• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 560 Views, 15 Comments

The Sweetie Bot Project - Lord King Cocoon

A team of alleged scientists build a robot modelled after Sweetie Belle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They also develop an AI modelled off of Sweetie Belle. What is life? And can true life arise from a computer program?

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Prologue: Production Logs

Sweetie Bot Project
Date: 1/8/2022
Time: 6:41 PM EST
User: Alec Williams
File: Log Entries

Lead Programmer’s Log:
It’s a bit late in the game to be starting logs on this project like this. But it probably is a good idea to keep on record. I’m the lead programmer for the AI for this project. What we’re doing is intending to make a real-life Sweetie Belle from the cartoon show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Did we steal the idea for this? Technically, we did, since the original Sweetie Bot Project was doing the same thing. We just ripped off the name and did the same thing. But they did make the programming for their previous model public.

The AI that I designed is in fact a network of multiple AIs working together. We’re trying to make the AI as lifelike as we can. And to do so would require far more than what a single AI can achieve. Similar to how different parts of the brain have different functions.

So now that you know about my AI network, let me explain how I attempt to accurately replicate Sweetie Belle. It’s not that complicated to explain. There is one AI component that without it, the rest of the network is just a blank slate. This “Core AI” is designed to analyze the show, the comics, and other official works to get a proper idea of what Sweetie Belle’s personality as well as memories. I also made sure to include that if the other content contradicts the show, the show is to be taken as the official source. I’m not quite sure how well this will work though. But I have high hopes.

The Core AI will function similarly as the equivalent of conscious memory. There are also different AIs for Emotion Simulation, Motor Control, Sensory Translation, etc. I’ve also been interacting with the AI network myself as a way to get the network to learn beyond just what the show has to offer. I left most of the other AIs off for this process. It was for basic functions after all. After today, I will plan on fully connecting the AI network.

Our project is nearing its completion, and I am giddy about it. If we had started about a month earlier, this could result in a great Christmas gift.

Sweetie Bot Project
Date: 1/8/2022
Time: 7:25 PM EST
User: Kieth Andrews
File: Log Entries

Lead Engineer’s Log:
I’m sure my colleague addressed what it is we’re doing as well as the details on the programming side of things. So I’m here to address the details involving the ins and outs of the more physical aspects of the Sweetie Bot Project.

Let’s start with memory storage. The AI network that the programming team is developing is the software. The CPU we’ve made is the hardware. This is composed of the Random Access Memory (RAM) drive, which will act as an analog of the short-term memory. Then we have the Solid State Drive (hard drive), which will act as the long-term memory. During the day, the unit will collect data that will be temporarily stored in the RAM. During the unit’s Sleep Mode, the data stored in the RAM will be filtered to keep important data while removing unnecessary data before being transferred to the hard drive. This will allow for the conservation of memory space as well as simulate how the human brain stores memories.

In order to simulate other senses like touch, taste, and smell, we’ve developed a mesh material using nanotechnology. This mesh is composed of interconnected nanobots with touch-sensitive receptors to simulate the sense of touch. This same nanomesh is also used on the tongue and in the nose to detect certain chemical compounds to simulate taste and smell.

The eyes are simply cameras. The unit processes the two images it receives and combines them into one to replicate stereoscopic vision.

Like the eyes, the ears are simple. Two microphones to provide stereoscopic sound, as well as the ability to swive to hone into the direction, as well as to emote, as Alec pointed out.

Other details that allow the simulation of life while still being functional includes drinking water to act as a coolant to the internal systems, a “heart” to pump the coolant throughout the unit, breathing for circulation, removal of carbon dioxide produced by the internal mechanics, as well as a secondary cooling system, eating as a way to refuel the internal battery, and… expelling of waste products as a way to remove food that the battery can’t take advantage of and the removal of old water to avoid stagnation as well as a secondary CO2 removal system.

And all this in the form of a pony to the proper scale as expected in the show, a robotic endoskeletal structure, and a rubber outer shell interlaced with the nanomesh.

As for the nanomesh, each individual nanobot acts as a node that acts as touch receptors. As a network, they all can intercommunicate with each other. This means that when individuals are damaged, the surrounding nanobots can repair them, or replace even replace them by building new nanobots if sufficient materials are present. This can potentially simulate reproduction on a micro-scale.

I believe I’ve said enough to end it here.

>Loading Sweetie Bot Project
>Loading Complete
>Open Sweetie Bot Project Y/N
>Opening Sweetie Bot Project

I woke up one day. The first thing I noticed was that I couldn’t see or hear anything. I also noticed that I couldn’t feel or move my body.

>Accessing Speakers
>Access Granted

“Hello? Is anypony there?” I asked. It was odd, because I didn’t feel like I moved my mouth. Was it because I couldn’t feel my body? “I can’t feel my body! I can’t see or hear! Am I dead?!”

Allow access to Microphone
Allow access to camera

“Can you hear me now?” I heard the voice of a stallion say. Somepony’s there.

“Yes, I can hear you. Where are you?” I asked.

“Try to… open your eyes,” the stallion said. Why did what he say sound so odd?

>Accessing Camera
>Access Granted

I open my eyes… I think. It didn’t feel right, and not just because I couldn’t feel my body. It was like my eyes were open the whole time and someone just turned on the light. What I saw…

“MONSTER!!!” I screamed.

“I’m not a monster, I promise,” the monster said, “I’m a human. My name is Alec. And you…”

That pause was unnerving, but I didn’t know why, “I’m what?”

“You were seriously hurt after coming through some sort of portal,” the mons…

>New Data Available
>Subject: Alec…Human…Male

…the human, Alec, said, “We’re here to help to cure you.”

“A portal? Where am I?” I asked, “I can’t move or feel my body! Will I ever be able to walk again?! Am I gonna be a cripple?!”

“Please calm down. You’ll be okay,” Alec said, “To answer your questions in order, yes. Geneseo, New York, United States of America, planet Earth. We’ve numbed it for your benefit. We’re working on… healing you. If everything goes according to plan, no.”

“If I went through a portal to another planet, will I be able to get back home?” I asked “Will I be able to see my friends and my sister again?”

Alec said nothing. But the look on his face said it all.

“I’m stuck here, aren’t I?” I asked.

“We don’t know,” Alec said, “A portal opening up to another world and a pony coming through is unprecedented. If there’s a way to send you home, we don’t know how to do it.”

When I heard that, I wanted to cry. But I couldn’t. Why couldn’t I cry?

“You said ‘we’. Are there more of you?” I asked.

“Yes there is,” Alec answered, “I’m part of a team who’s working on you. I’ll introduce you to them later. But right now, I need to put you back to sleep so we can continue working on you. Is that alright?”

“I guess so.”

“Alright. Good night.”

“Good night.”

End Process Sweetie Bot Project

I then felt myself fall asleep.

>Sweetie Bot Project Deactivated

Sweetie Bot Project
Date: 1/10/2022
Time: 4:46 PM EST
User: Alec Williams
File: Log Entries

Lead Programmer’s Log:
An interesting occurrence… well… occurred with the Sweetie Bot Project AI. Yesterday, I had finalized the AI network. But today, the AI actually activated itself. Normally, I have to activate the AI manually. But it seems that it became advanced enough to simulate self-awareness. That is, assuming it was a simulation. As a scientist, I shouldn’t assume that it was anything more than a simulation. But as a person, I witnessed a scared little filly, Sweetie Belle. She was scared, confused, and alone. I know I designed the AI to be as similar to Sweetie Belle as can be. But should I be susceptible to caring for an AI like that?

Not only did the AI network activate on its own, it was also able to gain access to the speakers in order to communicate with us. I had to personally grant access to the mic and camera. But perhaps the AI could’ve accessed them on its own as well. Perhaps I should’ve let it try.

I feel slightly guilty for lying to her though. I know that sounds silly. But I’m not sure how she would’ve handled the truth. I know she’s just an AI. But it’s still an AI modeled after a child. And I don’t know if a child could accept the truth of her existence, let alone comprehend it. I intend on fixing that in the future. But for now, most of it was only half-truths and lies of omission and technicalities. Her being hurt and why she was numb were clearly lies. Her coming through a portal and us healing her were technicalities. They can be interpreted as metaphorical. The “portal” that she came through could be seen as us bringing a Pony from My Little Pony into this world as an AI. And us “healing” her could be interpreted as us building her a body. I will acknowledge that I’m making excuses, but I stand by them nonetheless.

But if I truly have made an AI network advanced enough to be self-aware, that could revolutionize computer technology as we know it. But it also brings up the question… is it ethical? How many people would accept AIs as having the same rights as us? Would they have the same rights as us? And if not, would that bring about a machine uprising similar to Terminator or The Matrix? Personally, I believe that AIs deserve as much respect as we humans do. Simply put, there are two questions that I believe have diametrically opposed answers. Will AI be treated differently than human sapience? I believe the answer is yes. Should AI be treated differently than human sapience? No. Granted, perhaps the first answer will match the second answer with time. But a lot of religious fanatics will either disregard it or accuse us of playing gods in an attempt to create life. Scientists will see it as a significant advancement in technology… but nothing more. There likely won’t be many people who believe that there’s not much more difference between a synthetic computer and an organic computer.

Artificial intelligence is still intelligence after all. So why can’t artificial life still be life?

One question keeps popping up in my mind though. Why did it take a day after finalization before the AI network was able to activate itself? I would’ve thought that if it were going to activate itself as it did, it would’ve been immediately after finalizing the network. Perhaps the AI is advanced enough that it had to stay in its sleep mode before properly activating in order to simulate… Of course! Perhaps the AI is so advanced that it actually thought that it was asleep. That would mean that even now before we’ve uploaded the AI into the android body, even while in sleep mode, the AI is already learning without outside input. If that’s the case, then this truly is revolutionary. It’s both invigorating and slightly frightening if I’m to be honest. Let’s just hope that our work doesn’t result in Terminator becoming a prophetic movie.

In the wrong hands, this technology can be very dangerous. Then again, maybe I watch too many sci-fi movies.

“Are you sure we should continue? It’s already growing beyond our control.”

“If the AI is supposed to simulate life, then isn’t that what’s supposed to do? Besides, if things get too out of control, we can still shut her down. I would just prefer that that be if there is no other possible option.”

“That’s reasonable. I’m just afraid that you may be growing to emotionally attached. You’re calling it a ‘she’ after all.”

“And why shouldn’t I call it a she? I’ll admit to the fact that I’m emotionally attached. But I still stand by my opinion that a fully functional AI intended to replicate life deserves the same respect that we would give anyone else. If an AI program is designed to replicate the cognitive processes of the brain, how does that make it any different than an actual brain aside from the organic component? Isn’t that just what our brains are? Just organic supercomputers?”

“Okay, okay. I get it. I just wanted to be sure. I know that all those movies about a robot apocalypse are just fictional too. But you never know.”

“Movies like that also usually have the humans treating the machines as tools rather than the same respect as we give each other. And as a note about Terminator, that movie was originally the result of a fever dream.”

“Well, as long as you’re sure…wait, Terminator was the result of a fever dream?”

Author's Note:

I've been trying to think of a Sweetie Bot story idea for a while now. When I came up with this idea, I saw that I already had an idea in my Google Docs. I may make that at another time. But for now, this is what I bring you.

This format is just for the Prologue. The last scene is the transition into the normal format of the rest of the story will be in.

I'd like to clear up a few things about the Scene with the AI "waking up". The underlined sections in green are the computer commands. I don't know enough about programming to make it look as such, so I chose a format similar to those old text-based computer games. The lines that begin with the ">" symbol are the AI inputs. The lines without them are manually inputted by the human. I wanted to attempt what looks like programming commands without the AI realizing it's an AI.

Another difference about this story is that rather than Sweetie Belle discovering she's a robot and going on a journey to learn what she is, or just starting with the knowledge of being an robot, I'm removing the mystery. And as a slight spoiler in the next chapter, Sweetie Belle will be told that she's a robot. As the premise states, the idea is to make Sweetie Belle a fictional character and Sweetie Bot is just a recreation.