• Published 22nd Feb 2022
  • 501 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Wesker - The Cowardly Christian

Twilight Sparkle is desperate to save Equestria from Nightmare Mon! But no one will listen! Thankfully she has the support of Albert Wesker and the Umbrella Corp on her side...wait, what? Major AU!

  • ...

chapter 1

My Little Wesker



...20 years ago...


Chris Redfield punched a boulder!

...Present day...

"My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!" Reads an excited Spike while his adopted mother Twilight just sighed as she stared over the side of the flying chariot.

Seeing her depressed, Spike tried to reassure her. "Look on the bright side, Twilight. The Princess-



The two occupants of the flying chariot screamed as their guards were forced to take evasive action as they were forced to dodge an oncoming...what?

"What the buck is that?!" Screamed Spike. For once Twilight didn't angrily berate him for swearing...as she was too busy being stunned at the sight before her.

It was giant metal behemoth floating in mid-air and supported by...blades?

"HELLO!" Shouted the behemoth, nearly causing her to piss herself.



When they'd calmed down they allowed the 'thing' to direct them toward the outskirts of Ponyville...

"My apologize for the scare, but considering how your represented nothing less then the full authority of our beloved Princess Celestia. I felt that we should pull out all the stops..." Said a brown pony with a blonde mane, shades, mayorial sash and a strange red and white cutiemark that Twilight couldn't identify.

"Uh...right...I'm sorry...what...what is this thing?" Asked a still fairly razzled Twilight as she looks at said 'thing' in awe...

"That my dear, is the Vertibird. Oh, she's just a prototype. But once I showcase this beauty at the Fair tonight, investors will be pouring in to finance the real thing! It'll single handily revolutionize the entire air transport service!" He exclaims excited.

"Ah yes, I...wait, fair? Don't you mean the Summer Sun Celebration?" Asked Twilight confused.

The mayor chuckled, "Well yes, that too." He then turns toward the town. "Mrs. Sparkle, walk with me, talk with me."

Between being still very confused AND drawn to the air of authority about him, Twilight obeys and dose just that...an equally confused Spike rides on her back...

"Allow me to be blunt Mrs. Sparkle: I've essentially hijacked the Princesses party for my own ends." He admits with mirthful smirk.

"Wait, what!?" Said both Twilight and Spike. Gobsmacked by the sheer audacity of such a statement.

"Yes, among other things I consider myself an inspiring entrepreneur and part-time tinkerer. So naturally when MY town was picked to be host for one of the biggest international events of the year...how could I resist showing off all my little pet-projects and the benefits they can have for both Equestria and the world?" He said in a whimsical yet matter-of-factly manner.

Neither Twilight nor Spike said anything...they were too busy being stunned by the sight of the town...

Although all the Summer Sun Celebration decorations were up...it was largely overshadowed by all manner of strange events and showcases! All showing strange new innovations in many fields!

There was one or more of those vertibirds...but also other things!

There was a HORSE-LESS carriage ridding on it's own power!

"Yes, all vehicles are powered through the sun and/or biodegradable, organic fuel! Not only ensuring maximum speed but also minimum damage to the environment!" Explained the mayor as they continued to trot.

Twilight was so busy watching the 'race' in progress, that she nearly tripped as the ground began to move beneath her!

"Behold! Moving sidewalks AND stairs! For the Pony on the go!" Exclaimed the Mayor proudly.

They then went to a bunch of exhibition's showing Earth pony's bending the earth and rapidly growing many strange new varieties of plants that had hundreds of beneficial qualities...

"Too often ponies forget that magic isn't ONLY a unicorn trait! It belongs to the other species as well! Me and my people have pioneered many techniques and skills to help emphasis this to the world! We've largely focused on Earth ponies due to the obvious benefits to our mainly agricultural-based community. But we hope with more funding, investors and franchises we can look more into the magic of other species..." The mayor continued to elaborate as Twilight and Spike watched with awe.

They then passed by a recruitment center for-

"Umbrella Scouts?" Asked Twilight confused.

"Ah, yes! I'm especially proud of that! No offense to the Filly or Colt Scouts, but I feel that Equestria is in dire need of more modern skillset and mindset for a new age of innovation and challenges!

Twilight was amazed as many young colts and fillies wearing sleek Borderline-military outfits demonstrated a shocking range of skills! From doing elaborate obstacle courses, dismantling and rebuilding various complex machines BLINDFOLDED, completing various 'puzzles' with their horns/wings/hooves tied and...


"Knife throwing!?" Exclaimed Twilight in horrified concern as numerous young ponies handled dangerous sharp implements and throw them at bullseyes.

"Ah, yes. I'm afraid there's been a recent upswing of Timber wolf attacks from the nearby Everfree forest. Among other things, we've been forced to teach all able-bodied young colts and fillies various forms of self-defense. They all have their parents and/or legal guardians consent I assure you..."

"Uh...don't you think that's a bit unsafe?" She asked uneasily

"More unsafe then leaving our youth vulnerable to predation?" the mayor asked in a tone of incredulity. "Last year we lost over a dozen children!"

"Oh, my!" Gasped Twilight and Spike in horror

"I know it seems extreme. But I take my duties very seriously my good mare. Should I not do everything in my power to keep the townspeople safe?"

"Well...i guess that's a good point..." Said Twilight conflicted.

"Good to hear! In any case, must move on! Much to see" Exclaimed the mayor as they moved on...

They then entered an exhibition tent full of mirrors...

'Wait, those aren't mirrors!' realizes Twilight in shock.

Indeed there seemed to be dozens of 'devices' showing all manner of sights and sounds...Twilight dose a quick scan and is shocked to sense no magic from them!

But it did pick up something else that made her realize something...over HALF the people in the tent WEREN'T ponies!

Twilight was stunned...Dragons, Yaks, Hippogriffs, Diamond Dogs, Griffons, Abyssinia, Ornithians, Ahuizotl's, Yeti, Deer, Buffalo, Breezies, Manitour, Zebra, oh my!

For a city pony who'd never seen another non-pony- save for Spike -both this and these strange devices were rather overwhelming for the poor purple pony...

"Yes, my monitors and radios can project sound and sight thousands of miles away in an instant." Continued the Mayor, seemingly oblivious to Twilight's shock.

"I'm very proud of- He then stops and apparently notices Twilight's stunned and confused stares toward the 'other's in the room...

"Ah, yes. I suppose that would be a shock...all the other residents were shocked and I gave them warning I was inviting them all down!"

"What...what?" She points to them all...

"I can explain, it always struck me as strange that for all our peoples talk of 'friendship and harmony'...we seem to have no desire to explore beyond our borders. Or even LEARN about other species, nevermind BEFRIEND! So in the past year or so I've went far and wide! Freely handing out my projectors help strengthen relationships with our neighbors!"

"...and advertise your brand too I bet!" Points out Spike flatly...although he too was amazed with all the technological wonders and new creatures...especially the dragons! He'd only ever briefly glimpsed them during the annual migration, but never this close! Wait, was one of them of them staring at him? The tent was so dang dark here...

"SPIKE!" Twilight's indignant shout over him being rude to their host, broke him from his thoughts...

But the Mayor waved off her anger with a good-natured chuckle, "Can't it be both?" He half joked. "In any case, I spared no expense bringing all our new international friends -and potential investors/future franchise owners- to be brought here for the Summer Sun Celebration! Rest assured my dear, when Princess Celestia shows up. I am more then prepared to make this thousandth celebration more then live up to it's hype!"

The words 'thousandth celebration', finally knocked Twilight out of her euphoria as she finally remembered WHY she'd been so upset this morning...

She barely listened as the mayor showed them all the 'channels' he'd created...

Granny Smith's farmer's almanac...

Vinyl and Octavia's music variety hour...

Lyra's conspiracy corner...

Rarity's fashion watch...

Button Mash's Gamer awards...

And of course various random scenes of the fair, the various exhibitions around Ponyville and the celebration itself...

But Twilight couldn't bring herself to focus on any of that right now, she was furiously thinking of how she could get to the library quickly to learn more about the elements of harmony...

"Mrs. Sparkle are you alright? You look worried?" Asked the Mayor suddenly.

"Wha?" said Twilight, snapping from her thoughts.

spike groaned. "Dang it Twilight, are you still worrying about Nightmare Moon? You need to lighten up about that already! Princess Celestia herself said there was nothing to worry about!"

I'm sorry, what is this about Nightmare Moon?" Asked the Mayor suddenly. "If there's something troubling you, Perhaps I can help?"

Spike rolled his eyes, "Forget it, it's ridiculous."

"With all due respect Mr.s Spike, I'd like to decide that for myself." Said the Mayor with a bit steel that had been absent until then.

This stuns Spike long enough for Twilight to explain her fears...And when she was done...

The Mayor looked at her for a moment...deep in thought... "...Alright then, just sign this paperwork and you'll have officially done your job and you can go to the library and study in peace." Said the stallion suddenly, brining up said paperwork.

This floored both Spike and Twilight!

Wait, really?" Asked Spike shocked.

"You believe me!?" Exclaims Twilight amazed.

"Not really to be honest." And once more, the two are left baffled!

"Wait, what?"

"Don't get me wrong, I've seen far weirder things out in the world. So I can't just flat out say your wrong...but as a rule of thumb I'm always skeptical of such claims until proven otherwise."

"So wait...then why are you..." Said Spike clearly struggling to understand...

"Well to be honest...I'm rather worried about the attitude of most of my fellow ponies. It's all rather 'out of sight, out of mind'...always reacting, NEVER acting... So when I see such a pragmatic, proactive spirit in a pony such as you. Nurturing it becomes my number one priority!"

"Uh...thank you? I'm not sure I understand, but I thank you for aiding me in this." Said Twilight happy to meet a pony with his priorities on straight for once as she quickly dose the paperwork.

"Wait, hold on! what about the Princesses mission?" Asked Spike shocked at this turn of events.

I'm sorry Spike. But the fate of Equestria doesn't rely on me making friends." Said Twilight firmly.

"Don't be so sure. In my tavels, I saw stranger things happen. Among other things, I once meet a creature with an odd potato-shaped head who defeated an entire nation with nothing but a stick and a sneer." said the mayor as he notarized the paperwork while both Twilight and Spike looked at him in disbelief.

The mayor responds to their stares with a shrug, "It's a big world with a lot of crazy things in it. Don't believe me? Go see them for yourself." He said flatly.

"Right...well, maybe later...right now, I'm off to the library!" Said Twilight as she gallops to do just that.

"Wait! Twilight! You can't just- COUGH! HACK!" Spike's shout is interrupted as he coughs at the dust Twilight had kicked up.

He then sighs as she sees that in her single-minded haste...Twilight had completely forgotten him...again.

Wesker puts a comforting hoof on his shoulder. "Say Spike...how about I introduce you to some of the dragon visitors? I think they could use some help navigating pony culture."

Spike perked up with interest. "Yeah...that actually sounds great! Sure, I'd love that! Thanks Mayor... Spike trailed off embarrassed, realizing they never actually caught his name.

The pony just smiled, "Call me Wesker." He adjusted his shades with an ominous grin, "Albert Wesker..."



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Author's Note:



On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas? Or maybe bribe me on my Patreon account

Love me, flame me, review me

Comments ( 9 )

Hah, honestly thought lamdanny0 redid his story there when I saw this. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/14916/my-little-wesker

Don't worry, the first chapter was jut to set the setting...we go full on RESIDENT EVIL next chapter...just as soon as someone pays me to write it...

I can't believe he cancelled that...It was just getting exciting!

Very fun story so far, I can wait to see how the Residance Evil element will come into play or, see how he had arrived in Equestria in the first place and how he took over Ponyville. Looking forward to see what happens next

Really interesting.
I hope we see what happens next.
RE/MLP crossovers are cool.

And curious on what shenanigans Wesker is gonna pull.
What do you have planned for Spike in this cool crossover too?

Sorry, due to recent upswings in food price and rent I need to prioritize commissioned stories over all else, thanks for your interest though.

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