• Published 9th May 2022
  • 2,823 Views, 131 Comments

The Ace - Erstwhile Tail

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"I'm a Pegasus," The creature explained for the 4th time, "You are in a land called Equestria, I swear you are ok, you are safe, there is no danger."

"We've established the first part, now how the hell is this land so close to the channel, yet so untouched by the war, the battle at Dunkirk was devastating. And how the bloody hell have I never heard of this place!?!" John argued, he couldn't understand why this 'pony' was failing to understand that there was a war ensuing around Europe.

"I don't know what a Dunkirk is..." Fluttershy, which was her name, an odd one at that but a name none the less, was trying to get him to lay back down, and take some glowing 'potion'. John wasn't falling for any trick, it was probably poison or... acid, or... or... something.

John slapped it away, it fell to the floor, it didn't break but bounced and rolled off to the side. Clinking against the wall.

"This is a trick, I'm in occupied France, or Germany aren't I? I bet that you Jerry Cunts have me drugged, and are trying to spill secrets on Britain's Defences aren't you!?" He was right up in the 'pony's' face, the pain of losing William still fresh in his mind, John didn't even think about holding back his anger and rage.

"P-p-please, I j-just want to..." Fluttershy started, her voice quivering as she took a step back, her ears folding down and her head lowering. She looked on the verge of tears

"To what!? Make me talk? I want my friend back, hell I want my old life back, but it looks like neither one of us are getting what they want today." He shoved her back, being a 4 legged creature, she didn't fall over per se, but she did land on her rump with a thud. John tried to get out of the bed he was in, he threw off the covers, his trousers had apparently been cut away, and only his undergarments and the gauze applied to him offered him cover. He got off the bed and stood, a bit unsteadily.

Fluttershy stood and placed herself in front of him, "Wait, don't you're not well enough!"

The Equines tallest point (the top of her head) came to about his mid torso, whilst he was a good foot or two taller than her, she was nevertheless determined to stop him.

"I flew a plane while it and I were shot up, I can bloody well do... this." John said, as he walked around her and towards the door to the room, with each step his vision began to darken, and the room began to swim. Lightheadedness began to fill his head and the floor was rushing up to meet him, before something soft stopped him.

"I told you, I am not a Germ-man, I am a Pony. Your Plane, was it? Crash landed, you lost a lot of blood, you need to rest until I can get more potions from downstairs." Fluttershy's voice, then her face pushed through the haze with a stern tone and look. "I will take care of you until you can walk more than 3 minutes without fainting, do you understand?"

John blinked, then laughed. "And just what are you going to do to stop me?"

"I didn't want to do this."


Fluttershy's eyes seemed to bulge as she stared at him, her mouth downturned in a frown, borderline on a grimace, the kind face seemed to be only a distant memory.

"You WILL get back in bed and you will wait until you recover to leave," She stated bluntly, "or so HELP ME, I'll put a straight jacket on you!"

John would normally have stated the fact that this... 'Equestria' probably didn't have a straight jacket for him, but the look in her eyes told him to do as he was told. Before... bad things happened.

"Ok, ok. I'm going back to bed." he stood up, the world spun and he plopped back down. Once he'd gotten ahold of his own brain John looked to Fluttershy, "Um... a little help?"

"Of course," Fluttershy walked over, and leaned her head down. John braced himself against her pulling himself up, and leaning on her.

Fluttershy helped him into the bed, now that John thought about it, he was fairly sure was her bed. She went to where the healing potion had been lying on the floor and gingerly picked it up in her mouth. John had been unsure on how she'd pick it up, but that made sense. She trotted up next to the bed, and sat down kind of like a cat or a dog would have.

She placed the bottle in between her hooves and pulled the cork off using her teeth, she offered it to him, outstretching her hooves. John took it, and swissed it around, "So what's in this?"

"A few urbs, spices, some plants. Oh and some magic."

John raised an eyebrow, but seeing how he was basically talking to a horse, he didn't object.

"Bottoms up," He said, and took a swig, the potion tasted... odd. Like a cross between orange juice and lemonade. With a hint of... sparkles?

"You should take these every few hours, that way you'll heal much faster, maybe in a day or so." Fluttershy explained, "I have plenty so don't worry about depleting my supplies."

"Thank you, I hope there is a way I can repay your kindness." John said, sipping the potion as the warm feeling of his tissues began to repair themselves. At a much faster rate than normal.

"No need, I just hate seeing others hurt, whether it be ponies, my critters, or well, a hooman." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"HUman." John corrected her.

"That's what I said, didn't I?"

"Not exactly..."

The sound of the barn collapsing roused Rainbow Dash from her unconscious state, she forced one eye open, then the other. Fire and smoke rose high into the air from the Apple Family barn, she could make out 2, 3... or maybe more figures near the barn but her vision was swimming and going double. She no doubt had a major concussion. But she shook it off. She had to help. If Applejack, or anypony was hurt, or worse. She had to know.

She forced herself to stand, her limbs protested, and pain shot through one of her rear legs. She then began to register the ringing in her ears, and the pounding in her head. But she did her best to block it out. She took a step, limping toward the farm.

Her skin felt like it was on fire, both from the scrapes and scratches, the blood pouring from her head, or the strange goey black substance that was still warm on her face. She limped along, one of her hind legs having been severely injured when she crashed to the dirt road. Not to mention her wing, she couldn't bring herself to look at it. She needed to stay alert, she couldn't fall asleep, or think to much about it. If she went into shock, she may not make it. To the farm, or anywhere else.

She kept walking, her path becoming more and more unsteady, until her legs turned to jelly and the ground rushed up to meet her. She grunted in pain as she fell on her face. She stifled a cry of pain, and ignored the tears flowing down her face as she picked up self back up, pain now filling her head. She took a few steps once again, the farm gate was only up ahead. How far had she come? The smoke hadn't slowed, the column seemed to reach up past the sun.


Dash stopped when she heard her name, she turned to the voice, there on the other side of the fence, was Big Mac. By the sweat soaking his forehead and neck, he might have been working out in one of the orchards and was rushing to see what had happened.

"Oh sweet Celestia, what happened to you?" Big Mac questioned as he jumped the fence and trotted up, "C'mon, let's get you some help." He drapped her good wing and a forelimb over one of his shoulders and helped her along, much faster than when she was doing it herself.

Applejack skidded to a halt, covering her face with her hooves as the barn collapsed in front of her, she had seen the fire and smoke. She knew that Applebloom was inside, and fearing for her sister's life she had raced to the barn from the north fields, praying to the sisters that she was alright. But the barn had collapsed before she got there.

"APPLEBLOOM!" She cried out, she would have rushed forward and started digging through the rubble, but the heat from the fire was much too intense from where she stood. Granny Smith was out of town this week visiting relatives in Appaloosa, and Big Mac was nowhere in sight.

Applejack stared at the rubble that used to be the main barn. The fire billowing with smoke. A tear, and not from the fire, rolled down AJ’s cheek.

Then her ears perked up, what was that?

There it was again. It was coming from the fire.

Applebloom felt the heat. The creature had blocked the debris from crushing her, but she still felt worse for wear.

There was a muffled cry from outside, it sounded like AJ. She called back. But she could barely hear herself over the fire.

“Versuch es weiter... Kleiner.” The creature said, “Komm hier raus... oder wir werden BEIDE lebendig verbrannt.”

Applebloom once again had no idea what the creature was saying. But she wasn’t leaving without him. She stood in the small space.

“Ah may not understand you, but I sure darn plan to get you outa here with me ya’hear?” She stated stomping her hoof for dramatic effect. “Now c’mon.” She took a mouthful of his jacket and pulled. Dragging him to the ‘wall’ and began to dig.

She carefully moved one piece after another. Trying not to collapse what remained of the barn on top of them. But one piece, a decent sized beam, refused to move. No matter what she did, her little body wasn’t enough to move the thing. She was about to give up, when the creature crawled forward, and braced himself. He looked to her, and held up 3… talons, tentacles, or were they… toes? He then made her me go down. It took her a second before she understood.

When he put down the last... limb. They both gave a mighty heave and the beam shifted. They gave another, and the beam moved enough for both to crawl under through the remaining rubble to daylight.

Applebloom was in front. Being smaller she was able to get around the broken wood much easier then her larger companion.

They were only 10 feet or so from their freedom. When the wood shifted, “uh oh…” Applebloom started to say, but she was quickly shoved from behind. She went rolling out into the daylight. The heat from the fire, hitting her as well as the stench from the smoke. She quickly crawled away.

“Applebloom!” Her sister, Applejack, called to her galloping up and embraced, “are ya ok?”

Applebloom coughed, “eah ah’m fine, but he’s still in there!”


“The creature”

Aj raised an eyebrow looking to the flames. The fire had collapsed what protection he must have had.

“Ah’m not too rightly sure what yer talkin about, but if there were any pony in there. They surely be dead now. I’m sorry sis.”

Applebloom buried her face in her sisters chest sobbing, she may not have known him, or what he was, but he saved her life. Twice by the looks of it.

“What in Tartarus…” Aj whispered.

Applebloom glanced up at her sister, then followed her gaze to see a figure stumbling out of the smoke. Standing on two legs. With a small head, and a thick jacket. He was literally smoking as he had been the closest to the fire and some of his hair was singed.

He raised a fore-limb in a wave to Aj.

“Hallo, ich scheine medizinische Hilfe zu brauchen…” he managed to say. Before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell forward flat on his face. The back of his jacket having large smoldering holes and burns all along his back, which exposed smoldered burning skin.

Aj and Applebloom starred.

“What in tarnation?!” Aj sputtered.

“Ah told ya.” Replied Applebloom.