• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 714 Views, 6 Comments

May frienship work - Furry_or_pegasister

Twilight invokes the Akatsuki in order to learn about other realities, but forgets to cast a spell to return them.

  • ...


Author's Note:

English is not my first language, in fact, I write this story in Spanish and I pass it through the google translator, who does 99% of the work. I fix basic mistakes with pronouns and hope for the best. If you see something wrong, please tell me and I'll edit it :)

Twilight wasn't quite sure what to do next, so she asked Spike to bring her friends over to help her monitor the situation of her guests, who kept throwing her random angry glances.

While everypony is talking to each other, she takes the opportunity to study more deeply those that she did not have the opportunity to meet, starting with the changeling. He is quite normal looking for a changeling, his ears? Horns? have a full spike shape, curved towards his head and fade to green, reminding her of a carnivorous plant. Bright yellow eyes, sprinkled with amusement. Healthy hooves and wings that indicate his reshaped changeling state, aside from the fact that he is white; color and texture that somehow reminds her of lilies.

Yes, he seems quite normal, except for the fact that half of his body looks like an unreformed changeling.

The black collides with the white, as if he had been caught in the middle of the transformation, although his black horn also has a green gradient. His hooves and wings have holes, as you would expect.

And despite this, the changeling does not seem overwhelmed by hunger. Maybe he's good at hiding it.

In general, most of them are strange. The unicorn with the weird one-eyed mask; Pain full of piercings, perhaps for personal taste; the earth pony covered in stitches, for which she will insist for an explanation later; and a changeling caught in the middle of his transformation. The rest don't look so strange, but their attitude is weird, at least by pony standards. Especially the white one, who is so religious and violent that he needs to be controlled.

And oh Celestia, she is aching to ask Pain for more information about the so-called 'chakra', what are its differences from magic? In their native species, are there races that can use different chakras? If everypony still has their chakra and abilities, she just wishes she could see and study it. But, even though Pain always seems calm, there is no way that he is not angry with her like everypony else. And her asking all these questions could make him believe that she does not intend to return them as quickly as possible thanks to the first answer she gave to the question of why she brought them in the first place: curiosity.

And of course she plans to try to get them home as soon as possible, but she will have to find out how ...

Having enough of her internal thoughts, she decides to introduce herself once and for all, hoping to start over with them but with the right hoof.

She coughs politely, but no pony seems to care. "Excuse me, everypony," finally, they begin to pay attention to her, and she is not surprised when she finds that most of the looks do not give positive vibes, with the exception of those with a neutral expression, those are, Pain, the white pegasus, the masked unicorn (although she doesn't know whether to count it as neutral, since she just can't know it) and the completely black unicorn.

"I know we started with the left hoof, and I know it was my fault you got stranded here, but I want to give you a good temporary stay, and I can't do it if we don't get along remotely well. So if you'll allow me, I'd like to start over and maybe be friends, or just tolerate me if you want to. So, I introduce myself, my name is Twilight Sparkle. May I ask for your names?" She asks as sweetly as possible. They all just stare at her awkwardly, making her sweat drop.

"My name is Konan." The pegasus steps forward and nods in her direction. Twilight smiles as Konan looks at the others, as if silently asking them to side with her. From their reactions, everypony seems to get the message.

"Itachi," the black unicorn takes the lead, as monotonous as Maud Pie.

The hippogriff looks at Itachi for a second. "Kisame Hoshigaki," he introduces himself with a smile.

"Kakuzu." He collaborates, albeit with a trace of irritation.

"I'm Deidara, hm!" His smile does not seem so much a friendly gesture but a great pride in his own name.

"Oh oh!" The masked pony enthusiastically lifts a hoof, earning himself a couple of withering glances. "And I'm Tobi!" Twilight holds back a laugh, thinking about how well Tobi will get along with Pinkie Pie.

"I am White Zetsu," the changeling says with apparent amusement, his voice surprisingly soft. "And Black Zetsu." ...What in Equestria?

"Hidan," the white pony mutters under his breath, like a scolded foal being forced to apologize.

They're all pretty exotic names, but you couldn't hope they weren't when they're literally from another world. In Equestria, all names have a meaning. She wonders if the same is true for them.

Twilight smiles at them, trying to sound as trustworthy as possible before saying, "Thank you. I promise to find a way to get you home as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can stay here as guests."

"Guests, all of us? In this tiny room?" Hidan complains quickly, with an expression between incredulous and mocking.

"Idiot, she'll give us other rooms," Kakuzu replies, and then squints at her. "Right?"

Twilight smiles, somewhat anxious "Of course! This place is very big, there is more than enough space for everypony."

"Uff how good, Deidara-senpai mutters and kicks while sleeping. Poor whoever has to be his partner. I mean, poor me,” Tobi whimpers loudly. Deidara Senpai? Is that his full name?

"The one who kicks is you, hm! And poor me, they hooked me with the most useless of the group!"

"Senpai, that hurts my feelings. If you are so competent, how is it that they split you in three?* Tobi responds triumphantly.

"You..." Deidara growls underneath, managing to look very dangerous despite his slightly intimidating appearance. Kisame laughs shamelessly, enjoying the show, as Tobi flinches in fear. "I'll kill you..."

Twilight hopes Pain will intervene, but that doesn't seem close to happening, just like before, when Hidan and Deidara were fighting. He only steps in when she's the one in danger, which she appreciates even though she doesn't really need it (she's an alicorn, after all). These ponies probably fight all the time, a somewhat disturbing thought. The other option is that they are susceptible because of recent events. Guilt pricks her conscience.

Suddenly, the door swings open, slamming the wall behind it. A rainbow pegasus fearlessly shows herself, sporting a big, bright smile.

"Twilight, they told me you already summoned them!" Rainbow Dash exclaims excitedly. She then becomes aware of the others in the room, her smile disappearing replaced by wariness. "There are many more than you said."

Twilight realizes why is the change in her attitude. When she looks back at the travelers, all except for Pain are in a crouched position, ready to move, either to attack or flee.

The remaining four elements, along with Spike, arrive and walk through the door more carefully as the guests relax their defensive posture, though Twilight notices that they are still watching for any erratic movements.

"Wowie! What a thrill!" Pinkie squeals.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything ..." Fluttershy says quietly.

Twilight quickly tries to take control of the introductions to make sure they don't get off.

"Guys, these are my friends," she begins herself. "Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike," she names them pointing to each one, who nod in the direction of her guests.

Pain takes a few steps forward. "Greetings. We are the Akatsuki." Twilight is surprised. She has just discovered that they have a name as a group, which actually makes sense, since their bracelets already showed that they are affiliated. "I am Pain, these are Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, Tobi and Zetsu", he enumerates them with longer and more dramatic pauses than hers, making the atmosphere much more serious.

"What extravagant ponies!" Rarity says, smiling. A couple of them scowl at her.

"All these bright colors are going to make me dizzy," Hidan sneers at Kakuzu, who snorts almost inaudibly.

Twilight interrupts before the thing can continue climbing. "Well, Akatsuki, I need to talk to my friends for a bit. Are you okay with that?" Although she spoke in general, she knows that the decision is Pain's, so as soon as he nods, Twilight briefly pressures her friends to walk out of her, ignoring a couple of unhappy noises. "Perfect. We will be back soon."

They leave the room, unaware of a tiny origami butterfly following them.

When they reach the map room and everyone sits at their posts, the meeting begins.

Applejack takes the initiative. "I think you shouldn't have summoned them alone to begin with."

Twilight makes a face. "Well, in hindsight, maybe you're right. Many of them seem quite violent."

Applejack is surprised and responds with some annoyance: "What? So super you shouldn't have summoned them alone!"

Fluttershy intervenes. "But... How were they violent?"

"Deidara, the orange pegasus, kept fighting with a couple of his companions. And Hidan, the white one, tried to attack me. It was his leader who stopped him," she says with concern. "Also, most seem somewhat hostile."

"They'll see! If they try anything else, they won't be able to escape from me!" Yells Rainbow, furious, imitating a boxer.

"That's not nice of him at all," Pinkie says, visibly upset, which is unusual but understandable.

"So what do we do with them, if they are so aggressive..." Rarity complains. "Although, I must admit, their styles were very unique and quirky, I might take an idea or two."

"Are you seriously thinking about fashion?" Rainbow is upset. "Twilight just told us that one of them attacked her!"

"Yes, but nothing happened, right?" Rarity replies. "As long as their leader doesn't leave them, they won't be able to do anything, is that right, Twilight?"

"So it seems. They all obey him without question, and Pain so far has been kind enough, and impassive," she adds with a bead of sweat. "I think we can trust him, but I don't know to what degree he has control over his subordinates. Better not turn your back on them."

Fluttershy seems somewhat insecure. "Aren't you being paranoid?" She asks, ironically. Pinkie nods in agreement.

"You're the one who can return them to their world, I don't think they'll hurt you," Applejack adds, looking at Twilight.

"Me, but nothing guarantees that they will not harm you."

The seven of them look at each other, concerned.

"White one is who concerns me most," says Spike. "I heard him yell behind the door, something like 'I'm going to curse you' and bad words. " He blushes. Twilight nods. Hidan is the loudest and therefore the best heard through the ruckus.

"Curse?" Pinkie squeals. "Maybe they can do it with potions. They had a zebra among them! Zebras are good with that kind of magic, right?"

They all seem to consider it, leaving Twilight stumped. "What zebra? There were none."

They look at her confused. Pinkie responds, gesturing with her arms: "Umm, you know, the brown zebra with thin stripes and long mane."

Twilight understands who her friends are referring to, and she can't believe how misinformed they are. Zebras always have white stripes, and their manes grow very little, there is no way that pony is a zebra. Twilight slaps her face with her helmet.

"The mane of the zebras does not grow that much, that was a pony," she says, getting some embarassed "oh" from the other elements.

"So those were tattoos?" Rarity asks, interested.

"No," she replies, earning some confusion. "in fact, it's part of something else that I wanted to talk to you about. Those stripes were stitches."

Everyone gasps, especially Fluttershy. "How is that possible? There were many! All over his body!"

Twilight looks at her "I don't know, but they were definitely stitches, I saw them up close. Deidara had something similar on his arms and chest. I have a theory that they come from a hostile world, as I noticed that they have many scars and their reflexes seem used to being on the alert all the time in case someone attacks them."

"That explains a few things," Rainbow says, probably remembering when she walked in and everypony was on guard.

They finally ask the million dollar question, asked by Applejack. "And what do you plan to do with them?"

"For the moment I told them that they can stay as guests in my castle."

Spike quickly rejects the idea. "But! You said they can be dangerous!"

"I know, but it's the least I can give them while I find a way to get them back home. Konan said they had unfinished business." Spike is still unhappy. "Listen, you can sleep in my room with the door locked if you want or even in somepony else's house, but this is the only option we have."

"Okay ..." he says. Twilight smiles and wraps a wing around him, trying to calm him down successfully.

"So when do we have the welcome party?" Pinkie asks cheerfully.

"Umm, I don't think that's a good idea, Pinkie," Fluttershy says. They all nod in agreement with the pegasus.

Pinkie deflates.