• Published 14th Jan 2022
  • 232 Views, 2 Comments

Pegasus: Eos Typhoon - Jatheus

Fleeing from The Storm’s tyranny, the last pegasus, Eos Typhoon, leads a ragtag group of survivors on a lonely quest, a mythical land called Equestria.

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1 - The Storm

Author's Note:

Welcome! Feel free to leave comments about what you like or hate. I give 🍪 for accurate predictions or excellent points!

“He ripped my fracking ear off!” Eos Typhoon shouted as the medic tried to hold her down.

He was covered in blood, some of it hers, much of it belonging to others. He did what he could to stanch the wound, but she certainly didn’t make his efforts any easier.

All around were screams of the dying as the sounds of battle faded in the distance. It had not gone well for either side, best she could tell. A small bit of personal satisfaction was gained, however, when she managed to skewer the brute that had nearly taken her head when he wounded her. After that, she had become faint from blood loss.

“There,” the medic said as he completed a crude bandage. “You’ll live, but leave that alone and rest if you can.”

Unceremoniously, he moved on to the next wounded pony that he could find. The pegasus mare sat up. Doing so made her nearly faint again, so she stayed still, taking in the scene of carnage before her.

Five years, that’s how long she had been fighting the minions of the Storm King. Initially the ponies had been arrogant enough to believe that they would throw him off as they had other threats that had come at them, but with each passing and bloody year, with each comrade lost to the war, such hopes slowly evaporated. All that was left was the next day, the next battle, the next loss.

Eos Typhoon spit on the ground. At this point, she just wanted an end to the fighting. Either the Storm King could walk away, or they had to find a way to defeat him decisively for once. The constant stalemate was costly for both sides.

“You still alive?” a smooth baritone voice greeted.

The mare looked up instinctively, but she recognized the voice, “Just taking a rest.”

A thin smile did not erase the concern on his face, “You know, you should really learn to when to duck.”

“Frack off, Clipper.”

“I see it didn’t dampen your personality at all. How bad is it?”

She snorted, “As bad as it looks.”

“Not to worry, looks were never your strong suit anyway,” he teased.

“Have you always been such an insufferable ass, or did you take lessons somewhere?” She may have been miserable, but that wasn’t going to stop her from sparring with her little brother.

“I learned from the best, Sis,” he said with a wink.

Fast heavy footsteps heralded another arrival, “Oh my gods, are you okay?”

“I’ll live.”

Joining the two pegasi was an earth pony of stout build. His nose scrunched at the bandages on the mare’s head.

“That looks really bad.”

“I said I’m fine.”

Clipper smirked, “I’m sure I could find an unoccupied tent for you two.”

“Watch it,” the new arrival warned before Eos Typhoon could think of a snarky comeback.

Clipper shrugged as if he had meant no harm, and the moment passed. She would be ready next time.

“Can you stand?”

“Or course,” she replied.

In the attempt to get her hooves under her, the mare wobbled, caught by the strong earth pony.

“Get off of me,” she shook against him ineffectually.

“Swallow your pride and let me help you.”

Eos Typhoon gritted her teeth, “Fine… thank you, Alluvium.”

Her head pounded as she stood upright. Clipper helped from the other side, and the two of them were able to guide her away. Hooves felt numb as they plodded across the once living debris that lay scattered, cast aside as trash. As she looked up a moment, the carnage stretched as far as her eyes could see.