guitar. He looked up at Sparkler to hear her reaction.

“…You really did want to be my friend.” Sparkler said, barely above a whisper after a moment of silence.

Brad nodded. “I did. I…I still do. I’m truly, incredibly sorry for what I caused you Sparkler. I shouldn’t have blabbed to my former friends like I did.” He said.

“You really shouldn’t have.” Sparkler said. “But, hey, I get why you wanted to brag about the date. Truth be told I might have done the same thing.” She admitted.

“Does that mean you forgive me?” Brad asked.

“Yes. I forgive you Brad.” Sparkler responded. She then leaned in and wrapped her forelegs around Brad. “And…if you’re still interested. No reason why we can’t be friends now.” She said.

Brad’s eyes widened. Did she just…after it clicked with him what Sparkler just said. He smiled as he wrapped his forelegs around his new friend. “I never stopped being interested Sparks.” He said.

Flappy couldn’t help but smile. It seemed everything was gonna be OK. Seeing no further reason to be there, Flappy took Mina and took off into the night for some quality time.

After a moment, Sparkler and Brad parted. “Is now a good time to mention that Nova and I will be moving to Ponyville next week?” Brad asked.

Sparkler chuckled. “Be prepared for a pink party mare defying the laws of physics wanting to throw you a party or two.” She warned. “But aside from that, it’ll let us make up for lost time.” She added.

“Glad to hear that you’ll be taking advantage of this second chance.” A new voice said.

Brad and Sparkler glanced around and saw Mr. Rhythm leaning against the doorframe leading into his office, smiling at them.

“Mr. Rhythm. Hi.” Brad said. “Good to see you.”

Mr. Rhythm smirked and lit his horn, the door to the hallway opened and was kept open by a door stopper. “Candy? Hanzal? Mark? Would you three mind coming in here?” He called out into the hall.

Blushing, Mark, Candy, and Hanzal all entered the room, with everypony else revealing themselves at the entrance. “Hi Mr. Rhythm.” Mark said.

“Officer Hansworth.” Mr. Rhythm acknowledged. “So, I take it all of you are friends now?” He asked his five former students.

“Yeah.” Hanzal said.

“I think it’s safe to say we are.” Mark said.

“That’s good to hear, I’ve been rooting for you guys ever since you were in my music class.” Mr. Rhythm said.

“Rooting for us?” Sparkler asked.

“Let me ask you. Do you guys remember the assignment I always give? The group project where you cover or create your own song?” Mr. Rhythm asked.

“Yeah.” Brad said. “It was a fun project.

“Have you ever wondered WHY I always give that assignment? Why I grouped you up and put you out on stage?” Mr. Rhythm asked.

“…Now that you mention, it was a little strange.” Hanzal admitted. “I’ve never had a project like that before.”

Mr. Rhythm nodded. “Well, I always give the assignment, because in order for a group to be successful at something like that, there needs to be something there. A crucial, essential component that can make or break even the strongest of groups. Does anypony know what that is?” He asked.

Sparkler’s eyes widened as it dawned on her. “Friendship.” She said.

Mr. Rhythm smiled. “I’ve been at this for a long time. And every year I would see ponies form little friend groups and completely cut out everypony else. And while having friends is great. You can never have too many. So, I started giving the assignment to allow for that little tiny spark that exists between everypony to blossom into a new, powerful friendship.” He explained.

“So you’re trying to help us make new friends.” Brad concluded.

“Correct.” Mr. Rhythm said.

“So…what does that have to do with you rooting for us?” Candy asked.

“When you’ve been at this as long as I have, you tend to pick up on certain behaviors. And while yes, the majority of the student body wanted nothing to do with Sparkler. I noticed that you four were different. You four were able to see that Sparkler wasn’t any different from you.” Mr. Rhythm said. “I could tell that you wanted to be her friends, but peer pressure is a powerful thing.”

Candy’s eyes widened when she pieced together what Mr. Rhythm was trying to say. “You wanted to group US up so that we wouldn’t be affected by peer pressure!” She realized.

“Bingo!” Mr. Rhythm said. “And the only thing stopping that was the fact that you five were never in my class at the same time. It would always be Sparkler in one class, and you guys in another.” He explained.

That got a chuckle out of everypony. “You didn’t think of cross-class groups?” Mark asked.

Mr. Rhythm froze. His mind raced as it dawned on him that there was an EASY workaround. “I uh…I did not think of that actually…rats.” He admitted.

Sparkler just chuckled. “Well, it may have been late, but now that Spark finally blossomed between us.” She said.

At that moment, Sparkler’s and Twilight’s Cutie Marks started flashing. Sparkler glanced at hers, and while she knew that meant mission complete, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh for crying out loud. It was me and Brad the whole time!” She said.

“Looks like it.” Twilight said, chuckling as she and everypony else entered the room. “And Mr. Rhythm, you are absolutely right. There does exist a spark between everypony. You just need to find the right igniter.” She said.

Mr. Rhythm nodded. “Exactly,” he said. “Well, everypony should be here now. Harmonic Medleys, wanna go back and take the stage?” He asked the band.

Sparkler looked to her bandmates, and then to her Saddle Arabian Friends. She smiled as an idea came to her.

Some time later, back in the gym. Everypony was mingling with each other. After a moment, they heard throat clearing booming over the speakers, followed by the familiar voice of Mr. Rhythm.

“Ahem. Hello everypony, and welcome to this year’s KiliHima school reunion!” That was followed by cheering. Mr. Rhythm smiled. “I just want to say it’s a real pleasure having all of you back here. We miss seeing you every day.

“Now, as most of you probably remember, every year, I gave you a group project that amounted to forming your own band. Well, tonight, we thought we’d treat you to a blast from the past and have a student and her band play some of their songs for all of you. Fillies and Gentlecolts, it’s my distinct honor to introduce, the Harmonic Medleys!” I swear to Faust if she gets pelted with eggs AGAIN…

Mr. Rhythm trotted off the stage while the crowd cheered. Only to very quickly stop as The Harmonic Medleys got up on stage, and Sparkler took center stage. “Hi everypony.” She addressed the crowd. “It’s good to see everypony again.” That was a lie but she was in a good mood so she decided to be nice. “This first song we’ll be joined by a group of ponies whom I recently—“ That was as far as she got before it happened. An egg came flying in and smacked her right in the face, breaking the shell and leaving egg yolk all over her.

“Have your eggs back you horned chicken!” Somepony from the crowd exclaimed as they laughed and started throwing eggs at Sparkler. Most of which they were teleporting in, probably from home.

Sparkler wasn’t sure what happened, but she lit her horn on instinct and formed a shield around her. But by then she was already covered in multiple egg shells and egg yolk.

Her band was flabbergasted, too stunned to do anything, as was Candy, Amber, Brad, Nova, Mark, and Hanzal. Mark, after getting over his shock. Growled and pulled out his radio. “All nearby officers, we have a code 645. Begin apprehension procedures!” He said as he jumped on stage to get Sparkler to cover.

Twilight, in the meanwhile, wanted to help Sparkler, but her body refused to listen to her as she sat there, absolutely flabbergasted, and appalled by the behavior in front of her. What in the HAY is even happening?! Why?! She thought. She was holding out hope that the ponies in front of her had actually changed. Clearly that was a mistake.

Back on stage, with every egg that she felt hit her shield, Sparkler became angrier and angrier. At one point, she felt Mark trying to pull her to safety, and she just snapped. “NO!” She screamed. She broke her shield and stared angrily at her assailants. Before absolutely unloading on them.


With that, Sparkler stormed off the stage. The entire room had to plug their ears for what only a select few knew as the Royal Canterlot Voice. Everypony watched as Sparkler stormed out of the gym, Twilight, after blinking, gave the crowd a death glare before racing off after her marefriend.

At that moment, officers stormed into the gym and promptly began arresting ponies. Mark and his friends unplugged their ears. “Holy kanoly.” Brad said. “I’ve never heard Sparkler shout like that.”

“It’s her Royal Canterlot Voice.” Flash Responded. “It’s many times louder than a normal pony’s shouting.”

“Yeah.” Mark said, still rattled by what he just witnessed. Sparkling Medley absolutely blew up on the crowd.

Ms. Nook, Mr. Rhythm, and Principal Lampshade were all looking at each other wide eyed, because the egging happened AGAIN, but also because of the verbal beat down Sparkler just unleashed. “Huh. Who knew Sparkler could scream like that.” Principal Lampshade commented.

“I was half afraid we were gonna have another suicide level situation. Talk about subverting expectations.” Mr. Rhythm said.

“I’m gonna go get the security footage.” Ms. Nook said before racing off.

Outside, Twilight saw Sparkler race into the filly’s room. She raced after her and entered the filly’s room. She found Sparkler starting to wash the Egg Yolk off her face. Sparkler heard the door open and growled. “Get away from—“ She looked in the mirror and saw Twilight standing there. “Oh, Twilight.” Her expression softened upon seeing her marefriend. “Sorry. You can stay.”

Twilight nodded and started picking the eggshells off Sparkler. “Well that coulda gone better.” She said.

“Gee. Ya think?!” Sparkler exclaimed in frustration. “I knew it would happen. I told you Twilight, they haven’t changed one bit!”

“Yeah. I know. I believe you.” Twilight responded. “Listen, Sparkler, I know you’re mad right now but…maybe next time don’t call the Cutie Map a glorified table?”

“Oh for Faust’s sake Twilight! That’s exactly what that thing is! A table that has a map on it that sends ponies 2800 miles to a town to patch things up with a pony that’s going to be in Ponyville next week! If it had just waited one week than this wouldn’t have happened! All that blasted table did by sending us here was open me up to more horsecrap from those Faust forsaken pinbrains!” Sparkler growled.

“Sparkler, breathe.” Twilight told her. “Just calm down.”

Sparkler took heavy, deep breaths to calm down. After a few moments, she relaxed. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.” She said. “I just…I need a moment to compose myself.”

“Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” Twilight responded.

Sparkler continued breathing to calm down. All while She and Twilight worked to clean her up. After a moment of silence, Sparkler was clean. “I’m gonna need help preening my wings later.” She commented.

“I’d be happy to help.” Twilight responded.

At that moment, the door opened and Nova came in. “Hey Sparkler? You ok?” She asked.

“Yeah. I just needed a moment to calm down.” Sparkler responded.

“Good. Mark wants to talk to you. Something about pressing charges.”

Sparkler nodded, and she and Twilight followed Nova out of the bathroom and back to the gym. Inside they found the place mostly cleared out. With a few officers talking to the remaining ponies. Mark noticed Sparkler return and smiled. “Hey Sparkler. You doing ok?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Sparkler responded.

“Good. Given what happened. Would you like to press assault charges against those bullies?” He asked.

“Gladly.” Sparkler responded. “Maybe some time in jail would do them good.”

“There is a way to ensure they are jailed. Saddle Arabia has a zero tolerance policy for attacking Royalty.” Mark commented. “I know you aren’t Royal but…” He trailed off.

Sparkler glanced at Twilight, who nodded. Sparkler smiled. “Tack it on.” She said.

Mark smiled. “Gladly.” He nodded and walked off to join the other officers.

After Mark left, Brad and the rest of the friend group approached. “Did I hear that you were pressing charges?” Brad asked.

“Yeah. They assaulted me without provocation. And Mark’s gonna add assaulting Royalty to the charges.” Sparkler responded.

“Assault on royalty? You aren’t Royal?” Candy asked.

“And who needs to know that I’m not?” Sparkler asked.

Everypony stared at Sparkler, before smiling. “I wonder how they’ll react when they realize they’ve been harassing “Royalty” for thirteen years plus 1 day.” Amber mused.

“Probably crap themselves.” Autumn responded. “I know I would.”

Everypony chuckled at that. A moment later, Lampshade, Rhythm, and Nook approached. “I’ve never been so happy to say that everypony has been banned from the school.” Lampshade announced.

“And thanks to the security footage, it’s pretty much a slam dunk case that they’ll all be convicted.” Nook added.

“Are you OK Sparkler?” Rhythm asked.

“Now that I know they’re finally getting what they deserve? Yeah. I'm ok.” Sparkler responded.

Feathers nodded, and glanced around. “So. Guess this means the Reunion is over. Shame, I bet the teachers here woulda loved the show.” She commented.

Sparkler nodded, before getting an idea. “I think we can fix that.” She said.

And they did. The next day, everypony that was left after the mass arrest gathered in the School’s Auditorium. Thundercracker, Aurora, the kids, all the teachers, and Twilight sat in the seats while they watched The Harmonic Medleys perform. Sparkler herself was onstage singing with Hanzal, Brad, Candy, Mark, Amber, and Nova. With Autumn, Feathers, and Flash providing the music.

Overall, Sparkler was satisfied with how things turned out. She finally reconciled with Bradford, made new friends, and her old bullies were finally getting what they deserved. As she sang and danced on stage with her Saddle Arabian friends, she wondered what else awaited her in life. She may not have known, but one thing was certain, she would have her friends and family by her side.

That blasted table may have been impatient…but I can’t argue with the results.

To be continued next time…

Author's Note:

Anyone else glad that Sparkler's bullies are finally getting their just deserts? Lol.

Anywho, Now that this is done, It's time for the next Sparkling harmony Installment. And here is a look at the cover

Yeah that's right. Sparkler, her kids, Spike, and Flurry are going to the G5 time. It had to be done, #sorrynotsorry.


Comments ( 21 )

I am glad and hope that works out for you

“We don’t mind being a daycare for the night.” He chuckled.

would that not be more of a nightcare?:rainbowlaugh:

great chapter and can't wait for what happens next

Sparkler meeting the G5 cast. That's what happens next. Lol.

I mean what else happens next like why they visit that time frame

Awesome chapter and ending, glad the bullies got their comeuppance, next installment gonna be a blast, so excited:heart::pinkiehappy:

Future Incursion just might be the project I'm most excited for. :)

Ahhhh... the sweet sound of karma, and Sparkler finally is able to fully put her past behind her, plus her and Brad mending bridges was adorable. :twilightsmile:

The next Installment is going to be an interesting one, like how the heck did they travel that fair into the future? :rainbowhuh: I do know one thing: I think Sparkler and Sunny are going to get along just fine.

I'm sure Sunny would want to bombard Sparkler with several questions about the old days during the reign Twilight.

Oh wait, Twilight never assumed the throne in the SH universe...

Eh, Twilight can still be famous enough that it shouldn't break anything.

okay, but as a princess, she still should reign over some land

For sure. But I like to think that it's mainly just Ponyville and Cloudsdale that Twilight would have any authority over.

Mr. Rhythm smiled. “I’ve been at this for a long time. And every year I would see ponies form little friend groups and completely cut out everypony else. And while having friends is great. You can never have too many. So, I started giving the assignment to allow for that little tiny spark that exists between everypony to blossom into a new, powerful friendship.” He explained.

Well, Twilight, give him the crown.
There's a new princess of friendship in town

Anyway, good story. I would have expected Sparkler's PTSD kick in much harder, but can't argue with results.
And in Sparkler's place I wouldn't complain against a 'glorified table'. See where it got her and her bullies!

At that point Sparkler had had enough and she just decided to explode on them and not deal with them anymore.

And about the glorified table bit, she was just pissed off at the time so she honestly could care less what the thing was called then.

“Yeah. I went to the bathroom and by the time I got back she was gone, the place was a mess, and the kids were laughing. Now, I don’t know the exact details but the next day, the teachers said that little prank nearly drove Sparkler to suicide.” Brad said.


“Have your eggs back you horned chicken!” Somepony from the crowd exclaimed as they laughed and started throwing eggs at Sparkler. Most of which they were teleporting in, probably from home.


School of friendship?

That blasted table may have been impatient…but I can’t argue with the results.

And what is her lesson?😏

That things don't always appear as it seems.

Sparkler and Bradford making up and becoming friends was the friendship mission.

She's PISSED at the map though because it only had to wait one more week before Brad was in Ponyville. And THEN it coulda sent her on the mission and she wouldn't have been as mad at it.

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Nov 16th, 2022
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