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Side chapter: Dreams


"WHERE ARE THEY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" An angry Apple bloom shouted after Sweetie belle removed the shield spell from the main six's Boutique prison as the other commanders aside from Scootaloo and Sweetie belle couldn't help but shiver at the farmgirls fiery temper. Bloom then proceeded inside the boutique even further but found no sign of the prisoners aside from Big Macs blood stain in the front room, Scootaloo then walked forward and put a shoulder on the angry filly.

" Bloom chill out!" She shouted back in a reassuring tone. " I'm sure they couldn't have gotten far especially since the shield spell is still up"

"Yeah lets report back to the Queen that the main 6 escaped and we'll do a full on search around the town tomorrow" Sweetie belle replied.

"They better still be in the town" Bloom growled. " If that bitch of a sister of mine thinks she can escape her punishment than she is surely mistaken, I'm not gonna rest until I hear my sisters hind legs shatter like broken glass" However Dinky and the others couldn't help but feel uneasy hearing Blooms ranting.

"Bloom don't you think this is a little extreme?" Snips asked earning a dark look from the filly.

"Excuse me?" She replied.

"He's right Bloom this is going way too far" Snails jumped in. " What your about to do is straight up evil this si not the Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo that we know.

"Who's side are you on Snails?!" Sweetie belle retorted.

"I'm on you guys side of course but not like this!" He said. " Do you guys not see yourselves? I get that you guys are furious at your sisters and the townsfolk for making you guys run away in the first place and especially tiara for blackmailing you guys, but this going way too far. You almost killed your brother 2 days ago and I don't think he's gonna survive by the end of the week, and not just that your planning on doing the same thing to your sister. I knwo he yelled at you guys and it must have hurt a lot but do you honestly think nearly beating him to death would make you guys feel better?"

"That's right you guys" Tender taps jumped in. " What happened to the girls that help he get my cutie mark last year? Now you guys are just servants to that Changeling, this isn't you Bloom and you know it. Do you guys have any Idea what kind of damage you've caused these past few days helping that giant insect take over our tower over some petty revenge from Gabby gums? This is not and I mean NOT the answer guys, your taking over your own town and enslaving all these poor helpless citizens, if your parents and even Granny smith were alive right now what would they think if they saw you like this Bloom? The CMC we know wouldn't stoop this low and attack someone for no reason" However the trio remained unfazed by this little lecture and instead had their own opinions.

"No reason?" Bloom began. " NO REASON!!!!???????" Are you seriously that naive that you don't even understand how much pain we were in that day?! Let me tell you something Taps and the rest of ya'll, if your older brother yelled at you to go away while your sister just ignores ya instead of facing you like a damn coward while you try to explain yourself to them and they don't even listen"

"Or when the one pegasus you thought was the coolest girl in the world pours rain on you like a bully and nearly giving us a cold or worse pneumonia from getting drenched in rain water" Scootaloo replied.

"And let's not forget your older sister says something so cruel to you that you wonder if she even ever loved you in the first place , making you feel useless or unwanted" Sweetie belle jumped in. " And even going as far as to call you the worst sister in the world, wouldn't you guys feel the same kind of hurt that we felt that dreaded day?" After the trio made their statement , Silver spoon and the others felt silent not knowing what to say after hearing the words come out of their mouths.

"I thought so" Bloom said coldly as tears started to form. " You guys have no Idea how much it hurt when by brother screamed at me like that, it was scarier than watching a horror movie. It's as if I didn't even know him anymore, he didn't even give me a chance to explain the real reason we went along with this stupid Gabby gums story he just chose to scold and yell at me after his little secret was exposed. I can never look at him the same way again fellas, I know I've said this many times but his words hurt more than a broken leg. So I made sure to let him know how much he hurt us as well and judging by his state, I think it's safe to say that he gets the picture. Plus my sister wasn't innocent either, the way she just shunned us like a coward instead of facing us hurt but the way she yelled at my grandmother causing her to have a heart attack was even worse. She is more cruel than Nightmare moon and now thanks to her I'll never see Granny Smith again. It's too late to change ma minds fellas much too late. The damage is already done, they hurt us in the worst ways imaginable and We're never gonna look at them the same way again, and even if we stopped all of this. I doubt anyone's gonna forgives us after everything. No, no this is the only path for us right now we can't go back not after everything we've ever done" After making her statement Apple bloom began to walk away. " Now all of you I think it's best that you turn in for the night, I'll report to Chrysalis about the escapees so we can get a head start at locating them in the morning, and I expect you guys to be on high alert if you see applejack anywhere" With nothing left to say Sweetie belle and Scoots followed suit as they walked away next to their gloomy friend as the rest of the commanders watched on feeling sorry for the trio all while praying to Celestia that this whole mess would be over soon and the CMC would turn back to normal, and also hoping that Applejack and the others were safe wherever they are.

Speaking of Applejack, we find the element of honesty walking down a lush forest path while looking around at the endless array of tree's that she passes by each second. However as the farmgirl surveyed her surroundings, she found that she wasn't even in the everfree forest anymore as this forest had a bit more of a magical and mysterious tone to it. With the trees displaying a strange light bluish tone, a mysterious white aura floating through the night time sky, and the wind felt rather odd as if it was following her around every single time she took a step. After what felt like a 10 mile hike our farmgirl found herself atop of a hill giving out a lovely view of a massive lake with numerous tree's, mountain tops, and magical wildlife roaming around the area.

"Where the hay am I? " She wondered. " I don't remember leaving the hut, and there's no way I'm in the everfree anymore. How did I even end up her was I sleepwalking or something?" But as she was talking, she felt a weird presence in the air as if something was heading towards her. In a split second she stepped back as she found 6 mysterious orbs float right in front of her, after taking a long hard look she instantly recognized the mysterious object as not orbs at all but the elements of harmony consisting of Magic, loyalty, kindness, happiness, generosity, and honesty. but that's not all, as the elements were planted on the spot they soon started to morph and change shape. And soon the aura formed silhouettes of a group of ponies soon formed which consisted of 2 stallions and 3 mares causing the farmgirl to stare in shock after witnessing the elements turn into a group of ponies. After what felt like an eternity one of em finally spoke.

"Greetings Applejack" The taller looking stallion said. " We finally meet"

"Uhhhhhhhh howdy?" Applejack said nervously. " How do you know my name? Also who are you guys?"

"Oh where are my manners?" The stallion replied. " I am Rockhoof, and these are my comrades, Mistmane, Flash magnus, somnambula, and my fiance Meadowbrook. And to answer your other question lets just say I've been observing you from time to time" After giving the girl her answer, Applejacks mind soon clicked and she soon recognized the group standing right in front of her.

"Wait a second" She said in amazement. " I've heard stories about you guys from starswirl, your the original bearers of the elements of harmony"

"That is correct" Rockhoof said with a smile.

"What are you guys doing here? And where am I?" Applejack asked. " Starswirl told me that you guys mysteriously vanished centuries ago"

"Indeed" Mistmane answered. " Before we tell you our backstory, to answer your second question. You are in the spirit realm young Applejack. This is where most ponies come when they've experienced an event that's traumatized or hurt them dearly. So they're sent here as they slumber so that they can get a chance to collect their thoughts and to look back at past experiences and reconnect with lost loved ones in an effort to make themselves feel better" After giving her answer Applejacks shock of amazement soon increased realizing that she was in some kind of dream realm.

" Well that explains the weird atmosphere" She said earning a few giggles from the group. " But why me? Why not Twilight?"

"Well after witnessing how much more hurt you were after this weeks events and especially when your grandmother passed away" Meadowbrook said. " We figured that you needed the biggest reality check out of all the rest of your friends and loved ones" As Brook was explaining herself Applejack noticed that the magic element was empty lacking it's own user.

"Wait, shouldn't Stygian be here too? He was the element of magic right? " She asked causing the five elements to go silent nearly sweating in a nervous state, feeling too afraid to explain what has happened to their closest friend. But after a minute the group finally mustered up the courage to give their explanation about what became of Stygian.

"Well............." Magnus began. " To answer your question Applejack we're mainly the reason Stygian isn't hear with us right now, and he's also the reason we disappeared centuries ago" Applejack looked puzzled after hearing Magnus's words.

"What do you mean?" She asked raising an eyebrow and then Flash Magnus continued his story.

"You see back then me , Rockhoof, Mistmane, Meadowbrooks, Stygian, Starswirl, and somnambula were a team" He began. " Actually Starswirl is the one who formed us together in the first place due to our amazing skills with my speed, Meadowbrooks compassion, Rockhoof's strength, somnambula's planning and peppy attitude, Stygian's incredible magic skills, and Mistmanes generosity. So he dubbed each of us the elements of harmony and we combated against every single threat that plagued equestria helping those in need. We were treated like celebrities, every single creature adored us for our heroics except for one. Stygian began noticing that the rest of us received the most praise despite him helping out the most and started to feel left out and unappreciated. He then started to grow distant and cold towards us, whenever we tried to talk to him he just brushed us off saying that he didn't wanna talk about it. Then one day we made the most terrible mistake of our lives, one night we caught Stygian with the elements in hand our instincts got the better of us and we thought that he was planning on stealing the elements so that he could be the center of attention and make us feel useless. We confronted him and after a long argument saying the most hurtful words imaginable towards Stygian we kicked him to the curb and stripped him of his element as he ran away in tears, We figured that we made the right choice that is until we found out the truth. After the argument we headed back to headquarters and we began removing some of Stygian's belongings when Meadowbrook's noticed his journal on his throne. Curiosity got the best of her and she began reading his latest entry which sent cold regretful shivers down our spines when we finally learnt the truth. It said that Stygian was feeling left out and that no one appreciated or even cared about him. As it turns out he wasn't trying to steal the elements he was just borrowing their power so that he could be noticed and loved, Stygian wasn't a thief he was just lonely and unappreciated but we treated him like one. our eyes filled with guilt over our false accusations an hour ago and we knew that we owed Stygian the biggest apology imaginable. Then suddenly Stygian burst into the room with a look of pure anger and fury which surprised us. But before we got the chance to apologize to him a dark aura emerged through him and he began chanting a spell that we've never heard of before, but before we got a chance to react we soon found ourselves being transported to an unknown realm and the last thing we heard before vanishing was Stygian's words of rage " You banished me, so now I'm gonna banish you.............PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!" . And that's how we found ourselves in Limbo, Limbo was a dark , cold, and terrifying realm. It wasn't heaven or hell it was just plain torture. You don't die, you don't age, but you still feel pain, the odds of an innocent soul getting teleported to this realm was rare, Starswirl was lucky to have avoided the spell but or fear's increased at the thought of him getting killed back home in the hands of our once friend . Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months turned to years, and still we had little luck in finding a way back. We had to fight , purge, hunt, and survive through that terrible place for century and every night before going to sleep we pray for a way back home and to be able to get the chance to apologize to Stygian" Applejack remained in shock after hearing Flash Magnus tell his story, she had no idea that Stygian banished the five of them to the Limbo Realm for all of eternity to this day.

"No wonder Starswirl didn't tell us the whole story" She thought and then opened her mouth to speak. " I never realized that you guys went through all of that with Stygian"

" We don't expect you too Applejack" Mistmane replied as tears started to form. " God I was such a monster, I should have heard him out first but I let my instincts get the better of me and it cost me one of my closest friends. I don't deserve the element of generosity"

"Stygian was my best friend and look how I treated him" Flash Magnus said with his own tears forming. " I should of had his back but I didn't, I jumped to conclusions and said the most hurtful things to him like an asshole. " I'm a terrible pegasus I don't deserve the element of Loyalty"

"I loved that man" somnambula said her sad expression hidden in her bangs. " I never felt so happy with any man by my side, he made me so happy and I loved spending time with him. But i let the fame get the better of me and I never realized how hurt he was from being left out and look where it got me? I lost him and I don't think he'll want anything to do with me ever again, I'd do anything to see him again to confess my feelings towards him. I don't deserve the element of Laughter"

"I wish Stygian were here right now" Meadowbrook replied with a sad sniff. " So I can give him the biggest hug and apology imaginable. But given how much we hurt him, I feel a mere apology will never make things right between us. I don't deserve the element of kindness"

"Stygian was like a little brother to me" Rockhoof began trying his hardest to hold back his own tears. " And I took him for granted, If I can go back to that exact moment, I'd punch myself in the face for treating my little bro so heartlessly. If I end up treating my friends like this and jump to conclusions easily without hearing someone out than I don't deserve the element of Honesty" With nothing left to say the group quietly weaped trying their hardest to hold back their tears while Applejack looked on feeling sorry for the original Element bearers over the loss of one of their closest friends, after what felt like hours Applejack finally broke the ice.

"Hey now don't ya'll say that" She began causing the five of them to wipe their tears and stare at her with shocked expressions. " You guys couldn't have known the truth, it wasn't your or even Starswirls fault. You shouldn't blame yourselves over one mistake, your good people so don't go spending your lives full of regret over one mistake cause that isn't healthy for ya'll" Applejack then took a small pause for a moment remembering a past incident from last year. " And in all honesty I kind of know how you guys feel, something similar happened to me and my friends last year. We ended up falling for that Changelings disguise and it almost cost us our friendship with Twilight, it's almost a miracle that she forgave us so easily after how cruel we were to her. But as for ma little sister I don't really blame her for hating my guts especially with the fact that me and Big Mac practically drove her out of town, and now look whats happened. She's allied herself with the changeling queen and is now one of her commanders, After what I've done i doubt Apple bloom's gonna forgive me if we manage to put a stop to all of this. I don't really blame her and Granny smith for hating ma guts right now"

"Hey now" Rockhoof replied. Your sister doesn't hate you, she is mad at you but deep down she still loves you just like Granny Smith"

"I doubt that" She said. " Especially after my hurtful words caused Granny to have a heart attack, I wouldn't blame her if she's looking down on me with the coldest eyes imaginable"

"Are you sure about that Applejack?" Meadowbrooks replied as Applejack looked in confusion, then suddenly three more magical orbs appeared in the back of her surprising the farmgirl. and in a split second they began to morph and take shape as the spirits of her folks and Granny smith soon appeared right in front of her.

"Hello Applejack " Granny smith said causing Applejack to back away nervously. " I know, I know easy now. I'm not angry at you Applejack and I don't hate you"

"But why?" She asked. " I'm the one who.................................

"Now don't ya'll dare finish that sentence!" Granny interrupted. " My heart attack was not and I repeat not your fault, I was the one who snapped and lost my temper even though my body wouldn't handle my outburst. And it wasn't your fault for your sisters betrayal either, your right I should have been comforting you and Big mac this whole time but I didn't. I was just so upset at the fact that Apple bloom was driven out of town that I let my emotions get the better of me and I ended up taking my anger out on you and your brother like a heartless monster. I said such hurtful words towards ya'll and treated you two like prisoners instead of my own grandkids and I will never forgive myself for it. Applejack I am truly sorry for my harsh behavior towards you and your brother, it wasn't ya'lls fault Bloom left I should have been furious at Riches daughter. I love you Applejack I hope you can forgive me" As Granny finished apologizing tears of joy filled Applejack's eyes before she spoke again.

"I love you too Granny" She sniffed. " And I forgive you" Granny couldn't help but shed a tear of her own after hearing her grand daughter forgive her despite the hell she put her through these past 4 months. However Applejack's expression soon changed as she wiped her tears away. " But in all honesty you guys I don't know what do do after this, even if do manage to stop Chrysalis I doubt Apple bloom's gonna forgive me. I treated her so poorly and not to mention i didn't even give her a chance to explain herself and I just allowed Big Mac to yell at them like a monster, I honestly wouldn't blame her if she chooses to leave and never look back"

"Nonsense young lady!" Her father Bright Mac jumped in. " Don't you dare give up so easily young lady, Let me tell ya something when Grandpa pear threatened to kill me if I didn't stay away from your mother did I just run away? No! I love your mother and I wasn't gonna let her father keep me away from her no matter how many times he threatened me, nothing was gonna stop our love we may have been from different worlds but that wasn't gonna keep us away from each other. Grandpear didn't control us, our love was our own choice and we weren't gonna let him stop us"

"That's right sweetheart" Her mother Pearbottom replied. " If we can manage to keep our love strong despite my fathers disagreement, the you sure as hell can keep your relationship with Apple bloom strong Applejack. Now I can't guarantee that she'll forgive you guys so easily, but the least you can do is make it up to her to show that you still care about her. She doesn't hate you Applejack, she's just upset and confused and she needs you to help her go back towards the light. Your the element of honesty and you deserve it just like your friends deserve there's, So go put a stop to that Changeling, Ponyville needs you, Equestria needs you, and Applebloom needs you more than ever" Applejack couldn't help but shed more tears of joy after hearing her parents words.

"Thank you guys" She sniffed. " Thank you so much, and your right I can't give up. Even if Bloom doesn't forgive me right away the least I can do is make it up to her. It's a shame, if you guys weren't spirits I'd hug you so badly" As she said this the trio looked at her with happy and proud smiles, then applejack turned back towards the elements. " And thank you guys too, that was just what I needed"

"Happy to help Element of honesty" They all said in unison bringing a smile to their faces.

"And I promise We'll find a way to bring you guys back home one day" Applejack said earning shocked expressions from their faces.

"Applejack....................." Rockhoof began but was soon interrupted.

"Hey now" AJ interrupted. " Nothings impossible, If my friends can manage to break Nightmare moon away from Princess Luna then finding Limbo and breaking you guys out shouldn't be a problem, just you guys wait we'll save you and bring you home safe and sound" After hearing this the five of them soon had happy and hopeful expressions on each of their faces. Suddenly Applejack noticed that the entire area was surrounded by a golden ray of light as it began to vanish.

"It appears It's time to wake up young Applejack" Rockhoof began. " But don't forget what we've said" Applejack then gave an understanding nod.

"I won't I promise" She replied. " And If I ever run into Stygian one of these days, I'll let him know that you guys are sorry" The others happy expressions grew even more as the scenery began to vanish.

"Good luck element of honesty" Rockhoof said with a smile.

"We love you Applejack" Granny smith said.

"Go save your sister sweetheart" Pearbottom and Bright Mac said in unison with Macs arm wrapped around his wife's neck. " We believe in you" And before Applejack knew it the entire scene vanished as the golden ray shined bright as the sun.

Back in the real world Applejack is seen still sleeping peacefully among the rest of her friends, but this time with a warm and confident smile on her face as the farmgirl knew that everything was gonna be alright and to not give up as her sisters life was in stake and that she needed her more than ever.

Author's Note:

Before you guys ask's in my own personal headcannon Stygian and the others are the OG elements of harmony. Originally I was only gonna include Granny smiths spirit but I felt that AJ's parents spirits were needed in order to help motivate her even more.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this side chapter and don't worry the friday chapter is coming soon and spoiler alert it's gonna be split into 2 parts just like thursday. Until then I'll see ya around folks:twilightsmile: