• Published 1st Dec 2021
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Cinematic Adventures: How the Grinch Stole Christmas - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer are off on another adventure into the Multiverse. This time they find themselves in the small town of Whoville where the citizens are being terrorized by the Christmas hating creature known as the Grinch

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Whobilation: Pt 1

Down in Whoville, the air was thick with the merry feeling of Christmas. All the Who’s came together to begin their annual Whobilation celebration. All throughout the streets, Who’s went about spreading their Christmas cheer in their own way. Singing songs, dressing up in festive attire, and all-in-all being merry. Walking down the main street towards City Hall, Cindy Lou, along with her equine (And dragon) friends walked amongst the chaos with Lou.

“So what do we do with the information we now know Cindy?” Twilight asked.

“I was thinking about something a little out there to help Mr. Grinch get back in the holiday spirit,” Cindy responded.

“What exactly do you mean by ‘a little out there’?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Don’t worry,” Cindy assured her. “It won’t be too crazy.”

“Trust me kid,” Rainbow patted her shoulder. “We know a thing or two about ‘too crazy’.”

She tilted her head to the side a few times gesturing to Pinkie Pie, who was merrily bouncing down the street alongside them. Cindy giggled in response and Rainbow ruffed her hair with her hoof.

As they continued down the street, Pinkie immediately came to a halt. Her eyes went wide as saucers; she stuck her nose into the air smelling a sweet familiar aroma. A huge smile formed across her face as she noted all the baked goods sitting on the stands. She literally levitated off the ground and floated towards the bakery they came from. When her hooves finally touched the ground, she stood before the local Whoville bakery where a number of cakes and fresh pastries were set up on display for all.

“Ooh… all sorts of wonderful goodies!” She smiled with glee.

“And tasty too!”

The sound of a small squeaky voice made Pinkie looked around to see who spoke to her. That’s when she felt a slight poke to her side and looked beside her. When she finally found the source of the voice, her mouth dropped, her eyes widened once more, and her pupils were replaced with tiny little hearts. For standing beside her was a tiny brown creature, with gigantically adorable eyes, tiny little stubs for arms and legs, and the most adorable smile in Whoville.

“Oh… my… Faust!” Pinkie squeaked. “You are just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen in my whole entire life… except for my beautiful baby boy Lil’ Cheese. But you… you’re most definitely the ‘second’ cutest little thing ever!”

The little creature had a small red tint on its tiny little face, as it smiled up toward the pink party pony.

“That’s really nice of you to say!” The creature replied. “Name’s Tubby, Tubby Nugget!”

Tubby held out one of his little stubs and Pinkie held out her hoof. They both shook in respectful greeting.

“Pleased to meet you Tubby!” Pinkie said happily. “I have so many questions for you! What are you exactly? Where’d you come from? How are you so cute?”

Tubby released a small chuckle over the way the wacky pink pony spoke to him. Then Pinkie released a huge *GASP!* as she gazed upon the cute little creature.

“How’d you like to come and meet my friends?” She asked.

“I’d love too!” Tubby smiled. “I love making new friends!”

“Me too!” Pinkie said excitedly.

Tubby quickly climbed on Pinkie’s back, as the pink party pony proceeded to bounce herself and Tubby back towards the rest of her group. All the while, Cindy Lou thought of something serious on her mind for the Whobilation. Looking over toward the Who girl, Twilight could sense the mental wheels were turning and that alone peaked her interest.

“Dad?” Cindy spoke to her father. “I’ve been thinking about the Whobilation and I might do something drastic.

“Sounds great honey,” Lou responded, absently. “Ask your mother.”

Cindy looked around only to notice that her mother was curiously not around.

“Where is she anyway?”

The girls and Spike all looked around, trying to see where Betty Lou ran off to. But there were so many Who’s roaming about, they couldn’t pick her out.

“That’s weird,” Starlight cocked a brow. “I thought she was right here with us the whole time.”

“How can you even find ‘anyone’ in this gigantic crowd?” Spike pointed out.


Everyone turned and spotted Betty rushing through the crowd towards the group. She appeared to be carrying something in her arms.

“Honey!” She called, coming closer. “Look I just found the cutest light for my Christmas display.”

Everyone got a good look over what she was holding. It soon dawned on them that she was carrying a traffic light, which made all eyes turn to Betty curiously.

“Is that a traffic light?” Fluttershy asked Betty.

“Why yes it is!” Betty smiled excitedly. “Don’t you think it’ll make a lovely addition to my lights?”

“Where’d y’all even manage tah get it?” Applejack asked.

“It was on clearance,” Betty responded quickly.

The sound of screeching tires said otherwise. Everyone quickly whipped around and spotted a car crashing into another, creating quite the collision.

“Hurry up, we’re gonna be late!” Betty said urgently.

Everyone quickly raced down the street towards townhall where a large gathering of Who’s were already assembled. From the crowd, Martha May and Mayor May-Who worked their way up the steps to the front entrance of townhall. Everyone cheered as they made their way up and May-Who stood at the podium to address the public.

“Well it’s that time of the year again!” May-Who announced. “The nominations for that Who among us who best typifies the qualities of Whodom and Whodery. The Whoville Holiday Cheermeister!”

Everyone cheered once more as May-Who’s stooge, Whobris, yanked a silken sheet off a giant trophy for all to see.

“Do I hear a nomination?” May-Who asked.


Everyone gasped and quickly snapped their heads toward the direction the voice came from. Many ho’s cleared a path right down the middle soon as they saw none other than Cindy Lou. The ponies and Spike all stood alongside her and even they looked surprised by what she just said.

“So that’s what she meant by ‘you’ll see’,” Twilight said shocked.

Back on the stands, Mayor May-Who just smiled awkwardly at what was just spoken.

“My, my, my, what an altruistic daughter you have there, Lou,” May-Who said.

“Thank you,” Lou responded awkwardly.

“Cindy, would you mind coming forward please? And if you would also bring your new friends as well.”

“Great, now we’re in trouble too!” Rainbow groaned.

Cindy and the Equestrian group made their way toward the front of the crowd, as May-Who climbed down the steps with the ‘Book of Who’ in hand.

“Let me quote a verse from the ‘Book of Who’,” He said. “The term ‘Grinchy’ shall apply when the Christmas spirit is in short supply. Now I ask you: Does that sound like our Holiday Cheermeister?”

“True, Mr. May Who,” Cindy nodded. “But the Book of Who says this too: ‘No matter how different a Who may appear, he will always be welcome with holiday cheer’.”

Everyone around was feeling the true sentiment of the young girl’s words, as they allowed them to touch their hearts and feel the kindness within them. Spike and the girls all nodded their approval, even Tubby Nugget (Standing in between) loved the idea. The only one who didn’t take kindly to it was May-Who, who stammered through his words as he flipped through the book for a loophole.

“Ah well yes, but the book also says, um—the award cannot go to the Grinch because sometimes get the… pipe lead… cinch.”

“Ah horseapples!” Applejack responded angrily. “That’s a whole load of hooey and you know it!”

“She’s right!” Cindy Lou agreed. “You made that up; it doesn’t say that.”

This caused everyone in the crowd to whip their heads in May-Who’s direction.

“No, no it does!” May-Who defended.

Everyone snapped back to Cindy and the Equestrians.

“Is that so Mayor Stink Brain?” Rainbow snarked, crossing her hooves. “Exactly what page was it on?”

Everyone snapped back toward May-Who, who seemed utterly speechless.

“Oh, uh—whoops I seems to have lost my…” May-Who stammered nervously. “My place… but it’s in here—”

“But the book does say: ‘The cheermeister is the one who deserves a backslap or a toast, and it goes to the soul on Christmas who needs it most’,” Cindy informed, facing the Who’s. “And I believe that soul is the Grinch, and if you’re the Who’s I hope you are, you will too.”

After hearing her emotional and inspiring speech, every single Who down in Whoville all broke out into cheers and applause at the very idea.

"Well if you people want to waste a perfectly good nomination, well that's up to you" May-Who told everyone. "But I am telling you, the Grinch will never come down."

"And when he doesn't, the Mayor will wear the crown" Whobris added.

"Well, more or less" May-Who said nonchalantly.

“Now we just need a way to convince the Grinch that Christmas isn’t so bad,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah!” Pinkie replied gleefully. “Christmas is all about getting together with friends and family.”

“Especially new friends,” Tubby nodded, hugging Pinkie.

“Uh Pinkie… who is that?” Rainbow pointed awkwardly. “What is that?”

“Ooh goodness, almost started a continuity error!” Pinkie smiled. “Girls and Spike, this is Tubby Nugget… Tubby, these are my friends!”

“Hi!” Tubby smiled.

“Aww!!!” The group sighed, then went back to business.

“Now here’s the big question: How?” Rainbow questioned. “How can we convince the Grinch to come to the party?”

“A very difficult question indeed, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity nodded.

“Well, I’ve got an idea,” Cindy announced.

“What is it, sugar cube?” Applejack asked her.

“Come closer and I’ll tell you.”

The Mane Six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer got closer, as Cindy began to whisper her plan to them. As they worked out their plan, the Who’s started to break out into joyous rapture.

Who's (Sing):
Deck your heart with jollity
Style your smile all Christmasy
Flick some flocking on the tree
Let there be Whobilation


High among the caves of the mighty Mount Crumpit, Cozy Glow continued studying all the Grinch’s blueprints. She had seen quite a few she believed could really benefit the Dark Order moving forward with their plans. As she skimmed over the remaining plans, her ears twitched slightly when a melodious tune rang through the walls of the cave. It sounded an awful lot like a group of carolers singing.

Who's (Sing):
Bake the fruitcake, egg the nog
Feed the flaming Wholtide log
Baste the beast and gulp the grog
Let there be Whobilation

“What the hay is that racket?” She asked herself.

Stepping away from the table, with some plans in her arms, the tiny, demented filly floated off the ground towards the Grinch’s bedroom. When she finally made it to his room, she climbed onto the old moldy bed and looked down at her ‘partner in crime’ with a shake of her head. After knocking him out earlier with that giant mallet, Cozy and Max ‘somehow’ got the big green creature onto his bed ‘before’ she went off to look through the rest of his plans. The Grinch just laid in his bed, fast asleep, so lost in dreamland he didn’t even notice himself singing along with the Who’s.

Grinch (Sings):
Tick, tock, tick, tock
Counting down the Christmas clock
Old, young, big, small

“Hey, big, green, and ugly!” Cozy yelled. “WAKE UP!!!”

The Grinch let out a huge yell of shock before sitting straight up from his bed and turned toward Cozy Glow.

“What’s going on here?” He asked confused.

“Oh we needed a weekend away from the kids, you know just us…” Cozy responded sarcastically. “What the hay do you think’s going on genius?!”

Grinch listened about and could still hear the Who’s singing. Growling in irritation, he grabbed his pillow and held it over his head.

“Blast this Christmas music!” He growled. “It’s joyful and triumphant!”

“No kidding, Sherlock Hooves!” Cozy snarked. “What exactly is your plan to stop this?”

The Grinch looked at her for a moment before a few idea started racing through his head.

“Grab me as many screws and old iron scraps you can find,” Grinch told her.

Cozy nodded and quickly leapt off the bed just as the Grinch threw the blankets off himself and stomped his way down the cave. After a while, Cozy came into the depths of the cave with a few boxes of old rusty screws and iron work. She noticed the Grinch gathering a couple blenders and placed them all on the counter. Cozy set the screws and irons on the counter, as Grinch gathered them and started placing them in the blenders.

“Is that really going to work?” Cozy asked.

“Have to try!” Grinch yelled. “Must drown them out!”

The Grinch turned on all the blenders, which rattled the screws around and made a terribly loud noise. So bad that Cozy stuck her hooves deep in her ears. However, as bad as the noise was, it did little to nothing about drowning out the singing Who’s.

“Not working!” Grinch cringed.

“Jeez! I think that only made it louder!” Cozy shouted, annoyed.

The Grinch ran off to another section of the cave. A few moments later, he returned, and this time pushed a gigantic toy resembling a monkey playing the cymbals. He pulled a switch on the monkey and the giant toy started smashing the cymbals together loudly.

“Play monkey!” He yelled insanely. “Play!”

At this point, Cozy Glow didn’t really know what to do as she watched her partner run around insanely. She just flew her way toward Max, who sat along the ground.

“He’s losing it,” Cozy shook her head.

Max only whimpered what Cozy could assume was agreement, as the sound of a jackhammer caught her attention. She looked over and spotted the Grinch riding around on a jackhammer like a pogo stick. Both Cozy and Max nodded their heads rapidly as they watched the crazed Grinch riding around. The Grinch already seemed to have a few screws loose in that head of his, but this time it seemed he had really gone off the deep end.


Meanwhile, Cindy Lou and her Equestrian friends were climbing up the side of Mount Crumpit, while the snow whipped around them in the winds. They all looked back over their shoulders as the tiny town of Whoville looked about the size of an ant colony considering how high they were.

The winter winds whipped high above the Who town.
A trip or a slip and you’d slide all the way down.
But this girl had a mission, she knew what to do.
She’d invite the Grinch herself, that brave Cindy Lou.”

“Seems like a suicide mission climbing that snowy mountain.”

“Certainly not a good idea in the slightest…”

But eventually, they did make their way toward the door to the Grinch’s lair and stood upon a rug which read ‘Keep Off!’. Before the group could do more… they heard the sound of a crash followed by a moan (‘Owwie!!!’). All eyes turned to each other for a moment, wondering what the hay was going on. Spike, among the group, was very nervous over this whole idea of going to see the Grinch entirely. Cindy Lou, the one member brave enough to do it, proceeded to knock on the door.

“Mr. Grinch!” Cindy Lou called out, knocking again. “Mr. Grinch?”

But answer there came none…

“Well, nobody’s home!” Spike declared, turning around. “Guess it’s not going to work after all!”

But of course, the Mane Six stop Spike from leaving any further, Rainbow and Rarity practically grab the dragon by the tail and haul him back.

“Now Spikey, I know you’re scared,” Rarity spoke soothingly. “But we simply have to go in there.”

Spike turned back toward the door, then back toward Rarity with a nervous gaze.

“I know it’s what we have to do,” Spike whimpered. “It’s just not what I want to do.”

Curious as to what’s going on inside, Cindy Lou crawled partly through the doggy door and peeked inside the cave.

“Hello?” Cindy Lou called out.

It was then upon seeing the display that Rainbow had an idea.

“Brilliant thinking kid!” Rainbow smirked. “We can just crawl our way through that little door.”

“I dunno…” Applejack shook her head. “I don’t think the Grinch’ll take it kindly bout us breakin’ into his own home.”

“Unless you have any better ideas?” Rainbow asked.

Applejack didn’t answer right away. Instead she saw Cindy Lou crawl the rest of her way through the door, with an eager Tubby Nugget following behind. By now most of the Equestrians entered through the tiny door, even a very reluctant Spike (Being so skinny and all). Applejack turned toward Rainbow Dash who merely gave her a cocky smirk, to which earned an annoyed sigh from A.J.

“We jus’ need tah talk to the Grinch…” Applejack huffed.

Finally, Applejack crawled her way through the doggy door with Rainbow Dash the last to enter. Soon as they were all inside the cave, they all took a gaze around the cave. Not just breathing in the sheer size of the cavern around them, but also some of the rather ‘unique’ design choices surrounding them.

“Oh my… the Grinch certainly has an air of whimsy in his home,” Rarity admired.

“Uh girls… what’s with all the noise?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

It was then while investigating the cave they spotted the host himself. The Grinch, unhunched over, letting the giant toy monkey crash his head with the cymbals. Suffice to say, the whole team looked utterly lost for words at this rather unusual display. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, was rather fascinated (If not happy) about seeing a giant toy monkey. Even Tubby Nugget gazed upon it with heart-shaped eyes.

“Monkey!” Pinkie and Tubby cheered.

Fortunately for them, the Grinch hadn’t heard either of them. The Grinch was so busy getting his head crashed by cymbals, it was a miracle the dude was still alive. Slowly and cautiously, the team approached the Grinch wondering just how they’d get his attention. Little did they know, Cozy Glow wasn’t too far as she struggled to watch the Grinch hurt himself (While Max by now turned his head away).

Suddenly, the moment Cozy Glow spotted some familiar faces approaching in the cave she released a silent gasp and quickly fluttered as high above the cave as she could. Hiding behind a few stalagmites, she peeked out and just as she suspected it was none other than Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Her face turned red at the sight of them, but she knew better to stay hidden or else everything she worked for would be ruined.

Not even spotting Cozy Glow, the group’s attention was toward the Grinch who grunted and groaned with each whack to his head. Finally, Cindy Lou approached the Grinch and lightly tapped one hand against his hairy arm.

“Excuse me?”


The Grinch reeled up in an instant and clutched the cymbals. The force of which not only caused the monkey to stop playing but explode into sparks before completely malfunctioning. Then, as the machine died down, the Grinch slowly loomed toward the nervous group looking up toward him.

“Hello… little girl…” The Grinch spoke slowly, looking around. “Little ponies… and… whatever that is…”

The Grinch’s eyes turned towards Tubby Nugget, who sadly patted one stubby hand against the broken giant toy.

“Monkey…” Tubby whimpered.

“How dare you enter… the Grinch’s lair?” The Grinch yelled dramatically. “The impudence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall! You called down the thunder… now, get ready for the boom! Gaze into the face of fear!”

Despite how the Grinch’s cries echoed through the cave, despite getting in their face with the scariest face he could muster, neither Cindy nor any of the Equestrians (Or Tubby) were the least bit intimidated by the creature entirely. As a matter of fact, even Fluttershy stood calmly in the face of the Grinch.

“Mr. Grinch… my name is Cindy Lou Who,” She introduced herself.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight introduced herself. “And these are my friends: Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight Glimmer…”


Twilight felt a tug on her wing and looked down as Tubby Nugget hopped up and down excitably.

"Oh… and Tubby Nugget,” Twilight introduced last.

“Hello!!!” Tubby squeaked, waving.

“You see?” The Grinch smiled maliciously. “Even now the terror is welling up inside you.”

“Um… I’m not scared of this Mr. Grinch sir,” Fluttershy spoke honestly.

“Now that surprises me!” Rainbow pointed out.

Denial is to be expected in the face of pure evil!” The Grinch defended.

“Yeah… I really don’t think so,” Twilight shook her head.

Doubt? Another unmistakable sign of the heebie-jeebies!” The Grinch spoke maniacally. “Now you’re doomed!”

As if the Grinch couldn’t be more random, the circling around and making ridiculous faces, he popped to the side and returned a second later dressed in a white T-shirt. Before the confusion of the group, and some slight amusement, the Grinch slowly proceeded to tear the shirt around as if he was morphing into some form of hideous monster. But it was clear to the group he was ‘trying’ to scare them with his random impressions.

“Run for your life… before I kill again!” The Grinch cried, growling and muttering. “I’m a psycho! Danger! Danger!”

Suffice to say, the group felt less scared or not even close to being freaked out by the Grinch. If anything, they were more ‘annoyed’ than terrified after seeing ‘this’ side of the Grinch. Of course the Equestrians weren’t the only ones annoyed. From her hiding spot, Cozy slapped a hoof over her face seeing the Grinch embarrass himself before the group. And this was supposed to be the guy she was considering bringing with her to join the Legion.

God… the Legion will never let me hear the end of this!” Cozy moaned quietly.

Finally, after a period of hopping around and growling like a dog (Even chewing the torn shirt), the Grinch finally took a pause… and found himself huffing and puffing for air. But much to his chagrin, if he was attempting to scare the intruders out of his house… he clearly ‘failed’.

“Seriously… stop…” Spike spoke, furrowing his brow. “You’re embarrassing yourself.”

“Maybe you need a time-out,” Cindy Lou suggested.

As the Grinch stood there flabbergasted, he heard some giggling and turn to the side. Sure enough, Pinkie Pie and Tubby Nugget could no longer take it anymore and started falling back laughing their heads off over the silliest display they’ve ever seen.

“You sir truly are the funniest guy on the planet!” Pinkie laughed tearfully. “How do you even write any of this material? I swear this was all practically improvised and you gave the script-writers a headache!”

While some of the ponies found the Grinch’s antics so amusing, the Grinch turned his gaze toward the camera with an annoyed expression on his face.

“Kids today…” The Grinch muttered. “So desensitized by movies and television.”

The Grinch paused in thought and then…


“Mr. Grinch, we came to invite you to be holiday cheermeister,” Cindy Lou announced cheerfully.

“Uh… ‘Holiday Whobie-what-y’?” The Grinch asked.

“Cheer-meister, Mr. Grinch,” Twilight corrected. “We’re inviting you as the guest of honor.”

Twilight and Cindy displayed the invitation toward the Grinch himself. He turned his gaze toward the invite and read the words accordingly.

“’Cheer-meister… celebrate with friends…’” The Grinch read.

The Grinch laughed his head off at the invitation as if that was the funniest joke he ever heard in his life.

“That’s a good one!” The Grinch chuckled. “That’s rich! You want me to go down there?”

“Actually… yes…” Rarity replied.

Still the Grinch just laughed it off, as he leaned against the broken down toy monkey. He then grabbed what appeared to be a giant horn off the ground and from above Cozy watched as he placed the horn just over Cindy Lou’s head.

“Am I hearing you correctly?” The Grinch asked.

To be holiday cheermeister!” Cindy Lou repeated.

Finally the Grinch hurled the horn away and drew a large breath. All at once, he suddenly gazed at the group with genuine surprise.

“Wait… you’re serious?” The Grinch asked.

“Yea!” Rainbow nodded. “So… are you coming?”

The Grinch snorted a bit, laughed even, but then he looked upon her with annoyance.

“Lemme think… no… oh wait… NAH!!!”

The Grinch makes the attempt to walk away when Twilight Sparkle suddenly flew right in front of him, taking the furried creature by surprise.

“Mr. Grinch, I understand this is a big shock to you,” Twilight Sparkle replied calmly. “I was just the same with my first party. But as the Princess of Friendship, I can honestly say what you need is—”

Princess of Friendship?” The Grinch snorted. “They have a title for that sort of thing now?! What’s next? A ‘Prince of Dysfunctional Relationships’?”

The Grinch shoved his way past the Princess, who turned to him with a jaw dropped over the insult. Pinkie Pie merely hopped close to the Grinch, smiling and talking cheerfully behind him while she followed him.

“The Whobilation will be SUPER-DUPER Fun Mr. Grinch sir!”

“YEAH!” Tubby cheered, riding Pinkie Pie.

“There’ll be carols and fun games! Best of all, all sorts of sweet stuff they’ll have at the buffet table! Ice cream and snow-cones! Chocolate and ‘hot’ chocolate!”

The Grinch winced in utter disgust over all these descriptions. Pinkie, in the meantime, kept rambling on unaware of the Grinch’s complete disgust.

“There’ll be pudding and pastries and cakes!” Pinkie continued. “Even those cute little marshmallows in the hot-chocolate, and swirly candy canes~!”

Grasping his head in annoyance, the Grinch didn’t know which was worse—all these desserts or the fact this pink donkey-creature thing would never shut up.

“Oh GODS… make it stoooop!!!” The Grinch groaned.

“… and fudge, and fudge cake and fudge fondue too! Peppermints and sugar plums, gumdrops and cookies—OOH! Maybe even a pie and--!”

Finally, The Grinch turned around and silence Pinkie Pie with one raised hand.

“Alright, Imma stop you there for a sec, Cotton-Eyed Joe!”

The Grinch reached for something in a nearby pile and picked up a moldy onion. Hiding it behind his back, he turned toward Pinkie Pie with a false smile.

“Open please!”

Pinkie Pie opened her mouth wide, and the Grinch promptly shoved the moldy onion into her open mouth. Pinkie was taken by surprise, while the Grinch just smirked. The others looked especially shocked over the treatment.

“There we go!” The Grinch grinned, nodding. “I was wondering where the off-button was.”

Scrunching her face, Pinkie Pie finally spat out the moldy vegetable and gagged hilariously.

“BLEEGH!! PFFT!! PU-TOOIE!! YUCKY-YUCK!!!” Pinkie gagged, glaring at the Grinch. “HEY! I hate moldy onions!!”

The Grinch quickly turned around and glared at Pinkie Pie with one raised eyebrow.

“Oh, a picky eater, huh? You don’t hear me complain when I eat my vegetables~!”


The Grinch suddenly disappeared before Pinkie’s eyes and suddenly he reappeared… right in front of the other Equestrians. The Grinch yelped in shock, looking around quickly.

“HEY! How’d the hay did I end up here?!” The Grinch shouted, staring accusingly. “You mules secretly witches in disguise?”

Her horn still glowing from the spell, Starlight Glimmer calmly approached the baffled Grinch and stared at him with a straight face.

“Mr. Grinch, we did not just come all this way to invite you to a party…” Starlight spoke calmly. “We know you’ve been sheltering Cozy Glow in your cave for some time. So tell us what you know… and we’ll tell you what we know.”

From her hiding spot, Cozy Glow’s eyes went wide as she quickly turned toward the Grinch. She nervously spied on the scene, praying silently for the Grinch not to sell her out.

“I have no idea what you’re saying, little donkey,” Grinch replied coyly. “Why not try speaking plain Who-ish?”

“Don’t play coy with us big guy!” Rainbow Dash warned.

“Coy? I’m not being coy…”

“Is he being coy?” Rainbow asked Applejack.

“Eeyup! That’s bein’ coy, alright,” Applejack nodded, facing the Grinch. “Yer being coy, Mr. Grinch. Now where is she?”

“Who?” Grinch questioned.

“Cozy Glow! Ya know… small filly, light coat, curly blue mane… acts super cute?”

“Hmm… OHHHHH… that was her name…” The Grinch realized. “Yeah, I saw her~”

Cozy Glow silently groaned to herself and placed her hoofs in front of her face.

Don’t betray me… don’t betray me…” The filly prayed silently.

“But I kicked her out last night!” The Grinch continued. “No room in my utterly Grinchy lifestyle for cutesiness!”

Cozy Glow’s eyes went wide with surprised, and she turned back toward the Grinch. Could her ears be deceiving her? The Grinch, the self-centered, loathing sloth of a monster… was covering for her? Was he… protecting her?

“Why don’t ya try the Whoville pound?” The Grinch suggested sarcastically. “Or better yet, the zoo?”

“Don’t ya lie to us mister!” Applejack warned. “We know she helped ya with them dirty tricks yesterday!”

“Me?” Grinch feigned surprise. “Now, listen here Applesmack~”

Applejack!” Applejack and Rainbow corrected.

“Whatever… the last thing I’d want around here is another mouth to feed! I already got two… one of them is me. I can’t simply spare the room. Why, there’s barely enough for myself! Why would I keep a cute pony around?”

“… Company?” Tubby replied cutely.

“I already got company popcorn chicken… me!” The Grinch clarified. “Max is just the hired help, but aside from him, that’s ALL I will ever need or want for all time. Now, if that’s all, go make friends with the door~”

Once more, the Grinch turned away and tried to leave. But clearly Cindy Lou would not be turned away so easily. She stubbornly followed the Grinch through his cave, while the Equestrians tentatively followed her. The whole sequence under careful observation by the curious eyes of Cozy Glow.

“Grinch, we know ‘why’ you hate Christmas!” Starlight spoke up. “We heard the whole story! But what if it’s all just some big misunderstanding?”

“Don’t care,” The Grinch answered bluntly.

“I myself am having some Yuletide doubts…” Cindy added.

The Grinch made some snoring sounds hoping Cindy would take a hint and realize she’s boring him. But she just keeps it up.

“But maybe if you reunite with the Who’s and be a part of Christmas…” Cindy Lou suggested.

“’Maybe if you reunite with the Who’s and be a part of Christmas’,” The Grinch repeated, mockingly. “Grow up!”

“Then maybe it’ll be all right for me, too!” Cindy Lou concluded.

“Ooh please, Mr. Grinch…!” Pinkie Pie begged. “It’s rude to deny an invitation to a party! There ought to be a law against that!”

“I’m sorry, your session is over!” The Grinch remarked. “Please make another appointment with the receptionist on the way out.”

“Grinch, please!” Starlight begged. “You’ve just got to accept the award, or we’ve come all this way for nothing!”

The Grinch suddenly stopped in his tracks and slowly loomed his head over upon mentioning of one ‘keyword’. And in seconds he stood face to face with the group, leaning so far forward they had to reel back (With the ponies keeping Cindy steady).

“Award?” The Grinch smiled. “You never mentioned… an award!”

“Yeah dude!” Rainbow replied. “There’ll be a trophy and everything!”

“And I won?”

“You won!” Cindy replied.

“You’re number one! Hey! Hey!” Pinkie cheered randomly.

“Hey! Hey!” Tubby cheered.

“That means there were losers…” The Grinch pondered.

“I guess so…” Fluttershy spoke innocently. “And maybe if you come—"

“A town full of losers!” The Grinch said aloud. “I like it. Was anyone emotionally shattered?”

But none of the group answered right away, least not as quickly as before.

“Come on, a minute ago I couldn’t shut you up!” The Grinch insisted. “Details, details!”

“Well, the Mayor wasn’t happy…” Cindy Lou admitted.

“Oh… no…” The Grinch feigned pity.

“And Martha May will be there,” Rarity added.

“I still find that very weird…” Spike spoke up.



Spike massaged his shin after Applejack gave a light shin. He turned toward her in annoyance, and she just turned away with an innocent expression on her face which made Rainbow chuckle.

“She will?” The Grinch pondered. “And she’ll see me… a winner. She’ll be on me like fleegle flies on a flat-faced floogle horse.”

“Probably?” Twilight replied uncertainly.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Martha, baby!” The Grinch shouted randomly. “But the G train has left the station!”

“So, will you come?” Cindy asked hopefully.

“There are Who’s that know you and really miss you,” Starlight added, insistently. “C’mon Grinch, I think you should give this Christmas thing another try… please?”

All the ponies (And Nugget) formed the biggest puppy-dog eyes they could muster toward the Grinch, even Spike gestured his claws toward the door beckoning him to go out. The Grinch gazed upon the group for a brief second before he could give a straight answer.

“All right…”

For a moment, the group smiled as the Grinch appeared to be ready to embrace the Who’s once more. Speaking of which, he took one arm around Cindy Lou and beckoned her by the door with the group following closely along. Soon as they were close to the door, the group looked on as if they were seeing an entirely new Grinch who at last has seen the light.

“I don’t know if it’s that adorable twinkle in your eye… or that nonconformist streak… that reminds me of a younger, less hairy me,” The Grinch continued, seemingly touched. “But you’ve convinced me. Who knows? This Whobilation could change my entire outlook on life!”

“Really?” Cindy asked hopefully.


Suddenly, the Grinch tugged on a cord hanging over the ceiling which activated the trap door beneath their feet. Cindy Lou and a few of the ponies (And Nugget) fell through the trapdoor screaming their heads off… all except for a select few. Twilight Sparkle, along with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike were suddenly in the air before the group hovering over the now opened trapdoor.

“HA! Nice try Grinchy!” Rainbow teased. “But you’re gonna have to get up pretty early in the morn—”


Suddenly, from out of nowhere, some large sandbags crashed atop of the group of flying friends sending them hurdling down the trapdoor after their friends. By the time the trapdoor finally resealed itself, the Grinch and Max had the entire cave to themselves again… with one another. Fluttering out of her hiding spot, Cozy Glow sighed to herself with relief while spying the invitation which floated directly toward the ground between the Grinch and Max.

Bad enough those ponies are still out to get me,” Cozy Glow pondered. “But they’d be naïve enough to invite the stingiest creature in Whoville to step out of his cave for a few hours to join a party? What an idea—

Suddenly, it quickly dawned on Cozy Glow as a thought raced back to her head.

“What… an idea…” Cozy repeated slowly.


Screaming and hollering, Cindy Lou and the group of Equestrians slipped and slid their way down the chute. Except Cindy was not screaming in fear, but rather she was laughing along like it was a fun little slip-and-slide. Even Pinkie Pie was having fun, shouting ‘Wee!!!” down the slide holding Tubby Nugget who raised his arms in the air. The rest of the group ducked and rolled along the metal chute, sliding around for what appeared to be a nonstop ride down the mountain.



The ‘Dump-It to Crump-It’ lid in town opened up and spat out the little Who girl along with her Equestrian friends. They flew into the air and eventually landed in a pile along the streets of Whoville. But fortunately for the group, there was enough snow on the ground to leave a soft landing. They took a moment to catch their breath as they laid on the snow.

“Well that went pear-shaped fast!” Rainbow muttered.

“Were we just… shot out… through the trash…?” Rarity asked slowly.

“Try not to think about it, Rarity…” Twilight advised. “Just… try…”

“There you are!” Lou called out, approaching the group. “You can make snow angels later.”

“Uh, actually—” Fluttershy began.

“Come on!” Lou urged. “We can’t be late for the Whobilation!”

“You mean we’re missing the party?!” Pinkie asked frantically. “Now that just won’t stand! C’mon girls, I don’t want to miss any of the events!”

Pinkie Pie, with Tubby in tow, quickly zoomed off in a pink blur back to the town square where the party was taking place. While Lou took Cindy with him, the rest of the group slowly trudged their way back to town to meet with the rest of the family. The last to follow was Starlight Glimmer, who slowly turned her gaze up towards Mount Crumpit, where the Grinch himself resided.

“But I’m sure ‘someone’ is bound to miss the party…” Starlight sighed, before walking away.