• Published 14th Mar 2022
  • 732 Views, 23 Comments

Unidentified Path Forward - Partycannon_

Sweetie Belle is a robot and she has to overcome the challenges ahead.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Progress Forward

Sounds of rustling echo through the cave, the sound eventually reaches Sweetie's ears. She continues to lay there, just as awake as she had been for the past few days. The ground is hard but to her, it beats the alternative. Very little light poured in but Sweetie found it to be annoying, she was not only consumed in the shadows but it seemed that the shadows pinned her down to the floor. Regardless the rustling continued, eventually breaking her train of thought.

'Ugh, what the hay is that?' thought Sweetie. 'Maybe I should get up to see what it is,' she lifted up her head to look around then dropped back to the ground. 'No actually' she thought, almost laughing at herself. 'I wonder wha-' rustle '-t Apple Bloom and Scoo-' rustle 'THATS IT!'

Sweetie slowly got up from off the ground, peeling herself from the shadows below her. She then begins her slow journey to the entrance of the cave in search of the sound. After conquering her deep hatred of the light that had built up over weeks, she had made it to the entrance and began searching for the close sound. There it was a piece of paper that had been pushed against a stalactite because of the strong winds. With Sweeties little actual magic she pulled it down and read it.

The top of the page was a image of two ponies, one was blue and the other was pink, they were both touching each others mussels together under a large cartoonish, red heart. There were also images of flowers of various shapes and sizes over the page.

"In need of Flower Fillies for Princess Cadance's and Shining Armor's wedding. The two original fillies couldn't make it, so we are in desperate need for willing fillies. All of the dates will be listed on the back of the flyer."

The rest of the flyer listed the age range, rules, some info on where to sign up, the dates for practice, and the actual wedding, which took place about a week and a half ago. Sweetie crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it back into the cave, the shadows quickly latching onto it. She also began to feel unusually proud for completing her journey but after thinking she quickly got mad at herself for feeling proud of something so pointless.

Sweetie began to walk back further in the cave while the shadows try desperately to latch onto her, she then hears a swoosh and the sound of four hoofs planting firmly on the grass somewhere behind her, she looks out to see a purple pegasus with a very light blue mane standing there shacking off some leaves that got caught in her mane while holding a golden helm. Sweetie also noticed that she also had golden armor on her barrel and the armor left holes for her wings and tail.

'... The Royal Guard...' Sweetie thought, she began to hide in the cave but still peering out into the clearing were she is spying on the purple pegasus with the shadows trying to lash out at the light in the cave.

Soon after the pegasus put her helmet back on another pony round the corner of trees this time she was white and had grey hair, she was also a earth pony. The two ponies that Sweetie assumed were in the Royal Guard began to talk, she could hardly make out any words but the text in her right eye began to write what is being said.

"So, did you finish patrolling the skies in this area?" the white earth pony started.

"Yeah, although it is a little windy, nothing I can't handle. Also we really should have more units, we are dealing with a robot here after all," the purple pegasus says.

"Not this again, listen. We are all still searching for changelings after what happened at the wedding, also as far as we know this robot isn't dangerous, at least not yet, and unless we prove that, we are not getting new units," the earth pony replies annoyed.

"Okay sure, but the fact that this robot cou-"

"End of this discussion!" stated the white earth pony.

The purple pegasus then brings her hoof up to her forehead in agreement. "Outside of that, why is there a capture only order on this robot?"

"Its a capture only order unless the robot fights back or hurts another pony, its always like that. The units name is Sweetie Belle, make sure you remember that." stated the earth pony.

"Why? Isn't it just a heartless automaton?" asked the pegasus.

"Regardless of if they are, as long as they haven't broken any rules I think they should still be called by their name at least." stated the earth pony as she started to walk away.

"Oh, hey don't tell me we are eating that same grub we always eat, when are we getting a actual chef, its been over a month sense I ate anything good?" complained the pegasus.

"I TOLD YOU WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY NEW UNITS!" yelled the earth pony.

The sun slowly rises in the sky giving the entrance of Sweeties cave some light, the shadows get pushed back while it lashes out in retaliation without any effect. The light lands on Sweetie Belle's eye lids, slowly waking her up. As she rubs them she slowly gets up after a few tries. Sweetie then after peeking around the outside of the cave decided it was safe and left, the shadows seem to give up.

Sweetie makes it over to a small river. She could see all of the fish of various sizes and colors travel down the stream. Sweetie almost mesmerized by the fish then her face of awe turned into a face of annoyance while almost smacking herself. She gets into the water and starts cleaning herself, it made her feel a little bit funny but she knew this was because she lacked a bath for over three weeks and not her robotic nature.

-:: 3 Hostile Timber Wolves: Approaching Rapidly: 64 Feet: West ::-
-:: 1 Neutral Pony Detected Nearby: Heading South: 45 Feet: East ::-

'This is why I don't go out,' Sweetie angrily rubbed her head. 'Well if they are neutral that means they are most likely not in the guard, and the radar would tell me if they are from Ponyville so that means that it really is just a random pony out in the middle of the woods. I would prefer not to show or even reveal myself to random passerby,'

-:: 3 Timber Wolves: Approaching Rapidly: 23 Feet: West ::-
-:: 1 Neutral Pony: Heading South: 35 Feet: East ::-

'Why are there even Timber Wolves this far from the Everfree?' Thought Sweetie as she begun to leave the water, still trying to decide what to do.

-:: 3 Timber Wolves: Approaching At Slowing Speeds: 15 Feet: West ::-
-:: 1 Neutral Pony: Stopped: 32 Feet: East ::-
-:: 1 Neutral Pony: Status: Watching You ::-

'Well, cant wait to read that pony running away.' thought Sweetie as she started preparing herself for the threat. The Timber Wolves finally make there appearance by slowly walking out of the nearby bushes, they would have caught Sweetie off guard if she didn't have a radar and if they didn't have such a horrid smell.

-:: 1 Neutral Pony: Approaching Rapidly: 25 Feet: East ::-

One of the Timber Wolves bolted at Sweetie and when it got close enough, it jumped.

'Large Mini Miss-'

A rope flies through the air landing perfectly around the neck of the Timber Wolf, then pulling the Timber Wolf towards the ropes owner. Sweetie looked back to see a orange stallion with a orange main and a cowboy hat, he was a earth pony, Sweetie also saw a cart of what she assumes to be holding apple products. The Timber Wolf flies at the earth pony while he winds up his back legs for a buck, landing it perfectly on its head destroying the wood and it shatters to the dirt ground.

"Now, do the rest of yawl want a good buck'n?" said the angry earth pony with a smirk, picking his rope back up.

The two remaining Timber Wolves look at each other and in a nod, they both bolted away in the same direction.

"Are ya hurt?" asked the concerned earth pony as he trotted over to Sweetie, he looked at her ragged, unkempt main and coat with pity, then his worried nature became a angry one. "WHAT THE HAY ARE YA DOIN? Ya couldn't take on those Timber Wolves by yaself, hay if ah wasn't here... Where are ya parents?"

Sweetie Belle recoiled. "I, uh... Umm..." Sweetie rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

The earth pony let out a sigh. "Listen, right now ah'm on a pie delivery, after that ah'm taking you home... If ya don't have one then we can figure somthin out." the earth pony then trots over to his cart and starts latching it back on his barrel.

"N-No, that's okay, I am fine here." said Sweetie digging her hoof in the dirt while looking down.

"Ah'm sorry to say little one, but ah can't just leave a little pony out here all by their lonesome. It just isn't right," said the earth pony with narrow eyes. "Mah name is Braeburn, what's yawls name?" giving Sweetie a soft smile.

"Um... My name is... Sweetie Belle." said Sweetie still digging her hoof into the ground.

"Hmm, ah thought ah heard that name somewhere before but ah can't think from where? Well, Howdy Sweetie Belle" said Braeburn lifting out his hoof towards Sweetie and giving her a smile.

Sweetie continued to dig her hoof creating a small hole removing some grass in the progress. She began to look up slightly but when she saw his hoof she quickly darted her head down acting like she didn't notice.

With trotting in mostly silence and every conversation starter from Braeburn getting shot down or ignored except for the occasional "Lets start heading that way," or "Lets take a short rest," which Sweetie replied with a "Okay," or a nod. Finally the sun began to set from over the trees and the cool breezes started, which to sweetie felt nice.

"Alright lets sleep here for the night," said Braeburn pointing to a small portion of dirt that looked to be perfectly flat. "We should get to mah destination just before it gets dark tomorrow, and that's if we wake up early, and us Apples sure do like getting up early." Braeburn had a big smile on his face

"Yeah, Apple Bloom used to say that all the time," said Sweetie with a chuckle.

"Hay, ah haven't seen Apple Bloom in a while, how's she doin?" after Braeburn quickly hides a look of shock he pushed for questions.

"She was..." Sweetie stopped her train of thought as the image of her friend cowering before her disgusting nature comes into her mind uninvited. Sweetie narrowed her eyes.

Sweetie wasn't sure how long she was sitting there trying not to remind her of the terror she caused to her friends. Her friends that meant more to her then she ever realized. Then a light begins to flicker bouncing off the ground and into her eyes. Sweetie looks up to see the cart parked and two sleeping bags near a small circle of rocks with various sizes of sticks in the center and Braeburn rubbing two sticks together creating a fire.

Sweetie gets up and slowly makes it over to the flame, the shadows behind her had a strong grip but began to grow weaker and eventually vanishes as the warmth of the flame gets close. Her eyes narrowed while looking into the flickering flame.

"Hey, listen. If there is anything ya need, anything at all, let me know." said Braeburn taking off his hat while approaching Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie turned to him and without a thought, simply gave him a hug. The warmth reminded her of a certain white unicorn and she began to cry.

It was a long day of trotting through the wilderness, Braeburn and Sweetie Belle had nice conversations as they traveled together. He didn't want to push too far into Sweeties personal life thinking she might clam up if pushed, so instead they talked about hobbies and things they enjoy doing. Sweetie loved to sing and cook, while Braeburn loved rodeos and apples. The sun began to start setting and the pair eventually made it to their destination. In front of both of them was a small town of around twenty five or so buildings, most of the ponies were already inside their homes which were made from a darker wood then what Sweetie usually sees, with leaves and grass replacing the roofs. The two made it over to what Sweetie assumes to be a restaurant because of the tables outside and the inside, consisting of a counter with a cash register and even more tables.

"Eh, I see you finally arrived. Did you get what I asked for?" said an approaching grey mare with a dark green mane.

"Ah sure did, everything should be perfect. Make sure you order again from APPLELOOSA!" said Braeburn with a wide smile.

"I see, well Ill be taking the product now. Here is your bits, sir." stated the grey mare with a dull tone. She took out a bag of bits and handed it over, then she took the apple pies and brought it inside.

"Oh, by the way ma'am where can a pony find someplace to stay the night." asked Braeburn still keeping a friendly smile.

"Eh, oh. Just go to the Lazy Tavern, its a few buildings that away." said the grey mare with the exact same dull tone. She then went inside and closed the door behind her.

Sweetie and Braeburn then walk over to the Lazy Tavern, it seemed to be just another building except this one was larger. Braeburn bought Sweetie and him a room by pulling some bits out of the bag he had just received. They walk into their room to see a tiny little space with only one bed.

"Really? This for five bits?" Braeburn said with a frown. "Hay its fine, ya sleep on the bed Sweetie Belle, Ah'll get the ground," Braeburn smiled.

"Are you sure? I can sleep on the ground," Sweetie responded.

"Yeap ah'm sure. In the mornin' we will head to the nearest train and take you to Ponyville," said Braeburn taking out a map and placing a sleeping bag on the floor.

"P-Ponyville? Uh, why there e-exactly" a shocked Sweetie stood at in the doorway.

"Well, ya mentioned Apple Bloom the other day and that's where she lives. If ya won't tell me ah'll get some answers outta them," answered Braeburn

"U-Uh, I can't go there," said Sweetie almost face hooving herself for the mistake.

The shadows in the dim light latch onto Sweetie Belle as she continues to shake. Braeburn looks up from his map to see the white filly standing in the doorway looking away.

"Sweetie Belle... Ah'm not sure what happened in your past, and if ya don't want to tell me that's okay. But its important to keep movin' forward, livin' in the middle of the woods isn't dealin' with your problems, its only ignorin' them," Braeburn said narrowing his eyes.

"HOW! THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO! I DONT KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM!" shouted Sweetie with tears running down her face.

Braeburn got up and gave Sweetie a hug. "Accept the past and move forward, there is no changin' it after all. Not even with a time machine."

DING, DING, DING. The noise came from outside with a voice "WOLVES ARE HERE, THOSE WHO CAN FIGHT COME OUTSIDE, THOSE WHO CANT GET INSIDE!" the voice came from a older stallion. Sweetie was too distracted to notice the text in her right eye.

-:: WARNING: You Are Surrounded ::-
-:: 101 Timber Wolves Detected ::-

"Sweetie Belle, you need to stay here, ah'll be back. I promise," Braeburn's eyes once again narrowed but this time for a different reason.

Braeburn then rushed out the door closing it behind him while also dragging something in front of it. Sweetie tried to hold out her hoof to her friend as he began to leave but the shadows tried its best to keep it down. Sweetie sat there thinking and finally made up her mind. The shadows tried to keep her down but Sweetie worked through it trying to open the door with no results, she then looked over to the window.

'Hay, this room really is small, the window is smaller then me. Well only one other option then.' Sweetie turned to the door.

-:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::-

The town was surrounded by glowing green eyes, none of them have made a move yet but the ponies in the town were setting up defenses. They took chairs and tables and started making barricades, other ponies were making foods and giving them to the ponies outside while they got ready to throw it at the nearest pair of green eyes that moved.

"They must have followed me and Sweetie here, ah had no idea how spiteful these vermin are," said Braeburn while stretching his throwing arm.

"Braeburn, your right. I need to move forward. But I just can't accept the past right now, and frankly I'm scared to even accept myself. But if accepting myself lets me move forward and helps you and this town, then that's what I am going to do." said Sweetie as she approached narrowing her eyes.

Braeburn looked in shock. "Sweetie Belle, now is not the time to talk about this. How did you even get out of the room?"

"I am sorry for not telling you sooner, and I can't go back to Ponyville, at least not yet," Sweetie wiped her eyes removing the tears from her face.


-:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Activate ::-

Sweetie's eyes turn red and reveals one hundred and one different targets in her right eye, her barrel open a hatch revealing two large boxes. This reveal left many of the townsfolk frozen if not fainted, Braeburn took a hoof step back in utter shock hardly standing on his four legs.

-:: Target: 101 Hostiles ::-
-:: FIRE ::-

The two boxes empty, tons of missiles enter the sky, zig zagging perfectly going between houses and other missiles landing perfectly on each and every Timber Wolf, leaving nothing but wood behind. The targets in her eye were gone.

-:: Hostiles: Eliminated ::-
-:: Large Mini Missile Launcher: Deactivate ::-

Sweeties red eyes disappear, the two boxes enter her barrel and closes the hatch behind them. She looks up to Braeburn who is still stunned, this time Sweetie accepted it.

'Activate rocket propelled hooves' thought Sweetie.

-:: Rocket Propelled Hooves: Activated ::-

Sweetie grew a little bit taller, when she looked down it revealed a small rocket at the bottom of each of her hooves. New information showed up in her right eye with the wind strength, where the wind was headed, and her speed. Sweetie then began to take off from the ground still not sure how to work them. She looked back down at Braeburn to see his mind overfill with thoughts, it looked as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. After a little bit of flying in random directions she figured it out and traveled through the air for forty minutes eventually landing.

'This looks like a good place for some rest' thought Sweetie.

She looked at a small patch of grass under a slight overhang from the cliff above. Sweetie laid down, and even though there was a lot to think about, she quickly fell asleep. The shadows around her slowly latched onto her however they seemed to be far weaker then before.

"ALL ABOARD FOR PONYVILLE!" shouted the train conductor.

'Ugh, why do I have to go around putting up these stupid wanted posters.' thought the purple pegasus as she lifted up a picture of Sweetie Belle but with crudely drawn grey lines on her, with the words "WANTED" at the bottom.

A orange pony comes up to her with a cowboy hat on after giving a pony some bits and leaving his cart with said pony. The orange stallion then looks at the poster and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh? Do you know were this evil robot is? We have been lo-"

There was nothing but darkness, the purple pegasus began to regain her sight revealing three ponies looking at her in pity. She tried to move but couldn't, the pegasus looked back to see that she was stuck in a large tree.

Author's Note:

THE STORY HAS FINALLY BEGUN! I feel you can definitely see my lack of writing skills in this chapter. I have a hard time writing characters that don't have other characters to bounce off of for some reason. I hope you guys still enjoyed it though, I feel bad for not giving you guys a better story.

Thank you for somehow reaching the end of Chapter 4. Love you all.

(This is for my current readers: I have been putting these out every other day and I have been spending most of my time for a few weeks thinking and writing this story so I hope it doesn't feel rushed despite that. The reason I bring this up is because I am most likely going to start doing it every four or five days instead of every other one to have each chapter more polished.)

(Edit: I'll publish the next chapter as soon as possible, sorry for it taking so long! I couldn't get on my computer for a while and now I should be back. I also found some awesome person to edit my stories, they should be in the Author's Notes of next chapter and the story description.)