• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 542 Views, 38 Comments

Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.17: Preceding Preparations

A week had passed since Luna's announcement, and now the trial was ready to begin. It was held at a newly constructed arena built during Canterlot's reparations since the battle against the Legion of Doom. However, this trial would follow different rules; after all, the defendant would not be present, and it was to decide whether to pardon instead of convict. Twilight Sparkle herself would oversee the trial in a way a judge would typically since she was Princess of Equestria by sitting in a booth above the center of the stage, but obviously without any decision regarding Cozy Glow's fate. In place of a jury was something similar; twelve of Twilight's closest colleagues and mentors were in an advisory council: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Trixie. Six advisory council members sat beside Twilight in a booth on her left and the other half on her right, facing the spectators. All the advisory council members had mixed views on Cozy Glow and would try to stay neutral during the trial, as they helped Twilight oversee the trial. After the trial, instead of voting on the verdict, the advisory council would set up a station to monitor whether Equestria's citizens would vote to pardon Cozy Glow. Then, there was the defense council at a table on the stage right and the offense council on the stage left. Each council would have four members, and during the trial, Equestrian citizens could register with the defense council or offense council to testify for or against Cozy Glow.

Bob and Larry went to their sides of the stage, where they found none other than Cheese Sandwich, dressed in a brown and yellow two-piece suit. With glasses perched on his nose, and his usually wild mane was neatly tied up, giving him a more serious and professional look.

"Nice outfit, Cheese Sandwich," complimented Larry.

"I am not Cheese Sandwich for the day, Larry," Cheese Sandwich responded jokingly. "But you may call me Munster Monte Cristo Esq."

"That's quite a mouthful," giggled Bob.

"Oh, just trying to lighten the mood before this court case progresses. I wanted to look more seriously since I'm better known for novelty items than legal battles, so I commissioned Rarity to make this suit."

Cheese Sandwich then addressed the unicorn pony beside him, deep into her studies. "By the way, say hello to Moon Dancer; together, we four make the defense council of this trial."

"Hi, Bob and Larry," said Moon Dancer. "I live here in Canterlot and went to school with Twilight Sparkle at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I love studying even in my spare time, so I was appointed to this position. Like Cheese Sandwich, I was traumatized by Cozy Glow's fate and was afraid to admit my sympathy to anypony. So I'm happy you two made me more confident about publicizing this situation, primarily since I'm not known for socializing."

"Well, we're happy to have you on Moon Dancer," said Larry.

"Yep," said Bob, "we sure make quite the quartet." Bob then noticed the offense council, comprised of Chancellor Neighsay, Grampa Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers, take their seats. "Who are those four we're up against?"

"Let's just say they're not the most liked individuals of Equestria," explained Cheese Sandwich, "which is why I have more confidence in this affair. First, we have Chancellor Neighsay, the head of the Equestrian Education Association. When Twilight Sparkle wanted to create the School of Friendship, Neighsay wouldn't allow her; he didn't believe that ponies could integrate with dragons, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, and changelings."

"How abhorrent," said Bob, steaming, "it reminds me of when school boards wouldn't allow white and black children to learn together."

"Well," Cheese Sandwich continued, "Twilight Sparkle opened the school anyway against Neighsay's wishes and even had Princess Celestia to back her up. Then, one day, when all the magic of Equestria disappeared, Neighsay quickly concluded that non-ponies were responsible and had the five non-pony students tied up and locked in a dorm room, along with Sandbar, who was accused of being a traitor to the species."

"Oh yes," said Larry, "the Young Six. Such wonderful children; it's a shame that Neighsay didn't show more dignity towards them."

"Later," Cheese Sandwich continued, "it was revealed that our very defendant was responsible for the disappearance of Equestria's magic and used Neighsay's suspicions as the opportunity to carry out her deed and had the rest of the students rise against him because he had installed himself as the head of the school. Ironically, the Young Six came to his rescue, and he apologized for his actions and bigotry. You could say Neighsay was easily forgiven, thanks to Cozy Glow being his scapegoat."

"Yes," said Bob, "obviously what Cozy Glow did was wrong. But the fact that he was forgiven that easy without punishment, and yet still denies Cozy Glow a second chance?"

"Not to mention he is an adult; his brain has developed more fully," said Larry.

"Second, we have Grampa Gruff—the ruler and patriarch of Griffonstone. He is no one's grandfather; it is just a name to show his status. Grampa Gruff is notorious for his greedy, unfriendly, and possibly abusive demeanor, which is why the griffons do not have a reputation for acting likable."

"Are you kidding me?" Bob asked. "The two griffons I know are Gabby and Gallus, and they don't act like that. Gabby is such a sweetheart, and Gallus can be a bit snarky, but he is not a jerk."

"Well," continued Cheese Sandwich, "those two griffons are significant exceptions. Gallus is Grampa Gruff's ward and has yet to show proper love and affection towards the griffon student."

"That's sickening," said Larry indignantly, "Gallus deserves to be treated properly. If he and Gabby struggle with forgiving him, he should also act a little more forgiving."

"Finally, we have Flim and Flam. And together, they are known as the Flim Flam Brothers."

"Oh yes," said Bob, "I remember hearing from Applejack that they are Equestria's most notorious pair of swindlers."

"Correct," continued Cheese Sandwich, "their schemes include industrializing apple cider squeezing, health tonics, selling tickets, opening their friendship school, and selling defective dolls around the holidays."

"Have they ever faced any legal repercussions?" asked Larry.

"Nope," said Cheese Sandwich, "whenever their scams got exposed, they always fled their areas of operation."

"And to think," growled Bob, "here they are trying to indict a child while they've cowardly avoided an indictment themselves."

"Can't agree with you more, Bob," said Cheese Sandwich.

"Well, I think we should pray before this trial gets started," said Larry, "care to do the honors, Bob?"

Bob bowed his head and closed his eyes as Larry followed suit. "Dear God, we do not know how this trial will affect the future. Please give us strength, faith, and comfort during this tumultuous time. I also pray that you provide the same to Cozy Glow and that she may see the light as she is stuck in the dark. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

Bob and Larry opened their eyes and noticed they were face-to-face with Neighsay, Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers.

"Well, look here," said Neighsay mockingly, "the silly salad ingredients are communicating with their invisible sky daddy."

"Chancellor Neighsay," said Bob with a hint of disgust, "I've learned how you lacked respect for different species. Now you go and disrespect different beliefs."

"Well, where is your god?" Neighsay asked pridefully. "If he is real, why don't you have him smite me and break Cozy Glow from her stone prison?"

"It doesn't work like that," defended Larry, "our God is not just some wishing well. His will is not our will."

"Well," continued Neighsay, "if your god is real, maybe he wouldn't want an evil brat like Cozy Glow to be forgiven. That filly caused enough damage, she even manipulated a bunch of students to tie me up and be held captive."

"Oh, don't act so holy," confronted Moon Dancer. "Let's not forget the type of prejudice you embodied before that happened and how you blamed five students for simply not being a pony and another student for being a species traitor. You should be thankful you got reformed without penalty."

"I'm very disappointed in you, Moon Dancer," said Neighsay, "you should be joining us and not this cheese-loving clown and his produce pals."

"Excuse me!" Cheese Sandwich snapped, "I may not be a professional lawyer, but I did as much research as possible before today. Speak for yourself; you're a bigoted bureaucrat accompanied by a neglectful royal and two crooked con artists."

Grampa Gruff let out a heavy cough before speaking, "I admit Neighsay and I were significant adversaries in the past. But Neighsay has put his old ways behind him, and we can team up to keep this fiendish filly in stone. At Griffonstone, we lost an essential artifact for our community that fell into an abyss. I've heard Cozy Glow had used Equestrian artifacts for world domination. If that were one of my griffon subjects, I'd never forgive them."

"Oh, you think you're so morally superior," confronted Bob. "Gabby and Gallus are among your subjects, and I've learned how you've treated those lovely griffons."

"Gabby and Gallus, ha!" scoffed Gruff. "Those two are just pathetic! They never stop babbling about the wonders of friendship and all that mush."

"Well, it looks like my point is proven," muttered Bob.

"Besides," said Gruff after letting out another cough. "Neighsay and I must thank Flim and Flam for getting us together. Their idea was for us to prosecute Cozy Glow, and they promised us a share of gold bars for our assistance. We griffons do love our gold."

"Seriously," said Larry skeptically, "how could you trust these two crooks?"

"We have the gold right here," said Flim, opening a briefcase containing many shiny gold bars.

"Once this trial is over, it will be paid in full to Chancellor Neighsay and Grampa Gruff," said Flam.

"You two have some nerve," confronted Bob. "You have pulled several scams across Equestria without consequence, and now you are here trying to convince Equestria that this child doesn't deserve the same mercy."

"I admit we've pulled a hustle here and there in our slightly younger days," said Flim.

"But now we have the chance to make history," said Flam, "we will teach fillies and colts across Equestria what happens when you engage in criminal activity."

"You mean like you two hypocrites?" asked Larry.

"Not everypony is perfect," said Flim.

"But I would say we are closer to perfect than that nasty Cozy Glow," said Flam.

"Well, I can't defend Cozy Glow's actions," said Bob. "But I do know that she is suffering a horrible punishment. You two have never even paid a small fine."

"Whatever," said Neighsay, "regardless of Flim and Flam's flaws, they did create a lovely friendship school, and they will be appreciated even further to keep this juvenile delinquent where she is now and where she shall remain. Good luck to the four of you, because we don't even need luck to win this trial."

Neighsay, Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers returned to their seats.

"Well, you know what they say," said Cheese Sandwich, "pride becomes before a fall."

"Yep," said Bob, "pride is also one of the seven deadly sins. Neighsay and gang might have learned that the hard way."

Larry then noticed a fly buzzing beside his face as he said, "Shoo fly, don't bother me."

"Hey, I just wanted to get the buzz about the trial," said the fly in a squeaky voice. Bob and Larry noticed that the fly had the familiar smirking face of Discord.

"Discord, is that you?" asked Larry.

"Discord," said Bob, annoyed, "this trial is a serious situation, and we don't have any time for your shenanigans. By the way, remember I said Cozy Glow's fate was your fault? Why aren't you helping us?"

"Look," said Discord, "Celestia and Luna have also grilled me about my lack of cooperation, and I thought it was best to recuse myself from this trial until further notice. So I haven't abandoned you, I'm just avoiding becoming a burden."

"Well, I guess that's a wise decision," said Bob.

"Yep," said Larry, "just don't get squashed or swatted."

"I'm not worried; you won't see me stuck in a spider's web, and you won't hear me yell, 'Help me! Help me!'. Nope, Fluttershy is here in the arena, and no pony would even dare harm me in this form."

"I see," Bob said, giggling, "Fluttershy wouldn't harm a fly. Well, buzz off so we can begin the trial."

"Your wish is my command," said Discord as he flew off.

As the audience filled the arena, the advisory council took their seats. Spike flew onto the stage and blew his bugle to get everypony's attention.

"Mares and stallions, colts and fillies, all different creatures big and small of Equestria. All rise for the honorable Princess Twilight Sparkle."