• Member Since 17th Jul, 2016
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I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.


This story is a sequel to A Griffon's Gang

Griffonstone is almost back to its former glory. They no longer need the Idol of Boreas, instead, they have a new leader; Queen Gilda. However, their new queen isn't feeling too confident about her new role and she's not the only one as Glynn and Gadget, two griffons who were a part of a gang that shouldn't be named, are concerned about being parents to Gallus.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 37 )

“Hey, it was bound to happen if you don’t get involved. Also, you’re a much better ambassador than Grandpa Gruff.”

Speaking of Grandpa Gruff where the heck is he been

Gadget let out a depressed sigh. “I want to make up for something I had no control over and I want to spend time with my son, Gallus.” She brought her claws to her face and groaned. "It feels like I can only do one. If I try and help him, I leave the others griffons to clean up messes made by others. But if I help Griffonstone, I feel like I’m still a bad mother to him!" It sounded like Gadget was at her limit.

You know that's situation kind of reminds me of Della from DuckTales the reboot one like she wants to explore new areas but she really wants to spend more time with her kids

“Indeed. Have a safe trip home, Gilda. Don’t be afraid of asking for any more help. This is likely one of the most important changes of your life.” The griffon that would be queen thanked Novo for the advice then flew to the station to catch a train back home. Along the way back, she thought about what she had learned from the three leaders she asked. Her coronation was in a few days and Gilda could still think of a few issues that made her concerned about not being ready.

Although Gilda could have just asked Princess Cadence as well because I'm sure she knows how it feels to real something that she never thought to be hers

This is a pretty interesting star and seeing how Gilda is preparing to become one of the ruler Griffin Stone which I'm sure it was pay a lot of her because she had no idea how to rule something that the giffon are very stubborn or at least not very helpful so she asked one of one of the leaders of the Kingdom's for some advice which it helped her a couple but she still got a lot of things to learn about meanwhile Glynn and Gadget have the chance to visit Ponyville to see gallus which it's always nice to see them catch up and everything even though Gadget is still having problem about this whole situation she really want to spend time with him but she just doesn't know how yeah it's going to be a very long situation for a parents and their kids getting to know each other especially how long they've been away from each other but I'm sure they can figure this thing out well let's find out how's this going to work out

“I’ve already talked with 3 of them, specifically Ember, Thorax, and Queen Novo. Look at these notes of their advice I’ve written on. This is more complicated than it looks.” Gilda rested her head on her claw as she was getting frustrated again.

I know it sounds frustrating but she could also ask Cadence as well I mean if I remember correctly didn't she also pronounce being the princess of the Crystal Empire pretty quickly as well and she wasn't prepared for that

Gabby was about to speak, but the griffon spoke first. “Gustave le Grande,” he spoke proudly. “I’ve moved away from here when I was 13 years old. I’ve heard this bakery is up for sale, and I also heard that Griffonstone is entering a better age, so I’m thinking about starting my own business here.”

Hey it's been a while we seen this guy and he's going to buy this place wow cool at least that's one problem down

“It’ll put it to use,” growled a voice. Mare and griffons looked over to see an elderly griffon in a fez. The three groaned as they saw Grandpa Gruff walk over to them.

Well speaking of the devil where the heck is he been after all this craziness been happening

So it looks like gallus and his friends showing his parents around Ponyville which unfortunately ponies and creatures are a little awkward with those three creatures because of the reputation young six are getting annoyed mostly gallus that his parents and Quartz are getting strange looks even the dragons can never go near them but while this is happening gallus is pushing himself too hard lately I know he wanted to fly but he didn't want to fail his friends again when Trouble Comes Around and it's really sweet that Glynn and gallus are having a moment with each other like Father and Son meanwhile Gilda is still having some problems of her own situation she still doesn't know how she can get through becoming a leader of griffonstone even with the help of the leaders of Equestria she still doesn't know how and it's nice that rainbow and Gabby trying to help her I'm sure Gilda will figure this thing out sooner or later I wonder if we're going to see Gallus and gadgets having their moment as mother and son guess we'll find out next time

Doing what Grandpa Gruff usually does..... whatever the heck that is.

Gilda thought about this idea quickly before she explained it. “Listen, Greta, I doubt I’ll be able to do everything as a queen, so I’m going to need some help. Would you care to be… my royal advisor?”

Actually that's not a bad idea because in case something happens to the king or queen the Royal advisor can help out nice

“Well, Gallus already has the colors of a Wonderbolt,” Garry spoke.

I was kind of wondering that somebody make a reference since gallus have the same color as the Wonderbolts

“Huh…, now that I think of it, we do have a sign that forbids musical numbers. Honestly, I don’t know the reason why we have that quirky rule. Maybe some griffon put it up after the idol was lost.”

That's still made me laugh so much but I I saw the rules in season 5 lol 😆

“Gallus’s friends wanted to have a chat with me,” Glynn explained. He leaned closer so he could whisper to his wife. “I think they’re enjoying a parent’s company.”

I can see the problem at least another one these young Griffins are really looking for attention even from a parent that's not even theirs which that makes me very sad to see that 😔

So things are not going too smoothly at least not as bad but nothing really good particularly at least so Gilda and Greta having conversation then Gilda ask her if she can be the royal advisor which she felt like she doesn't know how to do that so they went to Canterlot to talk with Twilight and Spike about this whole situation it is very nice to see Twilight helping Gilda out with the situation as well but it looks like Quartz as having trouble making friends because given his reputation was his gang did to the dragons and yeah it will take a long time for that reputation to go down meanwhile Glynn and Gadget are thinking moving into Ponyville but they need to find a job which it looks like Gadget already found and it turns out the pony who's giving a job to her is Rusty's father so that's pretty cool meanwhile gallus and Glynn trying to have a bonding moments with each other but they get interrupted by the other young Griffins which it's great they're not too scared of them not like the other creatures but Gallus was starting to getting annoyed by them because they're stealing his attention away from him and again I see why because these kids never got the attention from their parents when they were growing up and they longing for that attention even if it's that's not their parents boy that adds a lot of problems with this situation well let's see how this will go on the next time

Classes were now in session with everyone mostly feeling as they usually were, except for a majority of the griffons. Gallus did his best to keep focused, but he couldn’t help and looked over to one of the other griffon classmates. “Gallus, let it go,” Sandbar whispered.

Sorry I had to do that 😅

“I wanna try it because all I want is to see what buffalos, kirins, and minotaurs turn into when I activate my pearl shard here. Perhaps buffalos would turn into walruses like the yaks, or minotaurs into whales…”

I know ever since spike turn into a puffer fish there are so many possible ways that creatures who lives in the land will turn into when they transform into sea creatures

Back at school, Gallus was still fuming about his parents’ time being taken from him. He had managed to stay quiet as to avoid annoying his friends. Still, he held a grudge against most of his fellow species. He kept bottling up his anger, which was never a good idea.

Yeah I keeping your emotion is not very healthy I mean look what happened to Starlight when she literally bottle up her emotions and it wasn't pretty

“Just because someone’s your parent, doesn’t mean that only you can spend time with them,” she expressed.

Well yes and kinda no that is technically his parents

“At least my parents wanted me,” Gallus grumbled.

Geena’s eyes narrowed after hearing this. Her blood was starting to boil. “What… did you say?!”

Ohhh that's a low blow gallus I mean I get your upset with them but that's just not cool 😰

“That’s alright, Mr. Glynn,” Sunburst said, and then walked towards Geena and Gallus who’re now in big trouble. “Geena! Gallus! You two report to Headmare Starlight’s office,” Sunburst ordered.

I'm actually glad that Sunburst taking his position as the vice principal very serious that's good character development ever since we first met him

“I’m in Tartarus right now,” the tired-looking griffon muttered. “Grayson has been worse since I tried standing up to him. I told him to get off his flank, but that… made him double down.”

Oh man I should have seen the sign apparently Geena father is an abusive creature not just to his wife but also to his child

“Well, I grew up with him all my life, Gus! He never apologizes for anything he did wrong to me. Especially when he... When he…” This was getting too much for Geena to handle. “AH!” she wailed and flew away from the others bawling her eyes out. No one quite knew how to react to this until Rarity walked over to them.

Oh dear I should have known Geena is getting abused by her father physically and emotionally

Ok this is getting very serious now so it looks like Gallus was pretty annoyed about hovering his parents just because they didn't have any parents that pay attention to them the ones who usually do is Geena which he was so fed up with her and the other Griffins and he said things he should never said and these two almost got in a fight but good Sunburst and Glynn stop in time before things escalated and now she is very upset with gallus meanwhile glida was trying her new clothes for the coronation and thinking up the rules and everything here but once they got home things are not going too well it looks like Geena mom really got hurt by her husband Grayson and Gilda wanted to talk to him but he basically just shut the door in her face knowing to the fact he is abusing his wife and probably abusing his daughter as well the other young Griffins try to talk to her what she's going through it's not the same what she's going through and basically Gus kind of cross the line as right now things are really getting bad I hope they finally realized that she's in trouble and not school-related but physically abused by her father I guess we'll find out next time

“You said you were furious,” Sandbar reminded. “No one thinks straight when they’re enraged.”

It's true basically if a person hurts you you really want to hurt them back out of anger and basically there is no win situation at all anger will bring the worst out of you

“Then what should I act like then?!” Geena snapped. “If I listen to him but don’t get it exactly right, I get a smack. I break something by accident and try to explain myself, a punch! Answer his questions with the slightest tone? I get kicked on my spleen!” Tears were starting to pour down her face like waterfalls. She stopped kicking Garry as he gave a sympathetic look and she loudly wailed afterward. “What did I ever do to deserve him?” She tried to say more but could only muster a couple of sniffles before bawling into her friend’s chest while wailing.

Oh my God that really makes me so sad and very angry how can a parent like that do that to their own children it frustrates me

“I insulted someone who’s beating treated like a punching bag. I might as well…” He paused before he looked at Ocellus, knowing what he would say could offend her. He was about to bang his head on the wall again, only to be caught by Silverstream’s claw.

Come on gallus we didn't understand what was happening either we didn't know that she was going through something that horrible back home

“Gallus,” Geena asked, “is it true you and the others have discovered a secret tunnel to Griffonstone?”

Oh yeah the tunnel that leads to other kingdoms I kind of forgot about that

“You stupid son of a b****,” Grayson growled. “You’re a waste of space. I know pieces of s*** that have more value than you. It’s times like this that make me wonder why I didn’t just smash you before you hatched!” Gallus never thought he’d ever hear something that cruel. He quickly picked up a stick on the ground and ran over to smack him hard in the back of his head.

Gilda, with her eyes wide open, woke up while breathing. She was awoken by the sunlight shining in her eyes. She looked around at her surroundings and realized that it was a dream. “What a dream,” she muttered. “It felt so real.” She laid down again for a few minutes until Gilda came in.

Do you mean Greta

Oh wow boy that was something else and it was crazy so it looks like Gilda is still trying to figure out the situation with Gloria and Grayson but then hearing that Gloria got a black guy that means her husband hit her and now this has gone too far she has to do something but meanwhile gallus still kind of feeling lousy after with Geena but then Gerry was asking if they see her and silverstream offer to help find her but when they found her near to the Crystal Tree House she was basically crying gerry I tried to calm her down but then she screamed and told him about what her father does to her and with that information everybody in the school found out and now Gallus felt even worse now it's to the point that he bang his head multiple time but again we didn't know she was in that kind of situation but he felt like that's not an excuse for saying that but then Geena walked up to gallus asking him about the tunnels and she wants to check with her mother and it looks like gerry and gallus parents are following suit but when Geena got her house she tried to pack everything but in a panic she slammed the door which that was a mistake alerting her father and it looks like he was about to do something worse to her but gerry got there in time to stop him but unfortunately he got hurt in the process as well and gallus also help has well but Grayson was about to hurt him but gadgets got to Grayson and beaten the living crap out of him but just in time Gilda also showed up she tried to give him a chance to clean up his act but unfortunately he didn't and he refused to leave so Gilda ask for help from his good friends garble even dragons have standard when it comes to child abuse but knowing that he's in a losing situation he left and never return which that put Geena and her mother at peace and everything looks like it's going to be okay gallus and Geena forgive each other and they all went home and it's really sweet seeing Gadget helping gallus alongside with Glynn but meanwhile Gilda had a dream and it looks like she has an unexpected guest and it's not Princess Luna or Star Swirl but king Grover himself he showed her about his past that he failed even king guto also failed as well but he has home for Gilda to lead the Griffins to a better future and it looks like her coronation is about to begin soon I can't wait to see it

Comment posted by Gregory the Griffon deleted Feb 21st, 2022

“Okie Dokie.” Pinkie bounced over to her cart and managed to somehow pull out some balloon arches composed of purple and gold balloons. This was shocking to Dash and Gilda.

“How the heck…?”

“You know, G, some of the students have said she’s an anomaly in reality,” Dash would whisper.

“Yeah. I can see that,” Gilda admitted.

Yeah it's Pinkie Pie you can't question it :pinkiehappy:

“I’ve met him before,” Dash informed. “It was a baking contest and some of the pastries were sabotaged.”

Oh yeah I remember back in season 2 about the whole who did it in the Friendship Express

“I think some of us would like the idea of learning self-defense,” Geena commented. “I’d love to learn some of your techniques.”

Well to be honest and we'll be good to learn how to defend yourself as long as you use the fighting skills properly and not misuse them

Gilda took a peek outside of the castle’s window and could see plenty of griffons starting to sit down as well as the students from the School of Friendship. Then she saw a couple of creatures enter. There was Prince Rutherford, Queen Novo, King Thorax, Dragon Lord Ember, and Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn princess was walking towards the castle, accompanied by two guards that were carrying a small box. Gilda watched the other royal get to their designated seats.

I wonder why the leader of the Kirin and Buffalo and princess Cadence is not here they should have be here

Wow I would say that was pretty awesome and seeing Gilda and the new light always makes me happy to see her she really did grow from the first time and not just only Griffin's but other creatures supporting and watching the coronation and everything and hopefully this will bring a new future to Griffin Stone and seen so many new faces in the school of friendship this was a pretty awesome story you guys keep up the good work

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