• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 3,049 Views, 304 Comments

Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters - Microsoft_2016

A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series.

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Chapter 2: Power vs. Eternal Darkness

It was another beautiful day in the wonderful land of Equestria. A land inhabited by ponies and other woodland creatures. The ponies are separated by three main groups. Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. The Earth Ponies are responsible for maintaining the Earth and growing food to give to others. They also have immense strength which helps them grow crops. The Unicorns practice magic and learn how to properly maintain it. It can range from simple levitation to complex spells. Finally, there is the Pegasi. They have the gift of flight and maintain the weather in Equestria. All three of these groups are special in their own ways and one cannot survive without the other.

However, there is a special fourth group that brings all the other groups together. They are called Alicorns. These ponies are a combination of all three major groups of ponies. They have the strength of an Earth Pony, the talent of a Unicorn, and the flight of a Pegasus. These types of ponies are extremely rare to find and there is a very complex way to become one. You see, no one can simply just become an Alicorn out of thin air. There is a very long and complicated process that goes into it. Only a select group of ponies can become one if they are destined to do so. Regardless though, this is considered a special week in Equestria. The Summer Sun Celebration would be tomorrow and everypony have already begun preparations for the event.

Well, almost everypony. In the great city of Canterlot, there was a purple Unicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle who was busy reading a book about ancient Equestrian history surrounding the holiday. She sat in front of a tree reading the book "Predictions and Prophecies" looking to know the backstory of the Summer Sun Celebration. Legend says that there were two Alicorn sisters that ruled the land. The older one raised the Sun every morning and maintained the day, while the younger one raised the Moon every night and kept watch over it. They kept the land in peaceful harmony for many centuries.

But despite that, the younger sister became resentful towards the older one and grew bitter towards her. The reason was because ponies would play outside during the day, but sleep during the night, completely shunning it. Eventually, it all boiled over when the younger sister refused to lower the Moon. The older sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness and hatred in the young one's heart allowed her to transform into the wicked Nightmare Moon. She vowed to cast the land in eternal darkness and would force everypony to glorify her beautiful night.

Out of desperation, the elder sister ran to find the most powerful weapon in all of Equestria. The Elements of Harmony. With these artifacts, she used them to banish the younger one, sealing her away in the Moon. After that, the elder sister took control of the Sun and Moon and harmony had been maintained ever since. After Twilight read that entire segment, she began to wonder to herself on where she saw that. She remembered seeing it somewhere, but she couldn't remember where. She said to herself "Hmm. Elements of Harmony. I know I heard of those before. But where?" She began looking around to see if it would give her any clues, but she found nothing.

So, she decided to go up to her library to see if she could find anything. She walked happily towards her home, but she soon got stopped by a group of ponies. These were her supposed friends Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine. Twilight simply stared in shock and didn't really say anything. Twinkleshine said to her "There you are, Twilight! Moondancer is having a little get-together in the West Castle Courtyard. You wanna come?" All three of Twilight's friends leaned towards her with smiles, hoping to get a positive response out of her, but they would find that wouldn't be the case.

Twilight knew she simply didn't have time for this and had to get out of here before Nightmare Moon would make a return. She knew in her head that these girls had no idea about what eternal night would look like or how that would affect their lives, but she knew they were just trying to have some fun before the big celebration. However, she would have to skip this one, not that it mattered to her anyway. She really didn't care about friendship at all and preferred books over them. But she knew better than to be rude to others. So, she simply put on a fake smile and said "Oh, sorry girls. I got a lot of studying to catch up on." She grinned nervously and took off sprinting.

Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine simply watched her run off in confusion and the latter just scoffed in disgust as this was typical behavior of her friend. She couldn't tell you how many times this sort of thing happened. We would be here all day if that happened. She looked at Lemon Hearts and asked "Does that pony do anything except study?" Lemon Hearts said with a sigh "I think she's more interested in books than friends." All three of them turned around and simply walked towards the courtyard. Meanwhile, Twilight kept on running so she could get to the library as fast as possible. Lyra waved at her, but she ignored that and kept running. She went up the staircase and made it to the very top of the tower she was staying at.

She burst open the door and began looking around for Spike who was a dragon that she hatched. So, in a way, she was his mother. Anyway, she said "Spike? Spike?! Spike?" She looked on the ground to find him sitting on the ground and trying to get up. He unintentionally got thrown back by the door and landed hard on the ground. Knowing he that was safe, she moved on and said "There you are." Spike just watched her head towards the bookshelves and followed her there. Twilight said to Spike "Quick! Find me an old copy of Predictions and Prophecies." She looked at him and noticed some sort of red present stuck to his tail. She asked "What's that for?"

Spike looked to see what Twilight was talking about and said "Well, it was a gift for Moondancer, but..." The present fell out of the box and smacked right onto the floor. Twilight glared at Spike and said "Oh Spike. You know we don't have time for that sort of thing." With how things were going so far, she could care less about that supposed gathering that her "friends" were having. And to see Spike be involved in it only made her more frustrated. She was on a mission and no party or whatever it was will get in the way. Nothing or no one would tell her otherwise and if they did, she would make sure they paid the penalty for it no matter who they were.

Spike looked at Twilight and said "But we're on a break." That didn't matter to Twilight. For her, she never took a break whenever it came to work. She was constantly working and if there was something that was bugging her, she would look everywhere until she had that question answered. It might make her look stupid or foolish, but she didn't care what anyone else thought. Besides, when the world is being threatened, Twilight's brain kicks into high gear and starts researching to see how she can combat it and stop it. If this weren't so important, maybe she might be involved in that gathering, but with the idea of eternal night fast approaching, she simply didn't have the time to have fun.

She looked at the book on the floor and lit up her horn. She looked up at her bookshelf and started sorting through books. She grew frustrated and said "No, no, no, no, no, no! Ugh, Spike!" Whenever she couldn't find something, she would often yell to Spike to see if he could find anything at all and potentially help her find it if he didn't already. It was most common with books, but it happened with other things as well. While Twilight was looking for the book, Spike looked through the bookshelf on the other side and found it.

He waved it over to Twilight and said "It's over here!" Twilight used her magic to pull the book over to her, but she accidentally brought Spike down as well. He basically face planted right into the ground and Twilight didn't seem to pay attention. Since he held the book up in the air, Twilight focused on that more than Spike's own safety. She smiled and grabbed the book from him. She walked over to one of the tables and set the book down on it so she could read what the book had to say about the Elements of Harmony.

She looked through the pages and said "Elements, Elements. E, E, E. A-ha! Elements of Harmony. See Mare in the Moon?" Twilight was absolutely confused by that. She obviously knew the story about how the Mare in the Moon came to be, but she wondered how that could be related to the Elements of Harmony. How could an ancient pony legend have anything to do with the most powerful artifacts in all of Equestria? It just didn't make sense to Twilight and she was determined to find out why. She knew there had to be an answer and she began searching through the book to see if she could find an answer to her question in her mind.

Spike overheard it and asked "Mare in the Moon? But that's just an old pony's tale." After he said that, he went back to reorganizing books. Twilight simply ignored that remark and kept searching. She knew that this book would have some sort of answer to her question. There was no way in her mind that this book would leave a cliffhanger like that and not answer such an important question that she had. If that were the case, she had no idea what she'd do. But she tried to stay positive and not focus on that. The important task was to find the answer to her question, not dwell on whether or not history books could leave cliffhangers on certain events.

She read to herself "Mare. Mare. A-ha! The Mare in the Moon. A myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria. Defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the Moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the 1000th year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal." That absolutely freaked Spike out and he kept putting books away to try and distract himself from that idea, but he simply couldn't hide the fact he might end up having to deal with eternal night and that he might become the next meal for Nightmare Moon. It shocked Twilight even more and she now realized she had to put a stop to this once and for all.

She looked at Spike and asked "Spike, do you know what this means?" Spike had no clue and said no. Unfortunately, he lost his balance on the latter and fell down. But he managed to land on Twilight's back before he could hit the ground. Twilight gave him a pen and quill so that he could begin writing. She said "Take a note please to the princess." Spike hopped off of her back and was ready to write. She began speaking, telling Spike what to write by talking as if she were actually talking to her teacher, Princess Celestia. She said "My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster." Spike had to stop her because he had no idea how to spell that word and tried to figure out how to spell it.

Twilight gave him suggestions, but he had no idea how to spell those either. So, she just gave up and said "That something really bad is about to happen!" Finally, Spike was able to get it and wrote it down. So, Twilight continued talking as she paced around the library. She said "For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon and she's about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true! I await your good response. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle." Spike finished up writing the last few words and was finished writing it. Twilight smiled and said "Great! Send it." Spike seemed hesitant at that and didn't really think that was a good idea.

He asked "Now?" He knew that this was a top priority for Twilight, but he knew that Princess Celestia could be very busy at this time prepping for the Summer Sun Celebration and can't focus on this major issue that's bound to happen. But then again, warning Celestia about this might be a good head's up for her so she doesn't have to be unprepared for it when it happens. Spike had to think about what the best possible solution to that was. Twilight, on the other hand, knew right away and wanted that letter sent ASAP. She didn't care if her teacher was busy or not. There was something pretty bad on the way and it was something that couldn't be ignored. Celestia had to know.

She looked at Spike and said "Of course!" She was determined to get that letter to Celestia. She played out all the different scenarios in her head and none of them were good. She knew that if something weren't done, then Equestria would be subject to everlasting darkness and she would have to worship Nightmare Moon constantly just to stay alive and not get eaten as a snack. She shivered at that thought and looked around nervously. She really didn't notice that Spike was staring at her this entire time wondering what was happening with her. She just hoped that Celestia would respond soon because there wasn't much time left and something had to be done before that terrible disaster happens.

Spike said to Twilight "I don't know, Twilight. Princess Celestia's a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration and it's like the day after tomorrow." Twilight didn't care if Celestia was busy or not. That was of little relevance to her. Something major was going to happen to Equestria and if it isn't solved within the next 72 hours, then all of the land will be doomed and subject to eternal night which would definitely kill off the plants and the ponies along with it. Equestria would never be the same after that, and it's up to Celestia to make sure she has a plan in place before it is too late. And if Celestia wouldn't do it, then Twilight would do it herself. If it meant keeping Equestria for suffering everlasting night, then so be it.

She looked at Spike and said "That's just it, Spike! The day after tomorrow is the 1000th year of the Summer Sun Celebration. It's imperative that the Princess is told right away!" Spike had no ide what imperative meant and tried figuring it out aloud, but had no success. This just irritated Twilight and she yelled in his face "Important!" Spike fell back onto the bookshelf and had books fall on his head. Spike knew he couldn't win this argument, so he simply just gave in and did what Twilight asked of him.

He said "Okay, okay." He held out the letter and used his fire breath to send the letter away. He said "There. It's on its way." He knew though that Celestia was probably not going to give the response that Twilight was looking for and would suggest something completely different. He said "But I wouldn't hold your breath." Twilight was very confident that Celestia would respond very quickly to her letter and would not ignore it. She knew that there was no way that her teacher would simply glance over this and continue with preparations as if nothing ever happened. That would simply be ridiculous and foolish on her part if she did that.

Twilight looked at Spike and said "Oh, I'm not worried Spike. The princess trusts me completely and all the years she's been my mentor, she's never once doubted me." Spike seemed very skeptical of that and before he could say anything, He held in his breath and burped out a letter from the princess. Twilight simply just smiled as she knew that Celestia would immediately come up with a plan and tell Twilight exactly how to do it. This letter would absolutely prove her case and she grew all the more confident. She said to Spike "See? I told you she'd want to take immediate action." Spike picked up the letter and read it. He grinned at what the letter said and knew that this response was something Twilight will not expect.

He cleared his throat and began reading the letter. He said "My dearest most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and trust you completely." Twilight simply smiled as she knew she had this one in the bag. But what was next in the letter would completely throw her off. Spike continued reading and said "But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books." Spike smiled greatly at that as he thought it was quite funny for Celestia to say that to her student and he knew that would get a reaction out of her which unironically did.

Twilight gasped with horror. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Stop reading those dusty old books? How could the princess say something like that? Does she not care about reading books at all? Does she not believe what Twilight is saying? Does she think it's a bunch of bogus? Is it something that she's not concerned about? These were all questions circulating in Twilight's mind as she was trying to comprehend why her teacher would downplay an event like that. Does she not know of the danger that lies ahead? What if Nightmare Moon kidnaps her? What if she tries to kill her? Or ask for a ransom from Equestria's citizens to let her go free? This issue simply could not be ignored. Equestria was about to face eternal night and the response she gets from Celestia is to stop reading those dusty old books.

She grabbed her things and was sent off to the town of Ponyville in a chariot. Spike continued reading the letter on the way there to make sure Twilight understood what was expected of her. He said "My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying. So, I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, Ponyville. And I have an even more essential task for you to complete. Make some friends." Twilight groaned at that and simply looked down. She really didn't want to have to deal with that right now and was still quite upset that Celestia didn't address the urgency of this potential disaster the way she wanted to.

Spike smiled and said "Look on the bright side, Twilight. The princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?" Twilight thought about it and now that she was thinking about it, she actually liked the idea. She would simply just go overlook the preparations here in Ponyville, go back to this library to find what she can about Nightmare Moon, and then go put a stop to it with no problem. After that happened, she would quickly leave Ponyville and go back home to Canterlot, not having to worry about it ever again. Sadly for her though, it would not be that easy. It will only become more challenging from here.

She smiled at Spike and said "Yes. Yes, it does. You know why? Because I'm right. I'll check the preparations as fast as I can, then go to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return!" However, she was still ignoring the other part of the letter which stated she had to make friends. But she wouldn't let that happen. A threat is looming over Equestria and no is not the time to simply go around and make friends when the world she knows is in danger. She simply couldn't do that. If the entire world wasn't at stake, maybe she would reconsider. But because there is a major threat coming, she has to focus on that more than friendship. It wasn't important to her then, and it's definitely not important to her now. Not with this issue at hand.

Spike looked at Twilight and asked "Then when will you make friends like the princess said?" This only made Twilight more and more irritated because it felt like Celestia was influencing Spike to say these things to her even though she didn't want to hear it. She had more important things at hand and doing something as silly as friendship was going to get in the way of all of that. It was considered a waste of time and meant nothing to her at all. Not in the past, not in the present, or in the future. All she wanted to do is read up about taking out Nightmare Moon and then just head back to Canterlot never to be seen again.

She looked at Spike and said "She said to check on preparations. I am her student and I'll do my royal duty. But the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends." The chariot finally landed and Twilight and Spike got out. The former said to the guards "Thank you sirs." They nodded and then flied in the air back to Canterlot. Spike had an idea and he was going to make sure it worked whether or not Twilight wanted to do it. It was very clear that Celestia wanted Twilight to make friends, so he was going to do everything he could to make sure Twilight followed through with that royal order regardless of how she felt about it.

He said "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about." They saw a pink Earth Pony by the name of Pinkie Pie come up and suddenly just stop in front of them. Spike smiled and said to Twilight "Come on Twilight. Just try." Twilight still wasn't sure about this and really just wanted to run and hide. But it couldn't hurt just to say hi to somepony. It was a nice gesture and it was something that could be done quickly and she could move along. Besides, what's the harm in doing something so simple like that? Surely, nothing's bound to go wrong here. Things will go just fine and there's nothing to worry about at all.

Twilight looked at Pinkie and said with hesitance "Uh, hello?" Pinkie somehow just jumped in the air gasping really loudly and then quickly dashed away. So much for "making friends." It just proved Twilight's point that it was a waste of time. She looked off to the side and said "Well, that sure was interesting." It definitely was and something she hadn't really come across in her lifetime. But she couldn't really focus on that right now. She had preparations to oversee and then more reading in the library. This was definitely going to be an interesting day.

So, to review, Twilight had to deal with a family brunch, shown a world record, get fashion makeovers, have her pet dragon tell his entire life story to a complete stranger, and have an unexpected surprise party. Twilight was sitting upstairs on the bed with a pillow over her head completely frustrated that she couldn't get hardly anything done. She could have been spending hours in this library trying to find proof that Nightmare Moon will make a return, but instead, she had to put up with all of this ridiculous friend making which completely wasted her time. She looked at the clock and groaned to herself. She wanted to be able to concentrate, but since there was a bunch of ponies partying downstairs, she simply couldn't do that.

Spike opened the door and said to Twilight "Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting pin the tail on the pony. Wanna play?" Twilight glared at Spike with irritation. She was mad that all this time was wasted on stupid friendship and he wanted to ask if she wanted to play pin the tail on the pony? The freaking nerve! That's the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted to study, not play games with a bunch of strangers. It was clear to her that Spike didn't express her concerns and that she was the only one that seemed to be worried about this. It angered her, but there was really nothing she could do about it even if she wanted to.

She yelled to Spike "NO! All these ponies in this town are CRAZY! Do you know what time it is?" Spike looked at her with disappointment because he had tried all day to get Twilight to make some friends and when there was a party being thrown just for her, this is how she behaves. Still resentful, and locked away from everyone else completely isolated. Spike saw it coming, but he thought that Twilight would at least have the decency to attend the party. Clearly, he was wrong about that because nothing had changed at all. She was still the same pony as she was this morning when they arrived.

He said "It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up or they'll miss the Princess raise the Sun. You really should lighten up Twilight. It's a party!" He went back downstairs and shut the door. Twilight mocked him a little bit before turning over on her back on the bed. She was clearly frustrated and angered at this point and she didn't know what to do. She just stared at the ceiling with anger and simply just talked to herself in order to voice her frustration with everything that has happened in the last 48 hours.

She said "Ugh. Here I thought I had time to learn more about the Elements of Harmony, but silly me, all this ridiculous friend making has kept me from it!" She rolled over on her side and simply stared out the window. But then, she saw the Moon and had a sad look on her face. She went up to the window and began repeating the words to herself. She said "Legend has it that on the longest day of the 1000th year, the stars will aid her escape and she will bring about everlasting night. I hope the Princess was right. I really hope it's all just an old pony tale." Suddenly, the door opened and Spike came out telling Twilight it was time to go.

He said "Come on, Twilight. It's time to watch the Sunrise." Spike went back downstairs and Twilight followed suit. However, before she left, she looked at the Moon one last time and sighed to herself. She hoped it was false and that it was all made up. She couldn't imagine having to deal with everlasting night. It was just too much to comprehend. She had no idea if she could possibly put up with that. She may never see the Sun again and see the Moon for the rest of her short life before she eventually perishes from starvation. Hopefully, that never happens. But if the legend is true, she hopes that someone will save her and the rest of Equestria from this fate.

Meanwhile, deep in the North Celestial Sea, there lies a creature in deep slumber. A creature that no one has ever seen before. Suddenly, its scales lit up and the great beast awoke. It growled in anger as it detected a major threat somewhere and it had to go stop it. It began swimming up to the surface as fast as it could and eventually made it to the top. The creature looked around to see the major city of Manehattan in the distance and knew that it was in unfamiliar territory. It let out a great roar letting everyone know that he's coming. It's name is Godzilla. The King Of The Monsters has finally returned and he will take back what was once his, ruling this land once more as its king. But this threat had to be taken out. He began marching to where he had to go and ponies watched as this giant creature walked through the city with little to no problem.

Back in Ponyville, everypony gathered in Town Hall to watch Princess Celestia do the Sunrise and celebrate a brand new day. Everypony was excited except for Twilight. She was still very nervous about what was gonna happen. She had no idea if Equestria would ever see the Sun again or they even managed to live another day. There was too much to comprehend right now regardless of what others were doing. Pinkie showed up to Twilight and said "Isn't this exciting?! Are you excited cause I'm excited! I never been so excited well except for the time when I saw you walking in this town and I went *makes gasping noises* But I mean really. Who can top that?" Twilight rolled her eyes and just passed off Pinkie as crazy. There's no point in trying to figure what she was saying, so it was just best to ignore it.

The birds finally began singing and the spotlight shined down on Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville. She said "Fillies and Gentlecolts! As Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" Ponies cheered with excitement and Twilight just looked around a bit before the crowd settled down. Mayor Mare said "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the Sunrise and celebrate this as the longest day of the year. And now it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the pony who gives us the Sun and the Moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria, Princess Celestia!"

While the Mayor was talking, Twilight looked up in the sky and saw that the stars moved towards the Moon and the imprint of Nightmare Moon was gone meaning that she was free now. After Rarity opened the curtains, she noticed that Celestia wasn't there. Twilight began to panic as it seemed to be that the legend so far is being fulfilled. She said "This can't be good." There was whispering and murmuring amongst the ponies and the Mayor looked at all the ponies with worry. Even she knew something was up.

She said "Remain calm, everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation." After Nightmare Moon escaped, Godzilla's scales glowed some more and he began picking up the pace as he had to hurry to get to the location before the threat got there and it was too late. He roared once more and kept on marching there, but at a faster pace. Back in Town Hall, Pinkie was excited at the concept of trying to figure out a mystery as if she's Sherlock Holmes or something and solving it. However, most of the answers she would come with weren't really that great to be completely honest. But she really didn't care that much.

She said "Oh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" She tried looking around, but didn't really move at all. Twilight could only simply stare in shock at that because Pinkie was treating this as if it were a game or something and everypony else was freaking out wondering where their princess could be. Rarity went through the entire back part of the Town Hall, but she couldn't find Celestia. She looked high and low. Near and far. But no matter where she looked, she could not find the princess at all. This was going to make everypony panic more, Rarity thought. So, she walked back out to the balcony to tell everypony the fate of their princess.

She said "She's gone." Everypony gasped in horror and it only worsened their fears, including Twilight. Everything that the legend has said so far has turned out to be right. This wasn't looking good and something had to happen quickly before things really get out of hand. It was only a matter of time before Nightmare Moon revealed herself and reclaim her throne as ruler of Equestria. With this new information, Twilight assumed that Celestia had already been captured and held hostage somewhere in Equestria that probably nopony would be brave enough to venture off to for fear of getting murdered by their night ruler.

Pinkie looked at Twilight and said "Ooh, she's good." However, things changed in a matter of seconds when Pinkie yelped out in fear. Everypony else did the same. They all saw blue mist starting to appear from the balcony and Twilight knew exactly who that was. There was only one creature who had that kind of smoke. Twilight began to panic internally as this was unfolding because that confirmed her worst fear and now all of Equestria was doomed because no one took her seriously. They all just passed it off as worrying about nothing. The thought angered Twilight, but fear was currently taking precedence as she was just waiting to get her death sentence from the tyrannical mare from above and get it over with.

She said "Oh no. Nightmare Moon." The mist dissipated and revealed Nightmare Moon in her pony form. Spike just fainted and everypony stood there in shock not saying a word. This was it. Everypony was gonna die now and Equestria will be cast in eternal darkness with ponies unable to grow food or plants which will eventually lead to their demise. That's only when they're not bowing down and worshipping Nightmare Moon hoping that they will be spared by her. Anyway, Nightmare Moon grinned at the amount of ponies that were standing there and was ready to make her return speech.

She said "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little Sun-loving faces." Everypony was trembling in fear as she spoke worrying for their lives about what may happen in mere seconds and how they may be affected by it. However, Rainbow Dash demanded an answer on where Celestia went. This pony did not scare her nor intimidate her at all. She was going to show this pony who's boss and teach her a lesson not to mess with her at all in any circumstance. She had the utmost confidence that Nightmare Moon would simply beg to be spared and would tell her where Celestia was and that she would never come back to this land ever again completely leaving Equestria in peace.

Rainbow said "What did you do with our princess?" She attempted to fly up and attack Nightmare Moon, but Applejack held her back by the tail making sure she didn't escape. Nightmare Moon simply laughed at this revelation. A pegasus trying to act all tough and fight an Alicorn in a battle? The very nerve. This little foal would stand no chance against her. She has Alicorn magic and can do many dangerous things. The best this pegasus could do is being able to fly really fast. That was about it. There would be no way for Rainbow to escape if she just held her in her magic grasp in the air. Clearly, this pony was foolish for trying to challenge a monarch like her and she would definitely prove it.

She said "Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" Rainbow obviously didn't know the answer to that and simply growled at Nightmare Moon. Pinkie saw this as an opportunity to play more guessing games and try to figure out who Nightmare Moon was. But, as you would expect, she didn't exactly provide the greatest answers. It would only make you shake your head and wonder how on Earth this pony could possibly come up with those freaking answers. It would definitely leave a lot of people frustrated if they tried to figure out how exactly Pinkie came up with those answers and why she would think they would work.

Anyway, she said "Oh, more guessing games. Um, Hokey Smokes? How about Queen Meanie? No, Black Snootie! Black Snootie!" Applejack got irritated with that and simply stuffed an apple in Pinkie's mouth to get her to be quiet. She figured that if Pinkie kept talking, she was going to get all of them killed and she would be the only one to blame. Nightmare Moon didn't seem to care about what Pinkie was saying and only rolled her eyes. She thought to herself that ponies must have gotten a lot crazier over the last thousand years in her absence. Clearly, something was wrong with that pink pony and she needed to get checked. She needed some help.

She turned over to Fluttershy and asked "Does my crown no longer count now that I've been imprisoned for a thousand years?" Fluttershy was absolutely terrified of Nightmare Moon being that close to her and the birds flew away. Nightmare Moon then turned to Rarity and said "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" She was expecting some witty answer saying they had no idea and she would reveal her big plan. But somepony put a foil on those plans. Twilight. She remembered everything about it and at this point, she was ready to confront Nightmare Moon about this and demand that she bring Princess Celestia back.

She spoke up and said "I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon!" Everypony gasped with horror and Nightmare Moon simply smiled with glee. Somepony had actually paid attention to the legend for once, Nightmare Moon thought. Clearly, most of these ponies have no idea who she was and acted as if this was a complete surprise, but this pony, she knew it all along. There's something different about her. There's definitely something special in her. Somepony that separates her from the rest. Nightmare Moon smiled gleefully at that thought as she tried to figure out what set Twilight apart from everypony else in the room.

She said "Well, well, well. Somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I am here." Twilight tried to think about that and she knew the answer, but everypony was watching her and she was in the presence of royalty, so it made her quite nervous. She had already spoken up once, but that was completely unexpected. Now to do it twice with everypony watching her, it made Twilight very nervous. She wanted to give Nightmare Moon the answer, but all of this pressure was getting to her. She was never used to this kind of thing and in such a big moment like this, it didn't help Twilight relax.

She said nervously "You're here to... to..." She just gulped nervously and Nightmare Moon laughed once more. Clearly, this pony didn't give the answer that she was looking for, but she knew that Twilight knew the answer to that question. But now's not the time to focus on that. It's time to make a declaration to the ponies that Equestria shall be cast in eternal darkness for the rest of their lives and that they shall praise her as their new Queen and ruler of the land. She smiled at the thought of it. No longer would she have an elder sister to get in the way of her plans. No longer would anyone shun her night. No longer would anyone hide in fear. Today, things will begin with a new chapter. A long and glorious reign. A place where everypony would adore Nightmare Moon as their ruler and they will appreciate the night forever.

She said "Remember this day, little ponies. For it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER! HA HA HA! HA HA HA!" Everypony trembled in fear and Twilight was scared out of her mind. She knew things weren't good. Eventually, Mayor Mare got mad and wanted her detained so that they could interrogate her and coax her into telling where Celestia was. But she forgot that it was not going to be that easy. It was going to be a lot harder than what she expected it to be.

She said "Seize her! Only she knows where the princess is!" The guards flew up to detain Nightmare Moon, but the evil tyrant would not allow that to happen so easily. She saw the guards coming and growled at them. She would not allow some pegasi guards arrest her and stop her from achieving her goal. She was far more powerful than them and could easily defeat them with no problem whatsoever. She was going to prove to them that she was more powerful than they were and that they stood no chance against her. She had to get them out of her way so she could start making changes to begin her glorious reign.

She said to the guards "Stand back, you fools!" She gave evil laughter again before yeeting the guards away from her and turning back into mist. She went down to the front doors and burst them open disappearing off into the night. Nightmare Moon was so glad to finally be back in Equestria and getting back to her reign of terror to make sure everypony would fear her and they would worship and adore her for ages to come. She did stop at the library and overheard the conversation Twilight was having with the ponies she had met. She heard that the Elements of Harmony were last in seen in the Castle of Two Sisters which Nightmare Moon knew all too well since that was her childhood home growing up. She quickly headed off to the Everfree Forest to begin setting up challenges for these six ponies to face.

She thought there was no way these ponies would be able to get past her obstacles. They were nobodies. Ponies that no one expected to actually go out and fight the current threat that lied in Equestria. Surely, they would stumble at some point. Nightmare Moon was completely shocked at what she saw. These six ponies made it through every challenge that she threw at them. She tried a collapsing cliff, a manticore, scary looking trees, a giant sea serpent, and even a flight group. None of those seemed to work on these ponies. It made her very frustrated. But just because they made it through the challenges, it doesn't mean they'll be able to defeat her.

She made it to the castle and waited for the six ponies to get there. She saw Twilight perform some sort of spell and that sent Nightmare Moon into panic mode. She did not want anyone to get their hooves on these Elements, not without her explicate permission. She wasn't about to have some Unicorn try and defeat her again with those artifacts and have Celestia get free again. She could not allow that to happen. She was defeated once, she will not be defeated again. So, she began to pick up the Elements into the air and form a tornado. It completely scared Twilight and Nightmare Moon knew she had to act now before Twilight received backup. So, she teleported the Elements away, but had no clue that Twilight teleported with her.

She teleported to another room and saw Twilight cough a bit. She then noticed Twilight looking at her and gasping. So Nightmare Moon laughed evilly as she held the Elements in her grasp. Since she had them in her possession, Twilight had no sort of defense against her. Lightning and thunder went off in the background and simply stood on the platform waiting for Twilight to bow before her and recognize her as her Queen. But instead, Twilight grew angry and stomped her hoof angrily. Nightmare Moon simply thought it was ridiculous and said "You're kidding. You're kidding, right?" But Twilight ignored her and charged at her anyway. Oh well. Might as well get this over with, Nightmare Moon thought. She got into a battle stance and ran towards Twilight. However, Twilight teleported away from her and Nightmare Moon suddenly stopped.

She looked to see where Twilight went and she heard a noise. She looked behind her and saw that Twilight was were the Elements were sitting. Twilight tried lighting up the Elements, and that made Nightmare Moon angry. She would not let this Unicorn defeat her like this. She turned into mist and charged right back at her. She appeared in front of Twilight and magic Twilight tried threw her back and she hit the ground. However, the Elements were still glowing. Nightmare Moon thought it was over and glared at the Elements. She said "No, no!" Twilight thought that would defeat her, but then the glowing stopped. It completely shocked her and she had no idea what to say.

She said "But where's the sixth element?" Nightmare Moon laughed evilly and smashed her hooves to the ground shattering the Elements into pieces. She did it. She finally did it. With the Elements gone, there was nothing that could stop her now. She could finally rule Equestria once and for all and everypony would glorify her beautiful night and no one will ever spoil her art again. She simply glared at Twilight for thinking that she could defeat an Alicorn with only five artifacts. She knew Twilight hit rock bottom and there would be no way up from this.

She said "You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me! Now you will never see your princess or your Sun. The night will last FOREVER! HA HA HA! HA HA HA!" Twilight knew that this wasn't what she had hoped would happen. Everything she known was now gone. There would be no more Princess Celestia or the Sun. There would be no more food to grow. There would be no more happiness or freedom. But then, Twilight heard voices coming from behind her. She knew it was the ponies she met and that's when she realized it all made sense. It finally clicked with her.

She looked at Nightmare Moon with confidence "You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong!" Nightmare Moon didn't like the defiance she was getting from this Unicorn and glared at her. But Twilight ignored that. She said "Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right HERE!" Suddenly, the broken pieces began floating and Nightmare Moon couldn't believe her eyes. She was confused and Twilight explained to her what she meant. She said "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty!" The pieces belonging to that Element flew over to Applejack and circled around her.

Twilight continued and said "Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness!" The pieces belonging to that Element made it's way over to Fluttershy and circled around her as well. Twilight kept talking and said "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter!" The pieces belonging to that Element made it over to Pinkie and also circled around her. Twilight continued talking and said "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity!" The pieces belonging to that Element flew over to Rarity and circled around her just like the others. Twilight continued again and said "And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of Loyalty!"

The pieces belonging to that Element flew over to Rainbow and circled around her like it was for the other four. Twilight finally wrapped up her speech by saying "The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!" Nightmare Moon tried coming up with a retort this entire time, but then she thought of the perfect one. Despite what Twilight just said, there was still no sixth element which meant the other five won't work and she can still be ruler. They would have no comeback for that if she went forward with that retort. Then it could be completely useless for them to use these items at all.

She said "You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" Twilight could only shake her head at that remark and she had a good comeback for that one. It was clear to Twilight that Nightmare Moon still didn't understand what she was talking about. But that's what you get with a villain. They're not always the smartest people or this case, ponies around. She was ready to give her answer to Nightmare Moon and then maybe the tyrant would see what she was talking about and finally surrender.

She said "But it did. A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me. When I realized that you all are MY FRIENDS!" Suddenly, a white light came from above and revealed the sixth element. It blinded Nightmare Moon and she looked away before the light disappeared. Twilight looked at her and said "You see Nightmare Moon, when the Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the hearts of us all, it creates the sixth element. The Element of Magic!" The Elements all glowed and turned into necklaces for the others and a crown for Twilight. The rainbow began to form and Nightmare Moon had to act fast. That thing was coming for her. So, she blasted up her horn and pushed the Rainbow back.

It met at a stalemate for several seconds, but Nightmare Moon was able to get the upper hand and blasted the rainbow away which caused the six ponies to get hurt and fall to the ground. Nightmare Moon stood there for a couple of seconds and then laughed evilly as she defeated the magic of friendship. Meanwhile, Godzilla had been marching through Equestria and noticed how different it looked from Earth. No longer did he notice humans walking around, but ponies instead. Maybe these creatures would be friendlier, he thought in his mind. He clearly was on a different planet, but he thought that the times had changed where the humans went extinct and ponies replaced them as the dominant species, even though that wasn't the case.

He saw bright lights coming from the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest and began walking there. He saw the rainbow being reined down on Nightmare Moon and noticed how she defeated it. He simply huffed in anger and moved to get a closer look. He saw the ponies lying there on the ground and growled in anger. He knew who the threat was and he was going to take it out. He lit up his scales and began charging up his nuclear energy. Inside, Nightmare Moon felt great that she was able to defeat the magic of friendship with hardly any problem and still is standing unscathed. However, she heard a noise coming from outside. She heard it getting louder and then the next thing she knows, she gets hit in the chest with Godzilla's atomic breath.

She fell to the ground and Godzilla stepped inside the castle to fight this evil pony. Nightmare Moon finally stood up and looked at her opponent. Her eyes went wide. Standing before her is this giant reptile looking creature that probably about eight times her size and glaring at her as if he wants to challenge her. Not to mention the fact that he simply just blasted her down to the ground with relative ease. She grunted at the creature and Godzilla responded by letting out a large roar declaring battle. Nightmare Moon flew up in the air and began charging at Godzilla. Godzilla swung his tail at her and it struck her to the ground. She tried blasting him with magic, but he simply absorbed it as if it did no damage to him. He stepped on her and began squeezing her down with his foot. Nightmare Moon started turning blue and couldn't breathe, but she managed to light up her horn and teleport away.

Godzilla was confused and began looking around. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon hit him as hard as she could and he fell to the ground. Nightmare Moon smiled at that, growing confident she could defeat this creature. She lit up her horn and began blasting magic at him. However, he quickly got up and blasted his atomic breath right back at her. The beams met each other and stalemated for a couple of seconds, but Nightmare Moon pushed her beam forward and sent Godzilla flying backwards. He roared in pain as he got burned from the blast and rested his head on the ground. Nightmare Moon smiled and turned to take out the ponies that were still lying on the ground.

Godzilla growled with anger and he knew he couldn't just watch this mare destroy innocent ponies like that. So, he got up and lit up his scales. He picked up Nightmare Moon and threw her against the wall before landing on the platform. She groaned in pain and just before she could retaliate, Godzilla fired his atomic breath at her and it completely engulfed her, creating a mushroom cloud explosion and a blinding orange light. Once it finally settled, the six ponies began to stir and reawake themselves into consciousness. Rainbow rubbed her head and said "My head." It felt like someone had taken a jackhammer and rammed it inside her head.

Applejack looked at the group and asked "Everypony okay?" The group nodded and some of them began to stand up. Rarity noticed that her tail had grown back after she cut off and gave it to Steven the Serpent. It made her so happy that she finally got it back so relatively quickly. But Fluttershy noticed something different besides the tail having grown back. There was something around her neck that would definitely match her mane and everything.

Rarity said "Oh thank goodness." Fluttershy commented on how nice her necklace looked and Rarity did the same. Finally, everypony saw what they had. All of them had necklaces around their neck, but Twilight had a crown on her head which signified that she was the leader of the group. The elements sparkled in the moonlight and everypony was so amazed by how they looked that it made them extremely happy. Applejack made a comment about how she thought the Elements were a bunch of hooey, but that they truly do represent the magic of friendship.

Suddenly, the Sun appeared in the sky and a voice said "Indeed you do." The yellow light came away from the Sun and through the window before revealing Princess Celestia. All of the ponies bowed before her and Twilight came up to her teacher saying her name. Celestia smiled at Twilight and said "Twilight Sparkle. My faithful student. I knew you could do it." Twilight seemed confused by that because she didn't remember defeating Nightmare Moon, but Celestia explained. She said "I told you that you needed to make some friends. Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew you had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Moreover, you inspired someone else to help you defeat her. Now, if only another will as well. Princess Luna."

It turns out that Godzilla's atomic breath destroyed Nightmare Moon and set Princess Luna free. Speaking of which, Luna finally opened her eyes in horror and Celestia walked over to her. Celestia said "It's been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister." Luna felt absolutely guilty about what she's done and didn't really want to look at her older sister in the eyes. The group was confused at that and Celestia asked Luna "Will you accept my friendship?" Luna looked away for a second and thought about it. The group was worried about the decision she would make and Pinkie fell down. Luna realized that Celestia was right and after suffering for an entire millennia, she was ready to start anew.

She ran up to her sister in tears and said "I'm so sorry! I've missed you so much, big sister." Celestia said how much she missed her sister too and they cried together as they were reunited once more. After some quick crying, all of them noticed Godzilla standing outside watching the situation unfold. Celestia thanked him for assisting the Mane Six defeat Nightmare Moon and Godzilla simply gave a grunt in satisfaction. He looked at Luna and she turned away from him in shame. He lowered his head down to her and she looked at him. He gave her a small grin and Luna smiled. Then he looked at the Mane Six. He lowered his head down to Twilight and some smoke came out of his snout. Twilight went up to him and petted him on the snout and he simply stared at her with a neutral expression.

He moved his head away and let out a large roar of victory. This was another successful takedown of a threat and now the world was peaceful again. He turned around and began walking away from the castle. He headed back towards the North Celestial Ocean in Manehattan. The group watched him leave and they all had curious looks on their faces. Well, with the exception of Celestia. She knew this was coming. Everypony else was still trying to comprehend that. Twilight looked at Fluttershy and asked "Fluttershy, do you have any idea what kind of creature that is?" Fluttershy said she had no idea and she had never seen a creature like him before. Twilight looked back at the window and smiled as Godzilla walked away. He might live in the ocean, but he was definitely her big pet that she could call upon anytime she was in danger.

Author's Note:

AN: Well, we've reached the end of another chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I'm definitely not trying to steal the spotlight from the Mane Six, but after seeing a bunch of Crazyboy music videos on YouTube, it gave me these ideas. Also, for those of you who live in the United States, it's the one year anniversary since President name only Joe Biden was inaugurated. It's been a complete disaster this last year, but I saw it coming. I knew he was going to be a disaster. However, I'm not here to discuss politics. So, leave your political opinions for the blog posts I make asking those types of questions. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: Bearing destruction! When Snips and Snails think it's a good idea to bring an Ursa Minor to Ponyville to see Trixie defeat one, it causes chaos in Ponyville. Godzilla feels the world being threatened again and returns to Ponyville to fight this bear. Will the King Of The Monsters be able to put this creature back to slumber, or will the bear find a way to get past him?

Until then, my fellow readers