• Published 18th Dec 2021
  • 2,794 Views, 38 Comments

Murder, She Tried - Dewdrops on the Grass

Wallflower tries repeatedly to murder Sunset. She doesn't expect Sunset to flirt back. Hearthswriting 2021. You get to choose the ending!

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Sunset screamed. "Oh my goodness, oh my Celestia, what the hell what the hell!"

Wallflower poked her hood-covered head out from under the nearby table, smacking against the underside in her haste to get out. She winced, rubbing at the top of her head with one gloved hand. "What, what happened?"

"What happened?!" Sunset shrieked, whirling on Wallflower. She gestured to her stomach. "You stabbed me, that's what happened! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Wallflower snorted. "No I didn't."

"Yes, you did!" Sunset gestured with both hands shaking like crazy. "Look at this! There's blood and everything! It feels cold, Wallflower. Cold!"

Wallflower reached up to scratch the side of her head. "You're not really stabbed, Sunset. It's not real."

Sunset froze, the only movement a blink of her eyes. "What?"

"It's not real," Wallflower repeated. She pulled off her hood, letting her emerald hair cascade about her shoulders. "It's just a fake. Dildo, remember?"

Sunset gazed back down at the knife. "But... it's cold."

Wallflower rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. You're the one who wanted to roleplay all the murder. You're the one who wanted me to be all mysterious villain while you acted like a psychopath who thought I was wooing you. So I finally got you. I figured you'd be happy."

Sunset's eyes flashed as she scowled at Wallflower. "I never expected you to actually stab me!"

"Oh for fu–it's not real!"

Sunset gripped her fists and leaned forward, her arms behind her hips. "Then why does it feel so cold?!"

Wallflower slapped a hand to her face. "Good grief..." With her other hand she reached out and ripped the knife out of Sunset's stomach, splashing red all over them both.

Sunset immediately lurched, her face turning a peculiar shade of green as her cheeks bulged. "Oh god I'm gonna bleed out, I'm going to die, I'm going to die why did you do that what the hell–"

She let out a muffled gasp of shock as Wallflower surged up and kissed her square on the lips. Wallflower's arms wrapped around her in a hurry, pulling in her in deeper, more passionately, until Sunset's eyes fluttered closed and she lost herself in the sensation of lips and tongues intermingling.

Only when Wallflower broke away did Sunset remember what had happened to her. But before she could begin to panic, Wallflower stuck a hand inside her jacket and pulled it open, revealing a shirt covered in red goo and not much else. "See?" Wallflower said as she rubbed a hand along Sunset's stomach, with its complete lack of entry wound. "You're fine."

Sunset brought her hands up and touched her belly, then let out a massive sigh of relief. "Oh thank Celestia," she murmured. Her face paled as she searched for a chair and fell into it, her hair spilling around her arms as she laid her head down on the table. "I just... god, just the... the idea of actually, actually being... I..."

She broke into tears, quiet sobs causing her to shake as water streamed down her face. "I don't want to die, Wally."

Wallflower's stomach twisted in a nasty, gut-churning way as she settled herself into the chair next to Sunset. She wrapped an arm around Sunset, leaning her head against Sunset's shoulder. "Hey, hey... it's okay. You're safe, alright? You're okay. Nothing bad happened."

"But..." Sunset looked up at Wallflower with tear-stained cheeks, her lips trembling. "I... I thought it was all fun until you, until you..." She broke into tears again and laid her head face down on the table. "I'm so stupid. Why did I think this was a good idea?"

Wallflower ran a thumb along Sunset's cheek, wiping away a few tears. She leaned in and gave Sunset a brief, loving press of her lips against Sunset's cheek. "I'm sorry, Sunset. It's my fault. I took it too far this time."

Sunset's arm snaked out and grabbed Wallflower roughly, pulling the lithe girl against her like they'd been lashed together with a rope. "It... no, no it's my fault, I was... we should've stopped after the first time. I was so scared, but... it was such a turn-on that, I... I..."

As Sunset burst into tears anew, Wallflower traced her fingers down along Sunset's chin until she'd reached the underside, pressing Sunset up so the two could look each other in the eye. "How about we agree it's both our faults and leave it at that, okay?"

Sunset sniffled. "Okay."

Wallflower held Sunset for a while, looking into her eyes as Sunset gazed back. "You'll be okay, Sunny," Wallflower cooed. "You're my cute little pony, after all."

Sunset let out a pained chuckle, her mouth forming a watery smile. "Aww, Wally..."

"I mean it, you know. I love you." Wallflower pressed her lips against Sunset, more slowly this time, a quick kiss of reassurance. It tasted like salty tears mixed with fear. "I love you."

Letting out a shuddering sigh, Sunset wrapped both arms around Wallflower and returned the kiss with one of her own. "I love you too, Wally."

Wallflower stood from her chair, holding out a hand. "Want to get the hell out of here and back to your apartment? I can think of a few ways I can help cheer you up."

Sunset's smile turned warm, the last of her tears fading as she stood along with Wallflower. "Great. Sounds great. Shall we?"

Wallflower's right hand reached down to grasp Sunset's left as the two began walking out of the cafeteria. With her other hand she pulled out her phone and swapped over to a delivery app. "I'll order the pizza."

"Awesome." Sunset grinned as she brought out her own phone. "I'll rent the movies."

Chuckling, Wallflower gave Sunset a quick peck on the cheek. "Alright. Maybe no scary ones this time though."

"Noooo, no way," Sunset laughed. "Just some nice easy comedy. Maybe a romance flick if I can find a decent gay one."

"Now you're speaking my language," Wallflower laughed along with her.

As they passed through the cafeteria doors, they paused to give each other another shared kiss.

Author's Note:

Aww, that was really sweet, wasn't it? But then, you did pick the Romance ending. :heart:

I'll admit, when I was writing this story, I didn't consider a romantic ending to it. Not a serious one anygay. But when the idea was suggested to me to write both my comedic and my horror ending, I figured I'd give this one a romantic ending too. Just a couple of girls roleplaying and going waaaaay too far.

Anygay, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile: