• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

Comments ( 17 )


I'm going to blame Mockingbirb for this until further notice. I also refuse to perpetuate this madness until Phase 5 at minimum.

Begrudgingly looking forward to see if Sunset can save Twilight from herself, and everyone else with her. Take my upthumb and get out.

In case you've all forgotten, it was Sonata. Then again, they never found the body...

(Yes, I know that even if it wasn't vaporized it was still in space, but that wasn't enough to stop Kars)

The Bean has returned. :pinkiehappy:

well. turns out my decision to eat dinner while reading this was well founded.

what i'm now curious about is what's next. i don't see a sequel idea yet, but then again i didn't see one for the original, either. rainbow having a dick emerged from precisely nowhere. so wherever phase four (and beyond?) goes is completely up in the air. i'm not sure if i should be terrified or hyped.

Oh so what the hell was my climactic ending for, huh?

I kid, this is hype.

Let's look at the remaining loose ends from phase 3, only one of which was even touched on here:

Someone gets Adagio into the local Jojo's analogue, which gives her hope that Sonata is still out there somewhere, a hope she chases with all of Twilight's might. "After all, it's not like Sonata ever started thinking"

SkAIstar is very sorry about the rampage that happened offscreen. Despite being a sex-themed amusement park's guide uploaded into one of their higher-end models, she genuinely doesn't know what she's getting into when she asks for some way of making it up to (the rest of) the royal family. Seriously, if I recall correctly she has no idea what Beanises are actually for.

Celeano is still at large and still has a vendetta against Beanis. At least when she can muster something resembling lucidity; there's not a lot of room left for a person in a head that managed to accidentally cram all of Wikipedia into itself via Datanis fumes. Definitely the loosest of the loose ends, and I'm not talking about the repurposed dildo she uses as a wooden leg. (This universe leads to some of the weirdest sentences)

1) i have never watched jojo and barely understand anything about how that universe works. please explain further.

2) we could bring back skaistar, yes. since that has nothing to do with this particular story, that's all i will stay.

3) actually, celeano was captured by tempest and sent to "the bean house". we never elaborated on what that meant, or discussed it in the discord, so i'm just going to assume it was a mental hospital where celeano eventually recovered from her mind being overloaded (maybe with help from a memorynis) and then got therapy for her other... issues. that said, i wouldn't object to her reappearing either.

None of "how that universe works" is relevant to this discussion. I'm specifically talking about how Kars was launched into space and didn't die because he was immortal. The Sirens in this continuity are apparently similar levels of immortal, therefore Sonata is not necessarily dead.

ah. the assumption seems to be that sonata got atomized. she could still be "alive" even in that state, or maybe she was simply thrown clear. right now, that's not my call.

The Death Star knockoff and attendant shield were big enough that she doesn't even necessarily need to be "thrown clear"; that's a lot of space to check and IIRC the only communicator was part of the robot. There isn't even anything in that region of space anymore to use as a landmark...

And come to think of it, Adagio's hopes don't even have to be accurate for them to move the story along.

More beanis? More beanis!

Well, it's been a while anyone around here has had the pleasure of saying this, but...

Goddamnit Syeekoh.

Holy crap, I was not expecting this

What can I say that has not already been expressed in an infinitely more succinct way by the uttering of the phrase 'Goddamnit Syeekoh'?
Truly, a new and startling, but not unnerving entry into the next generation of the Beanis Cinematic Universe, or 'BCU' as it's known across most of the world.

When I stop and take moment, I think of how far we've come: From Bean-Paste Penis sillyness, to the full ascent of a legitimate enterprise, run by a wild, yet somhow in-character, bunch of hooligans. It's a majestic thing. And we are the priviledged few who bore witness to this masterpiece *before* the Hollywood adaptation, and Netflix series.

A few lines in particular made me giggle like the absolute man I am:

Adagio snorted. “Twilight and I did both of those things last weekend without a hint of desperation.”

- These characters in intensely vulgar situations will never not be funny.

“You know,” Twilight said as she drank her soup from the container like an animal, “Adagio ordered frog casserole and pig intestines. I think that’s really brave.”

This just made me lose it. It's so daft. Especially the 'I think that's really brave.' It's so earnest, and so brilliant.

“Fluttershy,” Chrysalis interjected, “what did we tell you about jerking off Rainbow during meetings?”

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned roseate as she giggled and brought both of her hands resting on the table. “S-sorry, it’s just a force of habit.”

Rainbow Dash shook the fuck cobwebs out of her head. “Why don’t we order takeout using company funds?”
This whole exchange reminded me why I love this website and community.

And finally, I shall sign off with a lingering strangeness and foreboding, expressed perfectly in the short phrase:
'Sunset felt something come up from her stomach before she grabbed an errant can of soda and chugged it to keep that something down.'

Never lose your touch, Maj

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