• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 2,600 Views, 94 Comments

Glamrock Takes Equestria! - Kibat Grenbuku

When Twilight accidentally transported Gregory into their world, she will have to help him get his life back together and back on his hooves.

  • ...

A New Life

Twilight started to stir awake, seeing that the little colt hasn’t woken up yet. Maybe his soul hasn’t reached his body yet? She could only hope for now that he would wake up soon, from the memories that the lavender mare saw, he was in dire need of help.

She looked around the room, seeing that the sunlight has shined though the glass window. She looked at the colt again, a sad smile curved on her lips, there are many possibilities to why he would take his own life. But what even drove him to do so? Perhaps the rabbit and bear that she saw in his memories were trying to get him? Looking back, the bear seemed to be somewhat protective for an unknown reason, but protecting who or what? The colt? Then Rainbow’s words caught up in her mind, what if it’s what she wanted to see? No, that would be crazy to think about! Wouldn’t it? The Chamber of Creation would only chose those who would deserve a second chance, or those who don’t deserve to live for any reason, or think they’re beyond help, would be reborn as a different being, at least according to it’s legend.

She looked at him once last time, but this time, something caught her attention, there are many cuts and bruises on him, a couple of band-aids here and there, some were left exposed. She then noticed the state of his clothes, ripped holes on the left sleeve of his jacket, dirt patches on his blue shirt and a tear on the right side of his shirt collar. She could only imagine what kind of torment he had to go through, but then again, something about the clothes and his body would mostly shock Rarity, but given as to her expertise in fashionista, she can get his clothes patched up no problem.

Twilight got up and stretched herself out, she got off the bed and went downstairs, seeing that, the girls and Spike were still asleep. She went to the little dragon and whispered for him to wake up, his eyes groggily open.

“Twilight?” He yawns, stretching out his arms, “What’s going on?”

“I need you and the girls up,” Twilight explains, “We need to go back to Everfree and into the Chamber of Creation. I feel like there might be something we’re missing there.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, raising a brow.

“According to legend, the Chamber was said to be birth place of pony kind,” she begins, “Grogar originally wanted to use these pods to created a army ponies to do his bidding, but there was a guardian that saw the cruelty that Grogar and stepped up against the creator. I believe that the guardian is still in the Chamber, but he wasn't in there the first time I went in there.”

“I take it we need to go back to the Golden Oaks to find the books about the Chamber?” Spike asked as he got out of the bed.

Twilight nods as she placed her saddlebags back on, “This is very important Spike, just think! This could be an answer for some little foals like that colt can be saved from their awful fates!” She then thought of many other possibilities for teaching young gifted unicorns magic, and how much that would be approved by The princesses themselves! Her eyes then went wide…

“Oh my gosh!” she shouts, waking up her friends, “Spike! We need to write a letter to Princess Celestia right away!”

Rainbow groans awake, “Geez, Twilight, raise your voice higher why don’tcha?”

Twilight looks at the groggy Rainbow and got excited, “Great! You’re up! We need to get going!”

Applejack and Fluttershy woke up and were explained by Twilight of the plan to head to the Chamber of Creation. “You sure you don’t wanna inform Rarity and Pinkie Pie on what happened and where we’re going?” Asked Applejack, “It wouldn’t hurt havin’ their help.”

Twilight gasped, “Oh my gosh, you’re right!” Her brain was racking with so much to do, “Wait! Who’s going go to watch the colt while we’re gone?!” The friends could see that Twilight’s in responsibility mode in an instant, ranting on and on of what would happen to him, maybe if he’ll wake up when they get back? What if he doesn’t and they’ve just carried a dead body?

“Twilight, just calm down,” Spike said to her calmly, “I’m sure he’ll be fine here, besides, if something happens, one of Fluttershy’s birds could inform us.”

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Twilight looked confused and asked Fluttershy if she was expecting somepony, to which she said no. They went to answer the door and there stood waiting patiently was three fillies, a filly pegasus with a light brilliant gamboge coat and small wings, a moderate cerise colored mohawk-like mane and tails, and grayish purple eyes; a yellow earth pony with a red mane and tail and a large pink/red bow on the top of her head, and amber orange eyes; and a white unicorn with a sweet pink and purple striped mane and tail, and sap green eyes.

“Scootaloo? Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle?” The lavender mare asked respectively, “What you three doing here?”

“Well we were wondering if Fluttershy could let us borrow the-“ Scootaloo explains, but then notices the saddlebags, “Where are you going?”

Applejack explained the trio that they’re going to Everfree to check something out, of course this gotten the three fillies excited, some of their Cutie Mark searching has mostly been in Ponyville. This actually gave the librarian an idea, since the colt seems to be around their age -at least, she guesses- he could possibly make some new friends with them!

Just when the fillies were about to ask, Twilight stepped in and said, “Girls, I have something I can really use your help with.” The three fillies looked at her as she continues, “I need you to watch somepony while we’re gone.” She motioned her head to have them follow her upstairs. They then looked at the sleeping colt, Scootaloo then rushed towards the side of the bed, getting a good look at him.

“Whoa,” the gamboge pegasus says in awe, “Who is he?”

“That’s what we’re hoping to know once he wakes up,” Twilight explains, “If he does, I need you three to take some notes about him. Who knows? Maybe he’ll join you as a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader.”

The three fillies looked at each other, Sweetie Belle’s attention was only focused on the unconscious colt, who’s breathing softly still. Apple Bloom then spoke up, “He doesn’t have a Cutie Mark?” Twilight shook her head no.

“I don’t know,” Scootaloo said unsurely, “I mean, we tried some methods of getting our Cutie Marks, but helping out a colt that we just met? I don’t think I want ‘Colt Watching’ as my special talent.”

“Scootaloo, he’s been through a lot,” Twilight says to her, “From what I’ve understand in the memories I saw, he seems to be living in a rough life, just look at his cuts and bruises.” She pointed a couple of cuts on him, “It wouldn’t be fair for him to be left alone again, that wouldn’t be fair if the same happened to you three, would it?”

Sweetie Belle, not paying any attention to the conversation, still kept her gaze at the colt. There’s something about him that just feels awful for, it just reminded her that a months ago, before she even met Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, she and Rarity were walking along through Canterlot, but then whom she would hear none other than the bratty bully herself and her mother, Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Rich, talking disrespectfully to a couple of homeless ponies at the outskirts of the town. For some of the homeless, it was thankfully not as bad as Manehattan, at least from what she had heard.

She was always told by many ponies, except for her sister, that they need to figure out their problems and deal with them. Up until the Cutie Mark Crusaders were formed, they’re willing to help each other’s main problem: Getting a Cutie Mark. Perhaps this colt could be a great solution?

“I know it’s not the most fun or exciting,” Twilight continues, “But if you three are willing to-“

“We’ll do it.” Sweetie Belle cut the lavender mare off, that took them off guard, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were giving her a really confused look, “Girls, I think that maybe we should put finding our Cutie Marks on hold, just look at how many times we try to get ours by forcing them, not to mention that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon calling us ‘Blank Flanks’ just to get under our pelts. If we’re just trying to get our Cutie Marks because of them and trying to prove a point? That would just make us feel too greedy!”

Twilight was just in awe, this is the first time that Sweetie Belle, the brains of the CMC, to put her crusading aside and focusing on something else entirely! If Rarity saw and heard her little sister saying this, she would be proud.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just looked at each other at first, then back at Sweetie Belle. “But what about our crusading?” Scootaloo asked worryingly, “We’re just gonna keep getting called ‘Blank Flanks’ by those two if-“

“Sweetie Belle’s right Scoots,” Apple Bloom interrupted, “Right now, Ah think he needs some help.”

Sweetie Belle went to her friends and held onto their hooves with hers and corrects Apple Bloom, “Our help, and we’re not gonna go anywhere until he’s fully healed and get him through whatever’s going on with him. Ready to do this Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

The fillies smiled at each other and nod as they looked at Twilight, she smiled at them and looked like as if she was going to cry. She wiped her tears away and said, “A-alright, I’m counting on you three. If you ever need us, we’ll place a guide rope to show you where we are in case of emergencies.”

The three gave her a salute and said in unison “You can count on us!”

Twilight makes her leave with the others, leaving just the Crusaders and the unconscious colt. Silence was there was in the room, until Scootaloo then asks, “How long do you think it will take him to wake up?”

A few hours later

Groaning and murmuring to himself in a sleepy state, Gregory opens his eyes to see the vision of the world presented in front him. The world seemed to be… colorful? Not like the neon colored lights from the Mega Pizzaplex, and not like the dark alleys. The world around Gregory seemed to be cartoon-like, like the artstyle that Freddy and his friends had on their post-board standstills.

Looking around, he seems to be inside of a house, cream colored walls and light green floorboards with wood brown boards and beams holding up the roof. His head then turned to see a mirror a surprising sight, his entire body had changed.He became a young, fair white horse! He seemed to be confused and scared as to why this is happened. Didn’t he just offed himself back at the Pizzaplex’s rooftop?

He then looked at the other side of the bed and saw a white horse next to him, asleep. Then looked at the far side, two other horses were asleep, one thing he noticed was that one of the horses has wings, tiny wings to be exact. This is crazy, he was transformed into horse and was brought here in some house that’s probably full of horses!

He tries to get off the bed the way that a regular person would, but due to his body now into a form of a quadruped, his hind legs were no help getting him stable. He waved his forelegs to keep himself balanced, but even that started to fail him, causing him to fall forwards and land on his belly, the floorboards squeaked below him. He gasped quietly and looked at the bed… no movement, the three young horses were still asleep, how they didn’t wake up from that, he’ll never know.

He then noticed, upon close inspection of his body, he realized that his jacket, shirt, and shorts are not present on his person at all! Either the horses removed his clothes and probably took them somewhere… Gregory had a much frightening thought, were they aliens disguised as horses and this house is just an illusion of their mothership’s examination room?

Then, he noticed that something else was missing, he looked at his wrist and found that the Fazwatch is not present. It’s gone… his Fazwatch was gone… the only other connection to and a gift from Freddy is gone. He just sighs sadly and tries to get up again and started wince in pain, feeling it from the collar bone up, like as if twenty to thirty boxers beaten the ever living life out of him and without mercy.

He once again tries to stand on two legs, but with a quick look to the floor scared the living daylights out of him, a little white rabbit with round, black eyes, a yelp escaped his lips, causing him to once again lose balance, stumbles backwards toward the staircase, waving his forelegs again and leaning forward to catch himself from falling. Unbeknownst to him, the white horse’s ear twitched from the yelp. Her head raised and saw him clumsily and awkwardly walked backwards on his hind legs, heading straight to the staircase.

Gregory hyperventilates as he tries to keep his balance, but result to be brought backwards and stumbles downstairs, but not before hearing a young girl’s voice shouting, “Hang on! I got you!” One quick look and Gregory sees the white horse quickly tries trying to grab his right foreleg, but that resulted with with both of them falling down the flight of stairs. Loud banging and groaning of pain could be heard, so loud that clucking from chickens, chittering from squirrels and chipmunks and a loud honking from a duck could be heard from outside, scaring them.

Gregory’s sight quickly came back to him and saw the white horse’s feature, with one look at her and the squinting of her sap green eyes, he screamed very loudly as he thought she looked like Roxanne Wolf. He shove her off and clumsy tried to get to the door.

“H-hey!” She calls out to him in worry, “Where are you going!?” Gregory, scared out of his mind, tried to use his fore hooves to push the door open, and with enough force, he got it to swing hardly. He looked back at his assumed pursuer and warns her, “S-stay away from me!” He quickly turns around and failed to realize that the door swung back and smacked his face, he heard a gasp from the white horse, but that didn’t matter to him as he clumsy ran out.

“WAIT!” He heard her call out again, “WATCH OUT FOR THE-” her warning was too little, too late, he crashed into the mailbox and fence, and fell into the pond below him. The splash scared the water creature in the pond and swam as quickly as possible, thankfully they weren’t hurt.

The same couldn’t be said for poor Gregory. He just laid in the pond, moaning in pain, too hurt to even move, and unknowingly, his cuts were opened and started to bleed through the water.. This was not how he even imagined what would happen after he died. He just imagined that he would’ve ended up in heaven, but apparently, God just noped him out and into this colorful nut world.

He then looked up and saw the worried expression of the white horse, he then heard another young girl’s voice with a heavy southern accent, “Sweetie Belle! What the hay happened!?” He didn’t have time to listen, he needs to leave, now! He grunted and groaned in pain as he got out of the pond, blood trickling down his cheeks and legs, leaving a trail of red behind him.

Sweetie Belle looked at the unintended self beaten colt with a worried look on her face, the event that just unfolded before had horrified her, his blood that spread out from pond’s water. It made her feel sick to her stomach just seeing the water tainted with red, she took a moment to look away from the sight.

Suddenly, she heard Apple Bloom’s voice, “Sweetie Belle! What the hay happened!?”

“I-I-I don’t know!” Sweetie explains in a worried but rushed tone, “I saw he was gonna fall down the stairs, then I tried to catch him, but we both fell, then he shoved me, bashed his face against the door, and now he fell in the pond and he’s not moving and I don’t know what to do!!”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just went wide eyed for a few seconds, of course, the gamboge filly lets her mouth run again, “Wow, and here I thought Rarity and Twilight are the ones having break downs.”

“NOW ISN’T THE TIME SCOOTS!” The white filly shouts.

“Hey, where is he anyway?” Apple Bloom asked her, she and Scootaloo looked at the broken wooden fence, and went to look at the pond.

“AB! Scoots! Don’t look!” Sweetie tried to warn, but alas, a scream was heard from Apple Bloom as the two saw a watered down, blood soaked colt limping out of the pond and heading straight to the Everfree Forest. The yellow filly just turned away from the sight and started to hyperventilate, while Scootaloo couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blood in the water.

“What. In Celestia’s name. Did we just saw?” Scootaloo asked, her voice went quiet and sounded so traumatized.

Apple Bloom continues to breath very fast and mutter that she swore she never saw this and never again, Sweetie Belle helped her calm down with the breathing technique that Twilight taught her. Once everyone was calmed down, they noticed the bloody trail.

“Oh no! He’s gone to Everfree Forest!” Apple Bloom pointed, “He doesn’t know what’s lurkin’ in there! We gotta get him out!”

“Hold on, who’s going to warn Twilight about the colt?!” Sweetie asked, then they looked at Scootaloo, she waved her hoof in front of face… nothing, “SCOOTALOO!”

“HUH?! WHA?!” She then looked back at where the colt was, then put two and two together, “SWEETIE! AB! HE’S AT THE EVERFREE FOREST!”

“We know that already!” The two said annoyed.

“O-okay, who’s going to after the colt, and who are the two going to warn Twilight?” Sweetie reasked her question.

“I’m faster than you two,” Scootaloo says to them, “I’ll go find him, you two go warn Twilight.”

“Ain’t no way I’m going to let you go in there alone!” Apple Bloom argued, “You go with Sweetie, I’ll go find him!”

Sweetie was really stressed and just says, “Okay, we’ll all go in Everfree, we’ll all go warn Twilight, we’ll all go get our soaky colt. Alright?”


“Hold on! Hold on!” Sweetie Belle says, looking at the both of her friends, then asked, “Everypony alright?”

“Yeah, we’re alright.” The two fillies says. And so, they head on their way to the forest, running as fast as their legs could go. Following the guide rope that was tied around to one of the trees on the forest’s outskirts, they would finally reach the hole. From out of the hole was Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, a white unicorn with a purple mane named Rarity, and an energetic pink earth pony name Pinkie Pie.

“Ooh! I really can’t wait to meet him!” Pinkie Pie bounced in excitement, “I bet he really like parties! Parties are what I do best, as you probably know by now!”

“Hold on Pinkie,” Twilight giggles at the party pony’s enthusiasm, “Let’s take this one step at a time, first we need to go back to Fluttershy’s and-“ she then noticed the frantic looks on the fillies that appeared before her, that could only mean one thing. Before she could even ask, the three started to speak irrationally and overlapping with each other, not even understanding what they’re saying. “My little ponies!” She shouts, their overlapping explanation stops, “What’s going on?”

“WE LOST HIM!” the three shouted in a panicked unison.

Gregory felt like he was running around in this forest like an absolute klutz for hours, though it’s been practically fifteen minutes. He was getting exhausted, in pain, and was on the verge of collapsing, he thankfully found a hiding spot behind the bushes and rested himself against a tree. His breathing was getting shallow, his fair white pelt and brown mane became stained from his own blood, some of his band-aid came off from his work out run.

Gregory’s body was really shaking, his hind leg twitching in pain from his self beating he took back at the house. His eyes were watering from the fear and confusion that was playing through his mind, scared as to why he was brought to… whatever this world is.

“I might as well die here…” he said to himself quietly, perhaps whatever this purgatory is, maybe heaven can finally let him in this time, he just closed his eyes, tears running down his face and quietly crying to himself.

“HEEYY!!!!” a voice suddenly calls out, his eyes snapped open from the voice… he recognized that voice, it belonged to that white horse… Sweetie Belle, was it? “WHERE ARE YOU!?!?”

“Little colt!” There was another voice this time, but this sounded like an adult.

“Hey kid! Where are Ya!?” There was another. Were they looking for him? He then noticed when he looked at his hind legs that he made a blood trail as where he hid, he want to cover up the trail, but he’s in too much pain to even move at point.

“Twi! Over here!” A southern voice calls out, he then heard footsteps, then they suddenly stop. He breathes shallowly again.

“Oh, the poor darling,” said Rarity, “He sounds so frighten!” She went to bush and then turned to Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, be a dear and help move these bushes please?”

“Wait! Don’t look at him!” Apple Bloom warns.

“Oh relax AB,” The prismatic maned pegasus said cocky, “There isn’t anything we haven’t dealt with!”

Rarity nods and went through the bushes, in a hushed tone for the colt, “Sweetie, I know you’re scared, but you need to be—WAH-HA-HA!!” She yells as she backs by the state he’s in, “Good heavens! What in Celestia’s name ever happened to his pelt and coiffure?!”

Rainbow raised a brow and scoffs, “Oh come one Rars, I think you’re just overreacting again.” She then went through the bushes, “Come on kid, time to out of the—“ she then got a good look at Gregory and too screamed very loudly and zoomed back towards Rarity. “What the heck happened to him!?”

“Is literally nopony’s ears are working!?” Scootaloo asked annoyed.

“Okay, okay,” Twilight mutters under her breath at first, rubbing the side of her temples. She then decides to take a different approach, instead of going in through the bushes, she just talked from the her side of the bush. “Hey, are you okay?” At first, there was no answer, so she tries again, “We’re not here to cause you any harm, we only want to help you.” Again, there was only silence.

Sweetie Belle then stepped next to Twilight and spoke to him, “Please? We can’t help you if you can’t talk to us.”

They heard him muttered something under his breath, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. Twilight then took a different approach by introducing herself, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, could you tell me your name?”


“What was that?” The lavender unicorn asked in confusion.

“I… I-I’m… Gregory.” He says to her, his voice was quivering like he holding back his sobbing.

Twilight’s ears flattened when hearing his voice, troubled and heartbroken, but she doesn’t want to rush to that point yet and continues talking, “Gregory? That’s a very nice name. Gregory, me and friend of mine are gonna help you get back up, okay?” She stares at Applejack and motion her head towards the bushes. They gently move the bushes aside and see the blood covered colt.

Gregory sees them and tries to move back away from them, his breathing once again became shallow, fresh tear were rolling down on his face, his eyes went wide in fear of them.

“It’s okay.” Twilight reassures, “Everything’s going to be alright.” She then reached out her hoof for him while Gregory looking away from her. “Hey, you don’t have to be scared. I won’t hurt you.” The colt then tried crawling away from them all, his breathing now began to hyperventilate. Twilight took his left foreleg, while Applejack grabbed his right, pulling him up from the ground.

“There, that wasn’t bad, was it?” She comfortingly asked, giving him a kind smile. Gregory just stared at her for a few seconds, such kindness and willing help him… almost reminded him of… Freddy.

Overcome with emotions, he rushed to the lavender mare over and hugged her tightly. Twilight was taken a back at first from the colt’s grip, but she hugged him back and gently rubbed his back. “Shhhhhh, shhhhhh… It’s okay.” Gregory then leaned against Twilight and nuzzled with her chest. Twilight then smiled motherly while seeing the poor colt cuddle with her fur.

The others took notice Gregory hugging Twilight, and they were smiling at the tender moment.

Applejack then looked at the sky, seeing some storm clouds gathering. “Ah hate to be a pardon, but I think we need to skedaddle on out of here before we need up like wet dogs at a pool party.”

Everyone, except for Gregory, too looked at the dark skies. Twilight then used her magic to lift the colt and put him on her back. “Let’s get you out of here,” she says to him, “Everfree Forest isn’t really safe in the night, or in stormy weather for that matter.”

As they walked through the forest, the lavender mare looked back at the colt, she wondered what ever happened to his parents, were they even alive? “Gregory? Does your parents know you’re missing?” She asked him, that question made him buried his face into her back, her ears flattened in sadness, did they not really care for him at all?

Applejack then spoke to him, “Well, don’t worry your messy mane there Sugarcube. Whatever you need, we’ll help ya’ll out.” This made Gregory raise his head and looked at the country mare and gave her a weak smile. “You can call me Applejack. This here is mah little sister, Apple Bloom.”

“Hi!” The yellow filly says happily.

“Ooh! Me next!” The party pony exclaims, “I’m Pinkie Pie, and you’re all better we throw a “Welcome to Equestria/Get Better Soon,” party!”

He never had anyone put together a party for him before, neither could he remember being in one, or what’s it’s even like, “I-I’ve never been to a party before.”

This made Pinkie gasp dramatically, “Y-you never been to a party!?”

“Settle down Pinkie Pie darling,” Rarity giggles, patting her shoulder, “We’ll have plenty of time to get one set up for him before the day is out.” She then turned her attention to Gregory, “I’m very happy to make your acquaintance Gregory, My name is Rarity, I apologize for taking your shirt and jacket without your consent, but they looked terribly damaged, I couldn’t let a colt like yourself have rain seep in onto your pelt.”

“Wh-what about my shorts, my underwear?” He asked, his cheeks went red just asking that question, “D-did you take them too?”

“No dear,” she said, “You weren’t wearing any when Twilight found you.” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he was half naked when he was found?! He face was redder than a cherry by the fact. Rarity giggled, “Oh darling, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about, we don’t wear clothes, except on some occasions, of course.”

Gregory chuckles a bit, his attention then turned to the little white unicorn filly. “You’re Sweetie Belle, right?”

Her eyes went wide a little and asked, “Y-yes? How did you know that?”

“One of your friends called you and you seemed to respond to that name… you have a cute name.”

Seeing him smile and calling her cute made both of them blush. “O-oh! Hehe, thank you.” She says to him, trying to hide her blush with her mane.

“Hey, easy there Romeo,” Scootaloo teases, “She’s a colt eater.”

“Scoots!” Sweetie Belle’s voice cracks in an unapproved tone, her cheeks blushed a brighter red. She looked at Gregory and smiled and tried to played it off, “S-sorry about Scootaloo, she can be a joker sometimes,” she gritted through her teeth at her fellow Crusader, “If she minds herself.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Gregory. “You know kid, you have a weird name.”

“Rainbow.” Twilight scolds.

“Well he is!” She protests, “I mean, what the heck even were you anyway?”

The colt begins to stutter, but Spike cuts in, “He’s a pony like you Rainbow Dash. Sure, he’s strange, but then again, so are other ponies with some hobbies.”

“Spike’s right Rainbow,” Fluttershy adds, “Besides, who would leave their foal behind?” She then turns attention to Gregory, giving him a kind smile, “I’m sorry about Rainbow Dash, she’s been on edge recently. I’m Fluttershy, I take care of my animals at my cottage. I hope my bunny Angel didn’t give you any trouble.” His eyes went wide, that rabbit was hers? Fluttershy took notice, “Oh my, he did, didn’t he?!”

“N-no no! Nothing like that!” Gregory says panickingly, “I-It’s just… he looked like someone I was… scared of.”

“You’re scared of rabbits?” Spike asked curiously, “Huh, and I thought being scared of dragons were a norm.”

“No, not rabbits in particular,” the colt clarified, “Just someone who dressed up like a rabbit… sorry for confusing you.” He then tracked back to what Spike has said earlier. “Wait, you’re a dragon?”

“Yep,” Spike said proudly, “The name’s Spike by the way, Twilight’s number one assistant and messenger for her and Princess Celestia. Plus the best gem eater in all of Equestria.” That gotten Gregory to chuckle a bit, perhaps wherever he ended up in might not be so bad.

As they made their way to the cottage, they noticed that the pond had a red mist in it. Fluttershy gasped at the sight. “The pond!” She cries, rush flying to it, her eyes darting at the pond’s water, “Wh-what happened to the pond!?”

Gregory chuckles nervously, “S-sorry Fluttershy.” Twilight just sighs and used her magic to purify the waters, the fish freely swimming about once again and no sign of Gregory’s blood anywhere. The colt’s eyes went wide in awe, “Whoa! How did you do that?!”

“She’s a Unicorn,” Spike explains, “she has the capability of using magic thanks to her horn. Like wise, Alicorns are also capable of magic, their’s are much powerful.”

Gregory raised a brow. “A what now?” He asked him.

Twilight just giggles, she could tell he has a lot to learn. “We’ll lecture on Equestria’s history some other time, for now, let’s get you cleaned up.” They all went inside the cottage and they were relaxing in the living room, while Twilight, Gregory, Fluttershy and the CMC went upstairs and into the bathroom.

“Okay Gregory, I’m going to be careful with carrying you into the bath,” she says to him, using her magic to lift him off of her back. Twilight started up the barrel tub with both faucets for warm water, and then she dipped her hoof to check the temperature as it was just right, and then let it fill up the tub. “There we go, I think this should be warm enough. Let me know if you want it warmer or cooler, okay?”

Gregory nods, then Apple Bloom then got an idea, “Hey! Maybe we should have a bubble bath!” The colt blushes at the three of them, “What wrong? You never taken a bubble ba-“ then she realizes that he doesn’t live with anyone, “O-oh! Ah’m sorry! I forgot that you-“

“No no, i-it’s okay!” He reassured her, “I-it’s just that… well, guys like me usually do something like this with other guys and veese verka… p-plus I’m naked.”

“So? So are we!” Scootaloo butts in, “We don’t wear clothes and that doesn’t bother anypony.”

“Plus, we needed to get cleaned up as well.” Sweetie Belle said to him, “We were sweating our flanks off for running through Everfree Forest! It’s important that we wash ourselves in case we got touched by something.”

“O-okay, but are sure about this?”

The three fillies nod, then Scootaloo added, “And if you feel uncomfortable, you can just tell us… unless you’re too chicken for bubble baths with girls like us.” She gave him a teasing smirk, making him blush.

“I-I’m not chicken!” He says, bring up his hooves in defense.

“Great! Ladies first!” Scootaloo calls out, she rushed into the barrel tub, all the while Fluttershy was grabbing some bathing materials, including a shower sponge brush, some shampoo, and a bar of soap.

Next Apple Bloom went in, then Gregory jokes, “I’ve heard of apples in a barrel, but I think that’s taking this a little too far.” Twilight, Fluttershy were laughing at his joke, Sweetie and Scootaloo were just groaning how that joke was absolutely punny, leaving Apple Bloom confused.

“I don’t get it.” She says as she fully settled.

Sweetie Belle says, “It’s best we don’t.” She then got in the tub next, Gregory blushes harder, just looking at this scenario he’s going to place himself in. Twilight carefully lifted Gregory with her magic, then she set him down into the tub. Gregory looked at Sweetie, her eyes closed and giving out a sigh of relaxation, “Mmm… this feels nice.”

He just has a goofy grin and a chuckle, “Y-yeah… I-I guess it is.” Twilight smiled warmly and then rubbed his shoulder, before he looked up at her and returned a smile of his own.

“Alright, let’s get you clean.” Twilight says to him, she then took a small pitcher, filled it with the tub’s water and pour it gently over his head to wash the dirt and dried blood out of his mane. Feeling the water drizzle on some of his cuts, he hisses in pain until Twilight shushed him and rubbed at his side with her hoof, calming him down.

“Hey, Fluttershy?” She asked her yellow pegasus friend, “You wouldn’t happen to have any Healer’s Bath Bomb, would you?”

She gave it a little bit of thought, she then looked at her sink and next to was a heart shaped powder mold with a green leaf engraved on it. “Will this do?” She asked.

“Perfect!” She exclaimed happily, using her magic she hovers the bath bomb above the water, but not before warning Gregory, “Okay, this bath bomb is going to help with your cuts, ready?” He nods and braces himself, she tells him to think of it like a massage for soothing cuts. She drops the bath bomb making a splash in the water, then it began to dissolve and glow a bright healthy green. He yelped in shock as what is happening, but was calmed down by Twilight shushing and rubbing his shoulder, he then felt so… relaxed. For the first time ever since the Pizzaplex, he felt at peace, he can also feel his cuts and bruises were healing, the dark spots were fading away to match his pelt, his cuts were merging like a stitched and pain free surgery.

His eyes went wide seeing this happening, he should be freaking out, but he doesn’t, instead he felt very happy and calm. Then some bubbles started to form, he knows that there weren’t any jets, nor was anyone moving the water around. Gregory suddenly got a bubbly feeling (no pun intended), chucking as he has a hoof full of bubbles, then he got some blown at his face. “Hey!” He exclaims, “Who did that?” He then heard Scootaloo giggling, getting the suds off of him and sees the gamboge filly quickly shutting herself up from laughing.

Realized that it was Scootaloo, he then chuckles again, “Oh you’re in for it now!” He quickly got another hoof full of bubbles and blew them towards the pegasus, but of course, Scootaloo being Scootaloo, she quickly grabbed Sweetie Belle as a filly shield and the suds got onto her instead, a squeal from the white filly came out. She got the suds off and sees a blushing Gregory, trying to explain that it was meant for her friend and not her.

“Why you-“ Sweetie Belle started, she then got a her own hoof full of bubble, next to her, the filly pegasus was expecting her to chuck it to the colt, chuckling at the thought, but instead the small mountain of bubble was chucked at her!

“Mmrph?!” Scootaloo muffles, then it was her turn to hear laughter from her friends and the colt, wiping the suds off and sees them laughing their heads off, “Okay, no more Ms. Nice Scootaloo! SUD ATTAAAACK!!!!” She then grabbed more sud bubbles and chucked it at them.

Twilight could see the splashing and playful laughter from the kids, more importantly, seeing Gregory smile and having fun. She could imagine that’s what he wanted too, to be a kid in his life, making new friends, and having fun. She looked at Fluttershy and whispers to her, “C’mon, let’s have them enjoy themselves, right now I need to discuss with you girls about the future for him.” The shy pegasus nods in agreement and left the foals alone.

For Gregory, to have fun for once and to not hide from the world, or get hunted down by a dancing, rabbit costume wearing, child kidnapping psychopath and animatronics? This is exactly what he needed, the need to have this stress, tension and anxiety melt away into fun, joy and laughter.

Perhaps his stay in Equestria wouldn’t seem so bad after all!