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Lion King x MLP

Author's Note:

I got inspired after listening to ''I just can't wait to be king'' for too long. Sue me.

Sadly, it appears Lion King is not a Crossover tag here.

‘’Oh I just can’t wait to be king!!’’

Laughing and giggling, Simba and Nala finished their impromptu song as they landed back on the ground.

‘’Wow, that was really cool!’’ Nala said.

‘’Yeah, it was,’’ Simba agreed. ‘’Hey, does the sun look brighter to you?’’

Indeed, the sun was brighter, and larger too. Then it suddenly turned black. Nala and Simba both gasped in shock as the rest of the animals around them started to panic.

Then the light returned, and Simba breathed a sigh of relief. However, he saw something fall down from the sun. ‘’What’s that?’’

Whatever it was, it seemed to be heading towards the ground at an unhealthy speed. Then, just as it was about to hit the ground, it spread its wings and flapped them, landing softly on the ground.

Simba and Nala ran over to the creature. ‘’Are you alright? Who are you?’’ Nala asked.

The creature turned towards them. It had purple eyes, and a white fur with a long strange mane that blew in some sort of wind and that was coloured like a lighter version of a rainbow, without the red and orange. A single horn stuck out from it’s head, long and with rims in it, and the aforementioned feathered wings were spread wide on her sides. A tail that was identical to her mane in appearance flowed from her behind, and the image of a sun was on both her flanks. But most noticeably of all, she was tall, almost as tall as a gazelle, without including her horn.

‘’Hello,’’ she - for the voice was female - greeted them as she looked at them with curiosity. ‘’I am Celestia. Who are you, little ones?’’

‘’I’m Simba, and I’m not little!’’ Simba declared, ignoring the fact that he had just sung an entire song about how he was still little and couldn’t wait to grow up.

Nala giggled at Simba’s actions, then answered, ‘’I’m Nala.’’

Celestia smiled at them. ‘’It is a pleasure to meet you, Nala and Simba,’’ she said. ‘’I’m afraid I already know the answer, but you wouldn’t happen to know of a place called Equestria, would you?’’

The two lion cubs shook their heads. Such a place had never come up during Zazu’s lessons.

Celestia sighed, and drew her wings close to her. ‘’As I thought.’’ She was silent for a few seconds, then looked up at the sun. Her horn lit up in a golden aura, which disappeared again after a few seconds, then reappeared. The two lions stared in shock as a large boulder was lifted up, surrounded by the same colour as Celestia’s horn.

Celestia sighed again, then turned back to the two shocked lions. ‘’My apologies, I just had to try something. Do you have any parents you could take me to?’’

As Simba was about to answer, he heard Zazu’s concerned voice behind him. ‘’Simba!’’

The bird landed on a rock close to them, looking between the lions and Celestia. ‘’Don’t ever do that again!’’ Zazu scolded the two cubs, before turning his attention to Celestia. ‘’And who might you be?’’

Celestia drew herself up. ‘’My name is Celestia. I was just banished here by my sister, and I do believe I will not be able to return for quite some time.’’ She looked down at the bird, quite literally in this case. ‘’Would you be able to refer to me the ruler of these lands?’’

Zazu’s chest puffed out as he replied. ‘’King Mufasa rules these lands, and I am his chief advisor. But I see no reason why you should speak to him.’’

‘’I am the reason the sun just went black,’’ Celestia deadpanned.

Zazu snorted. ‘’Yes, I’m sure.’’

Celestia raised an eyebrow, and her horn lit up again.

To the shock of everyone present that was not Celestia, the sun started to move down the horizon at a frightening pace.

‘’Cool,’’ Simba said, awed.

‘’Put it back!’’ Zazu demanded after he had gotten over his initial shock.

‘’As you wish,’’ Celestia agreed, and the sun returned to its previous position. ‘’Will you take me to the King now?’’

‘’I do believe I will,’’ was Zazu’s shaken reply, before flying off.

Celestia followed behind him, and the two lion cubs hastened to follow her. Her long legs meant the young ones had some trouble keeping up, but they managed.

‘’What are you?’’ Simba asked, looking up at Celestia curiously.

‘’I am an alicorn,’’ Celestia replied, looking down at the cub.

‘’Alicorn?’’ Nala repeated. ‘’I’ve never heard of those.’’

Celestia smiled sadly. ‘’I am afraid we’re rather rare.’’

Their conversation was interrupted by Zazu. ‘’Ah, your majesty! Just who I was looking for.’’

‘’Dad!’’ Simba said, sprinting over to his father.

‘’Hello son, Nala,’’ the older lion greeted, bending down to nuzzle Simba. Then, he noticed Celestia, and he righted himself again.

‘’I am Mufasa,’’ he introduced himself. ‘’Who are you?’’

‘’I am Celestia, King Mufasa,’’ Celestia introduced herself in return. ‘’I was banished by my sister, though I do not think she intended for me to end up here.’’

‘’Explain,’’ Mufasa ordered.

Celestia nodded. ‘’Well, it’s a long story…’’