• Published 7th Jan 2022
  • 5,135 Views, 559 Comments

Unseen, Unheard - Nocturnal Reverie

While helping Pinkie Pie throw a party for an orphanage in Baltimare, Rainbow Dash meets a deaf and blind filly that steals her heart. Everything that follows was simply meant to be.

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Chapter 15: A Modest Proposal

Rainbow Dash gently glided up the stairs, a tuckered-out filly on her back humming softly as she nuzzled her big sister’s neck. An opened door, a smooth transfer, and the little pegasus was tucked away in bed, her cloudy eyes blinking sleepily in her big sister’s direction. Little hooves reached for her, and she obliged with a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. Tucking her little sister into bed, Rainbow grinned to herself as she trotted upstairs to her room, checking off point after point of her mental checklist.

With a nod and a yawn, Rainbow Dash pulled her covers over her, settling down to sleep as her eyes found her calendar, tomorrow’s date circled many times over.

Augustus 11

Scootaloo awoke to the smell of hay bacon. A deep yawn filled her nose and mouth with the wonderful scent, and her throat moved in a giggle as she wiggled to the edge of her bed, carefully feeling for the edge before slipping her hooves over the edge and reaching for the floor. A little breath escaped her as she touched down on the cloud floor, taking a moment to tug her blanket back into place, bumping her nightstand before turning and counting her steps to the door.

She eased the door out of the way, finding both the door jamb and the line in the wall before extending her wing to follow it, stopping once she found the line indicating the stairs. Lowering her body a bit, Scootaloo reached for the next step down, finding it with a satisfied movement in her throat.

She almost didn’t need to think about the steps she took, counting them perfectly before finding the line at the bottom again, counting her steps to the living room, then again to the kitchen, the smell getting stronger and stronger as she went.

The determined little filly shuffled into the kitchen, heading straight for the oven. A few steps away, she put out her hoof in a sweeping motion until she collided with a leg. A grin split her features as she stepped up to the furry limb, nuzzling up against the mare as she passed, her throat jumping in pleasant surprise as her forehead found Rainbow’s wing.

Right when she would have found her foreleg, Scootaloo ducked down and under her big sister, Rainbow’s chest fur tickling her back before her head poked out from under Rainbow’s chest. She grinned up where her sister’s head should be, blowing out a call.

In response, she felt a familiar nose touch her own, sending her chest into a giggle even as she rubbed her nose against Rainbow’s.

“How’d you sleep, squirt?” asked Rainbow’s hoof on her forehead.

Her own hoof touched Rainbow’s fetlock. “Good! I had a dream that we went flying!”

She felt Rainbow’s chest bounce in a laugh. “Oh, yeah? Wanna make that dream a reality a little later?”

Scootaloo’s smile stretched, and she bounced in excitement. “Yeah!”

Rainbow’s lips planted a kiss on her forehead, making Scootaloo’s throat rise in delight. After a few moments, Scootaloo passing the time by reciting her favorite lines, Rainbow Dash ducked down and scooped her onto her back, Scootaloo finding her neck immediately and holding on as her guardian rose to a gentle hover, her movements turning, forward, and a little glide to the right before she turned again, her gentle hooves pulling Scootaloo off her back and setting her down before the filly’s hooves were guided to the table.

A knife was pressed into her hoof, Rainbow’s guiding touch helping Scootaloo outline what she guessed was a stack of pancakes based on their shape. She smiled upward, unsure where her big sister’s face was before she reached for the plate itself, the distance of the edge she found telling her the pancakes were at about ten o’clock, and a little exploration came back with her finding the hay bacon taking up the rest of the space.

With a happy little hum, she poked the edge of the pancakes with her fork, and dug in.

With breakfast made quick work of, Scootaloo scrubbed a napkin across her muzzle, Rainbow taking it to get the part she missed. Just like every day, Scootaloo reached for her sister and asked, “What are we gonna learn today?”

Instead of answering with a subject name, Rainbow’s hoof replied, “Actually, we’re gonna take a day off of school today.”

Scootaloo blinked, surprise and confusion shocking her. “Why?”

“Because,” Rainbow answered, “today we’re gonna celebrate.” Scootaloo raised her head where she believed Rainbow’s face was, tilting it in question. Rainbow elaborated, “Exactly one year ago today, I signed the papers to bring you home.”

A gasp shot down Scootaloo’s throat, a grin splitting her face. “Really?!”

“Yep!” Scootaloo felt Rainbow’s forehead touch her own, her guardian nuzzling her, and she returned it as her throat tightened in a joyful giggle. “Happy Gotcha Day, Scootaloo.”

“Happy Gotcha Day, Rainbow!” Scootaloo threw out her hooves, catching Rainbow’s head in a tight hug as she felt Rainbow smile between her eyes, her chuckling breath making her blink.

She felt Rainbow’s hooves wrap around her barrel, pulling her into a loving, warm hug, scooping her out of her chair. Scootaloo felt herself moving in Rainbow’s hold, patiently waiting out the disorientation until she was placed down on the familiar cushion of the couch. “What do you want to do today, squirt? We can do whatever you want!”

Scootaloo’s throat moved as she thought, her mind trotting over several ideas before finally spinning around one in particular. Her mouth grew in a grin, and she grabbed her sister’s hoof. “Can we play Daring Do?”

She swore she could feel Rainbow’s smile as she replied, “Of course we can, Scoots! Which one?”

“Sapphire Stone!”

Her throat jumped, her chest shaking as she giggled, Rainbow’s hooves lifting her and holding her to her chest. A glide to the left, and Scootaloo felt the warmth of the sun on her back, Rainbow’s hoof quoting the opening of the first Daring Do book:

“‘Daring Do trekked through the tropical jungle. The wet heat sapped her energy and slowed her every step…”

As her big sister recited the first few pages by memory, she moved about the house, dipping and swooping and twirling through the air to mimick the movements and setting within the book as best she could, adding a level of immersion only the two of them could understand and making Scootaloo truly feel as if she were on an adventure in the forelegs of Daring Do herself, Rainbow Dash ducking down to avoid the shooting spikes and opening the prewarmed oven as they came across a pit of lava.

Rainbow couldn’t help her self-pointed swell of pride as she recalled every last detail, successfully prepping the next step as she re-enacted the novel, managing to wet the same towel used to swing over a gaping hole in the floor to roll to a stop on some damp jungle moss later in the scene, all while spelling out each and every action taken for her precious little sister as she led her through the scene.

She decided to have a bit of fun of her own as Scootaloo giggled from a suspended blanket bundle, Daring Do’s partner trapped in a net and the plucky protagonist trying to find a way to free her. As she tapped out how Daring figured out the pulley system, she poked where she knew Scootaloo’s neck was, her filly squealing in delight and exploding in a fit of giggles, lumps appearing as her hooves tried to catch Rainbow’s, the mare finally releasing the bundle and catching Scootaloo, the two finding each other and meeting in a nuzzle, sharing the love soaring between them.

As they stopped for a break, Rainbow Dash guided Scootaloo’s hooves around a large slice of cake, the adoptive big sister making the acception just for today and serving herself a slice as her charge took a bite, little squeals of excitement squeaking from her throat as she found sprinkles baked into the chocolate. Even as she watched her sister’s show of happiness, Rainbow couldn’t help her little puddle of guilt. “I’m sorry your friends aren’t here to celebrate, too.”

Scootaloo paused, then smiled as she looked in Rainbow’s direction and shook her head. “We spend every other holiday with them. I’m fine with this just being between the two of us.”

A little smile graced Rainbow’s lips. “Me too, kiddo.” With a cheery little hum from Scootaloo, the two savored the cake in mutual pleasantness, simply enjoying each other’s company and loving the little family they had built together.

Finally, after a long day of play, the two settled down, Rainbow Dash curling around her little sister and gently nuzzling her, Scootaloo blinking sleepily through a yawn. “Did you have a good day, squirt?”

Scootaloo nodded into her chest, snuggling as close as she could into her big sister. “Did you?”

Rainbow couldn’t stop her grin splitting her face. “Every day with you is a good day, Scoots.”

Her filly giggled, the sound never failing to make her heart leap with joy. “You, too!”

Just as Rainbow pressed a kiss into Scootaloo’s mane, she felt the telltale sign of Scootaloo hesitating, and she patiently waited to feel her question.

“Can I ask you something?” Scootaloo tapped on her chest.

Rainbow responded, “Anything, Scoots.”

Scootaloo hesitated again, her cheeks growing warm as her question trotted in a circle in her mind.

“When did you know I was yours?”

A breath caught in Rainbow’s throat, her filly’s inquiry shocking her mind and sending her tumbling down a well of memories, every moment from the second Scootaloo caught her eye across that courtyard to the moment she told Foggy she wanted to adopt her.

With a smile, Rainbow already knew the answer:

“I knew you were mine the moment you held my hoof.”

The answer made Scootaloo grin, sudden tears of joy welling in her eyes. She let out a little giggle, snuggling into her sister’s chest.

Rainbow Dash watched in heartwarming delight as her little sister slowly fell asleep, curling around her in a cocoon of warmth and protection. As she drifted off to sleep, her light mind danced around words of her own, Scootaloo’s poetic influence bleeding into them.

I knew you were mine the first day we met,

During the first of many moments I won’t soon forget…

A knock on the door caught Rainbow’s attention just as she finished helping Scootaloo trace out a slice of cake leftover from Gotcha Day. Leaving Scootaloo to her snack, she rushed to the front door, opening it at once.

A familiar pegasus mare greeted her with a smile, Stormy Skies brandishing her clipboard. “Good morning, Miss Dash.”

“Good morning!” Rainbow greeted in return, offering her a hoof. “It’s good to see you again.”

Stormy took the offered hoof, giving it a firm shake. “Likewise.” She adjusted her grip on the clipboard as Rainbow let her in. “So, it’s the same drill as last time. I inspect the house, then talk to Scootaloo. Are any of your friends available today?”

A brief pondering from Rainbow Dash confirmed the answer: “I don’t think so. They’re all busy today.”

Stormy nodded, “That’s okay. As long as neither you nor Scootaloo indicate any problems, then there’s really no reason to interrogate your friends.”

With a chuckle and a nod from Rainbow, Stormy Skies set about her inspection, the cyan guardian arriving back to her charge and helping the filly clean off her hooves once she finished her cake. “Agent’s here for one-year inspection. It’s the same mare from last time.”

Scootaloo perked up at the news, giving her guardian a bright smile. “Okay! Is she looking at the house?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow confirmed. “She’ll be back down in a little bit to talk to you again. Until she does, let’s get started on the afternoon classes.”

The little filly nodded, smiling brightly as she reached up for her guardian, Rainbow Dash scooping her up and gently hovering into the living room, depositing Scootaloo at her place by the coffee table and passing her her history reading.

“Okay,” Stormy smiled as she clicked her pen, tucking it behind her ear, “that’s it for the time being.” She stood from the couch, letting Rainbow Dash help Scootaloo off the couch and back to her assignment, picking right up where she left off.

Once the filly was settled, Rainbow stood once more to walk Stormy Skies to the door. “Well? How does everything look?”

The gray pegasus chuckled, “Everything is just as good as it was six months ago, if not better. You’ve maintained a well-established schedule for Scootaloo, and she’s adjusted perfectly.” With an easy grin, she added, “I’m very impressed with you and the environment you’ve kept up for her.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help her blush at the string of compliments, a tension leaving her shoulders that she didn’t realize was there as she smiled. “Heh, thanks. I…I don’t doubt how good I am, but it’s still nice to hear I’m doing something right.”

Stormy Skies giggled, “Of course, I understand. And…” her voice lowered a bit “I’ve heard a bit more information about Foggy Day. It’s not much, but I figured you’d like to know more.”

Her breath suddenly catching in her throat, Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened as anticipation suddenly filled her chest. “R-really?! What’d you find out?”

The inspector smiled sheepishly. “Like I said, it’s not much. But, I heard a couple things from the ponies who’ve been around since shortly after the system reformation.” Her golden eyes lit up with intrigued excitement as the information spilled from her lips:

“Apparently, Foggy Day just appeared out of nowhere about twenty-four or twenty-five years ago. According to others, she wasn’t even interviewed, Sage Note just showed up one day with her in tow. He briefly introduced her to the entire agency, and she got to work, and that was that. She was always super nice to whoever she spoke to, but no pony knows anything about her. She never opened up about anything, and she really clammed up when she was asked why she wanted to work here.

“No pony knows about any family she might have, or even who she worked for beforehoof. She was super skilled at working with foals, but she never told anypony why. The most anypony got out of her was she has a psychology degree and she loves foals. But that was it.” Stormy shrugged, “She’s totally elusive, too. No pony’s seen her since she left, and not even Sage Note will talk about her.”

Rainbow couldn’t stop her heart from racing as she was given piece after piece of information, her head swimming with the mind-bogglingly lack of solid facts about Foggy Day. She briefly wondered why in Equestria none of her coworkers knew anything, only to remember every interaction she’d ever had with the mare, her professional stance impenetrable, even as she kept up the perfectly lovely demeanor that made you feel as if you were friends with her the moment you exchanged greetings.

Stormy observed her flabbergasted client, nodding in mutual disbelief. “I know, right?! It’s so strange.”

“You’re telling me,” Rainbow agreed numbly, humming after a moment of thought. “But…thanks for trying to find out more about her.”

The agent nodded, offering her a smile. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry I couldn’t help anymore than that.”

Rainbow waved her off. “Nah, it’s fine! Thanks for at least trying.”

Stormy nodded,offering her a hoof. “I might see you next time, but in case I don’t: it was nice to see you again!”

Rainbow returned her smile, meeting the shake. “You too! I’ll see ya when I see ya!”

The smile she followed Stormy’s retreating figure with was merely a mask for the heartbroken disappointment she felt in her chest, Foggy’s missing presence refusing to settle as a permanent fixture in her heart.

“See you this afternoon, okay?” Rainbow Dash tapped on Scootaloo’s withers. The filly nodded, smiling brightly as she felt the breeze from Rainbow’s wings, the older pegasus taking off.

Scootaloo at once felt Twilight’s hoof on her shoulder, the unicorn guiding her around and leading her into the Golden Oaks Library. “How are you, Scootaloo? Doing okay?”

She nodded, smiling in Twilight’s direction. “I’m great! How are you?”

Twilight giggled, replying, “Me, too! I have a bit of work to do today, so I can’t play very much.”

Her temporary charge smiled. “That’s okay! I have my book and my cube.” As if to emphasize, Scootaloo shimmied to show off her saddlebags.

A little laughter escaped Twilight, the mare leading Scootaloo to a big, comfy chair and helping her onto it. As Scootaloo unfastened her saddlebags and pulled out her Rubit’s cube, Twilight asked, “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

Scootaloo only shook her head, her hooves beginning to twist and turn the mismatched cube.

With a little chuckle, Twilight left the filly to her toy and crossed the room back to her desk, her position giving her full view of the filly she volunteered to foalsit today.

Her eyes dropped to the cube Scootaloo held, watching in mild fascination as she turned sides in nonsensical directions and patterns, as if she were more interested in the way the sides clicked back into place than actually solving the mixed-up squares, making Twilight briefly wonder why she wasn’t trying to solve it.

A jolt shot through her brain, suddenly realizing with intense clarity that Scootaloo couldn’t solve it even if she wanted to.

The cube was smooth on all sides, giving Scootaloo no indication of which side was what or what color was where. Frowning, she approached her and lightly tapped her fetlock.

Can I borrow your cube for a second?”

Scootaloo paused in thought, then nodded. Twilight levitated the cube out of her hoof, and concentrated for a moment. In a small flash of magic, she now held the improved cube in her aura.

The order hadn’t been changed, the colors were where they had previously been. However, now each color sported a different-shaped bump that gave a tactile distinction between them. Twilight smiled at her handiwork, observing the bumps and shapes.

Now, each green tile had a crescent shape jutting out of them. Yellow had a star, white had two dots on the corners, red held a circle, a raised diagonal line cut through orange, and blue had a swirl.

Twilight passed the cube back to Scootaloo. The filly turned the cube over in her hooves, feeling the new textures with surprise.

That should make things a bit more interesting, yeah?” Twilight asked.

She beamed up at Twilight, nodding. Smiling to herself, Twilight trotted back to her desk, hearing Scootaloo’s thinking noises accompanying the click of the cube.

She had just finished her paragraph of notes when she heard a happy little hum come from Scootaloo. She looked up, seeing the filly holding out the cube in the direction she had previously stood.

She trotted back over, Scootaloo smiling brightly as she presented the cube again. Twilight’s jaw dropped, her heart swelling with excitement.

The side of the cube that faced her was all green, each crescent perfectly in line with the others.

Twilight glanced at the clock, noting to herself that a little more than five minutes had passed, before reaching for Scootaloo’s fetlock.

Great job! Can you do that for all six sides at the same time?”

Scootaloo frowned, her brow creasing in thought. She felt the cube again, carefully taking in each square. Twilight watched with bated breath as Scootaloo began twisting the cube again.

Twilight glanced at the clock again, noting the time as she stepped away and back to her desk. She pulled her tome over, glancing at the clock yet again, then back to Scootaloo, then forced herself to focus.

With a small breath, she threw herself back into her studies, organizing multiple areas of study at a time, making various lists, jotting notes to herself. Time seemed to blur around her as she went, her body and mind falling back into the familiar—

“Mm!” Scootaloo hummed excitedly, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts so suddenly the unicorn nearly spontaneously combusted her papers.

The little pegasus was holding out the cube again, and Twilight jumped up, hurrying over.

Her heart thundered with excitement, Scootaloo turning the cube over as she held it out, showing Twilight all six sides, which were now all their own color.

Twilight looked up at the clock, her jaw dropping.

Only a little over an hour had passed.

She was only halfway snapped out of her shock when Scootaloo gave a triumphant little giggle. Twilight took the cube in her magic, and tapped Scootaloo’s shoulder.

Wonderful! You did an amazing job! Want to try it again?”

Scootaloo nodded excitedly, and Twilight used a reversed algorithm to scramble the cube before giving it back.

This time, she sat and watched Scootaloo feel the cube in her hooves. After a moment, the filly began again. Twilight kept her eyes on the filly’s hooves, watching the way she twisted the block, looking for any kind of pattern.

She had every algorithm for the Rubit’s Cube memorized. Every method of solution that was ever created, she had carried out herself until she had mastered each one.

Scootaloo was using none of them.

The filly made a couple adjustments, felt the cube again, and made a few more. Little by little, the colors all lined up, coming together in lines, diagonals, rectangles, and finally, whole sides.

Scootaloo felt the block one more time before she hummed again, presenting the block with a triumphant smile.

Twilight glanced at the clock. Less than fifty-five minutes had passed.

Elation dawned on her, a grin creeping up her face as her recent ponderings regarding the little filly in front of her suddenly provided the answer she needed.

She had her angle.

Rainbow sighed as she rolled out her neck, knocking on the door. Only a second passed before she was met with Twilight’s beaming face opening the door.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight nearly shouted before Rainbow could speak. “I’m so happy you’re here! Come inside, I need to show you something!”

‘Well somepony’s channeling her inner Pinkie Pie,’ Rainbow mentally deadpanned as she hurried after Twilight. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

Twilight shook her head, pulling her into the main area of the library and in front of Scootaloo, who was fidgeting with her Rubit’s cube. Rainbow blinked and smiled, humming in interest as she saw the changes to the cube. “Oh, sweet! You fixed her cube up for her? I’ve been trying to find one that she can feel, but I just can’t find them anywhere.”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight responded almost dismissively, her eyes shining with excitement. “Now watch this.”

Just as she was told, Rainbow Dash watched her little sister twist the cube a few times before she held a completed cube in her hooves, a wordless noise escaping her as she held it up.

Rainbow’s eyes widened, impressed. “Woah! That’s…that’s awesome!”

“I know, right?!” Twilight gushed, taking the cube and rescrambling it for the filly. “She’s been solving it over and over again all afternoon! I mean, she’s…she’s a natural at complex puzzles!”

The cyan mare smirked in pride for her little sister. “Heh, yeah, she’s pretty good at solving hard stuff. She impresses me all the time!”

Twilight could hardly contain herself anymore. “Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo’s extremely intelligent. Gifted, even!”

Now, Rainbow blinked in confusion. “Uh…what?”

The purple unicorn giggled in elation. “Don’t you see? She figured out how to do that all on her own in the span of about an hour. And she’s improving rapidly! If she can do that, imagine what else she could do if she could see or hear!”

A pang tapped Rainbow’s heart, and her brow furrowed as she felt anger try to flare up in her chest. “Wh…what…? But…Twilight, she can’t…”

“I know, I know,” Twilight persisted. “But just think about what she could accomplish if she could…”

She paused for dramatic effect, letting what she knew had to be thoughts of great academic achievements cross Rainbow’s mind.

Spurred by Twilight’s words, the list of things that had steadily built up over the year crossed Rainbow’s mind once again. Little things she had thought about ever since bringing Scootaloo home…things that her sister would never get to do.

If she could see or hear…those would be the best accomplishments she could ever ask for.

Twilight’s voice snapped her out of her heartbreaking reverie. “She would be able to learn so many things, Rainbow! And broaden her horizons…she has an insane amount of potential!”

As her friend went on, Rainbow’s irritation began to bubble. Who was Twilight to say how much potential she had? She wasn’t the one there with Scootaloo during all her academic struggles. She didn’t have to constantly carefully explain concepts to make sure she got it right.

She didn’t have to watch the best of life pass her little sister by.

“And, just…if she could see or hear, she could—“

Run, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, turning to face her friend. “She could run.”

Twilight stared back at her, stunned, her next words dissolving instantly and leaving her mentally floundering.

“She could play,” Rainbow Dash squeaked. “She could take a step without hesitating o-o-or wondering if it’s even there…”

The pegasus rubbed her fetlock into her eyes, trying to fight away her tears. “She wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt at every turn.” With a bark of tearful laughter, she added, “Heck, she’d probably get hurt on purpose trying to be the next Stoney Hawk on a scooter for all we know, but…no.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes fell to the filly excitedly working on her Rubit’s cube. “Instead…she has to constantly worry about playing catch-up…” Rainbow sniffed. “She has to practice being independent…did you know that?”

She threw a thin-lipped look at the unicorn. “She has to practice…her independence,” she reiterated, taking emphasizing steps toward her friend. “If she could see and hear, that wouldn’t even be a thought. If she could see and hear, she wouldn’t have to work twice as hard as everypony else to be at the level she is right now.” Voice breaking, Rainbow Dash almost shouted, “If she could see and hear, she wouldn’t have to sit around and wait for life to happen just because somepony decided to include her!”

The pegasus stopped herself, taking a steadying breath, letting it out slowly. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Twi; and I’m flattered you think so highly of her, just…being able to solve one puzzle doesn’t mean anything…she’s not some genius trapped in darkness.”

Her face fell. “She’s…just a little filly trying her hardest to live as normally as possible. The skills she’s had to develop her entire life just so happen to be what you need to solve a Rubit’s cube, that’s it.”

Silence fell among the two friends, Twilight’s heart sinking as she realizes she’s made a grave error in her assumptions about the disabled filly, the cold water of Scootaloo’s reality hitting her square in the face and waking her from her fantasies.

Rainbow, for her part, felt guilt creep up her throat as she felt she snapped at her friend, and she sighed “Sorry about that,” she chuckled, offering Twilight an apologetic smile, “I, uh…I didn’t mean to go on a tangent like that.”

Twilight’s shoulders slowly released a tension she didn't realize she was holding. “No, it’s fine. I needed that. It’s…it’s good to have a dose of reality every once in a while. I’m sorry. I…wasn’t thinking about all of that.”

Rainbow gave a rueful grin. “I think about it every day.”

Twilight returned Rainbow’s look with a sympathetic one of her own. A moment passed between the two where nothing but the sound of a clicking Rubit’s cube filled the silence.

“What, um—“ Rainbow Dash began again, rubbing her temple, “what were you gonna say? I feel like you were trying to say something before.”

“Yeah,” Twilight picked up again, “I was…heh…I was gonna use that as a segue into…well…”

“What?” Rainbow Dash egged on.

Twilight swayed a bit, tracing a toe into the grain of the floor. “Well…okay, so…there’s this…thing…”

Rainbow’s face leveled into a look of annoyance. “And, Twilight?”

“And…it’s slowly been gaining traction in the medical community in Canterlot, but…not a lot of ponies want to accept it because it’s fully technological, no magic is used whatsoever—well, except at the very beginning.”

And?” Rainbow Dash nudged, her patience beginning to wear thin.

“And I’ve read up on it,” Twilight continued, catching Rainbow’s hint of impatience, “and conducted multiple interviews, and read as much as I can, and I even sat in on a procedure, and…well…from what I’ve seen, at least…”

The student blew out a nervous breath, looking up at Rainbow Dash with the spark of barely-checked anxious excitement in her eyes.

“It’s…shown to be a near-perfect cure for deafness.”

A beat passed, and Rainbow’s eyes widened, the mare’s body and breath freezing at once as the blood drained from her face.

With a final click, Scootaloo hummed triumphantly, presenting her Rubit’s cube to silence.

Author's Note:

“There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven:”
-‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭CSB‬‬

And cliffhanger!:rainbowlaugh:

Hello, everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter 16 is already almost done, so stay tuned! Might get uploaded in just a few days:raritywink:

So what do you guys think? I know there are some who may be concerned about story elements being affected by the changes coming up down the line, but rest assured that this is necessary for the next step in the story. I know it doesn’t seem like that now, but you’ll see:raritywink:

Again, shoutout to my wonderful friend who’s never failed to put a smile on my face.:scootangel: Love you, Buddy!

See you all soon!:twilightsmile::heart: