• Published 14th Dec 2021
  • 610 Views, 6 Comments

The Lord of Chaos - Guillermo

The life of the lord of chaos, Discord, was always a mystery, it just appeared one day out of nowhere and was left. But a discovery in the castle of the Two Sisters will shed light on his past.

  • ...

Get a brother back

Discord was traveling through outer space, accompanied by electronic music created by that Dj Pon 3. If there was something that he loved about mortals, not just ponies, it was their ability to create music, sometimes so harmonious and beautiful and other times so chaotic, more than once he had wondered why his parents did not do the same as Harmony with their daughters and promoted the first mortal to create a piece of music in a god.

After several minutes of travel, he reached his destination, stopping to observe his next task, two galaxies close together and about to collide. Taking out a remote control, he changed his current song to some classical music, perfect for what he had to do, and began to move his hands together little by little, acting like a conductor. Before they touched, he clicked, making all planets and systems, whether they harbor life or not, become intangible, thus preventing any accidents. After half an hour, the galaxies merged into a single, vastly larger one.

Nodding in satisfaction, Discord undid the intangible spell and snapped his fingers, causing a scroll to appear that he grasped in both hands, staring at it intently.

"Ummm, let's see ... Annoy Crono, done, buy new tea bags for the meeting with Fluttershy, done, put two galaxies about to collide together, done, beg Hades again to let me visit Eden to see Harmony and Cake ... pending."

With a satisfied smile, he let the parchment float in the vacuum of space, at least until it burned to ashes, and don't ask how it could burn in the vacuum of space. Just as he was about to be transported to the plane of Limbo to visit the lord of the dead, a letter appeared with a golden glow, symbolizing that his little solar sister had written to him.

With a smile, he opened the envelope and read its contents, stumbling upon an invitation to his castle for that afternoon. 'Why wait?' Discord asked himself with a mischievous look. Tucking the letter into an inner pocket of his fur, he brought two eagle fingers to his mouth and whistled with all his might, seconds later a taxi appeared right in front of him. The window lowered and showed a Discord with a greasy cap, a cigar in his mouth, a blue jacket and a grumpy tone that would make the inhabitants of Manehattan proud.

"Where to?" He snapped.

"To Equestria, the royal castle of Canterlot, please."

"Get on" the taxi driver answered as he spat into the void of space.

"What a service" Discord whispered before entering.

The taxi reared, like a pony ready for battle, and lunged forward, turning sharply and heading in the opposite direction. Traveling at speeds impossible even for light, it took him an hour to traverse hundreds of thousands of galaxies to reach the correct and desired planet. The vehicle entered the atmosphere, and unlike any other stellar object that entered the planet, the taxie was not involved in a ball of fire, quickly reaching its destination. He stopped in front of the great golden doors, in front of two guards who looked at each other nervously, knowing well who was there, confirming their suspicions when they saw Discord leave shortly after as he took a deep breath.

"Yo, home smell you later!"

"Are you going to pay me or not?" Said the taxi driver with a grunt.

Grabbing the fur from his chest, he opened it as if it were any ordinary jacket, took out a wad of bills that had his smiling face on them, handing it to the uranus taxi driver.

"Keep the change" he said before the taxi disappeared into the sky, so Discord looked at the guards with a smile. "That guy was in a hurry, huh?"

"Once again, we deeply regret having canceled our meeting yesterday" Celestia said from her throne with an apologetic smile.

In front of her and her sister, who sat next to her on her own throne, was a griffin, who was one of the griffin emperor's most trusted advisers and had gone as ambassador to establish much closer commercial ties with Equestria than in the past. All thanks to the performance of two of the friends of the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle, in one of the most important cities of the Gryphon Empire, at least it was in the past.

"There are no problems, Your Highness, the taps are not strangers to personal problems" the counselor commented, bowing his head respectfully.

"And we appreciate it" Luna commented with another smile of apology and gratitude. "Returning to the topic, I am sure that there is much that you would like to discuss with us about the future of our kingdoms."

"Yes, and I would like to apologize again, Emperor Graham III regrets not being able to be here. He had very important matters that related to the Empire, you must know the importance of solving matters of that caliber."

"Of course" Celestia said as she smiled.

Before they could continue speaking, the wooden doors were flung open, alarming the guards, both those of the princesses and those protecting the Gryphon ambassador. A red carpet crossed the room as six Discords dressed as members of a royal entourage lined up and began to play in sync. A mini draconequus dressed as a butler strode across the carpet as the music continued, carrying a neatly folded parchment under his arm. The trumpets stopped his music, except for one in particular who began to play one more ... rhythmic, at least until the mini Discord jumped up and hit his neck with the scroll.

"Enough, Reggie" he said, stepping to the side of the carpet and spreading his parchment, which began to roll and spread throughout the room until it reached the thrones of the princesses, clearing his throat before speaking. "Featuring His Highness, King of Mischief, Ultimate Party Man, Count of Milk Chocolate, Master Dancer ... etc, etc, Lord of Chaos, Discord!"

A hundred confetti came out of the ceiling as the aforementioned entered the throne room as he greeted an imaginary audience that began to clap in ecstasy, before stopping in front of the princesses.

"Your favorite draconequus has arrived!" He yelled as he spread his arms with a gigantic smile, bowing, quite exaggerated.

The Discords, the mini included, disappeared from there with the long carpet next to the even longer parchment. The room fell silent, the guards, both those who came with the griffin ambassador and those who belonged to the royal guard, looking nervously at Discord, the former because it was the first time they had seen him and the latter because they still remembered the betrayal that the Lord of Chaos committed by allying himself with Tirek.

"Discord ... we were waiting for you this afternoon" Celestia said without showing any emotion.

"Yeah, but I said to myself ... why wait to see my favorite princesses?" Discord replied with a shrug and smirk.

"Yeah ... Ambassador, would you mind saving our meeting for later? My sister and I have something very important to discuss with the lord of chaos, affairs of state."

"Of course, Your Highnesses, I understand" said the aforementioned, still surprised to be in front of such a chaotic creature.

When the gryphon and his soldiers left the room, Celestia glanced at her guards, saying with her eyes that they should go as well. A little insecure, the ponies obeyed, leaving their princesses with a very confused lord of chaos, for he felt something very different from the hatred or indifference common in them. This time, there was affection, something that he had not experienced for many centuries, clouded with some anger, but did not reach hatred, and sadness, and it was there that Discord knew something was wrong. Celestia got up and began to walk slowly, her sister following behind her.

"Tell me, Discord, does the name 'Cake' sound familiar to you?"

A little red alarm started going off in his head, but Discord quickly dismissed it, it was impossible for their to remember it, he had made sure of it. The lord of chaos floated up and raised his gryphon hand thoughtfully to his chin.

"Wasn't that the name of those pastry chefs in Ponyville that Pinkie Pie works for?"

"No, it's not them" Celestia answered calmly.

"Well, I have no idea," Discord said with a shrug, making Luna groan as she took a few steps forward.

"Stop playing the damn fool! We know everything! You ...!" Luna was interrupted by Celestia's wing, who indicated with her gaze that she calm down.

"What do you think you know exactly?" Discord asked, suspecting the answer, but not wanting to admit it.

In response, Celestia lit up her horn, appearing in front of her a black book that struck the draconequus. Discord grabbed it curiously, opening it and starting to read, faster than any creature could, but the sisters could see his face go through myriad emotions. Surprise, outrage, sadness, and, finally, resignation, closing it, he ran his eagle claw across the cover as she sighed, letting a small smile appear on his face.

"That Cake, I should have guessed she would do something like that" Discord looked up and saw his sisters, watching him intently, without taking their eyes off their.

"How could you?" Luna said as she advanced, dropping a few tears that she had been holding back for a while.

"The alternative was pony extinction and your death, and I wasn't going to go through there" Discord replied with a shrug.

"You didn't even think we could understand it, Celestia commented with pain in her heart and in her gaze, making Discord have to suppress a guilty grimace. "And even when you did, you didn't think of ending this charade by breaking your seal for the first time, or after your supposed reform ..."

"What can I say?" Discord said as he shrugged. "I suspected the ponies wouldn't take the truth well ..."

"It has been more than 2000 years since your first defeat" Luna said firmly. "Very few remembered you, the only thing you did to continue with your stupid charade is to reinforce the idea that you are a monster, and even more with your alliance with Tirek."

"I remind you that thanks to my betrayal, Twilight got that key for that chest and got that castle. If not for me, she would still be racking her brains to find out what her role as a princess is."

"The ponies won't see that" said Celestia. "All they will see is that the supposedly reformed Lord of Chaos betrayed the princesses of Equestria and helped the demon Tirek absorb their magic."

"Well, all the more reason to continue with the lie, right?" Discord commented with a small smile, devoid of Joy. "Imagine what would happen if your subjects knew ..."

"And why would they have to know?" said Luna, already desperate to see that her brother could move away again. "It could be behind closed doors, nopony has to realize it. Please ... I don't want ... I don't want to lose you again ..."

Discord watched his little sister's tears come out, and a glance at Celestia confirmed that she had her own too. The lord of chaos was left thinking, because he did not know what the hell to do. He had spent too much time pretending to be someone he was not, too long in his role as the mortal enemy of the divine alicorns ... he wasn't sure he could go back to being the brother he should be. But even seeing his sisters like this, he kept thinking that the best thing was to get away from them, what would the ponies think of him if they discovered that the villain who made them suffer in the past was the brother of his princesses? What did they discover that they rose to power thanks to a lie?

"Like I said, what if the ponies found out the truth? It could spell your end as rulers, and the ponies need you ... Closed door or not, somepony might realize. Don't expect to see me again, it would be quite risky ..."

Without giving the alicorns time to respond, Discord disappeared in a white flash, leaving the princesses bewildered, with the black book as the only proof that he was there. Immediately after his departure, Luna collapsed and began to cry inconsolably, being hugged shortly after by her sister.

There was a cemetery near the Castle of the Two Sisters, in the village that was built shortly after the accession to the throne of both alicorns, and like the palace, it had fallen into ruins, it was hardly appreciated what it was before. Discord appeared at the entrance and crept forward, slithering through the air like a snake, down the rocky path filled with moss and nature, slowly reclaiming his territory.

The light of the full moon illuminated the place, but soon, its light was quickly turned off thanks to a thick layer of clouds. At last, the draconequus stopped in front of the only thing that remained intact in the place, a set of tombs that the lord of chaos set out to keep intact after his reform, although at that moment, the one that interested him was one in specifically, that of her first mortal friend ... Cake. He stare at the tombstone for a while before sighing.

"Well ... Hades again denied me to see you, so here I am. I'm glad to know that at least you will be able to hear me, although I would have liked to hear some advice from you, you always gave me the best" Discord allowed himself a small laugh, fading quickly. "Right now ... I need it ... I don't know what do with Celestia and Luna ..."

"Dramas were never your strong suit, you are better with happy themes ..."

Discord turned his head, seeing a pony that he had not seen in a long time. The Lord of Chaos grimaced before turning back.

"What are you doing here, Gea?"

The goddess of life stepped forward to stand next to her older brother, gazing down at the grave from her hooves.

"Give support to a brother, I saw that you needed it."

"I don't need it, and less from somepony who has never come down to see his sisters."

"Do you think you are the best person to rub people's mistakes in his face?"

"For once ... I'll agree with you, and I don't know who made the worst mistakes."

"According to Crono, you" said Gea, smiling.

"I'm not surprised ... he has hated me since I became a 'villain', even if it was to protect Celly and Lulu."

"I think I remember that he said that from there to trying to imitate Ares there is a very small step" said the green alicorn.

"Don't you dare say it even as a joke" growled the lord of chaos, and a flash of lightning crossed the cloudy sky of the Everfree. "Ares was a ... psychopath who sought the destruction of everything. I just wanted to ensure a future for my sisters and the ponies."

"And you gave it to their ... at the cost of your happiness" Gea said, her burlesque and cheerful tone replaced by a worried one. "Now you have the opportunity to change things."

"Or to make it worse ... the ponies could take the news very badly."

"Or not, you don't know."

"I know mortals, I know very well how they might react."

"You have a very bad image of mortals, brother."

"I've had experience."

"I know, I know, changelings, ponies, griffins, and many more ... but you have also run into good mortals."

"Already ... few, very few. Mortals ... you know they are unstable, and can very easily succumb to evil."

"What about Cake?"

"An exception."

"Yeah ... And Fluttershy? Another exception?" Discord went to speak, but his sister wouldn't let him. "Then you have her friends, none of them seem like a bad pony."

"They are the elements of harmony, chosen by Hecate and her sisters, obviously they are not."

"Aha, what about Spike? He is a dragon, and I think I remember you once said that it was a mistake to create dragons."

"And I maintain it, they are too destructive and have decided to reject any attempt at peace. Spike was raised by ponies, an element of harmony and a descendant of Harmony, he would obviously be an exception to the ..."

"And Ember? The Dragon Lord doesn't seem as bad as the others. As I understand it, she is totally the opposite of her father, and I have seen one or two dragons willing to help someone in distress, be it ponies, griffins or any other creature" at this point, Gea was grinning widely while Discord just snorted . "Not to mention the ponies that, according to you, most would succumb to evil, and the truth is, I don't agree very much. There are Messrs. Cake, the Apple family, those cutie mark crusaders, Rarity's parents, those of that filly named Scootaloo, Miss Cheerilee ..."

"Okay, okay, I get it, not all mortals are prone to evil."

"And still, you're afraid" said Gea with a frown. "Why reject the love of your sisters?"

"Why do you care?" Discord replied with a grunt. "What I'm going to do is the same thing all the gods have been doing, watch, meditate, and not intervene."

Furious, Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared from there, not wanting to be with his sister anymore. He reappeared near the top of Mount Everhoof, alone surrounded by snow and silence. At least until he turned and ran into the smiling Gaea.

"Discord, you may be one of the most powerful gods, but you are still alive, and I can know where each living being is at all times."

"I knew, I just wanted to see if you got the idea that I wanted to be alone" Discord growled before sitting down in the snow, feeling his sister do the same and sit next to him.

"Discord, if I worry for you, it is because of all, you are the one who has interacted the most with mortals. And although it pains me to admit it, you are the only one who has become so fond of Celestia and Luna as father and mother, and unlike them, you can visit them whenever you want."

"Gea ..." said the lord of chaos with a sigh. "Look at me, I've been playing the villain for too long, I don't know how to be a brother. And it's not like I was the best, my punishments were a joke, and when I gave them, they knew how to get rid of them."

"Luckily for you, they are older- said Gea with a smile." Now you can forget to take care of them, you can do what you always do with us."

"And is that ...?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Be the best older brother of creation."

After a few moments, Discord gave a small smile before pulling Gea into a tight hug, which she gladly accepted.

Celestia opened her eyes watching the rising sun, illuminating a new day, together with her sister. They had been together all night, comforting each other. Luna was the one who had had the worst time, as she firmly believed that it had been her fault, all for rushing too much and not waiting. The goddess of the sun sighed, ready to have a bitter day, until they heard applause from behind their. As they turned around, both sisters widened their eyes, because there was Discord, sitting on a deck chair as if nothing, looking with a big smile at his little sisters.

"An excellent sunrise, my dears, as always."

"D ... Discord?" Luna said incredulously.

"The same dress and shoes."

"What are you doing here?" Celestia said, her heart beating fast as hope flooded her.

"Well, I've been thinking, and after a lot of thinking and getting some advice" Discord couldn't help but smile slightly, then looking at his sisters, "I've decided I'm done with pretending. Luna, you've won, I'm going to give this closed-door thing a chance ..."

He couldn't continue, as the dark alicorn threw him to the ground, making the deck chair disappear, crying bitterly.

"Stupid! Fucking idiot! Don't do it again! DID YOU HEAR ME?!" she shouted through tears, allowing herself to stop being the regal figure that she always tried to show to everypony.

"Loud and clear, Lulu" Discord said smiling, hugging his younger sister, who calmed down little by little and accepted the hug. "Better?" Seeing her smile, the lord of chaos widened her smile. "So ... can I get up?"

Luna pulled away from him a bit, suddenly embarrassed, allowing her brother to get up. As he did so, he glanced at Celestia, who was trying hard not to break her composure, at least until the draconequus reached out for a hug. Soon, the solar goddess pressed herself against him, leaving behind her neat image of an untouchable princess and beginning to cry freely, reverting to being a little filly. Discord observed Luna looking at them with a smile, and he did not miss anything of her inviting her to her family hug. Once they parted, several minutes later, the lord of chaos finally made up his mind to speak.

"Well, who's hungry?"

The two sisters looked at each other before smiling and marching out of the room, being followed by the lord of chaos. Several guards along the way watched in disbelief at the rare sight of their princesses talking animatedly to Discord, with no insults or practical jokes involved. On the contrary, there were only good words between the three of them, and they continued like this until they reached the great dining room of the castle. Celestia and Luna sat in their usual place, and just when they were going to invite their brother to sit in one of the chairs already set, the draconequus decided to move one aside, raising it to the ceiling, and place his own, then observing to his sisters.

"What? It is my favorite chair."

"It doesn't matter" said Celestia smiling, turning around when she heard the kitchen door open. "I hope you like breakfast, our chefs are among the best in the country."

"Although they don't get over Cake" Luna intervened with sadness in her voice. "I wish I was here."

"And he is, for sure" Discord said confidently.

Seeing that Luna did not seem very convinced, he reached out his tail and stroked his sister's head with its end turned into a hand, who smiled fondly, being a strange sight for the guards who were there and for the ponies that brought the food. The last time they saw the lord of chaos interact with Luna, this one she did not speak with exactly good words.

"Remind me to take you to her grave" he said after a while, pulling his tail away from his sister.

"We'd love that" Celestia answered with a big smile.

Food soon filled the table, and the servants left quickly, a bit shocked by the unexpected visitor. As the three of them ate quietly, Discord glanced at the guards, who were immensely nervous at his presence.

"Are you going to tell them the truth?"

"I thought you said ..."

"Luna, it is one thing for those who work here to know it and another for the ponies who live abroad to know it."

"The truth" Celestia spoke after swallowing a bite of her cupcake, "is that I was thinking of holding a meeting to ..."

"To give them time to start the rumors and escape from this castle. If you allow me, Celestia, I'll do it faster."

With a click, a microphone, and a sound mixer it appeared in front of him, starting work right away.

"Let's see ... Testing, testing, one, two, one, two ..." the voice of the Lord of Chaos was heard in every corner of the castle, including the gardens, but it did not go outside its grounds, even though the street was a meter away. "Okay, hello everypony, stallions and mares! I'm Discord, and I'm here to tell you something important ... Celestia and Luna are my little sisters, don't bother looking for explanations, I won't give them to you, maybe in the distant future, who knows. The thing is ... this secret should not leave the castle, so, if anypony is tempted to tell this out there, remember that the last mortal who betrayed my trust was turned into a grain of sand in the middle of the desert, like this If you have that temptation, think that you could be the next pimple.

"Discord!" Said Luna's voice, echoing through the castle. "That is cruel, there is no need to threaten them."

"Just in case."

"Not even in case."

"Be careful with that tone, I'm still your older brother."

"And what are you going to do to me, huh?"

"Umm ... A baby chair would suit you."

"If that was embarrassing before ..." Celestia commented as she took a sip of coffee, ignoring the disoriented guards.

"You would not dare..."

"Nope, it's very obvious ... but I can tell an anecdote for your workers" Discord showed a mischievous smile and leaning back in his chair "I remember one day, when you were five years old, you had to take a bath and you started running all over the castle screaming ..."


The princess of the night threw herself at the draconequus, so Celestia had to elevate everything on the table with her magic. The Lord of Chaos quickly backed away as he laughed uncontrollably, storming out of the dining room, closely followed by Luna. As they left, Celestia's assistant Raven entered the room, gazing wide-eyed at the spectacle before approaching the solar princess.

"I have to say, Raven" Celestia said when she noticed her. "I missed my older brother."


"Do not worry, I will tell you the story, you are of my highest confidence. And don't worry, I won't let him turn anypony into a grain of sand" Celestia said as she smiled and began to drink her cup.

"WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING ONLY ME?!" Luna yelled, still chasing her brother.

"Don't worry, I have many others from Celestia, like when she tried to steal a box of cookies, it's a classic."

"If you'll excuse me, Raven" Celestia said with wide eyes, "I have to stop Discord from revealing foalhood secrets."

As soon as she said that, the alicorn got up and left the dining room at a brisk pace, with the aim of preventing Discord from damaging her reputation. Raven glanced at the guards, who shrugged, but still, the unicorn saw something that she didn't see very often in her princess, genuine joy. If living with the lord of chaos was the price to pay for their princesses to be happy, so be it.