• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 727 Views, 164 Comments

Closing the Barn Door - David Silver

Vault-Tec never runs one experiment when two would be better! The second prong of their pony experiment watches the world around it with large equine eyes. Perhaps it is time to move. It's too late to close the door, the ponies have already left.

  • ...

21 - Model Community

"Query." Giddyup was walking alongside the assaultron as they toured the clean and well-appointed town with new residents. "What was the original goal of this?"

"Of the pony project, or the Utopia Project? I have more information regarding the Utopia Project." They waved at a large iron container. "Water is stored here. Rain can be gathered and purified to aid in its refilling."

"Let us proceed in order. Please divulge your knowledge of the pony project." Giddyup did look at the water container. If he was impressed, he gave little hint, but emoting was not his specialty.

"There were disagreements on the board. There were disagreements between the board and Vault-Tec. Some on the board wanted ponies to supplant humanity. Some wanted ponies to co-inhabit with humanity. Vault-Tec expressed no specific interest in either possibility." The assultron stepped past the water storage, resuming their journey.

Giddyup matched the speed easily. "The board, race: Humans. Ethnicity: Caucasian? American."

"Affirmative." The assaultron stepped over a short white picket fence. "The board hired Vault-Tec to engage these projects. Vault-Tec accepted the task. We are the result. It is without surprise that they do not include this in your data. End of file. Utopia project." It seemed like they walked with a bit more... pride? Could a robot have pride? Giddyup had experienced emotions similar to it. "We were instructed and commanded to construct and maintain a safe habitation for all ponies brought to us. The ponies are then free to live as they please, within the town."


"Provided." The assaultron pulled open a fence smoothly, stepping past the bright white slats that made it up. "We are to provide the upkeep of the ponies for as long as we are able. We have not received our upkeep. If you are capable, contact Vault-Tec and inform them we are one hundred and sixty years overdue for maintenance." A pause. "You came with a human. Are they a Vault-tec engineer?"

On one hoof, saying yes would likely open some possibilities. On the other hoof, he had no way of communicating his deceit to Stan before they potentially challenged it. Deceit was a risky option at the best of times. He decided against it. "He is capable of basic robotic upkeep. One pony is a certified technician, capable of upkeep and modification. Gender: Female, Name: Twilight Sparkle. Probability of agreeing to assist with needed upkeep, 67%."

"I was correct." They advanced across the yard on heavy feet and grabbed the door handle, opening it without delay. "Repair or modification sounds were detected. I was unware Robco had accepted ponies as technicians."

"I have witnesses her work. It is of satisfactory competency." Giddyup could not speak of her actual ability in any of the robotic companies, but... "She performed a modification to me to complete satisfaction. I rate her nine out of ten and do recommend her."

"That is a good rating." They stepped inside and gestured for Giddyup to follow. "All houses are identical in basic shape and size, though the furnishings can be adjusted for the individual demands of the occupant. You have already started to adjust the house you are occupying. Are you certain they do not wish to claim it?"

Giddyup considered that quickly. "I cannot speak for them. I am theirs."

"This condition is familiar." It would be an odd robot that did not understand the idea of being at the mercies of who owned them. "Are you satisfied with the safety of Project Utopia?"

"If more ponies were present." Giddyup turned to face the assaultron directly. "Some would wish to leave. I have already witnessed this. What would your reaction be?"

"This would not be permitted." The assaultron stated it simply and flatly, as declaring that the sun would rise that morning, and that fire was, indeed, warm. "All ponies are to be provided a comfortable life here in Project Utopia."

"I see." Giddyup did see. He saw too much. "Tour complete. You have completed your instructions admirably."

The assaultron looked as pleased as an unfeeling machine could look. "Thank you for your positive review. Please repeat it to a technician for proper recording. Will you now resume your previous task and retrieve additional ponies?"

"I must complete my report to my owner." Giddyup turned in place to face the house he had started in. "I will make a complete report of my findings."

"Of course." That a robot would report and leave the decision making to a human wasn't that hard to grasp. "Have you completed the tour? I still have three other places of importance to display."

"He botherin' you?" Stan was approaching, gun raised. Sky was a short distance to the left, looking like he was stalking a prey more than walking down the street.

Giddyup quickly clopped to his child. "It is good to see you. I have just completed a tour of the town."

"Are you the owner of this giddyup unit?" The assaultron followed Giddyup with no urgency.

"Yeah, 'dopted him. Why?" He peered at the military machine with less trust in his eyes.

"You must release him." The assaultron looked down to Giddyup with a smooth whirring motion. "He is engaged in Project Utopia. They cannot complete this project while caring for an adopted human. Will you comply? (Y/n)"

"The hell? No! He's mine." He set a hand on Giddyup's back, to his metal horse's satisfaction. "He can do more than one thin'. So what'd you find on this tour, Giddyup?"

Giddyup was not looking at him, instead following the movements of Skyline as he looped around. "We have completed approximately 75%--"

"68%," corrected the assaulton. "We can complete the tour."

"68% of the tour when you arrived." That the interruption bothered him, he gave no hint. "I am prepared to give a report."

Skyline lunged from four to two legs, grabbing a sword free in the air. The hide of the machine was far tougher than the soft flesh of most living things, and sparks flew with no significant harm.

"Cease and desist." The assaultron wheeled on Skyline. "Continuing will disable your pony protection status."

Skyline took a slow step back, one blade held up in defiance. "They built you out of strong parts."

"Your report is appreciated. Please repeat it to a technician for proper recording." The assaultron's attention was fully on Skyline and his swords. "Has your aggression ceased?"

Skyline slid one blade away as he lowered towards all fours. "Sorry."

"Apology accepted. Your final warning will be revoked in 42 days, 2 hours, and 16 minutes." The assaultron returned its view and attention on Stan and Giddyup. "Initiate report."

"Error." Giddyup started past Stan. "Report cannot be given in presence of reported employee."

"Understood." They made no move to follow Giddyup.

Stan set off, hand on Giddyup's back. As soon as they seemed far enough away, he leaned in. "So, that was some slick talkin' right there. Who's been the bad example to you, Giddyup?"

"I learned it from you." The unfortunate truth many times one faced that problem. "You have taught me many lessons regarding well timed deception. I did not deceive him. That is against protocol."

"Yeah sure." He played with one of Giddyup's unfeeling ears. "But he ain't an employee anymore than you are. Yer both robots, not employees. There's a difference."

"It is not my error." The assaultron had arrived at the wrong conclusion all on its own. "I am also speaking validly of my report. I have a report. It concerns all of you. I would like to deliver it."

"But you ain't... Fer a good reason, ah'm guessin', so ain't gonna pry."

Skyline was on the other side of Stan, peering at him with less confidence. "I told you this whole place creeps me out..."

They fled back into their home, but at no particular hurry. Stan matched Giddyup's speed, and he wasn't pressing them to hasten their steps. Once inside, Giddyup pressed on an easily missed button, causing the door to close, then lock. "We are not safe." He moved past the entryway. "Twilight, Applejack, Aunt?"

"Right here." Applejack sat up where she was lounging on a couch. "Welcome back! Heard you were out makin' trouble, but ah had a feelin' you'd be fine."

"I appreciate your confidence." As the others came into the room, he turned to get most of them in his field of view. "This town is the site of Project Utopia. It is entirely safe."

Daffodil rolled a hoof in the air. "If it's so safe, why's your volume set so low?"

"It is entirely safe, but it is also a trap." Giddyup inclined his entire head and neck. "They will expect ponies who are accepted here to remain here indefinately. They will be cared for, but leaving is not an option they will entertain."

Applejack swallowed audibly. "That ain't what ah came here fer! 'Sides, this here's not a vault. This is a town, nice as it may be. We need to see the vault!"

"I was given sufficient information to deduce the status of the vault." Giddyup's eyes whirred with focus. "The vault is a supply depot used for parts and other supplies to upkeep this town. Nothing alive is in the vault. Odds: 94%. Exception: Seeds. Are seeds alive?"

Twilight adjusted her glasses with a hum. "By some definitions, they are not until they germinate. Presuming they do not allow germination in their stores, the presence of living things could remain at zero."

Applejack swatted at Twilight. "Thanks fer clearin' that right up."

Miss Aunt jetted towards the center of the room. "Sounds like we should leave in any event. Any motions against the idea?"

Skyline shook his head vigorously. "Not a one. I doubt your vault wants to stay here. I don't."

Stan ran his right hand along the length of his gun. "Yeah, there's probably a hangup there. They already know we're here. Gonna doubt they'll let us just wander back out the way we came."

Giddyup snorted despite his lack of nostrils. "This is why my volume has decreased. We are being monitored with a 79% odd. They want me to resume my 'previous directive' and find more ponies to bring here."

Applejack raised a brow. "So we can have a bigger pony family? Yeah... ain't signin' up fer that. Sounds more like we'd be a show for 'em, even if they did take care of us nice."

Twilight went to the front window, peering outside. "They're moving now." She could see more robots milling about, tending to the town. "I think the initial secrecy is... over, since they know who we are. That doesn't help us leave, does it..." She raised a hoof to her chin, just for it to fall. "Skyline!"

Skyline perked his tufted ears with a jump of surprise. "What?! What'd I do?"

"You have bested a similar situation." Twilight nodded with confidence. "How do we escape this group of well-meaning automatons?"

Skyline glanced towards the window and back at Twilight specially. "Last time, we had a bunch of super mutants storm the place and left in the chaos. I doubt that's gonna happen for us twice."

"Two giddyup units ceased operation during that maneuver. I cannot recommend it." Giddyup snorted gently, displeased with the idea of trying the supermutant move. "What if we..." He trailed off without finishing the thought.

Twilight hopped down and tapped at him. "Are you alright?"

"What if we inform them that we must go to make a report to your vault." Giddyup went in, pressing his metal nose to her cheek. "With a successful report, we could secure many ponies, but they would not trust me alone. This is a true statement."

Daffodil scrunched her face. "You're not wrong... If you came trotting back with a story of a perfect place without the rest of us, you'd be tossed right back out, or ripped for parts. We could always use some parts..."

Author's Note:

Giddyup is proud, for he came up with a clever idea!

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