• Published 30th Nov 2021
  • 184 Views, 0 Comments

The Sacrifice of a Stranger - Charlie Brown Pony

A brief look at Equestria's beginning, and how it all almost came to an end.

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Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship, and soon to be high ruler of all of Equestria, sat in the forbidden section of Canterlot library, the ancient journal of Smart Cookie the Earth Pony laid out before her, and her only company within the vast underground chamber being her former mentor, and fellow Alicorn princess, Celestia, who was currently sitting off to the side, patiently waiting for her prized pupal to speak. Twilight was staring down at Smart Cookie’s journal, her heart beating hard in her chest, and her mind rushing with hundreds of questions, completely lost on where she should begin. Eventually, her mind unthinkingly settled on the seemingly most straightforward, and less world shattering, of her questions.

“The United Tribes?”

“Equestria’s original name.” Princess Celestia answered, using the professionally calm tone of voice she often used in court when dealing with ponies who, for their own various reasons, were allowing their emotions to make their decisions for them. “The Six Founders wanted everything about their newly formed nation to reflect the ideals of unity and equality between the three pony tribes. So, they created the Council of Six to act as the center of government, which would be made up of an equal number of representatives from each tribe, and they initially decided to call this new nation ‘The Three United Pony Tribes,’ or ‘The United Tribes’ for short. However, they later decided that this name was counterproductive. For while it might promote unity between the three tribes, it also promoted the idea that the three tribes were still separate from each other. Even in unity. So, they decided to change the name to ‘Equestria’ instead and wound up scrubbing the name ‘United Tribes’ from their history books. To my knowledge, that…” Celestia said, raising a foreleg to gesture towards the journal at Twilight’s hooves. “Is the last remaining written record of the name ‘The United Tribes’ in existence.”

Twilight frowned at that, something about the sun princess’s words didn’t quite sit right with here, and eventually she asked. “I understand their reasons for changing Equestria’s name but, why try to forget the original?”

“Because of what Smart Cookie and Private Pansy were discussing before the Thunderbird appeared. And because of the reason why Luna and myself were made the princesses of Equestria in the first place. To create a symbol of unity between the three pony tribes.” Celestia walked over and sat next to Twilight, reaching out to gently wrap a calming wing around the smaller Alicorn. “The Founders believed in the importance of remembering the past. Hence the reason why we have things like Hearth’s Warming and the Hearth’s Warming Pageant, even to this day. But they also believed in the importance of not keeping the past alive. So, they carefully shifted through and disposed of anything that they concluded would keep the old strife between the three pony tribes alive. Even in the smallest of ways. Which, yes, included the name ‘The United Tribes.’”

Twilight thought about that for a few minutes and decided that she could understand where The Founders had been coming from, and to some level, even appreciate their actions. Even if the small Unicorn Librarian, who was still very much alive and well in Twilight’s heart, couldn’t help but be outraged at the idea knowledge of any sort being destroyed. But then Twilight’s mind delved up another question. “So, where did you and Princess Luna fit into all of this?” Twilight asked, causing Celestia to let out a tired sigh before answering.

“Luna and I were meant to be what would replace the ideas that the Council disposed of. To be true living symbols of unity that all of our subjects could look up to. After all, as Alicorns, we are effectively all three pony tribes united into a single pony. So, it was decided that we would be the new rulers of Equestria. At first, we were merely figure heads. A couple of pretty faces to lighten up the various celebrations and important events, while it was the Council of Six that did all of the real work. We were still just foals after all. As the decades went by however, and it became clear that my sister and I would still be around even after the Six Founders were all nothing but dust in the wind, they decided that we needed to become something more. So, each council member taught us everything they knew about ruling, and steadily we began to take on more and more responsibility. Until eventually, Luna and I became Equestria’s true rulers, and the Council of Six changed into the Royal Advisory. They even phased out the historical records on the Thunderbird attack and how me and Luna came to Equestria in the first place. That way it wouldn’t seem like we were nothing more than just a couple of outsiders who just dropped into pony-kind’s lap out of circumstance. But instead, two immortal rulers who have always been a part of our subjects’ lives, and always would be.”

Well, that explained why the history books had always been vague about the princess sister’s origins. However. “That all seems very…dishonest Princess.” Twilight was visibly uncomfortable with using such a word in association with her beloved mentor, but she forced herself to continue. “You’re saying that the foundation of your rule was built on a lie?”

“A lie? Yes.” Celestia responded. “Dishonest, however. No. Tell me Twilight, your friend Applejack is the Bearer of the Element of Honesty, yes?” Twilight answered with a node of her head. “Which I assume also makes her the most honest of ponies you’ve ever met, yes?” Again, Twilight nodded. “And does that also mean that, to your knowledge, Applejack has only ever spoken the complete and absolute truth throughout her entire life?” Twilight made to nod her head a third time, but stopped, a thoughtful look coming over her face before shaking her head no.

“Being honest is not the same as being truthful.” Celestia continued. “For it is entirely possible for a pony to speak nothing but truth, and without uttering a single lie, while also being about as honest and trustworthy as a knife in the back. I should know, I have to deal with such ponies all the time during court.” Twilight shivered at that image, but the sun princess kept going. “Being honest is about being reliable and worthy of trust. It is about being true to yourself and what you believe in. Both in good times, and in bad times. And for a ruler, that can sometimes mean telling your subjects a lie. Not to benefit yourself, but to ensure the best possible outcome for those who rely on you for their security and prosperity.”

Celestia took a deep steadying breath before concluding her lesson with. “Do I wish that I could rule without the need of lies and deception? Absolutely! But Twilight, there are many things that I wish for which will never come true. And while there are many things about my past that I would change if only I could. But, looking back at the centuries of peace and prosperity between the three pony tribes that arose because of those lies and deceptions I played a part in so long ago. That would not be something that I would wish to change, even in the slightest, my faithful student.”

Twilight considered the princess’s words for a minute, before filing them away for later analysis. She then turned to her former mentor and asked the next question on her list. “Is that why you brought me down here to read this?” Twilight asked, placing a hoof on Smart Cookie’s journal. “To teach me about the difference between a truthful ruler, and an honest one?

“Partly.” Celestia admitted. “But there is another reason. I know that you’ve had something on your mind for a while now but have been too nervous to broach the subject with me, so I decided to have you read Smart Cookie’s journal as a way to kill two birds with one stone.”

Twilight let out a nervous cough, causing Celestia to give her a questioning look. “Sorry.” Twilight said, giving Celestia an embarrassed smile in return. “It’s just that Fluttershy is very sensitive about phrases like that, and lately has been coming up with more ‘animal friendly’ versions.” The younger alicorn explained, making air quotes with her hooves. “One phrase that she’s been particularly insistent that we use is, ‘Feeding two birds with one acorn.’”

Celestia frowned at that. But gave an excepting shrug and continued. “You’ve been wondering about what Luna, and I, are going to do once we retire and give Equestria’s reigns over to you. Am I correct?”

Twilight nodded in agreement. Then stopped to consider the Alicorn princess’s words. Her gaze then shot over towards Smart Cookie’s journal, before shooting back to look at Celestia. “You’re going to try to find out where that Alicorn who brought you to Equestria in the first place came from, aren’t you?”

“Indeed, we are.” Celestia agreed. “Even though we’ve been Alicorns for as long as we can remember, Luna and I have never been certain on what exactly it means to be an Alicorn. At first, based off of the Stranger’s words, and the fact that we both already possessed the title of princess, even as foals, my sister and I believed that we were refugees from some great kingdom of Alicorns that somehow fell into ruin. That is until about twenty years ago, when I received word that a young Pegasus mare living in one of Equstria’s Northern Provinces had miraculously grown a horn after managing to find a way to refine a love poison into a true love potion. A feat that, for centuries, even I believed to be impossible.”

“Cadance?” Twilight asked.

“Cadance.” Celestia confirmed. Then continued. “After that, I began to theorize that Alicorns were not born, but made instead. Specifically, whenever a mortal pony manages to achieve a certain level of understanding on a specific aspect of the world around them. And then uses that knowledge to complete a great Alicorn worthy task. I believed that theory to be proven true after your ascension Twilight. That is…until…well”

“Until Flurry Heart was born an Alicorn. Right?” Twilight asked, thinking about her rambunctious trouble-making niece.

“Right. After that me and Luna had no choice but to admit to ourselves that we were well and truly stumped. I’m sure you can appreciate what it feels like to work on a problem for so long. Only to wind-up having nothing to show for your efforts.”

Unfortunately, Twilight could appreciate that feeling. But she still felt the need to say. “So, after you and Princess Luna retire, you’re both going to head out West into wild-unknown territory, all in search for evidence of a civilization of Alicorns that might not exist anymore. If it ever existed at all?” This time it was Celestia’s turn to silently nod in agreement. “But what if one of you gets hurt out there, or worse!?! What if you don’t find anything!?! Or, even worse, you do find something, but it winds up being something so terrible that you wish that you’d never found it in the first place!?! What if…”

Reaching out, Celestia gently pressed a hoof against Twilight’s lips, cutting off her former student before she could talk herself into a panic attack. “All valid concerns Twilight, and ones that I can assure you that my sister and I have taken into careful consideration. But we still believe that this voyage is a risk worth taking.” Twilight opened her mouth to say something but was again silenced by a hoof to her mouth. “And if you still require further convincing, my faithful student, then I ask you to consider this. Historically, journeys into the unknown have proven to be moments of great importance for Equestria. Especially over these past few years. And much like what Smart Cookie once said to Private Pansy, who’s to say that they couldn’t be so again?”

The End

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