• Published 22nd Jan 2022
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Dashie and the Juniorbolts - Foal Star

Rainbow Dash and some of the other recruits from the Wonderbolt Academy were regressed into toddlers. Now they have to relearn how to fly to escape the Daycare and find Twilight.

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Chapter Two: A Day as a Juniorbolt

Rainbow Dash slowly shuffled over to the other foals. But upon seeing that Cloudchaser and Thunderlane were rather busy, she decided to approach Bulk Biceps first as she plopped onto her padded rump, then waved a hoof at the group. "Hey Bulk Biceps, how ya doing?"

"I'm doing good," The bulky colt babbled. He then showed off his weight lifting skills, taking the giant foam blocks and throwing them over his head. He then threw his forehooves up and proclaimed! "See, wook! I might be a foaw, but I'm stiww stwong!"

Rainbow Dash honestly didn't care about the display, but she was happy to see that the former muscle-bound stallion was still his old self, as she said. "Tat's good! Gwad ta see ya doing otay.”

"Yeah, tanks." Bulk Biceps replied as he dropped the foam blocks and then made his way over to the filly.

Rainbow Dash took a moment to look around the room, find out where Flitter is, and said. "I just twying to see who else got turned into a foaw."

"Yeah, I tink aww ta other recruits got turned into foals," Cloudchaser explained with a smile as she trotted over to join in the conversation.

Thunderlane also waddled over and nodded. "Yeah, ta others went with Nimbus."

"Otay, weww when we aww togetha, we need to come up with a plan to go find Twily so she can fix this." Rainbow Dash explained as she shook her padded tush a little, still getting used to being in a diaper.

"Tat's a good idea!" Cloudchaser exclaimed. "My sissy Fwittew is gone, but I can get with hew!"

"Yeah, I've got to find ta others as well," Thunderlane replied.

"Otay. But, how did ya aww end up hewe?" Rainbow Dash asked the others.

Bulk Biceps looked up and explained. "Weww tat unicorn named Stawwight dropped us off hewe, claiming she's owa nanny."

"Yeah, we tried to teww ta big ponies ta truth, but is hard 'cause she had fake paperwork," Cloudchaser explained.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said. "Same happened with me, but I got put hewe by Lightning Dust."

"Seriously!?" The other foals all exclaimed at once!

Bulk Biceps shook his head. "Tats cwazy! Can't believe she stiww around after almost huwting ya friends wike tat!"

Rainbow Dash was starting to get rather heated as she exclaimed. "Weww, I guess she tinks she can get a second shot if she makes ta Wondewbowts tink we aww weft, and she's ta onwy recruit left. Tat's why we gotta get outta here fast!"

Thunderlane scratched his head. "Won't ta Wondabolts be suspicious of us suddenly going missing?"

"Yeah! Tey gonna see thwough hew and know she has something ta do with us suddenly missing." Cloudchaser chimed in.

Rainbow Dash nodded. She had to agree this plan of Lightning Dust didn't sound like it was going to work. But then again, Lightning had successfully fooled this daycare to think they were all babies with the help of Starlight Glimmer, so she might have found a good excuse for them being missing. "Weww, Lightning Dust and Stawwight awe working together, so tey probably thought of that already," She insisted and then repeated. "So we gotta get outta here fast!"

"Wight!" The other foals all exclaimed together.

"Aww, how adorable. See, Rainbow? I told you that you would make good friends with the other foals." Stormy cooed as she trotted over. Rainbow Dash grumbled rather irritably. "Ugh! What is ya doing hewe?"

"I'm taking care of you cuties, of course," The caretaker cooed as she trotted over and then herded the foals to the middle of the room. All the foals were now looking up at Stormy, who was coming over with a smile on her face. "Alright, I believe it's time we start flying training. But first, let's get you all into the official Juniorbolts uniform."

Stormy then started to dress all the foals into Wonderbolts style onesies: Bright blue along with yellow stripes, and the Wonderbolt emblem stitched into the center of the outfit.

Rainbow Dash looked back at her outfit and was relieved to see it wasn't too embarrassing; Minus the buttoned flap around her rump and her diaper still being slightly exposed. Even so, the fact their uniforms were onesies didn't sit right with Rainbow as she plopped down on her padded rump, folded her forehooves across her chest, then snapped, "Why awe ya uniforms onesies?"

"So it's easier to inspect you and perform a diaper change if necessary. But if you need to go to the bathroom and you're feeling up for it, I'll escort you," Stormy explained to Rainbow. She turned her attention to the group and continued her lecture, "Now listen up young ones. It's time to start your flight training," She then stepped back and lifted her wings. "Now, first, can anypony tell me what these are called?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but she saw a ton of the actual foals around her were all somewhat confused. She had to keep in mind these were all toddlers, and some probably had just started learning what words were.

But the regressed adults were all somewhat embarrassed at being asked to answer such a simple question. Thunderlane slowly and reluctantly raised a hoof. When he did so, the mare smiled and asked. "Yes, ThunderPoof?"

The colt gulped as he managed to get out. "Weww, tey awe wings."

"That's right, Poofy! Good job!" The mare chimed in as she then went and flapped her wings a few times to demonstrate. She then continued, "I'm sure many of you are familiar with these and may have started flying independently. But who here started flying and then got tired suddenly?"
Many of the foals raised their hooves, and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but raise a hoof as well, seeing as it still happened to her even as an adult.

"Well, you're exerting yourself too much upon liftoff. You don't need a lot to lift yourself, so that's what we'll be focusing on today." The caretaker explained.

"What?! Tat's aww we gonna when!?" Rainbow shouted in surprise and anger! All this humiliation just to learn something that a flight school could've taught just as well?

"Yes. And Rainbow Dash, if you want to say something, raise your hoof first. Another outburst and you will be getting a timeout. Do I make myself clear?" The mare sternly instructed.

Rainbow groaned and threw her hooves over her chest, already fed up with being treated literally like a toddler. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about it, so she just plopped down on her rump and then waited as she watched the mare teaching the other foals.

Rainbow watched them practicing flapping their tiny wings and getting into the air. But as soon as they got a few feet up, the mare would ask them to lower themselves, including Thunderlane, Bulk Biceps, and even Cloudchaser. If they continued to be taught this way, it'd be months before they can adequately fly off by themselves.

Storm Cloud then looked over. "Alright, I believe it's time for Rainbow Splash to show us how to fly."

"Oh yeah! I've show ya how ta fwy!" Rainbow shouted! She stuck out all four of her tiny legs and then threw her wings out. She then started to flap slowly. The filly squinted a little, feeling the strain on her body as if this was the first time she'd ever flown. Still, she continued to flap. The filly then slowly began to rise gently off the ground. She beamed a smile and shouted. "Ya see?! I can do it!”

Stormy clapped her hooves and exclaimed! "Good job, you're pretty high for a first-timer!"

Rainbow looked around and saw that the other actual foals all were looking up with wide eyes, instead amazed while the regressed adults were giggling. The pegasus then looked down and saw that she was barely a foot off the ground! She threw a hoof over her face and cried out. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me! I can fly higher tan tat!"

"Oh, don't get frustrated, Rainbow Splash. You're doing pretty well!" Stormy commented as she then came over and gave Rainbow's mane a ruffle. "Now, you can continue practicing. I'm going to go get lunch ready."

"Yay!" The foals all cheered.

Rainbow Dash grumbled irritably, but she did her best to keep her disdain under check while flapping her wings slowly (as taught by Stormy). She seemed to improve, getting higher than before. She lowered herself and turned to see Thunderlane, Cloudchaser, and Bulk Biceps all looking towards her, which made her rather uncomfortable. "Why ya aw stawing at me wike tat?"

The trio all gave nervous glances as Bulk Biceps put a hoof to his chest. "I need help with my flying; I can barely get off ta ground."

"Yeah, out of aww of us ya doing ta best. We need help weaning to fwy." Thunderlane added.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but beam a smile at seeing that even as a foal, she was a natural. "wight, we wean how to get off ta gwound without getting tired fow now. But watew we got actually to start wearnin' ta fly, otay? So fow now I ta captain."

"Yes, Captain Dashie!" The other regressed foals exclaimed.

The little filly nodded, then threw a hoof up. "Now pay attention. Ta teachew did a good job, but she was not a foaw. Ya, body isn't wike how you were as an adult; we gots to wean how to use our smaww wings and stocky bodies. So ya need to spread youwsewf out a wittwe, wike tis!” Rainbow then spread her legs out more, making a rather adorable stance as she stuck her padded rump out. The filly then threw her head up with a smirk. "Ya see? Now start flapping ya wings slowly."

The other foals took the same stance and started to flap their wings (Bulk Biceps having to flap the hardest of the four). Eventually, they all started to fly up in the air slowly.

Rainbow beamed a smile of pride upon seeing the foals making progress and exclaimed. "Ya see?! I towd ya it wasn't tat bad!"

"Yeah, I can't believe I'm doing it!" Cloudchaser chirped back rather proudly as she was able to flap her tiny wings and sustain herself in the air for some time rather effortlessly. But then the filly decided to try flying. She then threw her momentum forward and was able to soar through the air. However, she eventually found herself clumsily flapping about, and ultimately, she was dropping in altitude rather suddenly and cried out as she crashed into the ground!

Luckily, the ground was made of clouds, so Cloudchaser seamlessly bounced over the surface without any harm coming to her at all.

After that, they were all taken to a room at the other end of the building, and there they were sat down on an extended bench as they were all given celery sticks and crustless peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Rainbow pouted as she looked down at her small, chubby body and grumbled. "Otay, weww, tings can't get wowse."

"Until ya use ya diapee." Bulk Biceps snickered as he sat down next to Rainbow Dash with what sounded like a squish.

"Don't stew me ya used yours!" The filly cried out in shock and shame.

Bulk Biceps' cheeks flushed red as he lowered his head and mumbled. "Weww, we awe babies. I couldn't help it."

Rainbow Dash made a "bleh" noise in disgust, then snapped. "Weww, I not gonna use my diapee!" What little she remembered of her actual potty training, she remembered being a pretty fast learner. But then it probably helped that her mom had been a teacher, so she was exceptionally experienced with foals.

The little filly then focused back to chomping down on her sandwich. She did her best not to get food all over herself, but she still couldn't help but get peanut butter and jelly all over her face.

Eventually, Stormy trotted over, took out a foal wipe, and wiped Rainbow's mouth.

"Ugh! Can ya stop tat?!" Rainbow Dash cried out as she tried to push the mare's hoof away from her. She didn't care how messy she was; being cleaned by the mare was humiliating.

"Well, maybe next time you won't be such a messy eater, and then I won't have to do this." the mare cooed as she finished wiping her charge's face. Then, after inspecting Rainbow's diaper, she patted the filly on the forehead. "Still dry, good job. Would you like to try using the potty before your nap? I'll help you."

"U..s…sure…." Rainbow squeaked as she was then taken by the hoof and was escorted to use the potty. At least using it with a grown-up's help was less embarrassing than having to get her diaper changed.

Stormy led Rainbow to a rather brightly colored bathroom, painted in what looked like splashes of foalish pink and blue. The lone toilet in the room was at least normal looking or about as normal as possible. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure if it really was as big as it seemed or if it just looked that way due to her more diminutive stature.

"Nervous?" Stormy asked when she noticed the troubled look on her charge's face.

Rainbow Dash tried to keep up a brave face; she didn't want to make the mare have second thoughts about this. "N-no." She insisted, a lot less confident than she wanted to be. Why did she feel like hiding behind the mare's legs right about now, like she'd done the first time her mother had introduced her to the "grown-up potty" (fortunately, Windy had been so enthusiastic that she didn't take much notice and insisted on sitting her daughter on the seat. Things had gone somewhat more smoothly after that.)?

The mare just smiled. "It's alright. I know it must seem quite scary to you because it's so big. You're not used to it. But everypony learns how to use it sooner or later," She moved a hoof to Rainbow's diaper. "It's up to you, though. If you're not ready, I won't try to force you. No sense rushing it."

The little filly proclaimed a bit nervously. "I… ready!"

"Okay then," Stormy smiled and undid the padding, carefully setting it on the bathroom floor. She then scooped Rainbow into her hooves and hoisted her up before more or less plopping her down onto the toilet seat. "Comfy?" She asked. "I had this seat specially made for foals. It's different from what you've probably seen at home with your mommy and daddy's potty."

Rainbow looked down and noticed she was sitting on a seat made from clouds. The traditional toilet seat had been removed; there wasn't even a lid. There was nothing else to keep her out of the bowl without the clouds. She wanted to shift her weight about to get into a better position but decided against it for fear she might fall through.

The mare simply encouraged the child. "Go on, then, Rainbow Splash. Just relax, let it all out."

So the filly did, a steady stream echoing into the bowl below. Eventually, she was finished and looked up rather sheepishly.

Stormy just replied by unrolling some toilet paper and using it to wipe up Rainbow. Then she dumped it into the toilet and flushed.

It seemed to be a rather loud flush as far as Rainbow Dash was concerned. Maybe the toilet really was that big; even the drain seemed larger than usual. She thought about whether it would work as an escape route: If it was as big as it seemed, she felt she could fit down it, and so could Thunderlane and Cloudchaser. Bulk Biceps was the only one she wasn't sure of; he might get stuck.

She ruled it out; the noise from the flush would draw too much attention. And there'd still be the matter of the smell when they inevitably exited the pipes.

The filly was then helped down as Stormy showed her how to wash her hooves, then put Rainbow's diaper back on.

After Rainbow Dash had used the "potty," she was taken back to the nursery where the rest of the foals were preparing for their nap. Seeing that they were being given a nap to rest, she had to admit that being a foal had its perks. She could take naps without anypony getting on her case. She then saw Bulk Biceps had reserved her a blue-colored mat with a blanket and teddy bear.

"Oh, looks like a friend of yours got you a place to nap." Stormy cooed as she escorted Rainbow towards the colt.

Rainbow did her best to just snuggle onto her sleeping pad without anypony noticing that she had been gone. But then she heard a familiar voice ask. "So…um…how was ta potty?"

"It's fine, I guess…." Rainbow growled as she lowered herself onto the mat and covered herself with a blanket as she didn't want to talk about it. The term made her like more of a foal than she already was.

Bulk Biceps shrugged as he lowered himself onto his sleeping mat (this one colored white). "Well, ya doing bettew tan ta west of us. I tink Cwoudchasew and Thundewwane both used theiw diapees already."

"Wike I needed ta know tat!" Rainbow Dash snapped. She turned away and threw the covers over her body. She was concerned with wetting herself during her nap but was also worried about their escape attempt. Her fellow foals had made some progress. But what worried her was that compared to the other foals, their ability to fly was minimal.

But Rainbow then thought about when she'd crashed earlier and bounced on the cloud. Before using her diaper as a cushion, she was able to absorb the impact and bounce pretty high; maybe she could use this newfound knowledge to her advantage…