• Published 27th Mar 2022
  • 4,228 Views, 137 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode III "Genetic Conscription" - Maximus_Reborn

Spider-Man and Wolverine are forced to team up against the Unstoppable Juggernaut in order to protect a young mutant named Eris as her X-gene activates.

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Epilogue: Order and Control

Epilogue “Order and Control”

Spider-man eyed a glowing orb with a finger raised, inching it towards the smooth surface of the item. “What’s this?”

“Don’t touch,” Doctor Strange bluntly stated, smacking the top of Peter’s hand while walking past him. As everyone found a seat upon various sets of furniture, the sorcerer hovered from the ground before taking a seat in midair. “Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum. It is a house of mystical nature, where the Master of the Mystic Arts defends Earth against interdimensional threats. It is also my home.”

Eris eyed the interior of the building with her mouth agape, alternating her gaze between the countless artifacts laid throughout. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Are we in a pocket dimension in a void or the end of the universe?”

Peter stood by the nearest window with his masked eyes furrowed. “Nah, we’re in New York,” he paused, pointing outside, “We’re on Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village! I thought I recognized the area.”

Logan crossed his arms, arching a brow as he allowed a smirk to form on his face. “You’re a Yorkie?”

“Born and raised in Queens,” Spider-Man responded, chuckling under his breath. He tilted his head to the side. “What about you? You definitely have the attitude of someone from the Bronx.”

Huffing, Logan retrieved a cigar from his jacket pocket. “I’m a Canuck, ya’ knucklehead.” Just as he readied to light the item, it crumbled in his grasp with the upper half falling to the ground. His brow twitched involuntarily before he cursed under his breath. “The day can’t end soon enough.”

Doctor Strange inhaled deeply before sighing slowly, closing his eyes. The air within the room grew thick, making the simple act of breathing difficult. Discord sat with Eris, placing a hand over her own before squeezing it reassuringly. Spider-Man and Logan shared a brief glance with each other while standing across the room from the three. For what felt like eons, everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence, yet they patiently waited, hanging onto the sorcerer’s incoming verdict.

Eventually, Stephen opened his eyes and nodded. “I would like to apologize to you both,” he gently stated, holding a firm yet softened gaze at the father and daughter. “I was hasty in my approach. I attempted to banish you both without giving you a chance to even refute your case.” He frowned, glancing to the side. “As Sorcerer Supreme, it is my duty to protect not just this world but all of reality. I must prioritize saving all life, but I can’t do so if I start taking free will away. It’s funny that it took an annoying kid to remind me of such an obvious lesson.”

“And I thought protecting the neighborhood was hard,” Spider-Man whispered before his masked eyes widened at a realization, “Wait a second. You said kid. How do you know how young I am?”

Doctor Strange huffed, as the corner of his lips curled into a smile. “When you were separated from your physical form, I saw who you were under the mask.”

Seth furrowed his brow, raising a hand as it glowed with energy. “Speaking of which,” he whispered, snapping his fingers before Spider-Man’s mask materialized into his grasp in a burst of light. Chuckling under his breath, Seth nodded. “I recognize you. You’re the dumpster diving child in school.”

Peter clutched at his face before throwing his hands overhead in exasperated fashion. “Will you two stop doing that?! Didn’t the wizard just say that using chaos magic is bad?!”

Seth huffed. “Oh, come now. I’m well over two thousand years old. I know how to use normal magic. I had time to learn it while in timeout from the Ancient One. It was a nice way to pass the time.”

Peter’s brow twitched. “Normal magic? As far as I’m concerned, all magic is chaotic and it spits on the name of logic!” He paused, shaking the mask in his hand angrily. “I wear the mask because I don’t want people to know who I am!”

Logan stared blankly at Spider-Man. “Who said he knew your name?”

Doctor Strange shrugged his shoulders. “I could easily find out, but I don’t really care to.”

Seth smirked. “Plus, I know you go to the same school as Eris. It explains why I see you hanging near the rooftop sometimes. Very secluded there.”

Wolverine crossed his arms, holding a bemused glare. “Why are you dumpster diving in the first place?”

Shooting a strand of webbing across the room, Peter latched it to his mask, before retrieving it in a swift yank. “I’m not made of money. You’ll be surprised at the stuff people just casually throw away. One man’s trash is another’s supplies.”

Seth grinned widely, showing his fang. “Oh, I can tell you are such fun. You’re just a magnet for chaos. Individuals like you are quite rare, and there are special places for the right ones. It’s a shame that’s no longer my business. In my youth, I would have made assessing you a priority in my life. So it’s only fitting that my little Eris is drawn to you.”

“What’s this say about my life that two literal embodiments of chaos like me? I think Aria’s right. Maybe I really do need therapy,” Peter’s brow twitched, prompting Logan to hold a finger over his mouth and shush him.

Sobering, Eris redirected her attention to Doctor Strange while leaning forward in her seat. “Are we really a threat? I’ve always been told that chaos magic is powerful, but could it really disrupt all of reality?”

Discord placed a hand over her shoulder, nodding. “Yes, sweetie. We borrow power from a different plane than this dimension, and it conflicts with the fabric holding this dimension in place. It’s why I stressed that you learn to control your abilities once they awaken.”

“Every time you use your chaotic powers haphazardly, you undo a strand keeping this reality in check,” Doctor Strange stated, waving a glowing hand. A pair of round spheres materialized into existence overhead. “Do it enough, and the world begins to shift off balance. Alternate realities begin to merge.” Both spheres morphed before conjoining. Soon more orbs materialized into existence before doing the same, each fading into one another. “Then, a domino effect occurs. More worlds join together, but others will fade, taking prioritization.”

Logan blinked. “What does that mean?”

Spider-Man stared intently at the magical projections, watching as some crumbled away. “The law of exchange. It’s a theory, but time and space can bend. However, there has to be an exchange. Like, if we’re talking about alternate worlds and realities joining together, that means different versions of people will exist on the same plane, and that breaks a lot of rules in the space-time continuum.”

Doctor Strange blinked, holding his gaze on Spider-Man before eventually nodding. “That’s… actually accurate. How did you figure that out?”

“With math,” Peter blankly stated, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Run the variables enough, and the numbers start bleeding together.”

Strange stared at Peter intently. “You’re no ordinary kid. There’s much more to you than I thought.” Clearing his throat, the sorcerer returned his gaze to everyone else. “Regardless, It’s just as he says. More strands holding reality become undone, and eventually, everything unravels beyond repair. We cease to exist before the entire multiverse falls into shambles.”

Eris tilted her head to the side. “Is that why your master sealed away my father all those years ago?”

Seth nodded, pulling at his goatee. “It was not without merit. I was… reckless in my youth. I simply flaunted my power without a second thought. To be fair, I was just having fun, but it wasn’t until the Ancient One banished me into the void that I was forced to see the damage I was inflicting on the world.” Shrugging, the man patted the top of his daughter’s head. “My punishment was the length of time it took the Ancient One to repair the damage to the strands holding this reality in place. That is how damaging the power of chaos magic truly is.”

“So, what do we do?” Eris questioned, holding out her hands. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I just want to learn how to control my powers, and I’m scared knowing that if I lose concentration for even a second, something terrible could happen.”

As if considering the girl’s words, Doctor Strange furrowed his brow and frowned. “Well, there are alternatives. We have magical barriers here in the Sanctum Sanctorum. I can help you learn how to use magic without resorting to that of the chaotic variety.”

Blinking, Eris pursed her lips. “That sounds like I have to stay here.”

“It does, at least until you learn proper control,” Doctor Strange bluntly responded, narrowing his gaze.

Logan took a step forward with a hand raised. “Hang on, Strange. We may be able to help with that.” The man alternated his gaze between the girl and sorcerer. “The X-Men are all about helping mutants learn to control their powers. Beast could give her a power inhibitor. Maybe she can wear that whenever she’s not with us or you.”

Spider-Man slid his mask back over his face before walking up to Eris. “Are you okay with all that?”

“Considering what the alternative almost was? Absolutely,” Eris stated matter-of-factly, nodding.

Stephen closed his eyes momentarily, humming momentarily before sharing a gaze with everyone in the room. “Okay. We’ll work out a schedule. I will tutor you in the ways of the mystic arts, and you have to attend classes with the X-Men. Should you return to your home, you must wear a power nullifier.” Frowning intently, Stephen straightened his posture. “I suggest you take it seriously. I’ll be watching you, and the second you lose control or decide to skip your responsibility, I’ll personally banish you on the spot. Is that understood?”

Eris nodded feverishly, unable to contain her smile. “Yes! Thank you!” She rushed over to Logan, wrapping her arms around his neck before relinquishing her hold to give the same gesture to Spider-Man. After a brief duration, the girl took a hold of both men’s hands into her own. “Thank you both. I don’t know what would have happened if not for you two.” She eased back, wiping a forearm over her wet eyes. “You risked your lives just to give me a chance. I don’t know if I could ever repay you for your kindness or heroics.”

“Don’t worry about it, kid,” Logan stated, allowing a smile to form on his gruff exterior.

Spider-Man gestured a thumbs up. “It’s what we do.” Glancing at everyone, Peter slowly turned before leaping towards the door. “It sounds like you guys have everything under control. I should head back. My Aunt’s probably worried sick about me.”

“Will I see you again?” Eris asked, leaning forward until their faces were inches apart.

Peter nodded, chuckling. “We go to the same school. I’m not hard to find. I’ll even introduce you to the rest of my friends.”

Grinning, Eris planted a soft kiss on the young man’s cheek before whispering into his ear, “Then, it’s a promise. I’ll see you again real soon… Peter.”

Spider-Man placed a hand over his warm cheek, laughing sheepishly. “Yeah. Sounds good.” He glanced to the side, sharing a nod with the X-Man before scratching the back of his head nervously. “It was fun teaming up, Wolverine.”

“You’re okay, kid. Let Fury know he can piss up a river,” he grinned, pausing before extending a hand to him. Just as Spider-Man accepted the gesture, Wolverine tightened his hand firmly yet gently while smiling. “Call me Logan.” Just before anything else could be said, Logan’s stomach growled heavily in protest. The gruff man growled under his breath, glancing to the side. “Damn it.”

Peter chuckled, only for his own stomach to do the same. He groaned under his breath. “Tell me about it. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” His eyes widened as a realization came to mind, before he shifted his gaze towards Logan. “Hey. I have an idea.”

Aunt May walked out of the kitchen with a roast in hand, placing the dish over the table. A soft set of knocks were heard at the door as she readied to re-enter the kitchen, prompting the woman to pause momentarily. The door steadily opened, revealing Peter in his casual attire. May rushed to the young man, pulling him into a swift yet warm embrace.

“I’m so happy that you’re okay. I heard what happened on the news. Are you hurt? I saw you fighting that walking mountain of a man!” she quickly murmured, her words nearly conjoined. May cupped Peter’s face in her palms, shifting his head from one side to another. Nodding as if satisfied, the woman leaned forward before kissing her nephew’s cheek unapologetically. “It looks like you managed to avoid getting too bruised up for once.”

Peter simply grinned, taking a step back before holding a hand out by the door. “I had help.” The woman inhaled sharply as a gruff and muscular man slowly entered the abode, sharing a glance. Peter smiled, pointing a thumb at the man. “Logan, meet my Aunt May.”

“Oh, my. Hello,” May muttered, brushing a hand through her hair as the temperature in her face rose.

Logan smirked, politely nodding before winking playfully. “Ma’am. I can tell that your nephew keeps you busy.”

May waved her free hand over her face as a makeshift fan in a pitiful attempt to cool her rising temperature. “He does, but I… manage. Lord, is it hot in here?”

Peter blinked, glaring at Logan while standing behind his aunt. “Please stop making this weird.”

Logan smirked. “I’m only open to continue if the lady is.” However, a fresh scent entered his nostrils, causing the man to stop in his tracks before he could continue. He peered to the side, gazing at the roast sitting on the table. His stomach growled, unable to contain its expanding hunger, and the man twirled his fingers together before returning his gaze to May, his eyes as soft as that of a puppy. “It smells delicious, Miss.”

May’s eyes widened at the man’s sudden change in demeanor, but she couldn’t contain her glee, evident by her clapping hands and smile. “Please! Call me May, and I made plenty! Would you like to join us?” she suggested while turning to the side, pointing at the kitchen briefly. “I also have a pie in the oven!”

However, once she glanced back, Logan and Peter were gone. May shifted her gaze to the table, only to find both men already sitting at the table. This only seemed to have fueled the woman’s happiness further as she quickly cut chunks of the meat into two plates, sliding them to Peter and Logan respectively. Snatching the meat into their hands, both men chomped away at their pieces of roast.

May blinked as they quickly ingested their treats, turning their attention to the basket of rolls next. “I didn’t think anyone could eat as much as my nephew. I’m glad I decided to cook an extra roast.” Both men paused, alternating their gazes between the woman and the remaining roast. May grinned, walking into the kitchen. “Please eat to your heart’s content. I’ll get the pie!”

Logan unsheathed his claws with a snikt before slicing through the roast in a single motion, causing the meat to fall into a set of ribbons. “You weren’t kidding, Parker! I haven’t had a meal this good in years!”

Peter grabbed a slice of roast, tossing it into his opened mouth. “You know? It makes sense that you have a high metabolism… with your healing factor in all.”

“What fresh hell is this?” a voice questioned from behind, causing everyone to shift their gazes towards the source. Aria walked into the kitchen with a bemused stare, taking a seat at the table. “Great. You found someone who eats as much as you do. Pardon me while I barf.”

Peter managed to swallow what was in his mouth, arching a brow. “Aria? What are you doing here?”

Aria folded her arms as she peeked at both men, her face twisting with disgust as they continued to devour the roast without pausing. “It’s complicated. May will tell you about it.” She paused, blinking at the sight of Wolverine as he chomped away at the meat before pointing a finger in his direction. “Who’s the hairy guy with the claws?”

Just before anyone could respond, Aria’s eyes shot open as magical energies emitted from Logan before rushing into her. A powerful sensation overtook her, causing the girl to stagger back. Her eyes tried to fall into the back of her head before she regained her footing. Both men glanced at her momentarily, prompting Aria to scoff and wave her hand dismissively.

“Whoa. I feel like I just ate a box of frosted doughnuts with sprinkles. What’s with this guy? I thought Peter’s negative energy was bad, but his energy is somehow even richer…” she whispered, her eyes softening as she focused on Logan. “What has he gone through? I feel a lifetime of pain and suffering.”

Peter glanced at Logan, arching a brow while chewing. “What’s with you? You're smiling really hard. It’s kind of weird.”

Logan’s gruff exterior lightened considerably as he grinned uncontrollably. “I don’t know! I haven’t felt this happy in a long time! It’s something about this roast!”

Chuckling, Peter nodded while raising a finger. “You think that’s good? Come back and try Aunt May’s world famous wheat cakes!” Shrugging, Peter glanced back at Aria. “Want a plate?”

Aria shook her head furiously, retching as her complexion paled. “No, trust me. I’ve had enough already. I’m going to lie down for a bit.”

Just as the girl stood from her seat, May stepped back into the kitchen with a large pie in hand. “Oh, Aria! Good timing,” she called out, placing the treat down at the center of the table. Both women shared a glance as Aria exited the room, immediately collapsing face-first on the sofa nearby. Fumes exuded from the pie as May slid a knife through its crust. “I’ll explain later, but Aria’s going to be staying with us for a while. Try to stay on your best behavior.”

Peter raised a finger, as if ready to protest. However, May slid a plate towards him with a slice of pie on it, causing the young man to simply shrug in response before accepting it. He chomped down on the treat, practically inhaling it in seconds while Logan did the same. Both men began to alternate eating pieces of the roast and pie simultaneously, prompting May to continuously refill their plates as quickly as they emptied them.

“You going to eat that?” Peter asked, snatching a roll away from Logan’s grasp.

Wolverine snarled, unsheathing his claws with a snikt while continuing to chew with his mouth full. “Reach for my plate again, and I’ll carve out your heart and eat it in front of you!”

This process repeated for minutes, and Aria remained prone on the sofa with a blank stare, exhaling loudly. “That boy is going to be the death of me.”

“So, that’s what happened?” Spitfire questioned, tilting her head to the side. The pair sat in her office, going over the events that had transpired the previous day. Once Peter nodded in affirment, Spitfire leaned back in her wheelchair and sighed. “That’s good. Sounds like Eris is in good care. Still crazy to believe Seth is actually a mutant. A really old one at that.”

Humming, Peter scarfed down an energy bar from his grasp in a single bite. “Please don’t tell anyone. He’s really gone out of his way to live a normal life to make things easier on him and his family.”

Smiling, Spitfire nodded. “I won’t. I promise. It’s so funny how unassuming he is.” She arched a brow, playfully poking an elbow into the young man’s side. “You could learn a thing or two from him about keeping secrets.”

Peter rolled his eyes before sitting on the edge of the desk next to the woman. “Think I’m in trouble?”

Spitfire shrugged, managing a smirk. “No idea. You went AWOL, and I’m sure the big cheese will give you a piece of his mind.” However, she reached out and placed a hand over his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “But for me? I respect that you went with your gut. Everything worked out in the end, and that’s all that matters. I wouldn’t have liked her chances if she was solely in SHIELD custody.” Spitfire relinquished her hold before raising a finger and waving it. “But don’t be surprised if you’re demoted to clean up duty or something.”

“Like parole?” Peter chuckled, pointing at the monitor on her ankle.

Snorting, Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Only if you’re unlucky.” Suddenly, a soft set of knocks were heard at the door before the door crept open, revealing a light-skinned girl with poofy pink and blue hair. Spitfire’s eyes widened at a realization, her expression shifting to that of bemusement. “Oh, right. Uh… Bon-Bon come in.”

Peter stood from the desk, sliding the strap of his bag around his shoulder. “Guess that’s my cue. I’ll see you, Coach.”

“Stay right there, Peter Parker,” Bon Bon firmly declared, raising a hand. Her heavy tone betrayed her dainty appearance. She straightened her posture, pointing at the bag in the young man’s possession. “Unless you want me to blow the whistle on you, I’d advise you to listen to me… Spider-Man. Colonel Nick Fury sends his regards.”

Peter’s complexion paled as he stared at the girl with a fixed expression. “Say what? You said your name’s Bon Bon? You don’t look like you’re covered in chocolate. You look more like a Truffle. Is your center full of chocolate or peanut butter? Wouldn’t that make you more of a Reese’s though? Or am I looking into this too deeply?” He paused, pointing a thumb at the woman behind him in her wheelchair. “Why are you named Spitfire? Is it literal, or is it because you dropped a hot mixtape?”

Spitfire slammed a hand over her forehead, mumbling under her breath. “You’re doing that thing where you ramble. I notice you do that when you’re super nervous.” Inhaling deeply before sighing, the woman shook her head. “I’d tell you to stop, but I personally get it.”

Bon Bon ignored the young man’s rambling tirade, retrieving a silver badge from her back pocket. She held it, placing her free hand over her hip. “I’m Special Agent Sweetie Drops of SHIELD. I’ve been personally assigned by Director Fury to keep tabs on you and report on all of your activities, Spider-Man.”

“Why? Didn’t he already have Spitfire doing that?” Peter questioned, frowning.

Bon Bon huffed. “Spitfire is confined to a wheelchair. She couldn’t keep up with you even if she tried.”

Spitfire’s brow twitched at the comment as the corner of her lips cracked into a forced smile. “Sitting right here, you little bi–” she cleared her throat, “rapscallion.”

Sobering, Peter narrowed his gaze on the girl. “Hold on. You’re a student here.”

The girl placed her badge back into her pocket, remaining stoic. “Colonel Fury is exercising a little caution after your stunt yesterday. He wanted me to warn you that while I am watching you, he will still be doing the same. Colonel Fury has at least ten ways of tracking you. It just so happens you found one of them.” Sweetie Drops gave a small nod before walking out of the room, pausing momentarily. “Fair warning. You tell anyone about me, and I’m blowing the whistle on you. We’ll keep in touch.”

Once Bon Bon had completely exited the vicinity, Peter bit down on his lip, inhaling deeply while resisting the overwhelming urge to scream at the top of his lungs. “Damn you, Fury! Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” The images of Fury grew in his mind, even bearing fangs and devil horns. Exhaling, Peter rolled his eyes and scowled. “This day just can’t get any worse!”

“No!” Peter exclaimed, slack-jawed. He paced in place, never averting his gaze from Doctor Octavious, and his fingers clutched at his hair, threatening to pull most of it from the roots of his own skull. Peter rushed up to his professor, shaking his head profusely. “Doc! Please reconsider!”

Doctor Octavious remained poised, nodding. “I have thought about this for some time, and I believe this will be beneficial for not just you but this team.” He straightened his posture before sorting through an array of documents carefully placed over the nearest table. “You have a gift for intelligence, Peter, but due to your prior engagements, I’ve noticed you have trouble with maintaining your focus. Everything tends to fall into disarray and disorganization. While you still are able to make the most of it, I believe this inquiry can help you.”

“There’s one problem though, Doc,” Peter refuted, folding his arms before glancing to the side. A lavender-skinned girl in a lab coat with her purple and pink hair curled into a bun stood a few feet away, holding a stern glare at the young man from the corner of her eye. Peter pointed in her direction while sharing a gaze with Octavious. “This inquiry hates me!”

Scoffing, the girl’s frown deepened as her face twisted with anger. “I must admit, Doctor Octavious, that I was thrilled when you asked me to personally work with you. Your work with advanced prosthetics is extraordinary, and I am honored to join.” Scowling, she glared intently at Peter. “I just can’t believe you took him under your wing. He is lazy, inconsiderate, aloof, disorganized, and arrogant! There’s a reason he ran from Crystal Prep! He’ll only disappoint you!”

Peter frowned. “She seriously looks like a super villain staring me down right now.” Blinking, the young man tilted his head to the side. “What’s with you? Last time we met, you were super nice to me, but now you’re hating my guts again. You’re clearly going for the Jekyll and Hyde aura.”

“As always, you project through your stupid humor. You haven’t changed a bit,” Twilight scoffed, continuing to glare at Peter from the corner of her eye.

Straightening his dark glasses, Octavious murmured under his breath. “The stars have aligned to form a beautiful constellation. I had a feeling you two shared a brief history. That’s good. It saves us time with introductions.” He paused, sharing a glance with the girl. “Twilight, I chose you because of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Your organizational skills are exceptional, and your knowledge with books is unmatched. You also have a magnificent gift with engineering, but I fear that you are too stringent, afraid to think outside of the box. Peter excels in guerrilla science, and I know his improvisational skills will only help. It’s good that you transferred to Canterlot High.”

“But why though?!” Peter whined, throwing his hands high over his head in protest.

Twilight hissed, pointing a finger sharply at the young man. “For once, we agree! If I knew you were here, I wouldn’t have considered it!”

Octavious could only groan under his breath while rubbing his eyes with his fingers. “Intelligence is a gift that can benefit all of mankind. Your individual strengths can bring out the best in each other and elevate your skills. With time, we will learn and persevere.” Just as both Peter and Twilight opened their mouths, ready to protest further, Octavious raised his hands in defeated fashion before shaking his head. “The decision is final. I will hear nothing else of it.”

Both winced at the good doctor’s firm tone, sharing a nod before lowering their heads shamefully. “Yes, Doctor Octavious.”

Nodding, Otto glanced to the side. “Twilight, you are welcomed to move your equipment into your station at your leisure. Peter, I trust you will help her accordingly.” Walking past both teenagers, he shook his head before slipping through the main exit. “I will see you both in the morning. Good day.”

Once Octavious had completely exited the vicinity, Twilight scowled at Peter before entering her station. “Keep your dirty hands off my equipment.”

Exasperated, Peter could only huff while he stared blankly at the ceiling. “I’m being punished, aren’t I?!”

“Today, on Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson, we discuss the damage done to our fair city. I know, it’s becoming a trend, but heed my warnings, people!” Jameson strongly declared, pausing to point at the screen.

An image of Spider-Man appeared as he was in midair, avoiding the clubbing blow of the Juggernaut. Jameson took back control of the camera, centering its focus back on himself.

“Spider-Man just had to get his rocks off and brawl in the city with that walking mass of humanity, Juggernaut. However, I can confirm that their fight actually started near Canterlot High before spilling into the city! It’s bad enough that the wall-crawling freak is willing to put everyone’s lives at risk, but he really seems to enjoy vandalizing schools! That’s three– Count them– three incidents with him destroying public property! Your tax dollars are practically being flushed down the drain!”

Jameson slammed his fist down onto his table repeatedly before his cup of coffee teetered over the edge, crashing to the floor.

Diamond Tiara shifted the camera to her position before pointing at a diagram. “What will it take before we regain control of our city? Our social media page has blown up with over three thousand new followers joining since yesterday’s incident! Continue to lend us your support! We accept all matters of payment!” She stood from her seat and stretched out her shirt, revealing an image of Spider-Man’s face within a red circle having a line crossed over it. “Join our Patreon, and you can get a free shirt as soon as tomorrow!”

Peter turned off his phone before allowing his head to fall onto the table with a smack. Aria paused, staring blankly at the young man as he repeated the process. Magical energies escaped from his body and rushed into her, causing the siren to inhale sharply at the sudden sensation.

“Mind giving me a warning next time before you fall into a pit of misery? You’re giving me nothing but junk food here,” Aria mumbled, retching outwardly. She peeked down and eyed her lower regions with a twitching brow, patting her hips. “I swear, if I gain another pound, I’m killing you.”

Blissfully unaware, Ditzy ate away at a muffin while Trixie stood on the table. “The Friendship Games are upon us! Should Canterlot High continue its winning ways, only the best are allowed to participate!” she boasted, waving her hand dismissively upon glancing at Peter. “Parker, that means you stay out of it. You can join Ditzy and cheerlead.”

“Noted,” Peter mumbled, pausing from smacking his head against the table (albeit briefly) before resuming.

Sunset crossed her arms, furrowing her brow at Trixie. “Oh, stop. Peter can participate if he wants. I know he’d do fine.” The red-haired girl paused, attempting to share a smile with Peter, but he turned his head away from her gaze, murmuring incoherently. Sunset’s eyes softened as she raised a hand, attempting to touch his shoulder, but she paused upon spotting a glare from Aria, who’s frown only seemed to deepen. Clearing her throat, Sunset shifted her gaze skyward and chuckled nervously. “I’m just glad everything’s back to normal.”

“Normal? This group looks anything but!” a voice declared from behind.

All of the girls shifted their gazes while Peter lifted his head, doing the same. Faster than anybody could react, a girl walked up to the table and wrapped her arms around the young man’s neck. Everyone stared at her long, flowing black and white hair as she tightened her hold, smothering Peter as he flailed his free arm about. Sunset stared with a widened gaze while Ditzy continued to chew her treat obliviously. Aria arched a brow, and Trixie cleared her throat, frowning.

The girl feinted a gasp, throwing a hand over her mouth in an exaggerated manner. “Oh, do excuse me! I just never had a chance to thank my friend here.” She relinquished her hold, grinning. “My name is Eris. I was being bullied yesterday by this ruffian before Peter stepped in to help.”

Peter chuckled under his breath. “It was nothing. Seriously.” Placing a hand over her shoulder, the young man shared a glance with everyone. “Meet the newest member of the Loser Brigade.”

Eris leaned to Peter and placed a hand over her mouth, hovering it by his ear. “Remind me to thank you later. I’d love to see how flexible you truly can be.” The young man’s entire face turned beet red as his mouth sank. Eris smiled evilly as she gently caressed his back, causing him to force the lump in his throat down with a swallow. “Oh, you’re going to be so much fun.”

“Chaos is inherent in all compound things. Strive on with diligence.”-Buddha

The End

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Edcom02 and ameliacostanza for the artwork!

Comments ( 41 )

So, is the next arc going to be the anon-a-miss arc or the lizard arc?

I ONE hundred percent ship Eris and Peter.

Hahahahahaha!!!!This is great!!! Eris X Peter! LET'S GO!!!!!

*Sees Bon Bon as a SHIELD agent head cannon actually in this story canon along with my artwork of it*

:pinkiehappy: OMG, you mad lad! You did it! I didn't think you would actually use that idea when I was only just playing about with it, but you actually did it! Bravo to you my good sir! Anyway moving on...

Another story comes to a close. With the Eris' situation resolved, she will learn how to control her powers with both the X-Men and Doctor Strange's help all while maintaining her status as a student at Canterlot High and having her powers turned off with an inhibitor while she's not with either of them. Plus the Loser gets a new member, which seems to getting more female members and lacking more of the male variety (:trollestia: and if I didn't know any better, I'd say Peter was building himself an unintentional harem which it is not really, though maybe Eris might see it that way). And Peter and Logan's friendship/friendly rivalry has been set as they bond and bicker over a plate of Aunt May's roast and pie. Things couldn't get any better for our web-head.

Unfortunately, the Parker Luck just has to catch up with him. Because of his insubordination, Fury has assigned Bon Bon aka Agent Sweetie Drops to keep a closer eye on him. Octavius' new student and Peter's new lab partner/rival is none other than Sci-Twi (pre-Friendship Games) transferred from Crystal Prep and unlike Princess Twilight, she has a distain for Peter for his poor reputation at her previous school, so definitely no ParkerSparkle shipping from here. And once again, JJ slanders Spider-Man for his involvement fighting Juggernaut, twisting the facts and not even mentioning Wolverine or anyone else involved. Well once again, that's just another day in the life of your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man

Well this was a good read. This one focused more on Spider-Man's side of life in contrast to the previous story which focused more on Peter's side. The EQG cast takes more of a backseat here and giving Eris more focus here since this is her introduction, which is good for character development since adding more would be too much and better saved for another time.
I do hope Spider-Man will have more team-ups with other Marvel Heroes besides just Wolverine in future, a Spider-Man/Daredevil team-up would be my personal top pick, maybe even a Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan team-up to fit with the high school setting. Besides that, it sounds like the Friendship Games is being hinted as an upcoming arc in this setting. Well, I'll wait and see what comes next.

Seth furrowed his brow, raising a hand as it glowed with energy. “Speaking of which,” he whispered, snapping his fingers before Spider-Man’s mask materialized into his grasp in a burst of light. Chuckling under his breath, Seth nodded. “I recognize you. You’re the dumpster diving child in school.”

Peter clutched at his face before throwing his hands overhead in exasperated fashion. “Will you two stop doing that?! Didn’t the wizard just say that using chaos magic is bad?!”

:rainbowlaugh: Like daughter, like father! At least Peter learned not to utter his name out loud this time. Not that it matters right now.

Just before anyone could respond, Aria’s eyes shot open as magical energies emitted from Logan before rushing into her. A powerful sensation overtook her, causing the girl to stagger back. Her eyes tried to fall into the back of her head before she regained her footing. Both men glanced at her momentarily, prompting Aria to scoff and wave her hand dismissively.

“Whoa. I feel like I just ate a box of frosted doughnuts with sprinkles. What’s with this guy? I thought Peter’s negative energy was bad, but his energy is somehow even richer…” she whispered, her eyes softening as she focused on Logan. “What has he gone through? I feel a lifetime of pain and suffering.”

And Aria and her sisters thought Peter had it rough. But that's all nothing compared to all the sh*t that has been done to Logan in his long lasting existence.

AWsome finnale of the arc, ErisxPeter is a good ship, but so is SunsetxPeter and DitzyxPeter, AriaxPeter I guess i ok, but less likely by the minute, TrixexPeter won't succed, and TwilightxPeter could happen in the future, if Spiderman either rescue her or help her a lot, o rsomething happens, but for right now, Eris is going stronger for the ship.

“You risked your lives just to give me a chance. I don’t know if I could ever repay you for your kindness or heroics.”

Daww! All's well that ends well.:pinkiehappy:

“It sounds like you guys have everything under control. I should head back. My Aunt’s probably worried sick about me.”

“Call me Logan.” Just before anything else could be said, Logan’s stomach growled heavily in protest.

“Tell me about it. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” His eyes widened as a realization came to mind, before he shifted his gaze towards Logan. “Hey. I have an idea.”

I know where this is going.:trixieshiftleft:

“Oh, my. Hello,” May muttered, brushing a hand through her hair as the temperature in her face rose.

Logan smirked, politely nodding before winking playfully. “Ma’am. I can tell that your nephew keeps you busy.”

Called it. The ship which no one asked for but which we're getting anyway: Maygan :pinkiecrazy:

Twilight hissed, pointing a finger sharply at the young man. “For once, we agree! If I knew you were here, I wouldn’t have considered it!”

Sci-Twi being a stuck up anime girl is sheer perfection. More please. :twilightsmile:

Eris leaned to Peter and placed a hand over her mouth, hovering it by his ear. “Remind me to thank you later. I’d love to see how flexible you truly can be.”

And that's the story of how Peter got Eris to join his harem. Join us again next week on "Spidey Dances With Women!":rainbowlaugh:

Oh this is gonna be FUUUUN!

Well that's the end of this adventure. My guess about Eris so far, has been incorrect. Since the story's over I might as well say what I thought she was. I originally believed her not to be an actual person, rather a being Discord created out of his own magic, just so he didn't feel lonely. Imagine my surprise if that actually turns out to be true. That would have made me appreciate the character more, otherwise her presence still just seems kind of strange to me, borderline OC territory, and I was never too fond of OCs, which probably didn't help her role in the story much. But since it looks like she's sticking around, I guess I'll have to try to get used to her some more.

Also nice to see a bit more of Aria, plus that revelation about Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops, which made a whole lot of sense really. Fun way to use the character and add a little more to the story, a reminder that this is indeed a Marvel/MLP/EG crossover story.

The best part is that Twilight is here. Well Sci-Twi but Twilight nonetheless. But she does not seem to like Peter, which was hinted at before. She may grow to love him, or just remain in disdain of him. From lovers in one timeline, to rivals in another, funny how the multiverse works out. Also wondering if that Twilight and Peter will return, or if their appearance was just a fun cameo. Time will tell.

Next up seems to be the Friendship Games. Awkward confession, I never really watched much of the Equestria Girls stuff, I just know the characters, so I'm gonna be relying on the narrative to help me through that story arc.

So the number of people who know Peter is Spider-Man: Aunt May, Nick Fury, Doctor Octavius, The Dazzlings, Bon Bon, Spitfire, Wolverine, Eris, Discord and to an extend, Doctor Strange. At least in this dimension. Not the best kept secret, but there's still plenty more who don't know than do, but at this point, Peter might as well just announce it to the world.

Anyway, decent story, see you next time.

It's going to be interesting to see how Sci-Twi changes in this story, and to see if she and Peter become a thing. If not, that fine, because I am 100% shipping Peter with Eris.

Well that was a fun team-up. Must be nice for Peter to finally have some friends in the wider superhero community, and two big names at that. And they part ways on good terms, finally a win for Spider-Man.

Though like all team-ups, it must come to an end, and of course the minute Peter’s back on his own, everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. More SHIELD eyes on him (Fury recruiting Bon Bon sounds like a hilarious story on its own), Jameson being his usual self and now a rival in Sci-Twi. The “Loser Brigade” may not know the struggle yet, but Pete at least has them to have his back, Eris in tow.

Is this Peter’s reaction to Twilight ?

Also nice chapter

Holy crap, already?! The stories over already?! This went by WAY to fast. I was honestly expecting a few more chapters at least.

And we now have Eris joining the Loser Brigade. And apparently also joining Peter Parker's ever growing Harem of girls along with Ditzy, Sunset, Trixie, and Aria. Peter really has the most strangest luck ever. He gets slandered by so many people, specifically by JJ and Diamond Tiara, along with having to deal with the likes of Fury and the rest of SHIELD being on his ass for "insubordination" or something like that. Yet he was still able to help Eris and save the day from Juggernaut and teaming up with Wolverine and was able to get these girls as friends/potential lovers? Along with also helping Spitire/Vulture on the path to recovery and redemption. Not to mention him joining with Octavius in wanting help people.

The only real negative i have is Swi-Twi. Here she was coming off, to me at least, like an aggressive bitch with such anger at Peter that it almost felt like i was watching Pre-Redemption Sunset being an arrogant bully. I haven't read the first story in a while so i might have forgotten, but what in God's Green Earth did Peter do to earn such ire again? Whatever caused it i hope it gets resolved soon cause i am not liking this behavior from her. Maybe along with Sunset we can even get Peter, as himself or as Spider-Man, angrily berate Swi-Twi for endangering innocent lives due to her Magic draining amulet and her meddling with something she does not understand.


I'm sorry for sounding like i am angrily criticizing your work, I'm not, it's just the scene with Swi-Twi really rubbed me the wrong way. Whatever the case, i can't wait to see what comes next.


We don't really know why Sci-Twi has it out for Pete, but our boy has vaguely mentioned his short time at Crystal Prep. Yet, we don't know the details. What caused him to not want to attend? And what did he possibly do to earn Sci-Twi's anger? We'll find out soon in the next episode. :ajsmug:

All of that physical and emotional trauma Logan has gone through? Aria's lucky Logan doesn't remember half of the s*** he's gone through, otherwise she'd fall into a sweet negative energy coma. :pinkiegasp: Also, I follow you on DA, and you have great ideas that (if you don't mind), I'd love to borrow. Especially everything with Man-Spider. :moustache:

In this saga either he marries Eris or Sunset, even derpy, but what I want to know is when black cat is going to appear and if there is a possibility that Peter is the biological father of dinky

Maybe she just has a problem with quitters

Or maybe she thinks he doesn’t take it seriously

Heh heh heh wait until she hears of Asgardians

There so smart they don’t even dabble in science anymore making them look laid back

Dinky was a background character though there’s no solid proof

Buttttt… in the episode carts before the ponies, muffins rode on a character with a little boy pony maybe he’s related to her?

To be fair, the original Twilight was as stuck up as they come orginally, and only restrained her contempt for her fellow Equestrians because of her love of country and Celestia.

While Sci-Twi is much more humble and shy, we can assume that deep down they have the same potential for snobbery.

Perhaps this version got more respect and acknowledgement then Sci-Twi in cannon did, and doesn't appreciate someone who might jeperdize her standing.

Maybe I'm reaching. Maybe I'm just looking for complexity where there is none. Still, I'm curious to see where these two go from here.

It's closer to cannon then the characterization of Aria and Trixie, so I'll give it a shot.

Of course I'm mostly here for the fighting, so as long as the series doesn't completely screw up her character, I'll be happy.

:twilightsmile: Oh, but of course! You're always welcome to use whatever ideas I make that really grabs your attention. I don't mind at all.

Original human Twilight is coming and that means... Midnight Sparkle. I bet Jameson and Cinch will be blaming Spider-Man for Twilight's manipulation into Midnight Sparkle

Another amazing story Max! Loved this one probably the most out of the current episodes. Hopefully we'll get episode 4 soon! :) Keep up the good work!

One of my main criticisms for these stories so far...

when will Spidey fight one of his ACTUAL villains?

Like, we had the Vulture... but not really cause it was Spitfire who has been reformed, and its confirmed Adrian Toomes does indeed exist in these stories
Then it was the sirens...
and then Juggernaut, a X-Men villain

I would've expected Spidey to at least tangle with the likes of Shocker, Lizard or the REAL Vulture by now.

Great episode really has my hyped for the next one :pinkiehappy:
Hey Max are we gonna se Wolverine again or hell the X-men? and Strange too? :rainbowhuh:
Also dammit Fury you're a real pain in the butt :ajbemused:
And Eris oh I know I'm gonna love her :ajsmug:

It's kinda the problem when you have you two universes merged into one. I want it to feel like these two franchises have been neatly thrown into a blender. Plus, it's technically still early in Peter's run. We're still in the middle of world building, and I want each villain (whenever we get to them), to have focus on them. Since the next Episode is about the Friendship Games, we're taking a turn to focus on something along the EQG side. Like you said, we had Vulture, the Dazzlings, and Juggernaut so far. Three Episodes, three villains so far. We WILL see more true Spidey villains over time. We're just in the process on planting seeds before they grow into trees. :ajsmug:

No worries. Wolverine will be a recurring character. :coolphoto:

Maybe lily longstocks can be a mutant or inhuman?

You know what xD I wouldn't mind if Peter is shipped with Eris xD

I couldn't help but wheeze in laughter at the end pic there. Always amusing to see Peter get teased.

Another great story! Can’t wait for what comes next!


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Sci-Twi makes her opinion of Peter all to apparent in her interactions with him. She doesn't simply dislike the guy, she unapologetically hates Peter.

We as the audience know from the source material that while Sci-Twi is quick to judge and formulate an option of a person, she is not one to outright hate somebody. She would need a good reason first. Peter has somehow managed to do exactly that. Which begs the question: Just what the hell did Peter do?

That, you will all find out soon enough. :raritywink:

Still feel like Dash is going out of her way to be antagonistic. And if they see Sunset hanging with him I would imagine they'd all question if he was as bad as they thought. Or at the least have Fluttershy and Pinkie urge the girls to give Pete a second chance. Cause that's the kind of girls they are. They forgave Sunset after years of bullying but can't be bothered to just talk to the doof that put his foot in his mouth once? Especially if Sunset continues to hang out with him, and is crushing on him.

SO what's next?

Can we see Peter parker snap right infront of Twilight Sparkle.
Fed up of the world hating him no matter what he does.

He tried to be Generous.
He tried to be Kind (a little bit)
He tried to be Honest
He tried to be Loyal
He tried to make people Laugh
He tried to be Couraging

Scoffing, the girl’s frown deepened as her face twisted with anger. “I must admit, Doctor Octavious, that I was thrilled when you asked me to personally work with you. Your work with advanced prosthetics is extraordinary, and I am honored to join.” Scowling, she glared intently at Peter. “I just can’t believe you took him under your wing. He is lazy, inconsiderate, aloof, disorganized, and arrogant! There’s a reason he ran from Crystal Prep! He’ll only disappoint you!”

“As always, you project through your stupid humor. You haven’t changed a bit,” Twilight scoffed, continuing to glare at Peter from the corner of her eye.

why does the world hate him so much?

I'm sorry to say the images in this chapter are broken... and that's a DAMN shame, because this story is making me want to finish watching MLP!

Thanks for the heads up. I'll have the images restored as soon as possible.

Pete should six Discord AND Eris on Jameson.

This series is amazing!!!!!! Hope you make one based on the legend of everfree.

“Stay right there, Peter Parker,” Bon Bon firmly declared, raising a hand. Her heavy tone betrayed her dainty appearance. She straightened her posture, pointing at the bag in the young man’s possession. “Unless you want me to blow the whistle on you, I’d advise you to listen to me… Spider-Man . Colonel Nick Fury sends his regards.”

Oh. Right. She's a spy

I am actually happy and surprised that someone got the reference for Seth's name.

Eris leaned to Peter and placed a hand over her mouth, hovering it by his ear. “Remind me to thank you later. I’d love to see how flexible you truly can be.” The young man’s entire face turned beet red as his mouth sank. Eris smiled evilly as she gently caressed his back, causing him to force the lump in his throat down with a swallow. “Oh, you’re going to be so much fun.”

It's gotten a little murky, don't you think?

You know I don't no what I love more the story or the amazing art work do you draw them or do you have a friend that does it

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