• Published 12th Aug 2022
  • 5,634 Views, 483 Comments

Forgotten: The Crystal Princess - milesprower06

After rescuing Princess Flurry Heart from a frigid limbo with the help of the Crystal Heart, Sunny wonders where to go from here with the first alicorn Equestria has seen in centuries.

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As they left the paved streets of Maretime Bay, and began stepping onto the dirt path that lead up to the Crystal Brighthouse, Flurry was initially worried that the dirt would mar her brand new hooficure, but Pipp immediately reassured her that the top coat would certainly protect against such surfaces.

As they were coming up to the Brighthouse, Flurry caught a glimpse of Izzy on the top floor, who seemed to spot them down on the ground and immediately zipped back downstairs.

"I wonder what she's up to," Pipp commented as they came up to the front door. She pushed it open, and the pair of ponies trotted in just in time to see Izzy come down the elevator.

"Well, look at you!" Izzy said, looking excitedly down at Flurry's makeover. "Pipp sure did a number on you, Flurry. You look fantastic!"

"Thanks, I feel fantastic," Flurry replied with a smile as they came up to the second floor.

"I'm so glad Pipp was able to keep you out for a little bit, it was all the time I needed!" Izzy said.

"Well, I did what I can, what can I say?" Pipp replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Keep me out? Wait, what's going on, you two?" Flurry asked.

"Oh, I've been cooking up a little surprise, and I just needed a little bit more time, so I asked Pipp to keep you out of the Brighthouse for just a little bit longer while I made one more trip and got everything set up. Come on up, you'll see!" Izzy said, waving them forward to the elevator.

Somewhat intrigued, Flurry followed alongside Pipp up to the elevator, and stepped on with her. It was a five-second up to the top floor, and Flurry's eyes immediately widened when she saw what the unicorn had been up to while she was out getting a phone and makeover.

The first thing that stood out to her was the a-frame easel that had been set up with a large white canvas set up on it, with several sheets in reserve neatly stacked over near the wall. Right next to that was a small end table with all manner of brushes and paints, along with colored pencils and pens.

Across from that, her sleeping bag and mattress pad had been upgraded to a full-on elevated cot, and it already looked much more comfortable than what she had been using. Next to her cot, a nightstand had been set up, with a small table lamp and a charging dock for her phone.

"Sunny let me know how much you loved painting, so she asked me to make your spot up here a little more homely," Izzy explained, as Flurry slowly got off the elevator and took in her new third floor, open-air bedroom. Flurry looked down at her phone and saw that her use during her salon treatment hadn't even drained it by a quarter yet, so she'd likely wait until tonight to charge it overnight.

"I mean... I don't know what to say other than... Wow. Thank you so much, Izzy. New phone, new makeover, new cot, new art set... I've almost got too much to choose from," Flurry said, turning to the unicorn with a smile.

"Well, that certainly beats not having enough to do. I just figured that with all these new surroundings and technologies, that you could probably use some old hobbies to fall back to," Izzy replied.

"I've got plenty of daylight here, so I think that's exactly what I'll do," the alicorn told her, as she approached the easel, and started to inspect the various brushes and drawing implements.

"I know art takes awhile, so I'll leave you to it, and I'll let you know when it's time for dinner. I'm cooking tonight!"

Author's Note:

Pretty short update tonight, but I wanted to reiterate, as of now, this is going to be a pretty short story. I'm really not sure where to take it, so if you all have some ideas of how to prolong it, of things you'd like Flurry to experience, I am absolutely all ears.

Otherwise, the fluff might be minimal this time around.