• Published 11th Jan 2022
  • 4,526 Views, 169 Comments

From Whence We Fell - iAmSiNnEr

In a fallen world, alicorns do battle as ponies cower in fear and hide from their insane overlords. Gods and monsters roam the world, and two alicorns must face each other to save themselves and their souls.

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Lament of a Broken Heart

From Whence We Fell

By iAmSiNnEr

Lament of a Broken Heart

“It’s cold,” Midnight complained as her magic sustained a floating fire in front of them. “How is the fire not doing anything?”

Daybreaker barely glanced back. “What do you think? It’s the Frozen North, Sparkle.”

“When you said she goes somewhere once a year,” Midnight muttered. “You never told it was the freaking Frozen North. There’s a reason why windigos made it their territory.”

“Speak of the devils,” Nightmare Moon said emotionlessly as a screeching noise came through the flurry of snow falling on them. “They seem to have noticed us.”

“They won’t bother us!” Daybreaker shouted as she trudged on. “Especially since we’re alicorns!”

“Why did you even leave Spike back at the Ruined Lands?” Nightmare Moon asked exasperatedly. “We could really use a fire-breathing dragon here.”

“Spike doesn’t do well in the cold,” Daybreaker replied. “Last time he was here, he breathed fire once before his flames just went poof! He hates the North, now.”

The windigos howled in the distance.

“Where is she?” Midnight grumbled. “You said she’d come here every year.”

“Almost there!” Daybreaker shouted back. “We just have to keep going until she starts flinging spells at us to go away!”


“Oh, look,” Nightmare Moon muttered. “You just realized Daybreaker really doesn’t give a damn about what she tells you and what she doesn’t.”

Midnight sighed as she recast her spell to keep her warm. “Whatever. What about you?”

“What do you mean?” Nightmare Moon scrutinized the expanse of snow before them.

“What do you think will happen?” Midnight corrected as she wrapped her wings around herself.

“We’ll find her at the grave,” Nightmare Moon grunted as she recast her own warmth spell. “She’ll be there. When she sees Daybreaker, she’ll start flinging spells. She still blames my sister for his death.”

“What’d she do?” Midnight asked, her interest piqued.

“Daybreaker killed him by accelerating his age,” Nightmare Moon said simply. “She believed Armor was holding her back, so she killed Armor. And thus, the mare once known as Mi Amore Cadenza became Heartbreaker.”

“Cold,” Midnight muttered. “Totally a surprise as to why Heartbreaker hates Daybreaker.”

Nightmare Moon shrugged. “My sister dislikes the concept of love. She treats it as a crutch, as something to prevent you from reaching the height of your powers.”

“Jeez,” Midnight scowled. “What’s her issue?” An image floated, unbidden, to the forefront of Midnight’s mind. Nightmare Moon’s eyes sparkling as she fell. Midnight shook her head, silently chastising herself. Nightmare Moon had tried to kill her several times before. She was not attracted to her.

“She’s just the way she is-” Nightmare Moon paused and stopped walking. “Where did Daybreaker go?”

Midnight looked around then, her horn awash in light. “That’s not good. She was just in front of us.”

And then Midnight crumpled to her knees as an explosion of hatred attacked her mind and heart. The mist cleared, revealing Daybreaker clutching her head and kneeling on the ground in front of them. Through a haze of pain, she looked up.

Heartbreaker stood there, her black coat contrasting her pink mane. Her horn was glowing, and her face was alit with undisguised malice.

“Didn’t I tell you to never come here?” Heartbreaker slammed a hoof across Daybreaker’s face, who did not defend herself as the blow knocked her off balance. Daybreaker collapsed, her body twitching as her eyes burned with rage and fear.

Midnight realized what was happening, even as she tried to get up. Heartbreaker had manipulated their emotions to the point where they were immobile, and the only reason why she could even think and watch was that the emotions Heartbreaker was affecting weren’t part of her mind. She had long since isolated her emotions from her thinking.

Heartbreaker was attacking Midnight’s body and heart. She wasn’t attacking Midnight’s mind. She took solace in that fact even as her heart screamed in pain from all the rage and hatred Heartbreaker was flooding into her.

Now she was unable to move as she watched Heartbreaker drag Daybreaker up using her magic. “You killed him,” Heartbreaker hissed. “I told you to never come back or suffer the consequences. I will kill you. Do you understand me? I will kill you slowly. I will make you age beyond belief, then freeze you in lava so cold it burns. You will suffer alone as your screams bounce off the deafening silence I will trap you in.”

Daybreaker’s eyes burned as her mane and tail were set alight with flames again, her magic forcing past Heartbreaker’s.

“No you don’t,” Heartbreaker snarled as she slammed her hoof into the side of Daybreaker’s head, and the flames went out as her eyes rolled up. Heartbreaker released Daybreaker, and the white alicorn crumpled to the ground, her body unmoving.

“Now what do we have here?” Heartbreaker stepped over to them, her eyes shining with an emptiness that Midnight feared. Heartbreaker could do anything to them while they were immobile, and she couldn’t even fight back.

Heartbreaker suddenly paused as she scrutinized Midnight. A flash of something in Heartbreaker’s eyes, but it disappeared so quickly Midnight wasn’t sure if she imagined it.

Midnight fought against her emotions, trying to overwhelm the hatred and anger that held her body immobile with her own thoughts. But try as she might, her anger could not overpower Heartbreaker’s. She kept pushing, but she always hit the same barrier. The wall of hatred that belonged to Heartbreaker.

“I see,” Heartbreaker spoke. “You have found it, then?”

Midnight could suddenly move as Heartbreaker released her hold. She looked to her side, where Nightmare Moon was still under Heartbreaker’s control. “Found…what?” Midnight snarled as she found her voice.

“Love,” Heartbreaker said simply. “Your heart yearns for someone.”

She was aware of Nightmare Moon’s eyes flicking to her.

“You’re speaking out of your butt,” Midnight retorted as she gathered her magic. She needed an overwhelming blow to defeat Heartbreaker. With an opponent as powerful as this, there would be no second chances. “I no longer love after Twilight Sparkle killed her parents.”

“You lie,” Heartbreaker stated. “I am the Alicorn of Emotions. I can feel your yearning for someone. Someone who has fought with you. Someone who has protected you, and someone who you have stared into their soul.”

Midnight laughed shakily. “So you’re just making things up now?”

“If you will not admit it, I will force you to do so.” Midnight gasped as her body stiffened and her hold on her own magic was lost. “You will kill Nightmare.”

No! Midnight struggled against Heartbreaker’s magic, but it was futile. Heartbreaker had an iron grip around her movements, forcing her to summon Nova and hold it over the immobile figure of Nightmare Moon.

“If you accept it,” Heartbreaker tilted her head, seemingly judging her. “You can fight me. There is no greater emotion than love. Fight it, Sparkle.”

Midnight fought against Heartbreaker’s hold, but she could not make a single dent in the wall of hatred that had consumed her heart and taken control of her body. She could only watch and shout in fury in her mind as her body lifted her scythe up above Nightmare Moon.

Heartbreaker sighed. “A pity. I had expected more. Goodbye, Nightmare.”

The scythe came down.

A centaur was burning down the woods, an orb of orange glowing light in between his horns. He roared as he stomped on the trees, his giant physique crushing everything in his path.

“I have won!” He bellowed to the world. “I have all the magic in Equestria!”

“There is one magic you don’t have,” Midnight heard herself speak as she ascended into the air, a rainbow aura surrounding her. She looked around her and saw the same five ponies she had seen in her first vision. “You don’t have the Magic of Friendship.”

“How?!” The centaur roared at them. “I took your magic!”

“Friendship is something else, Tirek,” Midnight felt a pride brimming inside of her, along with love. “You can’t-”

The world glitched.

Her vision split, her two eyes seeing two different things.

Her left eye saw the centaur utterly destroying the world, unstoppable by anyone.

Her right eye saw a rainbow light blasting the centaur into oblivion, banishing him away.

And then the world where the centaur won dissolved in front of her eyes, the centaur shouting in surprise as his form dissolved into dust.

Her vision returned to normal.

And the scene shifted.

She saw the same portal in the sky, the symbols on its edges still glowing.

Somehow, she saw where it led.

A world consumed by darkness. A world where the sun would never rise again. And she saw it dissolving like the centaur as the portal weakened.

She saw Twilight Sparkle and the same unicorn speaking to each other. There was a half ripped scroll between them.

Suddenly, Midnight feared for her life. And she didn’t even know why.

Midnight stared at the scythe she had buried in her own chest.

Heartbreaker stood by beside them, her eyes devoid of any emotion as she watched the events unfold.

Nightmare Moon was leaning over her crumpled body, desperately trying to stem the bleeding with whatever spell she could use. But it was no use. Midnight had designed Nova to prevent all healing when embedded in flesh, making it her most powerful weapon.

But she had not anticipated burying it in herself. Somehow, Midnight had overpowered Heartbreaker’s control for a moment. She had twisted it away from its course to Nightmare Moon’s neck and into her own chest.

Nightmare Moon had been released by Heartbreaker, then, immediately rushing over to Midnight.

“You foolish mare!” Nightmare Moon wrapped a hoof around the handle of Nova. “Don’t die on me. Don’t you dare die on me.”

“Pull it out,” Midnight groaned as she felt her life slipping away. “Pull it out.”

“What do you think I’m doing?” Nightmare Moon growled.

Midnight screamed as Nightmare Moon tugged out the scythe, blood streaming from the wound. Immediately, her alicorn magic went to work, sewing her skin together, helped by Nightmare Moon’s magic.

“Why did you do that for me?” Nightmare Moon demanded. “You could have died!”

“I couldn’t let you die while I was lying to myself,” Midnight croaked. “I saw your eyes. I saw your hurt.” Nightmare Moon flinched at the statement.

Midnight continued. “I don’t know why,” she whispered. “But I want to help you get rid of that hurt. I want to make the pain in you stop. I want you to be happy.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Nightmare Moon hesitated as she looked directly into Midnight’s eyes. “You’re delirious.”

“Actually,” Midnight murmured. “I see clearly for the first time ever. I lied to myself. I told myself that I was only attracted to you. To your looks. That I didn’t care about what was inside. But I do. Your determination to your goals. The look on your face every time we do battle.”

“I saw a world where we were friends,” Midnight whispered. “And for once, I liked something. When we traveled together, fighting off the monsters we saw, you protected me when I slept. You made sure that we would get to our destination.”

“It was only for both our sakes,” Nightmare Moon retorted, but she sounded less sure of herself.

“And it was for you I defeated Daybreaker for,” Midnight said as she unsteadily got to her hooves. “Daybreaker warned me. That I discharged pure love. I know it is dangerous. I know that this may be a trick of Heartbreaker. But I don’t care. I want to explore this with you, I want to know the Nightmare.”

Nightmare Moon stared at her. “You’re not joking.”

“I’m not,” Midnight agreed. “I’ve spent years fighting you. I’ve seen you hurt many times, I felt the brunt of your anger countless times. You’re angry at yourself. You’re angry at the world. You fight me because you need someone to throw your anger at. I never realized that before today.”

“I see,” Nightmare Moon seemed to be struggling with something before her shoulders tensed and relaxed. All within a few seconds. “I don’t know what to say, Sparkle.”

Heartbreaker shrugged. “How about you say what’s in your heart?” Midnight jumped, she had almost forgotten Heartbreaker was there.

Nightmare Moon glared at Heartbreaker. “I can say what I want myself, thank you very much.” She looked at Midnight, steeling herself. “I… I’ve enjoyed your company. Whenever we fought, you would snark at me. You would joke. You would call me Moony.

I like being called Moony by you,” Nightmare Moon forced out. “Because I know you are genuine. I know that you’ve experienced the same hurt that I have. I don’t know why I feel this way. When I slept, I trusted you to not kill me. I didn’t trust my sister, but for some reason, I trusted you. You didn’t lie. You didn’t scheme. All you’ve done all these years was trying to kill me, because I tried to kill you first.”

“Moony, I…” Midnight’s throat was dry. “I didn’t know you felt that way.” She edged closer to Nightmare Moon, hesitant.

“Neither did I,” Nightmare Moon held her head high. “Midnight Sparkle.” She stepped forwards.

Midnight held her gaze. “Nightmare Moon.”

They locked eyes.

And then, under the emotionless gaze of Heartbreaker’s empty eyes, the two kissed.

Author's Note:

sorry about how long this took, it's very hard writing romance

and the main issue was that I went out over the weekend and I lost a little inspiration over two days of not writing.

this doesn't feel genuine to me tbh, I might edit if it really sucks