• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 577 Views, 20 Comments

Too Much of a Good Thing - Jatheus

Pinkie Pie decides it is time to have foals, and pursues Cheese Sandwich with all of the endless energy she attacks every problem... Can Cheese keep up with her?

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1: The Littlest Biggerific Idea

“Surprise!” Pinkie Pie led the shout as the Cake twins entered Sugar Cube Corner.

A dozen of their friends and half as many relatives joined in the welcoming sentiment, a joyous punctuation to begin festivities. The shout was followed by by the blasts of party poppers launching their mirthful payloads.

The young pair was startled, but quickly did wide grins displace the initial shock as streamers wriggled through the air. These were the moments Pinkie Pie lived for. All of the hard work in preparation for every party was worth it when smiles lit up faces of attendees and honored guests alike. She took a moment to bask in a job well done before bringing the cake and leading the gathering in the customary songs and games one would expect at a tenth birthday party.

Pinkie Pie, the master party planner that she was, carefully measured the amount of fun that was being had, helping it to wax and wane to bring the maximum amount of enjoyment for the guests. A song or a game at the wrong time was all it would take to dampen the mood, and that was not going to happen, not on her watch!

The party wound on until the punch and cake nearly ran out. Pinkie Pie smiled as she noted that she had again prepared just enough so that there was little leftover. There was nothing quite so sad as wasted confectionaries.

The guests departed, bit by bit. The children were off to some other fun thing, the adults to their responsibilities, and a few remained to slowly begin cleaning up after the festivities. Some light conversation took the place of the rowdy event that had completely spent itself.

“Pinkie, I must say, you have surely outdone yourself this time,” Mrs. Cake said as she took down a large banner.

“Aww, shucks, it was nothing!”

Mrs. Cake smirked, “Getting these two out on such a sensible errand was wonderful, but having us throw them a smaller party this morning was inspired! They were completely fooled.”

“When it comes to a surprise party,” Pinkie saluted like a soldier, “This Pie doesn’t play around!”

“I can certainly see that! Those two had such a full day, I’ll bet they’re just exhausted from all the fun. Thank you again, Pinkie, for going to so much trouble,” Mrs. Cake said as she swept up the spent streamers that were strewn across the floor.

“Are you kidding? I love parties, and foal parties are the best ever! I could just do these every day,” she thought for a moment, remembering Gummy’s infamous after birthday party and added, “Well, almost every day.”

“More birthdays are certainly a good thing. To be quite honest, I am a little surprised that you haven’t made a big announcement by now.”

Pinkie Pie froze in place as her brain skipped like a machine with one gear missing a cog.

“Oh!” Mrs. Cake suddenly became self conscious, “I didn’t mean anything by that. It’s none of my business. It’s just that you spend so much time with the twins... and you’ve settled down and all.”

Pinkie Pie’s mind had so fixed itself with laser-like focus that she practically didn’t hear the latter half of what Mrs. Cake had said. It was all true. Pinkie Pie had settled down. She had Cheese Sandwich. Why had they not started trying for foals of their own yet? Had they really been that busy that it just hadn’t come up?

Her brow furrowed with resolve. This was something that simply couldn’t wait. She was going to march directly home and figure this out. Every second she delayed would be another second longer she’d have to wait before holding her very own snuggly little ball of joy.

“I gotta go!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bolted for the door, completely ignoring the confused looks from Mrs. Cake and the few other parents that were helping her clear up the party’s remnants.

While she still spent a great deal of time at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich had wanted a place that could be their own. It was a short walk to the house, but she took it at a brisk canter. While it was modest in size, being similar in that respect to most houses in Ponyville, the decor was quite befitting a pair of party planning ponies like Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich.

Nopony would mistake their dwelling as belonging to anyone else, though it might be suspected as being a party factory or perhaps a tiny amusement park, such whimsy was used in every aspect of it. From winding windows that snaked their way up and around to staircases that stared at you, bug-themed rugs and dishes shaped like fishes, there was simply no end to the humorous odds and ends, all of which were in place for no reason other than to give a little joy to all who saw them.

The mare stopped short just outside her own door. She considered how she should approach her other half. She could talk to him about anything, Pinkie well knew, but the subject she was intending to broach would be big, huge, even life changing. A few years ago she might have simply stormed into her house and demanded an explanation, but something made her consider a slightly more gentle approach. Dinner first, then she would demand an explanation. She nodded to herself and opened the door.


Cheese Sandwich was sitting thoughtfully at a mundane desk, one of the few pieces of furniture in the house that was designed far more for function than form. He poured over every detail, even the tiniest marks drawing maximum scrutiny. Like his mate, he considered planning a party to be serious business. So absorbed was he in his work that he hadn’t even heard Pinkie Pie enter the house and begin banging around in the kitchen.

It was not until his nose detected the aroma of dinner that he realized what his other senses had not registered, bringing him to the conclusion that he should take a break. The stallion stood and stretched, feeling confident that he had seen to every last consideration to ensure nothing but smiles and laughter all around for the gathering he would be putting together. He still needed to collect a few items, but that would be tomorrow’s work.

Cheese Sandwich ambled into the kitchen just as Pinkie Pie was setting food on the table.

“What great timing,” she cheered at him. “I was about to come and get you.”

He made a wide grin, “You did! The scent from your cooking called to me.”

“Your nose sure knows!” the mare chortled.

The stallion sat down to a plate of roasted carrots and asparagus, sliced apples and steamed hay. It amused him to no end that Pinkie Pie had everypony else completely fooled about her diet. While out and about, she didn’t eat anything that wasn’t primarily sugar. At home, she had the best balanced nutrition that a pony could want, and typically there was nothing resembling a dessert either. More than one pony had asked Cheese Sandwich how she had not become horribly fat or diabetic with the way she seemed to eat nothing but sweets. He had shrugged, feigning ignorance. Her secret was safe with him.

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Cheese noticed his mate was not eating with her typical gusto. Her face seemed to have concern etched into it, with her brow slightly furrowed. He knew that look. Something big was on her mind.

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah… Well, now that you mention it, I just realized something.”

“What is it?” he pushed his plate back to focus on Pinkie.

She sat up, and looked him squarely in the eye, “Cheese Sandwich, we have been married for a while, and I can’t for the life of my figure out why we haven’t tried to have foals yet. Are we just that busy? Have we spent so much time planning parties for other ponies that we haven’t taken care of something so obvious? Little colts and fillies would be so much fun, fun, fun! Just picture them, running around the house with me chasing them. We could have a rumpus every night and more cuddles that either of us even know what to do with!”

The stallion felt himself make a smile that widened as she spoke. He knew there was nothing to do but let her finish.

“And that’s not even counting all of the extra parties we’d get to do just for the sheer fun and joy of it! So what do you say? Do you agree? Is it time for us to make a cheesy, inky, pinkie, twinkie? Is it? Is it?”

She finally took a breath.

“Of course, Pinkie! Just think of all the toys we can make and games we’ll play! It’ll be great! I have at least a thousand and eight ideas that go from newborn foal to edgy goth teenager to keep those smiles coming. Absolutely and a half, if you’re ready to try for foals; I’m ready too!”

Joyful tears welled up in Pinkie’s eyes for just a moment, “That’s great! I’m so glad to hear you say that.”

She stood, advancing toward the stallion around the table.

“Since we are agreed, you know what we have to do next.”

He did.

“Right now?”

“Right now!”

“But dinner, the dishes, the dining room?” the stallion spoke in confusion.

“Cheese Sandwich, there are far more important things than the dishes! Every second we delay is one second more that I have to wait before holding that itty-bitty baby foal and snuggling its precious little face! If we make a mess, I’ll clean it up.”

She was nose to nose with him now, everything about her posture had become enticing. He could not help but become appropriately excited, his confusion and the unconventional approach notwithstanding.

“Come on,” she said, “make me the bread for your cheese sandwich!”

There was nothing left to say. He stood. She turned. Then, the battle was joined. It began with a feint as if to draw the other into a trap. The forces in play circled each other and then collided. The table’s legs screeched as it slid a few inches. Silverware that had been on the edge clattered to the floor. A chair overturned and crashed next to the silverware as the forces in play slugged it out. It ended with a decisive victory. The pair separated, their objective complete.

“I’m… um…” Cheese Sandwich searched for words, “I can probably do more… for you the next time.”

“Don’t be silly! We did exactly what we were trying to do,” Pinkie Pie gave him a wink as she began to straighten up the table.

She stopped suddenly.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Actually, let’s go ahead and go again!”


“Of course! We can try for triplets!”

The mates laughed, both knowing that it didn’t quite work that way.