• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 197 Views, 5 Comments

Daring Do and the A-peel-ing Treasure - Chrome Masquerade

Daring Do goes on a quest for a new artifact, a quite... different quest indeed.

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Chapter 4: Finale

As they proceeded through the temple, the trio had a division of labour going. Rainbow Dash had the most spatial awareness, so she kept an eye and ear out for anything coming up behind them. Daring Do was the most perceptive, so she looked for any traps they might encounter. Big Mac was the toughest, so he was near the front, ready to stop ay incoming traps, or take a hit for the team, if need be, while also looking out for any such threats.

Soon enough, they reached the temple's center. in the middle of a large square pit was a platform with a pedestal in the center of that. On it sat...

"There it is! The Banana of Bombay!" Daring exclaimed. "Now we just need to get over there to get it."

Rainbow Dash said, "Pfft! That should be easy. I'll just fly over and get it." She spread her wings to do just that, but she felt a shock go through her whole body when she tried. "YEOW! What the hay?!"

Daring attempted herself and felt a similar shock. "AGH!" Then she came to a conclusion. "The temple must have some kind of magic upon it that prevents the use of other magic. Ain't there AAAAALWAYS a catch!" she said with some amount of exasparation. "Well, fortunately I come prepared." Reaching in her Pocket, Daring pulled out a grappling hook and around 50 feet(1) worth of rope. "Stand back!" she ordered. Rainbow and Big Mac stepped WAY back, just in case.

Daring whirled the rope and hook around and around above her head. When she thought it'd reached sufficient velocity, she cast it forward, it swinging around the pedestal itself, the hook... well, hooking onto the rope itself.

"A ringer!" Daring quipped. Tying the other end of the rope to a nearby pillar, she tugged the rope to make sure it was secure on both sides. Then one by one they went across the rope to reach the platform.

Rainbow Dash wasn't entirely sure, but she thought she felt a presence. She looked around before she went across, but didn't see anything.

Big Mac was the last to go across, being the heaviest.

When they got there, Daring Do reached into her Pocket, retrieving an average banana. "This should do." she commented to herself. quickly and carefully, she switched the bananas, and nothing major happened.

Suddenly, they heard a click. "Alright, hand over that banana."

The trio spun around and came to face with-

"Say, aren't you the lady from the cafe?"

"Oui; yes, I am. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Claudia. As it turns out, I only 'ave a Prench accent; I am not Prench as zuch. Ze small country I do come from is... lacking monetarily, you might zay. Vith zis banana, ve vill open ze mos' famous fruit stand off all time!"

Rainbow Dash facepalmed. "That has to be the DUMBEST reason I've ever heard!"

Claudia scowled. "Deal vith it, baby cakes." she said, taking the banana.

Daring queried, "How did you even get over here?"

Pointing behind herself, Claudia indicated a portable bridge that she'd quietly stretched across the gap while they were distracted. She turned to go back across, but bumped into an obstacle.

With a wavering shimmer, an illusion was dispelled, revealing Fhaat Gai, who said, "Thanks for the banana, toots. Goodbye forever."

Taking the banana, he broke part of the bridge with a stomp, doing the same once he got back to the other side, also cutting the rope attached to the pillar and tossing it into the pit for good measure. He and Rhamiit casually made their way bac toward the entrance "And thanks for disabling the traps along the way, Daring Do! Hahahahaha!" he taunted, waving one hand in their general direction.

"Well, there he goes with our prize." Rainbow Dash pouted. "Without our flight abilities, we aren't likely to get it back either."

Big Mac said, "Fortunately, Ah came prepared too." Reaching into his Pocket, he pulled out a length of chain with a sharp-looking hook on it. Leaning back, he tossed it with as much force as he could, the hook embedding deeply in the wall on the other side. He tugged it twice to ensure that it was firmly attached, then said, "Grab on tight." The other three ponies did so and together swung across, reaching the other side safely, giving chase.

As it turned out, Fhaat Gai had encountered some monkeys, who apparently wanted the banana for themselves. What followed was a back and forth chase, before Daring Do got it and the trio made their way out via a side passage. Rainbow Boosted and quickly set up a rope trap with a trip-line gadget, literally tripping up the competition.

On the outside, they reached a nearby ravine. Daring said, "Oh no! Not good! I don't think I have anything up my sleeve for this one!"

Rainbow Dash said, "You've gotta be kidding! Surely there's something-" Her eyes widened, as a thought hit her. "Quick! Give me that banana!"

Taking that, Rainbow Dash peeled the banana, splitting it into three for herself and her partners.

Biting into her piece, Daring said, "Hmm. Not bad at all."

Rainbow then tossed the peel on the ground, which suddenly blended in with the ground. "Now hide!" She said, the three of them hiding in a nearby bush.

Sure enough, not a few seconds later, their pursuers ran out of the passage, the monkeys in hot pursuit of them. As you might expect, none of them saw the gag trap and slid one by one on the banana peel and subsequently into the ravine. Fortunately for them, only their respetive prides were hurt.

Rainbow Dash taunted, "Better luck next time!"

Turning around, she and Daring Do came face to face with an angry looking Rhamiit, Big Mac exploded from the hiding spot that he was still in and punched the rotund stallion five times in the gut and once in the head, effectively knocking him out. He then (with some effort) tossed Rhamniit into the ravine with the others.

Picking up the banana peel, which refreshed a few seconds thereafter, Daring Do said, "We got what we came for. Let's get out of here.

The trio left, returning to their boat.

Reaching her favoured museum, Daring handed the banana to the museum's curatior, explaining the artifact and its background.

"Thank you for this." the curator said. "This is one of the most... unusual artifacts we have i our posession, but I'm sure it'll be popular enough."

The curator paying Daring Do a suitable sum, the trio split the reward evenly.

"Seriously, thanks for this, guys." Daring said.

Rainbow said, "Ah, don't mention it. I was happy to help my favourite hero."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup." he agreed. "Ah'm just glad we managed to give the competition... the slip."

All three of them laughed together, walking off into the sunset.

Author's Note:

1: That's about 15.24 meters.

Comments ( 2 )

Wait, but what about Claudia's village? What happened to them?

This story... May or may not be told in the future. (IE: it is in the works.)

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