• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 892 Views, 26 Comments

Little Ninja - DanishDash

Button Mash gets a Ninja doll as a gift from his uncle Stardust. Little does he know it is possessed by a 500 year old vengeful ninja spirit, that soon drags Button into a demon hunting adventure.

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Chapter 4: Encounter

Stardust stood in the galley of the large container ship MS Sunrise. The weather was calm, and Luna's moon shone its light through the small round windows. He and Brisk Shadow had the night watch, and Stardust had suggested making them a midnight snack. It was why he stood by the stove in the galley, making his famous stew.

He whistled a happy little tune, feeling the slight vibration of the ship's engine. Stardust put in some cut up onions, and was about to reach for the bottle of tabasco when the door suddenly opened, and Brisk Shadow trotted inside. Stardust drank the last of his beer, and belched loudly without taking his eyes off the large pot.

"Brisk, don't we have some real beer? These Nippone beers taste like fox urine, and I know what I am talking about as a former forest ranger. Hehe."

Brisk snorted, smirking as he sat down by the table. "Sorry, Stardust, we got what we got."

Stardust nodded. "Fair and square, sailor."

"By the way," Brisk continued. "Have you seen our passengers lately?"

"Oh, the nerdling? No, not really, why?"

Brisk shrugged. "Well, he hasn't really been out to eat much, and some of the others have heard him more around the ship late at night. Some even say he mumbles to himself."

"Isn't that what those types do? Keep to themselves, and rarely leave their cabin?" Stardust smirked. "He's probably not feeling so well, the sea does not agree with everypony after all."

"I guess." Brisk nodded, although he didn't seem too convinced. "I wonder if we should talk to the captain..."

"What for? We'll be back in Equestria in a day or two. If he isn't making trouble, then why bother the captain? Talk to the doctor if you're worried."

Brisk nodded again, humming. "You're probably right."

"Yes sir," Stardust grinned, and added two teaspoons of sugar and pepper.

Brisk trotted over and, and grabbed himself a beer before plopping back down on the chair. "What do you intend to do when you come back?"

"At home? As little as possible, eat, sleep and get myself some flank." The older stallion let out a laugh. "Isn't that the way for a true sailor?"

Brisk chuckled, rolling his eyes at him. "I have enough to work with at home. Family, you know."

"Yes sir, speaking of which, I have to go to my nephew's birthday on Saturday." He made a face, then shook his head. "I mean Sunday."

Brisk smirked, looking up at the old sailor. "Did you get him a present from Nippone then?"

Stardust grinned back. "Of course I did. I got him this plushie from a trader at the market the other day. I hope the kid will like it, they are getting harder and harder to get presents. His brother Gibson is one picky colt, one hearth's warming I showed up with a model ship for him to build. It was as good as new, and almost had all the parts needed, but that didn't go over well. I had seen the wish list, but that didn't make any sense. Power Ponies, ogres and something."

"I hear that, I have two fillies with my wife, and they haven't been easy to find gifts for either. My wife has always been way better at that sort of thing." Brick said, taking a sip of his beer. "What sort of plushie is it?"

"Uhm," Stardust hesitated. "It has a funny suit on?" He said, not sounding sure. "Look, I was partying when I stumbled across it, I may have had a few too many."

Brisk let out an amused snort. "Alright, then why don't you go get it? I'll keep an eye on the stew for you."

Stardust looked behind him at the pot. "Hm, well I guess it could not hurt... Do you mind adding the cheese and pasta while I'm gone? Make sure to stir it until it has mixed well."

"Sure thing, Stardust."

"Thanks, sailor."

It hadn't taken Stardust long to trot to his cabin, get the doll, and make his way back. He was above deck, making his way down towards the door to the galley. The sea was as still as glass, and the cloudless sky made the full moon light up the sea. It was quite beautiful, if you took the time to notice such things.

As Stardust moved past one door, a figure suddenly came out, bumping into the stallion. He let out a grunt, dropping the plushie. Something else clattered onto the deck, but Stardust didn't pay it any attention. Instead he looked at the stranger that had bumped into him.

"Easy there sailor, where is the fire?" He asked good naturedly. Then he saw who it was, their one passenger, Hasty something. Stardust had never actually laid eyes on him, but he knew everypony else on the ship, so he made the logical conclusion. The stallion shook his head, looking as if he was about to fall to his knees. "You seasick? Then you need to try the Stardust secret remedy, I can whip it up lickety split!"

The stallion stilled his body, then looked at Stardust with an annoyed glare. "Watch where you are going, you clumsy oaf." He looked down to the deck, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Normally Stardust would have punched his lights out for such a comment and rudeness, but he was hungry, and wanted to get back to his stew. He looked down as well, finding the little plushie on the deck, lying next to a strange looking urn. "Oh, you dropped this." Stardust said, picking up the wooden urn before Hasty Pasty could get to it. "Fancy looking bucket, did you throw up in it?"

Hasty Notes grabbed the wooden container. "It's none of your business."

"Alright, alright, I know when I'm not wanted. It's just like those mares at the bar." He let out a belch, which made the stallion grimace. "Well, I'll be out of your mane then." He picked up the plushie, and winked at Hasty. "So long!"

Hasty didn't reply, not that Stardust cared. He continued on his way, and reached the door leading into the galley. Stopping for a moment, he looked back down the deck, seeing the strange stallion standing by the railing, holding his little urn in his hooves. Stardust rolled his eyes, and went inside.

"There you are." Said Brick, looking over at Stardust as he trotted closer.

"Yeah sorry, I bumped into our passenger. Strange fellow to be sure." Stardust said, smelling the air. "Mmm, just about ready I should say."

"So, is that the plushie?" Brisk asked, looking at the doll in Stardust hooves.

"Hm? Oh yeah!" He placed the doll on the kitchen counter, smirking. "What do you think?"

The plushie had the form of a pony, and was about as big as a puppy. It had two black buttons as its eyes, and it wore some sort of dark blue suit and hood that covered its entire head, allowing only the eyes to show. Around its lower barrel was tied a black belt, with a tiny sword in it.

Brisk grinned. "Looks like a little ninja."

"Ninja? Oh, so that's what it is." Stardust mumbled. "You think he will like it?"

"It's pretty cool, I'm sure your nephew will love it. It even has a sword." Brisk said, then moved a bit closer. "Bit dirty though, is that ash?"

"Hm?" Stardust looked closer, and noticed some gray ash on the doll's side. "Oh, don't know where that came from. Perhaps some ash from me pipe."

"Better clean it before wrapping it." Brisk said, smiling. "Other than that, it is really nicely made." Brisk looked into the black button eyes of the doll, they had a sort of strange shine to them. For a moment, Brisk could even swear he felt as if the doll was looking back at him.

"Well!" Stardust suddenly said, breaking Brisk from his thoughts. "Let's eat, will you set the table?"

"Oh, uhm, sure..." Brisk nodded at Stardust, moving over to one of the cabinets. He eyed the doll one more, but it simply sat there on its rump, staring lifelessly ahead.

Stardust brought over the pot, grinning. "Right, let's get the powdered sugar, and something to drink, and the salt."